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  1. Hi to all. At the end of October we had some Perfect Fit double pleated blinds fitted by a local company. 7 small windows and 9 large. A couple of weeks later I noticed one of the large ones was written on in biro along the top outside - lots of measurements! - which they took back and rectified. We paid extra for these type because each pleat forms a diamond shaped pocket when viewed from the side. The idea being it traps air inside for insulation from heat and cold. Last week I noticed that, on the outside, 5 of the 9 large blinds were coming away from the end fittings. I also noticed that on the outside of ALL the large blinds the pleats were flat, as if pulled tight, along two thirds of their length, forming 'half a diamond'. On the inside they were all fine? The 7 small blinds are fine inside and out. I took photos and went to show them. They arranged to take the 5 blinds for repair. I pointed out the pleats being flat outside but not inside and was told, 'That's how they all are. Mine are the same.' Today, their fitter came and took the 5 back. I pointed out the flat pleats. I said they'd see for themselves when he got them to the shop. I said not only were they inefficient at insulation because they were mostly flat, but they also looked terrible. I copied this from a site explaining the purpose of these type of blinds - Double pleated fabric - Honeycomb, cellular and double pleated are all names for blinds that have pockets of air. These air pockets help to insulate your windows, keeping warm air in and cold air out. They rang later to say they'll refit tomorrow. No mention of them all being flat. I won't be there tomorrow when they come, but my wife will. I have no doubt they will try and fob her off saying there's nothing wrong with them. We paid almost £1000 for them. Not cheap! We didn't notice the faults earlier because when it gets dusk we close the blinds. They're opened again when we get up so it's not something that we see every day. So... do I write to them, rejecting the blinds unless they remedy the flat pleats problem. When that gets me nowhere, do I write giving them 14 days to refund my money? Then... the small claims court? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Paul PS I'd be interested to know if anyone else has this problem, or if your blinds are 'Perfect' inside and out.
  2. Hi all Not sure if this is the right place to put this but I will try and explain my problem. I got a Laptop from BH about 4 Months ago and it has developed a fault, it keeps freezing and it wont let me factory reset it, keeps saying unable to reset and unable to diagnose any problems. We use it for my Partners business (DJ) and only have the software on it nothing else. We took it in to the Newcastle store today and I think it was the Manager we dealt with. she was very very off with us. She said (about 10 times) that because we didnt take out some Care thing they have to send it away for up to 10 days. We asked can we return it and get a replacement she very arroganty said No, because its all these new contracts now and we didn't take out this care thing they cant do anything. We then asked if we still have to pay for something we haven't got, and she said yes of course its the new contract and we didn't take out this care thing, thats all she kept repeating, he was smirking all the time too as if she was enjoying it. Now all I am after is some info regarding the Legalities of this, Can I ask for a replacement under the Sale of Goods Act and do their contracts trump UK and EU Law? I am prepared to go down the Legal route with this and the press to and give them some more bad publicity. All I want is for something that is 4 Months old to work. I know it's not their fault that it doesn't work but it's not mine either and I was under the impression that the onus is on the Retailer to sort it out. Oh she also said I done something to the Laptop which is why it doesn't work which is borderline slander, and I have a witness. I even asked if we could return it and then take out a new agreement for a different model, she took great delight in telling us no as we didnt take out this care, lol she must have said this a million times. Anyway thanks in advance for your help.
  3. Hi I am not sure I am posting in the right section so apologies in advance. I bought a humanoid robot, ordered in May (2017), received June. It developed a fault in July after general setup. Contacted the reseller I bought it from and he advised me to send the robot back to the manufacturer in Paris. I logged a support call with the manufacturer they went through the process of checking, asking me to do various things including sending them videos of the fault which they eventually confirmed that it needed to be returned for repair. I thought nothing of it (I now realise, I should have requested a refund or replacement -as it was within 30 days). I paid the courier service to return the robot to Paris after nearly a month the robot was returned, with nothing to indicate what had been done to it or what the problem was with it. I sent an email asking this question had no response from the support department. Please note that the robot is an essential part of my work as I teach robotics and run workshops during that time I had to cancel my bookings and shift things around a bit until I got it back. Since the robot's return in September, I have had a number of deaths in my family so had not spent much time using the robot. I used it to create a programme which I could not finish because of the family issues. Everything seemed ok when I did use it although a couple of occasions displayed the same issue it had gone for repair for. As it wasn't significant I had ignored it. A couple of weeks ago I was at a meeting with a large company who offered me some consultancy work where they were interested in running a project with my robot, I decided to create a programme to use as a demonstration for them. In doing so the robot started demonstrating the original fault this time worse than before (problem with the motors which caused it to constantly crash). I videoed this as best as I could whilst holding it so as not to damage it. I contacted the reseller and demanded from him to sort out the issue between him and the manufacturer as my contract was with him and not the manufacturer. He agreed to sort things out on my behalf. He did this ensuring that I was copied into all emails. I had explained the problem and requested a replacement, sent the videos I had recorded. The manufacturer wanted details of the previous return, which I supplied, only for them to respond saying that when the robot went for repair, I had not supplied them with detailed information of the problem (which I had) they had only checked the robot and it was fine so sent it back. They also refused my request of a replacement robot however, offered to collect and repair at their expense. I responded to their email explaining as above and the fact that I was not happy about not being offered a replacement and gave them details as to when they can collect the robot for repair. my anger, I decided to search online for my legal position and realised that the reseller is the one who should be offering me a replacement or full or partial refund. The reseller has simply said to me in an email that I should deal with the manufacturer direct and he will help me where he can. I realise that I should have had this info when the first fault occurred, then I would have been able to demand the refund or replacement. We are now approaching 6 months since I received the goods following my order. Please can someone help me deal with the reseller as I believe that he is responsible as he was paid for the robot and not the manufacturer. I stated in my last email both of them that I was not happy with them refusing to replace the robot and that I did not feel confident that the matter would be properly resolved since they didn't repair it despite me clearly indicating what the fault was. Are there any strongly worded letter templates I could use, or is this a matter for the small claims court against the reseller? I have also asked who is going to pay for my loss of earnings since the robot has not been fit for me to use as I should? Any help would be greatly received! Thanks JS Sorry for such a long post.
  4. Hi, I bought a Mercedes GLA 2014 reg from car giant for 18k, a few days the car's engine light has come on and the car's drive does not seem to be very smooth. It seems to go straight from D1 to D4 etc. I am very upset as I feel the car has been missold and should have been checked as it is a substantial value. I would really appreciate any help regards to my rights. I would like a full refund as I have no confidence in the car as well as Car Giant. I was only allowed to test drive it a short drive around the industrial estate which would never have flagged those problems at the point of sale. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you..
  5. I purchased 2x hiking sticks from Sports Direct 2 months ago. Whilst using them i realised one was longer than the other. Upon further investigation i realised one of mine was missing a piece to make it complete. Few days ago took it back instore asking for a replacement of the same product but was told that SportsDirect only offer 1 month warranty on all their products, even if they are faulty. They basically refused all service on the matter and was told something identical at a different store. Are they correct in only offering 1 month? As i thought warranties were supposed to be 6 months
  6. I recently had issues with my gearbox which i had to take at a garage to get repaired, and the work was completed on the 1st March 2017. Now I will add the work was paid for by RAC Warranty for the amount of £1400. My receipt however doesn't breakdown the work that had taken place however just says gearbox and labor costs (At the time i remember he said it was only a small part that needed replacing). I didn't mind too much as the costs were getting picked up by RAC and trusted the garage. I have now got another issue with the gearbox however the garage don't want to take any responsibility for it and said it was 6 months warranty or 6000 miles, whatever comes first. I then asked what exactly was done to the gearbox to repair it (ie. a breakdown of the work) and they said we don't have that information anymore. RAC Warranty said they will not pay for the repair of the same part again so soon after it has been repaired. I feel this is not right. Where do I stand with this and how can I get this sorted out now as I am now unable to use my car and it's used for commuting. Please ask if you need anymore information. Thanks Aron
  7. Hi all, I purhased a Canon DSLR in April 2012 ago on credit card (which I no longer hold) from Jessops. It has just developed a fault whereby the mode dial does not select the correct shooting mode. Am I covered under the sale of goods act/consumer rights act as it now is? To complicate things, I think Jessops went into administration in 2015, then started trading again? More importantly, I am currently travelling in Central America and Australia for the next 18 months, so need to get this fixed locally (currently Panama City). I have checked my travel insurance policy and it does not cover electrical or mechanical breakdown, so I don't think I am covered by that. Any advice on how to procede would be much appreciated. Kind regards.
  8. Hi all, Bit of a strange one...maybe. I have been repairing on and off for many years - around 10 years + primarily laptops and mobile phones. I have bought an item of eBay primarily on the basis that it COULD fix an issue with a laptop but if it did not, I would send it back and this was the agreement with the seller. During fitting of the board, I felt the socket for the wireless antenna was not as tight as it should be but it was too late as I had now plugged in the cable. Fast forward an hour, it turned out the board did not fix the issue and in actual fact, the laptop would most likely be written off - I let the seller know this. On removing the board, the loose socket did indeed give way and came off. Problem now is quite obviously, the seller is refusing to accept the board back. I have not gone through the returns process and it is all verbal. Where does one stand in a situation like this? On one hand, there is no way that socket should fall off - And I can prove this by simply getting a wireless card or board and plugging in/out the antenna. They're made to handle this and in my test case, I was heavy handed too just to prove a point. There are two sockets and the other one is fine- the original board also has been in and out of the system multiple times and the sockets are fine. My view is it was not soldered on properly to start with and the installation simply ensured it would snap off. Even if it was soldered on, there clearly is not enough strength to hold it down so would have come off either way. Thoughts? Board itself has the wifi onboard and is for a small laptop - board being around the £400 mark and so no small matter Thanks in advance!
  9. I have a surround-sound headset which has developed a fault and apparently the headset has been out of production for some time so the manufacturer has offered an alternative headset as replacement. I wasn't given the option of repair (their warranty covers replacement or repair). So this is where it gets annoying/silly. The headset is proper surround-sound with a microphone and a high quality desktop volume control. The replacement they suggested is a stereo headset, without microphone and no volume control! They don't make a surround headset any more so can't offer like for like or better - which I believe would be required under UK law. It was bought in Maplins but now I'm dealing with people in China so have no idea where I stand here. I don't want to RMA it and send it off to them (as they are suggesting) only to be told when they have it that they'll replace it but not like for like. I've tried to get them to commit to naming the replacement they will send me having said I would not accept their suggested replacement but they don't seem to want to commit, which is worrying. The headset is just over a year old on a two year warranty. Can anyone suggest what I should do, and should I in fact be dealing with Maplin as the retailer rather than the manufacturer? Thanks for any help.
  10. Hi All, I bought an item from an online store 18 months ago - it has now gone faulty. The company are willing to replace it, however, they do not have any of my colour in stock for replacement (refurbished models). They have a newer device in similar colours, which I asked if they could replace with, to no avail. Aside from the colour, the replacement device is the same specifications as mine. Can I insist on getting the same colour device as my current one? Or does that lead to only a partial refund being available?
  11. Hi we bought a 4500 corner sofa and 2 seater in March 2017, in Jun 2017 developed spotting, long story but they sent out a furniture specialist who did a report and indicated Manufacturing defect! We confirmed to Harveys that we would like a replacement or refund and the problem was there within 6 months, they stated they will send out a repair company for cosmetic repairs - we rejected this based on the " cosmetic repairs" which may not be permanent, they can not guarantee a permanent repair and they have confirmed there is a manufacturing defect. We have written to them rejecting the Sofa and asking for a refund and also a replacement from another brand of sofa manufacturer, they have not responded, the suite has been bought under a Consumer Credit Act agreement which is interest free, please can we be advised what action we can now take under both the CCA 1974 and under the Consumer goods Act 2015. Thank you
  12. Hi All, Just want some advise on where I stand from a consumer side of things, I purchased a HooverDXCC5962B_BK Washer Dryer in Black from AO on the 01/04/2017 for when we moved into our first home and last week it came up with a heat sensor error code (E11.) It washes but no longer dries (luckily I kept our old dryer in the shed so have been able to dry larger items) I made AO aware about a week ago of the issue and they passed me onto Hoover, so I dealt with Hoover and they sent someone out yesterday to repair the machine. He turned up on time (always nice these days) and replaced the sensor in about 15 minutes, so assuming it was all sorted he left. My partner then put a wash and dry load on before she left the house, on arriving back the error code was still there So back on the phone to AO who this time didn't automatically put me through to Hoover as it was out of their opening hours and I was told I would have to wait for her to call Hoover in the morning to arrange another appointment to have it repaired, I said that's fine and we agreed an appointment. I then asked what happens if this second repair doesn't work where do I stand as I don't want to be waiting days at a time for an appointment as I can't take any time off of work and my partner works shifts so timed / all day appointments can be a bit tricky, I was told that I would have to have Hoover out a "few" times to try and repair it if the previous repairs don't work. In legal / consumer terms what would be considered a "few" times before I can ask them to just replace it as it obviously isn't fit for it's purpose ? It wasn't a cheap machine and I don't want to be passed around in the middle of the two companies trying to get it sorted. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can offer some advice with an online shop problem. I bought an E-cig kit from a shop online which I received a week ago. This morning when I turned it on, the screen is faulty - it has like lines all down it right across it. I contacted the shop I bought it from who don't want to know. I was told that even though I had bought a full kit - mod and tank in a sealed box, that he could not take the tank back due to hygiene reasons as it goes in your mouth. I don't get this as I know that vape shops who have faulty goods returned send the whole kit back to the manufacturer who in turn refunds them. No vape shop will take back part of a kit and it must be returned in its original box. After being pushed, he said he might replace the mod but could not guarantee it would be in a sealed box - all mods are bought in sealed boxes. He said I would have to trust him that he would not send me an old reconditioned replacement ! He point blank refused to replace the whole kit with a new one so I told him in that case I would want a refund to which he refused and said I obviously didn't know the law. He then said if he was to consider anything, he would have to make sure that I had not damaged the mod myself - I am OCD about all my mods. They are all like new I am so fussy with them so no I didn't damage it myself. Again I was told that I obviously don't know the law and that he doesn't have to give any refund. This guy is really dodgy. I paid for the kit through paypal Does anyone know what I should do now? Thanks for any advice you may have
  14. I know a little bit about the Sale of Goods Act and have found out that it has since been replaced by the Consumer Rights Act. We purchased a Smart TV from Currys PC World in December 2013 for £550. Over the last few weeks it has started to develop a fault where towards one corner of the TV (top edge towards the right) there is a foggy dark patch. This is mostly visible when there is a white background. My questions are therefore: 1. As the TV is now 3 years 8 months old is this too long to expect to be able to get it repaired/replaced via the Consumer Rights Act ? - How long would be 'reasonable' in terms of expecting a TV to last ? 2. The TV has been looked after, hasn't had any damage to it, knocks or drops or anything similar so I assume the fault has been caused by a faulty component. It has been a few years since I have had to claim for anything like this and although I have previously been successful, I'm not sure whether I am expecting too much given the age of the TV. Any comments and/or advice would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance,
  15. Dear whom this may concern, Cut a long story short. I purchased a tumble dryer from Argos it became faulty l had a replacement under warranty believe it or not it happened again I received another replacement then the 3rd machine set my house on fire and made me and my family homeless. The manufacturers insurance company hired a fire investigator 'hawkins' so they can conduct a report after months of chasing the insurance company they have told us that the report says it could have come from outside or inside the machine they will not pay a claim. Me and my family lost everything there is a initial fire report that the London fire brigade took when the incident happened that mentions the fire was caused by the tumble dryer. If anyone can help with some advice or what rights I have it would be greatly appreciated I believe they are diminishing their rights I can't believe they are not paying a claim. Thank you Lyes K.
  16. 27 june 2017 bought 2.0t sidi vx line sri insignia 5000 miles on clock, paid around 17k for it, 9k trade in rest on 2 credit cards. dealer is 140 miles away from me - a very big vauxhall dealer. when i bought the car i started to notice a rattle, it really sounded like braked pads rattling, so i thought when i get time ill pop it into my local vaux dealer to get them sorted. however recently the rattling sounds got worse, it does it when letting clutch out, pulling away, travelling at slow speeds ie few miles per hour and did it when i went over a rumble strip i took the car into my local dealer yesterday who told me this noise was normal - i argued it was not and went on my way home, i got got home and called the dealer again and asked for service manager to call me i also lodged a complaint with vaux head office today the service manager called and asked me to bring the car back in, i can replicate the rattle every time with the clutch and i heard tyhis noise several times, they are now saying they dont know if this noise is normal or not and are going to get in touch with higher up people at vauxhall, vaux head office called me today to say they are taking charge of this and will call me again soon. what are my rights if they say this noise is normal? because i refuse to belive it is normal - metal is clearly hitting metal some where on the car - it is 100% not the brake pads now. this is a top of the range insignia, and i like it alot. theres 2 more of these cars available, id be willing to do a like for like swap, well moreso a full refund on mine and start again buying the other etc if i can reject this one, as i say im worried there going to say this noise is normal where do i stand guys?
  17. If a staff member bought a item from a store they work at and that it turned out to be faulty, can they still return it without a receipt? Or can the managers refuse because staff simply arnt allowed a refund or exchange without a reciept as we have access to stockroom?
  18. Hi I'm looking for a bit of advice if possible. I bought a laptop from curry's specifically to record music on, but within a budget and was advised to buy the HP pavilion 15 which was on offer. It was very noisy in the store but I bought it on their recommendation. After getting it home and switching it on, I found it very noisy, the fan and hard drive was quite loud. the next day I posted on their facebook and they advised I take it back to the store, which I did the following day. The guy on the knowhow desk wasn't very helpful, kept me waiting and letting a queue build up while he packed a box and then told me there is no way they would exchange it, and pointed out their policy on the wall!! told me they could send it off for testing, but it sounded fine to him. (it was in a noisy store again!). The thing is, i'd locked myself out too somehow and had to take it home, wait to get my old laptop back and figure out how to reset the password. It was easter and I was away for a week also. feeling fed up it sat in a cupboard for a little while. when I finally tried it again decided it was still noisy I contacted the technical team who agreed it sounded noisy over the phone and to take it back to store. This time, I took it to a different store and the guy sent it off and it came back with a replaced fan as it was faulty. My issue is that I wanted to exchange it - which actually was within my rights, but I was sent away being told they wouldn't do that and there was nothing wrong with it. They did repair, but I'm still not happy that they sold me a faulty computer!! Is there anything I can do? It was a couple of days over the 28 days when I took it back again. Thanks for any advice. Cat
  19. Bough a Samsung Washer Dryer from AO.com November 2015. It comes with a 2 year warranty. Bought using AO's finance to be paid over 2 years. So 6 months warranty and 6 payments left. A few months ago the dryer started becoming less and less effective. It has also started vibrating badly despite my efforts to relevel it. Then 2 weeks ago half way through a wash it stopped with an error leak sensor detetor. Water trickles out from under the machine and it won't work. Phoned Samsung on the Friday and they sent a 3rd party engineer out on the Wednesday. Engineer says the detergent drawer has been slowly leaking probably from new. There is extensive rust inside the machine and limescale all over everything. Externally the machine still looks like new. The dryer motor is only getting half voltage which has damaged it. Probably due to water going all over the motherboard which also needs replacing. The pressure switch needs replacing. The pump / sump is leaking and needs replacing. The struts have been rubbing against the concrete block and the rubber has completely worn away causing the vibrating. He wanted to order in all these parts from the Netherlands and come back to fix it. I said no I want a new machine, especially as the rusty chassis can't be replaced. Engineer was understanding and said they have to send a report off to Samsung for authorisation and that's the last we heard. He also left the machine in the middle of the room and when I went to move it back I realised its because all the vinyl tile floor underneath is ruined. Where do I go from here? We've had no working machine for 2 weeks now and it's driving us crazy. We are using laundrettes and family but it's starting to get costly and extremely inconvenient. We have 2 young kids and a puppy. We got the most expensive machine on the market at £1100 because we expected reliability and for the big drum size. To be fair the first year it was fantastic my wife says its the best thing we ever bought. This is half a rant and half a what should my next steps be to get this resolved asap? Many thanks
  20. I bought a car in December, and found it was faulty the day after purchase. It had several issues and it turned out it was unsafe to drive for more than one reason. I sent a letter of rejection to the garage, and in that letter I told them they needed to pick up the car as it's not roadworthy at all, or we would hire a company to tow it back to their garage at their cost. They flat out refused to accept the rejection, so we took it to the card issuer, who has just approved our chargeback. We have kept the car unused in the driveway while waiting for this decision. We now need to get the vehicle off the property. We're moving thursday, and I really doubt the landlord wants a broken down car in their driveway until the garage decides they will pick it up. Because we stated we would hire a company to return the car if the garage didn't do it themselves, do I need to inform them again, or can we hire a tow company to collect the car and instruct them to bill the garage? Or do I have to send a letter all over again, telling them to pick it up?
  21. I bought my son an Armani watch for his 18th birthday last November. Within a few weeks it was not keeping correct time. I emailed the company who said I couldn't get a refund as it was longer than 14 days since I received it. I sent it off to be repaired. After a few weeks it returned only to go wrong again. I sent it back waited a couple of weeks emailed and got it back. Again, after a few days my son noticed the hours hand was not on the correct position particularly obvious on the hour. I contacted them and again sent it back. It came back yesterday and the hand is still not correct. This time I have included some photos to illustrate my point and asked for a refund as I feel this has gone on long enough. At each stage from purchase to now I have had to email them asking where the watch was. I've been told I would be contacted within 24/48 hours and then waited 2 weeks with no contact. I need to know what my rights are and I hope somebody here can help!
  22. Hi, I've been in a long running saga with Idealworld over a faulty Xhose. I owned it for 2 years and 2months when it fell apart (the inner expanding sleeve parted from the fixing). There is no one that repairs these hoses I contacted IW and said I want a replacement and they said it's over a year old - bug off! I've tried Resolver to see it that would help (as it did when I used it on NatWest) and we had a dialog over 6 months where they offered me exactly 4/6 of the original price of£56 and then they went silent. A month ago I was told by ConsumerGAA (which is what you get instead of Trading Standards) to write to warn them that I would take them to the small claims court - the deadline has passed and nothing has happened now I either have to back off and right off the money or risk taking them to court and the debts that it could incur Thoughts?
  23. Hi all, Ordered and had delivered on the 22nd of March 2015 - a brand new shiny bread maker - from Amazon - £70 (special offer). It's malfunctioning - getting worse with time - and since all user errors have been ruled out - I ask for guidance from forum members. Manufacturer warranty was only 12 months - so that would have been March 2016 - but I hear something about E.U rules stating 2 years for retail items? Have I understood correctly? Is there anyway to have these manufacturing defects remedied? If yes - what are the steps I should take - with whom and in what order? I am very grateful to any that choose to contribute and to guide me in resolving this headache! Libertas.
  24. Hello Can anyone please advise me on the following? I have a laptop and my warranty is up in June 2017. I have hardware issue and two of the keys have worked loose and come away and i cannot put them back into place. Do i send it back to the company i bought it from or do i send it back to the makers of the laptop? Thanks
  25. I bought a Sony tv kdl43w755c roughly 12 months ago and have had faults on it since i bought it. I bought it for my son but as he works away sometimes we didn't realise it was faulty until after the time Richer Sounds would replace it. Since then we have been in the hands of Sony, who unfortunately have been poor at resolving the issue and to be honest poor customer service as i had to get Richer sounds customer service team involved to get them out to repair it. We have spent about 5 hours on the phone doing troubleshooting to look into the issue and eventually they had a repair engineer out to replace the main processor board but this has not resolved the issues we are having. Once again Sony want to start the process again and to be honest i cannot go through this again. I have spoken to Richer sounds customer service team and they also want us to do it again however i have been informed that under the CRA the repair agent has one attempt to repair the problem then if still faulty i can ask for a refund or replacement I am a loyal customer and advocate of Richer Sounds and to be fair the customer service from your staff has all ways been very good. I have seen the email address for John Clayton of Richer Sounds and sent him this email as well am i right in thinking we are entitled a refund or credit note hoping Richer sounds come through
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