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  1. thanks for the reply mate, i have been searching the net since 2pm today but with no joy at all, its not a problem though as i can get one from my union rep back in london, we were transfered across on the white book back in 2008 and thats the book we still run under so i need some info from it, ill just have to wait a bit longer till i can get there, thanks again anyay good luck Vince....
  2. hi i wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction, im off work for 2 weeks and need a copy of the njc white book, i can get one off my union rep but he is where i work 40 miles away, so i wondered if anyone can point me to a link on the net for this to save me the journey i have a copy of the green book, but thats the updated version of the white book The White Book contains the National Joint Council’s terms and conditions of employment for former manual workers. This was replaced by the Green Book. thanks in advance if anyone can help to save me the diesal and time on this...
  3. Hi, no we dont have guaranteed overtime stated in our contracts, only the rates of payment if we were to do overtime i.e time and a half and double time and double time with day in lieu for bank holidays, we didnt have to re apply for our jobs, we were just taken over under TUPE, this contract runs out in june 2013 and we'll probly be taken over by yet another different company or could even go back in house, but that is somewhat unlikely
  4. Hello sidewinder, thanks for replying to me, yes we were a tupe transfer from council to contractors kier in 2009, up untill recent we have had no problems with our overtime, it was all made fairly equal, but they have run the service so badly that they are now in trouble and possibly going to loose the contract
  5. hi everyone, im new to this place and i just wondered if anyone could possibly help me with some advice and point me to the correct legal info i need. i work for a london borough council in the street cleansing and refuse dept which has been taken over by contractors, now the contractor has stopped all full time contracted staff doing any overtime because the agency workers are cheaper than us so the agencys are getting all the overtime and there is a lot of overtime available, even if they dont have enough agency workers to do the extra work they still will not give us staff the overtime, they just draft in more agencys workers my question is, is there anywhere i can get it in writen law that says that they cannot do this to us ? they will not put this in writing to us so that says to us this obviously illegal to discriminate against us because of our rate of pay, all us contracted staff are not against the agency workers getting overtime but we would like the overtime equaly distributed and to be made fair all round, we also understand there is new laws giving the agency workers the same rights as full time staff, but at the moment it feels like we do not have the same rights as they agency's does this come under the discrimination laws ? or the fairness at work acts ? all i need is some form of paperwork to take to our union men in the depot to hit the management with, unfortunatly our union guys are not the best in the world at finding all this sort of stuff out and they are not very good on computers to look all this stuff up as i do, but if they are given the correct info they will go in and battle the management for us, god bless them. any advice or where to find the correct paperwork and or legal rules would be a great help thanks for reading this vinny....
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