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  1. Hi All, Bit confused here and wanted to be sure. I arranged for an electrician to come to our house (its owned by my girlfriend) he did some work. He then wanted a payment which my g/f tried to make online but got an error. So I paid it from my account. Who would legally have the contract for the work done? I ask as there are major problems with the work carried out. Many Thanks for any help
  2. Hi all Last week I came out from work to find my car missing from my works car park (private land) I reported it stolen. Inside the car was my house keys (separate to my car keys) my purse containing £250 cash, all my credit/debit cards, driving licence and other bits and bobs. The time I reported the car stolen I rushed home panicking thinking that the thieves would be emptying my house as the house keys was inside. I had to get the house broken into so we could enter and have the locks changed in case the thieves returned to the house as my house keys were in the car. All night I had little sleep worrying over if anyone would come to the house the next morning I rung my insurance company to report the car stolen. I also remembered that the finance company who i had the car from said when i purchased it there may be a tracker inside I called them to tell them that the car was stolen and to ask if they could track it They tracked it and told me the location, which I pass the details onto the police. Around a hour later the police called me to say the car had been repossessed by the finance company! News and shock to me. I had problems paying the finance in december due to a temporary change in income and before I missed any payments i called the finance company who offered me a payment holiday and they said they would call me the end of january, beginning of february to renew the payment schedule again. I never received any contact from the company whatsoever. I called the finance company who said they were well within their rights to repossess my car, they said they have been calling and texting me but when we confirm phone numbers they recite it to me with one digit of the phone number wrong (funny as when they were selling me the car they were hounding me on the exact same number i have now upto 5 times a day) they said they have been emailing me (but they recite the email wrong too). They said I can call them monday to arranged for payment of the overdue amount (just under £500) and to arrange to get my belongings back. I call them today and was very rudely spoken to, the guy at credit control says a Default notice was issued back in december (I never received it or any contact from them) and he also said the car was repossessed from the public highway. The car was parked where I work on the landlords private carpark, definitely not on the roadside. We end up exchanging words and he hangs up on me. I eventually get them to agree for me to collect my belongings. I have just been to collect them and my purse is missing! It was 100% in the car, I had all my cards inside which I reported stolen last week, my driving licence is inside there along with my partners licence and no less than £250 cash. I refused to handover the V5 and keys and they say why should we look for your purse when you wont give us the V5 and keys. Where do i go from here. I have paid around £1000 plus £500 deposit on the car but less than a 1/3 of the agreement. I have not received any contact from these guys until now, definitely not had a default notice although they say they have sent one. I am without my purse and cant access any of my money until my new cards come through from the bank. My cash i had was in the purse and they haven't returned it to me saying its not there. Help
  3. I have just received the following email from the SLC and was wondering if I should respond ? I left the UK in 2009 and my final default dropped off my credit report in Dec 2015. I really dont want the SLC ruining my credit status for another 6 years. I left university in Jan 2009 and have had no contact from the SLC until this email. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Please respond within 72 hours of receipt of this email. Dear xxxxxxxxxx We have been attempting to contact you. Please contact us to confirm your current contact details and employment status. This is to enable us to update your information accordingly and to ensure that any future communication will be sent promptly. Please call us on 0300 100 0603, if calling from overseas please call 0044 141 626 3770. Our office opening hours are 09.00 to 17.30. Alternatively, you can email your information by responding to this email address and providing the following: Address: Home Telephone Number: Mobile Telephone Number: Email Address (if changed): Employed Yes/No: If you have any concerns about providing the details we have requested then please refer to the Student Loans Company website, for further information. Please be advised this email address is for the purpose of providing the requested information only. If you have additional queries, do not hesitate to contact us on the telephone number detailed above. Yours sincerely Student Loans Company 100 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7JD The registered office of Student Loans Company is at: 21 St. Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JS Registered in England No. 2401034
  4. I am very worried In October my partner was dismissed gross misconduct. He was accused of company theft stealing a large amount of money (he worked for Sainsburys) he was investigated by his employer numerous interviews with a witness in the room taking notes. CCTV was shown of him attending to his duties this is the point where he was accused of stealing (May I add he did not do what was accused) Eventually it was determined that they had to dismiss with immediate action gross misconduct. At the time of dismissal they stated that police would be involved. No police have been in contact with my partner since his dismissal in October. A couple of weeks ago he received a phone call from DWF the lady gave her name and reason for calling was to notify him of a debt collection for the sum of £1400 she said his employer had contacted them to recover the money. She even asked my partner on the phone if he did actually commit the theft which I think is extremely unprofessional and wrong. Are they actually allowed to ask such a question to him over the phone? He of course denied it as he did not commit the theft. She stated that a police officer had been involved with the investigation which is completely false, he told her this. We still have all his notes taking during the investigation with employer. No mention of police officer in the notes my partner has never met said police officer. At this point she became confused didn't know what to say. She said that she would have to call his employer to speak as things weren't adding up. She then added that he should expect a letter in the immediate future. It's been about 3 weeks since this phone call and still no letter. I have been worried to death it's been a hard time (Christmas) I have two children as well. I am frightened to death of bailiffs turning up at my address. Do you think we should contact the lady who called from DWF, still have her number. Any advice, guidance appreciated.
  5. CONTACT YOUR MP IF YOU CAN NOT SEE HIM/HER ON THIS PETITION: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/824
  6. Ive never posted before and my spelling is really bad so I apologise in advance! I went to drive my car this afternoon and it was gone!! I panicked and called the police, they told me it had been towed due to no tax. I couldnt call the company because its shut. I checked online and said untaxed! I went in my direct debits and its still active, went to both dates (read somewhere they will take it 4 days after if failed) and a week either side of both and there is available money???! THEY HAVEN'T TRIED TO TAKE IT? Can anyone give me a reason why this would happen? I'm guessing the clamping place are going to be a problem and I'm going to have to pay the release anyway but can I claim it back? Also havent received any letter or email. .it was only supposed to be taken out last week on the 2nd?! Such a ball ache before christmas and majorly panicked as I thought it had been stolen! Didnt think they could do that, thought theyd clamp jesus! Many thanks for any help x
  7. does anyone have any contact emails for pounds till payday as I want to dispute a loan i have with them, any success stories about disputed defaulted loans would be good to know as well
  8. Like it says. I won't go into detail and I won't enter into any further correpondence but, because of the reception I got for suggestions of sound advice and places where more specialist support could be found - and the debacle in that particular thread that has been unfolding since - I no longer wish to be associated in any way with CAG forums. I dare say the quality of support is, in general, excellent but I have had enough of the hostility here for my positive contribution on the subject I hold close. Interestingly, I now note there have been historically other people here, in a similar situation while pursuing a similar topic, who have been subject to the same treatment and have felt the need to react similarly, all of which which only serves to highlight the questions I have over the reliability and impartiality of advice given on this site. I have requested my membership be deleted on two occasions via the "contact us" facility in my profile but have not even had an acknowledgement, hence the ironic and unfortunate need to make this request, to an organisation championing a Consumer Rights, publically via their own consumer rights forum. Can a mod please action? Good bye Thudd
  9. Hi All, first post so please bare with me. we bought a Palram shed from an Amazon seller around 3 months ago. We set the shed up which was a painful task in itself, and where reasonably pleased with it although I did note that the plastic sides where somewhat flimsy and thin. Search Palram shed on Amazon 8ft x 6ft to see the product if needs be. Now in Preston where I live at the weekend we had very high winds and stormy conditions. Which shock horror, caused the shed to collapse! The whole thing came in on itself and the metal frame was contorted and bent. Wont let me post images as I'm new, but think bent twisted metal supports etc. I entered into a dissuasion with the supplier about where to go next... see below for transcript:- Good afternoon, could you please advise re the below issue with the shed I purchased, via Amazon: Order reference: ................. The shed was assembled shortly after delivery by my partner and an experienced tradesman. The shed was placed against a wall to the rear and the right hand side of the shed had ample support and shelter. Anchor bolts where also bought and placed into the shed as instructed. Yet during Moderate winds today in Preston (28mph, gusts up to 49mph), the shed has totally collapsed. Panels had come out, the roof and supports have lifted and the metal cross bars and supports have contorted and bent. This shed was assembled with the utmost care and accuracy according to the instructions provided, yet this has still occurred. I most admit upon construction I did note that the side panels of the sheds did see flimsy, but when constructed the shed did seemed sturdier than anticipated, yet this has still occurred. I am greatly dismayed by this, and after spending a large amount of money on this product I would expect it to be able to stand up to the elements? Could you please advise on the next course of action and what assistance you could provide in this matter. I eagerly await your response. Kind Regards, **** The Response was "Hi **** very sorry there is a problem, please could you send us some pictures of the damage please? Best regards Phil." Reply Hi Phil, Thank you for the timely response in this matter, it is much appreciated. Please see images attached of damage to the structure of the shed. Upon discovering the problem, panels of the shed had been blown from their fixings and the shed had basically collapsed and the whole structure had shifted from its base. We had very little time to try to remedy the problem prior to it becoming dark. To prevent any further damage or any risk to health and safety the shed was taken down. Due to the damaged pieces it is highly unlikely the shed will be able to be re-erected in its current state, and even still without these problems this is a less than enviable task. Thank you for your assistance, Kind regards, Reply was:- Hi **** thanks for the pics we are in Blackpool so do know that it has been windy. Could we replace all the damaged parts for it to be rebuilt? Best regards Phil. To which we said:- "Hi Phil, Thank you the kind offer to replace the parts. The shed is in such a state of disarry, it would be very hard to reassemble with replacement parts, it would mean further dismantling large parts of the shed to reassemble it. Whilst replacement parts would allow us, with some difficulty, to rebuild the shed, this would offer us no guarantee we would not get another repeat of this situation when adverse weather is repeated. This occurence worries me greatly and leads me to believe the shed is not fit for the purpose. When purchased through Amazon the listing advised the shed comes with a ten year warranty, for this to happen within three months gives me no confidence in this product for the years to come. Ideally, I would like a refund on this product and I can gladly organise a return of the product to yourself if based in Blackpool. Kind Regards," And then we heard nothing for a couple of days and received this message today:- "Hi ****, I spoken with Palram and they have said it is very rare for a shed to collapse due to the wind. We have sold 1000`s of the sheds and it has only happened a couple of times. Palram will not issue a refund due to storm damage but will replace all the damaged parts. Best regards Phil." this is where I stand as of now, I'm just looking for any advice or guidance as to where to go from here. What do you guys think? I'm remiss to just say yes send me the parts as reassembly will be a total nightmare. They have admitted that whilst rare it does happen the sheds blow down, thus not being 'fit for purpose' correct, no mater how rare the occurrence. Thanks in advance for any help ;-)
  10. I'm looking for a UK contact number for Hotmail. The phone numbers that come up on searches are 3rd party numbers. Thanks
  11. Anybody got an actual E-Mail address for the executive of Halifax without going through the rubbish customer complaints area??
  12. Wonga... Should I contact them.... Took various loans over 2010/11 All loans were repaid but quickly built up resulting in me been unable to repay the last loan... This was defaulted in May 2011 by Wonga... Balance £1734 this was updated March 2014 balance still the same. This last loan was for £800 the rest would be the interest added over time..... During the period I was under a DMP with then named cccs. Owing little over 23k to different banks/cc/loans. Now repaying debts under a self debt management... Hearing all the news about Wonga I was wondering whether it was worth now contacting Wonga to ask whether this debt was written off or whether the amount is still owed. Contacting them wont make much difference to my credit file as already defaults on the file, although some do drop off shortly under the 6 year limit. What's peoples thoughts on me contacting Wonga to make enquires on this loan ? Is it worth writing to them to see what's what.......
  13. Edit, sorry, I was changing the title and hit enter by accident, the title should read. No contact ffom loan company about deceased parents secured load. --------- Hi, I'm hoping someone can offer some for of advice. My mother passed away in 2012, she had a secured loan on the house, not huge, it ws 7k and at the time she passed there was 3.6k remaining. Being disabled she didn't have a massive income and her insurance policy covered her funeral and that was it, she has £70 in her bank account and no other money or assets besides the house. The loan company (Santander) were great, said we needed to take the details of probate in and everything would be on hold until then. Her will was written when I was a child so I was the benificiary but not the executor. Everything had to be done through her sister. It took a while to get probate sorted as the solicitors who had the 'official' copy of her will had closed and neglected to send their documents to wherever they're supposed to have sent them when they closed (Sorry, can't remember exact terms), we had to try and track down her will and when we couldn't we had to apply for a signed letter from some place (again, sorry I cant remember exact terms) that allowed us to go and sort probate, that took a while and it was fnally sorted around a year ago. myself and my aunty took all the needed documents to santander who took copies of everything and said they'd be in touch shortly, I distinctly remember the woman saying it is usually a quick process. They kept calling the secured loan a mortgage, are these two the same thing? It's now been a year and I've heard absolutely nothing from them. Neither has my aunty (We aren't sure if they'll contact me now probate has gone through because I'm the benificiary or contact her because she is the executor). Nothing besides the monthly ststements which has in big bold writing at the top 'This is for information only'. I know it sounds stupid and anyone reading will think why have you not called them, a few reasons really, I'm terrified for one, I've lived in this house my entire life, I have nowhere else to go, the house is in a terrible area and needs a lot of work, it's not worth enough for me to sell and buy elsewhere. And secondly my own health hasn't been great, mental health that is, I've suffered from severe depression and extreme anxiety includig time spent in hospital due to attempted suicide. I'm currently unemployed and am terrified if I call they'll say they want all the money or they want massive monthly payments that I can't afford and i'll basically end up losing the house. I've no idea what to do, do I call and see whats taking so long and why? Or just leave it and wait for them to contact me however long that takes?
  14. Came home from work late last night to a letter, not in an envelope which appears to be from a local county court enforcement officer. It states I have failed to return a statement of means form. Not had one. It also states that I have three working days to attend the court to fill it in or return said paperwork. His name and phone number are on the bottom. No paperwork has been left and I have no idea what it is about. Advice on how to proceed would be gratefully appreciated please. Just when you think you're getting straight with things something else pops up to bite you on the bum!
  15. SAR Request sent on 01/08/15 (signed for) I have received the attached letter today 12/08/15, for information I included my past 2 addresses and proof of current address (CTax Bill). Can anyone advise of my next steps please. Thanks NCB
  16. Hi I need a bit of help, Back in 2007 I joined Roko gym which I stayed at for 2 years no problem. November 2009 I decided to give notice to leave as I wasn't ever using it. I wrote to them dated 1st November stating my intention and giving 3 months notice. The last day of membership should have been 31st January 2010. They wrote back saying I was to pay until the end of February as they received my letter after start of November. I was so annoyed by this I cancelled my DD and wouldn't pay them any more money. My last payment was 1st November 2009. What followed was the usual from Roko and CRS. I sent CRS a letter from this site in March 2010 saying I have no contract with them, I would not acknowledge any debt and would have no contact with them. After that they sent me a few more letters last one being June 2010. I haven't heard a thing since then until about 6 weeks ago I started getting texts again and 2 letters went to my old address (I could tell by the return address) which I sent back. Now they have found my new address and it's all started again!! Are they allowed to chase me now seeing as I haven't heard from them in so long? Should I resond or continue to ignore? The latest letter threatens legal action or passing to another DCA. Thank you
  17. Hey everyone, looking for some slight assistance. An ex partner of mine (we split in 2008 and I have had little or no contact with him since, bar the occasional facebook hello) passed away a month or so ago, something I was actually unaware of until the DWP sent me a letter informing me and asking for details regarding his death, care, estate etc etc as he was claiming disability living allowance. I have replied to them with a letter stating that I wasn't aware of his passing until they sent me the request and that I haven't lived with him since 2008 and that I'm not even sure how they even know my contact details as I never agreed to be mentioned on or signed anything whilst we were together. Has anyone else come across this before? Should my letter be enough to end this? Thanks!
  18. One of the people that we are helping here on this forum wrote a letter to their member of Parliament about the problems they were having with npower. Understandably, the recent election caused a delay in the response. However, remarkably quickly after the member of Parliament was returned, an excellent response was received offering to make representations and asking for further information. We think that this could be a very good move forward. It is a very simple matter to write to your member of Parliament and if people were prepared to let us know that they have written and also to publish the responses here, we could take steps to flag up to each member of Parliament which of their colleagues were also concerned about npower's shenanigans. I think that it would only take a few members of Parliament to realise that they were not alone and they would publish set up some correspondence or even a meeting and then the matter of npower might be raised in the House. If you have a problem with npower then I would suggest that you write your member of Parliament and use this thread to tell us about it. I would suggest that you update your own thread with the letter that you have written and also with the response you get. I would also ask people to post the letter in this thread as well along with the response so that we have them all in one place. The Consumer Action Group will then be pleased to act on all of your behalf's flagging up the issue to all the various members of Parliament – and also maybe to the national media as well, who I am sure will be extremely interested. We do not believe that asking for help from a member of Parliament should be used as an alternative to legal action. If a member of Parliament makes representations, it will not obtain any compensation for you. You should begin your legal action as well and maintain it all the way through.
  19. Dear community, Was hoping to get some friendly advice regarding an old debt with Barclays on behalf of a family member! Back in May 2009, an old debt (approx. £12k at the time) was transferred over to Barclay's Central Debt Collection Services (CDCS). At the time, an agreed repayment plan of £75 per month was set up for 6 months only, following which a review was to be made. This was the last statement of the account, which stated a 0% interest rate on the account. Funny thing is, we haven't heard back from Barclays/CDCS since! We've been paying £75 a month into the account every month without fail since this last statement via a pay-in book; addresses on the account are up-to-date, and Barclays never fail to send us a pay-in book before the old one has run out. I was hoping to hear from anyone with any similar experience? I'm not sure of the next steps we should take, as we would like to check on the status of the account - family member is particularly nervous that payments haven't been making much of a difference and that interest has been building up (can Barclays re-instigate interest without letting us know?). Could anyone provide any advice as to what we should do? Thanks a bunch! Littlebo
  20. Scottish Power Scottish power causeway Wilderspool causeway Warrington WA4 6QD This is not the head office of ScottishPower – but it is the address of a major customer service centre with at least 100 customer service operatives and over 50 other support staff. If you have made your energy contract in England/Wales and you live in England/Wales then you can sue ScottishPower in England/Wales if you have an address for service within the jurisdiction. This address in Warrington will be fine. Don't worry about having to sue out of the jurisdiction in Glasgow or any other thing like that. A few more people suing these inept and irresponsible energy companies like ScottishPower and npower will do the whole of the consumer environment a lot of good. So come on people – bring it on.
  21. I am mightily confused. I have been signing on for 12 months, at the start of my claim I signed a claimant commitment stating I will do X number of steps each week to find work, IE look in papers, ask family and friends, use UJM etc. I completed my job search online and always filled in my activity history on UJM, ensuring I recorded X number of steps as required in my claimant commitment. Part way through the year I was told not to use UJM instead I was given a paper template to fill that stated I must do 35 hours job search per week, this had a section to fill stating the time each task took. Some time later I was issued with a pie chart diagram which showed different activities I could include in my 35 hour job search. Now I have been given another paper template form which states I have to apply for and record 10 vacancies jobs per week. What the heck as happened to my claimant commitment, no where in that did I agree to a 35 hour week job search nor did it state when I signed it that it was a requirement. Secondly, I would never agree to applying for X amount of vacancies per week , what if the only suitable vacancies are ones I have already applied for. And now they have just reissued me a new claimant commitment to sign which is basically same as my old one except they have added “ engage with the work program” Can they enforce this 10 job application rule and what is in place to prevent me from just jotting down bogus applications. Obviously I am fulfilling my claimant commitment still but as there is no actual way to record that activity any more am I even obligated to carry it out. From what I can gather the 35 hour per week is only a suggestion and not enforceable as long as client shows they have took reasonable steps they cannot be sanctioned but I cannot find any info at all regarding the 10 vacancies per week.
  22. Hi All Would anybody be able to find me the contact details for the CEO of UK Mail? I am beyond anger with these people. Three times in a row I have scheduled a collection of some bits I sold on ebay, they don't turn up, don't apologise, don't give any reason and don't give a rats ... I pay through the roof for it to be next day, and they don't arrive. The people on ebay then have a fit at me, and it reflects in the feedback. If I had enough money I would sue them for damage to my account
  23. Hello, I got a phone call at work last night from my distraught mother telling me that one of our lovely neighbors had contacted the local council housing officer to complain that she has been exposing herself to one of the local children. The council worker phoned my mums doctor who then phoned my mum up. We have contacted the police over the malicious complaint and they are coming around later today, and apparently the doctor is going to phone back later as she wants to talk to me as well. I was wondering though, are the council allowed to contact my mums doctor behind her back? The story is a pack of lies so there obviously isn't any evidence for any wrong doing - they are just acting on the word of my vindictive neighbor.
  24. Hi All I'm wondering if the Lloyds addresses in the sticky thread above still apply, I'm going to apply to Lloyds for a refund of charges, its a long shot I guess and Im also going to ask for them to refund from 2001, which is unusually long, the reason I am is that in my case Lloyds TSB hit me massively with charges over a prolonged period, at least 11 years, at the worst point, March 2006 they charged me £591.40 in ONE month... More than half my income... This was a regular occurrence and kept me locked in a vicious circle for years, I wrote and asked for these charges in 2006 but was fobbed off, I made an appointment with my branch manager in 2006 who refused to discuss my hardship and told me the charges were legal and fair , I had kind of accepted the money was lost but I've recently calculated the charges over those eleven years to be between £10/£12'000.00, 01 to 07 was definitely £7'047.50 but since then I've had more difficulty getting the exact figure as some of the paperwork is missing, but they will be able to calculate that. I figure with statutory interest added my claim could be approaching £20K, something I hope the courts or the Ombudsman might get their teeth into...? For now I'd just like the best address to mail my letter to, but I welcome any advice or suggestions you may have. Regards Dr B
  25. Sorry realise this is not the place but I couldn't see this anywhere - can anybody advise me how to contact site admin?
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