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  1. I purchased a 8.4 Inch Book Cover for my Tab S. The 2 poppers on the back have come away from the unit and sadly means it will no longer connect to my Tab S. Ive had this less than 2 months. I approached CPW to help sort out the issue and I was told as its outside of 28 days, they said as there was a limited warranty for 3 / 6 months, I was to contact Samsung. So i spoke to Samsung and they said the Warranty lies with the retailer... So I rang again to someone else at Samsung who said the same thing. So I went back to CPW and yet again they referred me to Samsung. I sent a complaint email to them and yet again they've told me to go to the retailer yet again. The complaint email was sent to the MD of Samsung UK and their support team. They have now come back with this again... What is my next step?
  2. Hi I hope somebody can help me, I recently purchased a used car stupidly my partner said he had done hpi but hadnt. Its an 04 car and I recently got a letter not on a letter head or anything explaining that it has a bill of sale on it. I rang to find out who the company was as it didnt give any clue on the letter. Before I rang I looked into things and asked for them to send me the bill of sale, they say they cant do this but gave me the registration date of 15/7/13 and the number to check myself. I am assuming this will take time to give them more time to [problem] me. I asked if a deal could be done as I had just mot'd the car and they said they could there is £273 out standing I offered half they refused and said best they can do is 2 thirds. I havent got this amount of money just to pull out and am annoyed that I should have to pay somebody elses debt off to keep a car I have already paid for. Please can anyone help
  3. Hi all, I wrote a book last year and it was picked up by a publisher and was published in February of this year 2014 and has been doing pretty well, it is available worldwide. I run a Facebook page which went crazy popular and it has now got over 100,000 likes. It currently has about 125,000 likes. I was approached by a publisher to write a book on the subject of Wicca which I did. I have been on benefits since being made redundant last March 2013. When my book was published I had a case worker who I saw regularly to help me get back into work and I asked her about the book and what I need to do and she said I shouldn't worry it is more a case of paying tax on it at the end of the year as long as my savings or earnings don't go past £6000. Well the book hasn't made £6000 yet I get a monthly payment from the publishers for royalties of the sales and e-book sales, it started out as about £600 but has now whittled down to about £200 a month for the physical book and the e-book versions. . I am also on a work program called A4E which everyone knows about the book I even took a signed copy in for one of the advisers as she was interested in Wicca. I have always been totally open about the book with both the dole and A4E. I often told the person signing me on I had a book and they would say 'Oh good for you I will look it up' and nothing more said. I had a customer compliance interview with the benefits office and they asked to see my bank statements and other relevant information regarding the book which I showed them. The man interviewing me said they would regard the book as capital and didn't even take a photocopy of my bank statements just made a quick note of my earnings from the book. Today when i went to sign there was a garbled letter in the book that said I must fill in a B7 form which is for people who are working part time and to declare any hours worked or pay. The man seemed confused and went to ask the person who put the letter in my signing book, which he says he 'thinks' that is what i need to do, then they couldn't work out what is was i needed to do so they sent me to another woman who then says I need to fill out a B16 for self employment and they have made an appointment for me for Monday. I don't really want to sign or say I am working part time as i am not I am still available for work and am not working for any company, neither do I want to sign that I am self Employed as I am not I do not own a company or work for one I have owned. No one seems to know including myself what is to be done in these circumstances. I have always been told that my book is capital and it can make up to at least £3000 before it affects my benefit. Can anyone help please??
  4. Hello, I'm after some advice please. I've recently moved London Boroughs and duly told JCP. I've done the live transfer claim and had to sign the new "Claimant Commitment". All fine. The lady at the interview booked me in for my regular signing day (tomorrow) and gave me this booklet called "My Work Plan". I've read around this forum and understand it's not mandatory. (I downloaded the excellent FOI requests linked on another thread and have printed it off ready to show them tomorrow if they get shirty). But I have two questions please. 1. Although completion of the My Work Plan is technically not mandatory, do I have to sign the front page that looks like an extension of the CC and also has other important statements I must agree to (including info on my next signing date, etc). But if I do sign it, aren't I also accepting to use the My Work Plan booklet implicitly? 2. If I kick up a polite stink and stand my ground, then I might win this battle, but isn't there a danger my card will be marked with my new adviser as a trouble-maker and she will then seek to stick me on daily signing, some community work bulls**t, or whatever is the worst within her power to otherwise stitch me up to the letter of the law? Am I therefore just better off giving in and completing this damn waste of time, infantilizing and pointless booklet? I currently use UJM "Activity History" box daily to record all my searches, and always print off a Hotmail screenshot of all the jobs I've applied for (at least 10), so I honestly feel I do enough to jump through their hoops to get my pittance. This Work Plan book is just a step too far. Thanks for reading this far, and any specific legislation or FOI facts you could point me to would be really appreciated. I'm grateful too if you can only offer opinion, but the fear of being sanctioned and left with no option but to steal, get criminal record, ruin my life, die, etc, means that opinions are of no use. I need cold hard facts to battle these vindictive, power-crazed secretaries at JCP!!
  5. Hi, I stupidly have a Log Book Loan, which was taken out 3 years ago, due to personal circumstance. I am still trying to pay this. Unfortunately I have falllen behind with my payments, I have always been in contact with them trying to explain the situation, they have before managed to take my car although I did get it back after lending the money. My repayments then went up. I have tried to negotiate a lower repayment, but the lowest they say they will accept is £100 per week. A couple of weeks ago one of the management team contacted me with a full and final offer, which i would love to accept to finally get them off my back. I asked if they could possibly extend the offer until the end of the month to which they agreed but demanded £300 immediately or they will instruct a debt recovery agency. I have read alot about BOS, I do not have a copy of this, and I cannot find my original agreement. I do remember signing and an employee coming to my house and signing. Could someone please advise as to my next move. Thank you
  6. Is it possible that a former officer of the old Log Book Loans organisation is now an adjudicator at the financial ombudsman services? I have mentioned him in my application to the FOS in relation to my stolen car. What should this mean for me or anyone else that is seeking justice from this company which has now gone into administration? Fortunately the FOS are accepting applications from before a certain date.
  7. Hi, a general question, not related to any purchase I've made, yet. I thought that log-book loans were only for newish cars and those over, say, £3,000, however, from what I'm reading it appears older and less-expensive cars can end up on a log-book loan as well. So, is there any rule-of-thumb such as, cars over 10 or 15 years or below £xxx will probably not have a log-book loan secured against them. I'm asking because as I understand it there's a glaring loophole in the procedure whereby someone can obtain one or more log-book loans with their V5 (multiple by telling DVLA it's lost and getting a replacement) and then sell the car before the loans are registered, assuming the coy even registers them at all. When I did a search on google as if I wanted to set up a log-book loan website/franchise (NO, I don't, but the info's out there!) the 10 year and price came up, but it wasn't firm. Any suggestions or pointers. Thanks.
  8. Hi all, I wrote a book last year and it was picked up by a publisher and was published in February of this year 2014 and has been doing pretty well, it is available worldwide. I run a Facebook page which went crazy popular and it has now got over 100,000 likes. I was approached by a publisher to write a book on the subject of Wicca which I did. I have been on benefits since being made redundant last March 2013. When my book was published I had a case worker who I saw regularly to help me get back into work and I asked her about the book and what I need to do and she said I shouldn't worry it is more a case of paying tax on it at the end of the year as long as my savings or earnings don't go past £6000. Well the book hasn't made £6000 yet I get a monthly payment from the publishers for royalties of the sales and e-book sales, it started out as about £600 but has now whittled down to about £250 a month. I am also on a work program called A4E which everyone knows about the book I even took a signed copy in for one of the advisers as she was interested in Wicca. I have always been totally open about the book with both the dole and A4E. I often told the person signing me on I had a book and they would say 'Oh good for you I will look it up' and nothing more said. Now I have been sent a Customer Compliance Interview letter and it has got me a bit worried. Also I have lived with a guy for about 20 years, just a joint tenant he is one of my oldest friends and neither can afford a place of our own, so we share. It has been brought up time and time again if we are living together as partners and after house visits they have been satisfied we are not partners. I am gay and he is straight. But he does not have a bank account so gets his wages or benefits or whatever money put into my account as it makes it easier because the rent and most house hold bills are paid direct debit from my account. I am worried as the Customer Compliance wants to see my bank statements that it will bring up the old are you living together as partners and especially with him using my bank account they may not believe we are not partners. I am very worried over this whole thing and don't know where I stand legally. Can I just not go to the interview and sign off if I can find a job quickly?
  9. Hi I posted earlier about bill of sale, now I've got a bigger problem. My dad purchased my car for me, and gave it us as a gift for our grandchildren. I went and got a stupid log book loan on the car, now my dad has told me that he has outstanding finance on the car. The garage told him it was fine to buy the car on finance in his name and have the log book in my name. I didn't know it was on finance it was all kept hush hush from me. I didn't know till today after I mentioned my difficulties with log book loan to my dad. My dad doesn't want to get into trouble as he has a fantastic credit rating and has been misled by the garage. What do I do about the logbook loan, surely they can't have the Bill of sale on it if it has outstanding finance. Do I tell the logbook loan company or will this get my dad in trouble which I do not want to do.
  10. Hi, I stupidly took out a log book loan, I am up to date with payments but my query is does the bill of sale have to be witness signed by someone other than the person that issued your logbook loan? My Bos is signed by the exact person that gave me the loan, no witnesses were present.
  11. I took a loan out with log book loans in August last year. Lost my job tried to negotiate without fail. They took my car in Jan of this year. borrowed 1200 to get it released. tried to negotiate again without success. Two weeks ago police seized my car because my licence had been revoked. Went to pick my car up and log book loans has taken it. Can anyone help me?
  12. Hi. Have just found an old National Savings Bank book of mine. Last transaction was about 1999 and there's only £3.50 in it - does anyone know if I can still take it into a post office and take out the money? I might as well have it, if I can.
  13. Everything I Know About Poverty Publication Date: 10 Jan 2014 Over 90 blank pages of IDS's wisdom on the subject of poverty. Individual empty chapters have amusing headings, such as "Making £53 per week work" and "Food banks explained". The pages are neatly lined for use as a notebook. This book proves that there is absolutely nothing in the mind of Iain Duncan Smith, that can be disputed, where poverty is concerned. Nothing at all. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Everything-I-Know-About-Poverty/dp/1494970775/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1394989804&sr=1-2&keywords=iain+duncan+smith
  14. Hi, Am I right in thinking that if you get a top up to your log book loan and sign a new agreement, a new bill of sale has to be registered within 7 days?
  15. Just seen this in Credit Today http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/16606/online-news/unsecured-creditors-await-payout-from-collapsed-payday-lender I wonder if they realise they have got hold of a lemon!
  16. My daughter has told me that she took a log book loan on her car Grrhh! She borrowed £100, has so far paid £600 and reckons that by the time she has made the final payment she will have paid £3000, Can this be challenged ? Are there any template letters? Thanks
  17. Hi all Wondering if someone can help me. I do not have a bad experience to post (yet!) but wanting advice on what's best to do in my situation. I have debt on both my credit cards in which i'm paying high values of interest on. I wasnt registered on electoral roll which really affected my credit score, i am coming up with a really low score and high risk, even though i've never missed any payments of anything, had several DD in place for years, had a car bought in my name, had a constant wage paid into my account for 5+ years. I am now on electoral role but it takes a long time to build credit, doesnt just change straight away. I have tried to get 0% balance transfer card, and loans with low interest but cannot get any of them due to my credit score, without paying massive amount back (i.e lending £4000 payign back £7000) which is something I am not stupid enough to do . I really want to consolidate my debt on my cards and what I owe out to others each month, into 1 loan and pay 1 amount out each month, but am struggling to get a loan. I do not have anyone to guarantor my loan either. I've seen log book loans, i have a card with value of around £4000-5000 but do not want to pay them £7000 + back. I dont have the worry that i couldnt pay the monthly payments as I definitely could once I've paid my debt off. Can you recommend a company in particular that is safe and wont change the rates/how much I owe all the time. I want to borrow a set amount of say £4000 against my car, then pay a set amount out each month for say 2 years. Which comp is most trustworthy and best to use??? THanks
  18. Hiya, I'm wondering if anyone would be able to give me any advice. My brother bought a car at the beginning of May this year (£2250 + trading in his old car) from a garage. He's had nothing but trouble with it since but that's a different story! yesterday morning he received a note through his door from a repossesion company, after ringing them it turns out that the previous owner (who we believe to be the owner of the garage he bought it from) had taken out a log book loan on the car for around £2000 and they have said my brother must surrender the car to them. We have contacted trading standards among other people and they are going to look into it but have said it can take up to 5 working days which isn't much help as the repossesion people have said they are coming at 4pm tomorrow and if he doesn't surrender it they will tow it away, while I understand the loan company want their money back I don't see how they can just take it with barely any notice and leave my brother with nothing - aswel as what he paid for the car he has also spent around £1500 on fixing it (the gearbox exploded and even though the receipt for the car stated that there was a 3 months part warranty on the gearbox and engine, the garage refused to pay anything towards it). Sorry for the long post but any help anyone can give would be really appreciated!
  19. I just wanted some advice on where I stand I've had a log book loan for some time and never missed a payment. We are currently in the position where we are struggling to pay. The car itself has died a death and has been scrapped so there is not a car to repossess. I would like to reduce the amount we are paying but mobile money have refused. Am I best just stoping payments or what other options do I have?
  20. I am trying to reference a Sherlock Holmes book in a bibliography The book is called the sign of four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth ‘: I am trying to find the current publisher and date as there is no ISBN number
  21. Strange question i know I am trying to locate a publication called Lord Justice Auld's Review of the Criminal Courts of England and Wales I believe it was published September 2001 I have tried HMSO, Ebay, Amazon any ideas
  22. I bought a new car this year and the car was delivered in the first week of April. Money handed over the same day. UK Car Discount operate online and over the phone only. I was told that the log book would be registered in my name as the car was being made and upon receipt of the funds, they would fill out the "Change of Address" tab on the V5. I phoned up recently to say that I still havn't received my V5 and it transpired that they only sent off the change of address form on 19th May. I contacted the DVLA today and gave my details along with the Car Reg plate and they said that the car was not registered in my name. Surely there is some dodgy practice going on so I will contact UK car discount again tomorrow, but who can I officially put in a complaint to about this?
  23. Best advice I can give is this, decide if the oustanding amount is more than the value of the car. If it is and you have not been issued with an S87 default notice then know this. If the company is a member of the CCTA and the S87 has not been actioned, by this I mean on the S87 it will give a date to repay any arrears then you can surrender the car to the company as full and final settlement of the debt. They dont want you to know this so keep it quiet, they will say you can surrender at any time but will then say it has to be auctioned and you still owe the remainder. Do not accept this and do not sign anything to agree to this. Your sole obligation is to surrender the car to the lender at their premises. You can do this even if you have not paid them for months, owe arrears and they have piled on the charges, until they issue and action the S87 then you have the right to surrender. Also be aware that by value of the car I mean the trade value, the price you would get at auction not selling privately. Below I have copied the relivant section of the CCTA code of Practice. 4.8.12 Members shall allow customers who are in arrears under the agreement, the option to voluntary surrender the assigned vehicle as full and final settlement of all claims against the customer except where: a) a default notice has been served under s87 of the Act, the default notice remains unsatisfied and instructions have already been issued to an authorised person to recover the vehicle; or b) it is established that the vehicle has sustained malicious damage of whatever nature. Members shall provide the customer with information on the voluntary surrender option at the Pre-contract information stage and at the time a default notice is served. Members shall not place undue pressure on the customer to adopt this option. I am not a legal person and this is my own personal understanding of the CCTA, please seek proper legal advice.
  24. I recently recieved a letter from Hermes Property services aka logbookloans, stating that interest on my account was frozen,no more would be added and they actually refunded some charges !! I had been paying the full monthly amount until a few months ago when I then started paying a reduced amount weekly but still £40 per month. I called them and the advisor told me that as I was now out of the contract with them, which ended last July, I would not incur any more interest chrges n the account. So, my question is, as out of contract does this mean that they can no longer bring the bill of sale into play. If they cant what do I do now ?? I dont want to ask them as we all know they will put some spin on it. Has anyone else come across this at all ??
  25. hi i wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction, im off work for 2 weeks and need a copy of the njc white book, i can get one off my union rep but he is where i work 40 miles away, so i wondered if anyone can point me to a link on the net for this to save me the journey i have a copy of the green book, but thats the updated version of the white book The White Book contains the National Joint Council’s terms and conditions of employment for former manual workers. This was replaced by the Green Book. thanks in advance if anyone can help to save me the diesal and time on this...
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