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  1. Hi we have placed an order for a siyte of furniture from FV approx 6 weks ago. We ordered 1 x 2 seater 1 x 3 seater 1 x chair The store phoned us last week to inform us that the sofas were ready but they were unable to supply the chair as the individual in the store had mi sold us on the fabric and it was not possible to make the chair as ordered. We vistied the store and agreed that if the store could make the chair in another fabric that we chose then we would continue with the order. The store were due to call us but have not They have told us the order is ready for delivery They are refusing to refund us the deposit even though we no longer want the order as its not what we ordered They are being extremely un cooperative with regards to attempting to rectify this situation In my limited legal knowledge as the goods are not the goods we ordered I feel that we do not need to accept the orde and are entitled to our deposit back? Please help they are hounding my mother and this is unfair
  2. Hi, I am new to this site, so not sure about where to post my questions...hence putting it into the 'Welcome' section...I have had a very nasty experience with my landlord... i am a student, stayed with a letting agency, last year who asked for a deposit/bond of £400. now when i moved out my deposit has not been returned for 3 months, 2 weeks ago i received an email saying i will only receive back £50 of my deposit. £150 being charged for smoking fine from all 10 tenants in the property, i dont even smoke, can they do this? £150 being charged for cycle tyre marks on a small area of the wall (3ft by 4ft area), as apparently i was not authorized to store a bike inside the property (but i received no warning/notice even after a number of visits from the landloard) i hardly used my bike, and this cost is being split between 2 tenants even though there were 4 bikes in the property, and i took care not to touch the walls! £50 for cleaning the communal areas, and i moved out of the property over 2 months prior to my contract ended, and i was not present when other tenants had parties and etc. and other small things i would also like some information in regards to my contract which we agreed is going to be for minimum of 45 weeks (it says 48 weeks on the contract), but the dates written on the contract work out to only 45 weeks, but they did not agree with me and claimed they have written the dates 3 weeks prior to contract end as it gives them a warning in there system that this contract is due to end, so i had to pay rent for the extra 3 weeks.but not receiving my deposit report back which states the contract end date and this also works out to be only 45 weeks, am i able to claim back the 3 weeks extra rent? also i had many problems during my stay at the property toilet leaking for 5 months and the shower leaking through out my stay causing horrible smell in the bathroom and mosquitos (still water under the shower tray). also my heater was not working for nearly 2 weeks and they did not fix this neither provide a temporary heater during these 2 weeks after many ccalls i received a temporary heater after 2 weeks when the contractors came they just checked and put silicon on the corners (without removing the old silicon) so it came off again, and the contractors always entered my room without advance notice or my permisson. the main door to the property had electronic fob system which during the winter months stoped working and we had to wait hours outside for an engineer to come to fix this rather than the landloard making a 5 minute journey from the office to open the door for us (he did not even lend us the key whist we had this problem) i was promised inventory in my room such as tv fridge kettle etc in my room, but these did not get installed in my room until after a month of contract start, (landlord said he would have them set up for me before i move in) my shower did not work for 2 days and nothing was done about it until i spoke to the landloard if it doesn't get fixed i will call in a professional plumber and the bill will be deducted from the rent. i believe rather than deducting my deposit they should have compensated me for all the inconvenience caused to me. appologies for the rough written "essay" cant concentrate at 3AM in the morning!! hope some one can help me out any laws i could refer to or any guidence as to what u can do
  3. I wondered if anyone could help please. I have 2 payments to 2 different bailiff firms to go out in the next 3 days(both council tax arrears) . I have never defaulted on the agreement before, however due to lack of work over the summer i am short for cash to make these payments. We haven't paid all of the rent this month at the moment. so finding that must come first I was going to ask the firms by phone whether they would give me an extra week to make this payment ,as i am sure i will have the funds available by the end of the week. Has anyone ever asked this of bailiff firms before and were you successful ?
  4. URGENT ADVICE REQUIRED REGARDING COURTS SENDING LETTERS TO WRONG ADDRESS!!!! Sorry this may be a bit of a long read but really need advice… Background of the story – In November 2010 my boyfriend was not paying his TV licence as TV ariel broke and TV would not work (he was never in to watch it so didn’t bother getting it fixed). A guy from TV licence came knocking, my boyfriend explained the situation, the guy checked the channels and seen they were all fuzzy, etc, done a statement which my boyfriend signed then he left. In March 2011 he moved address – by this time heard nothing back from TV licence people. When he called to get new TV licence for new property it was mentioned about the problem at the old address and was advised if he paid for a new TV licence in FULL that day the issue would be ‘forgotten about’. So my boyfriend forked out for TV licence in full for new property. In about August 2011 a letter was sent to his OLD address from TV licence to say were taking him to court (TV licence fine). (It was just chance letter was re-posted to us as the person living in his new address knew us). We wrote to them with new address and he did attend court – although this court case was more about him not responding sooner and about the fact they had the wrong address or something like that. Anyway we heard absolutely nothing more about it until May this year – A summons on a tatty piece of paper was sent again to his OLD address!!!! Again, was only passed to us as we knew who was living in the house. We responded with all evidence against TV licence people and made a big fuss about not having the correct address AGAIN! Then another letter from the court was delivered to his OLD ADDRESS AGAIN about a month ago. By this time we were sick to the back teeth of it going to the wrong address. Yes it was passed (only as we know the person who lives there) to us but how are they to know it would be. So as they got this wrong so much we sent it back “return to sender not at this address”. Then this morning another letter was sent to his OLD address. This one looks quite official and red and from the courts. THEY HAVE SEVERAL PICES OF CORROSPONDANCE ON FILE (or they should have as we write to them twice with loads of evidence and complaints about wrong address and stress caused) WITH CORRECT ADDRESS ON! The question is now, do we strike through again and return to sender. At the end of the day, if we didn’t know the person in his old house we would never have got any of these letters!!!!!!! Does anyone know what will happen or can anyone advise what will be best to do? How many times can they be told his new address for goodness sake! They are supposed to be professionals and cant seem to get anything right! Advice would be much appreciated ASAP. Sorry for long post but wanted to explain situation in full for best advice. Thank you (I am posting this in as many forums as possible to seek advice urgently) Kassy x
  5. This was emailed to me this morning. I urge all Caggers to sign the petition because of the wide-ranging consequences of what this secretive body is planning. Dear friends, We have four days to stop a top-secret global corporate power grab that attacks everything from a free Internet to environmental protections. This agreement is being negotiated right now by bureaucrats backed by corporate lobbyists. Click below to crash their secret meeting with our global call to kill the TPP deal: Details are leaking of a top-secret, global corporate power grab of breathtaking scope -- attacking everything from a free Internet to health and environmental regulations, and we have just 4 days to stop it. Big business has a new plan to fatten their pockets: a giant global pact, with an international tribunal to enforce it, that is kept top secret for years (even from our lawmakers!) and then brought down like a Death Star on our democracies. Big Tobacco, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Walmart and almost 600 other corporate lobbyists are all in on the draft -- including limits on smoking laws, affordable medicines and free speech on the Net. The latest round of negotiations ends in just 4 days -- but outcries in each of our countries could shake the confidence of negotiators and scuttle the talks forever. Let's get to a million against the global corporate takeover. Sign below and forward widely. Avaaz will project our petition counter on the walls of the conference so negotiators can see the opposition to their plan exploding in real time: http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_corporate_death_star/?bWGgIcb&v=17866 The deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is written to protect investors from government regulation, even if that regulation is passed in the public interest. Leaked versions suggest the TPP would undermine protections for air and water safety and reintroduce measures from the US Internet freedom attack as well as steamrolling efforts to produce generic affordable medicines. Worse still, lawmakers who fail to conform to the TPP’s rules face sanctions in an international tribunal -- a place where corporations can sue us for deals previous governments signed in secret! Negotiators say this is just a trade agreement, written to facilitate investment and profit for all. But the leaked draft imposes so many limits on citizen protections, it's clear this "trade" agreement is skewed to put corporate profit above people's needs -- that's not surprising since it's been drafted in secret with almost 600 corporate lobbyists. But there is hope: Australia is bucking against the international tribunal system, and New Zealand is objecting to the takeover of its medicine-pricing protections that keep drugs affordable. Massive public opposition, casting doubt over each country's ability to sell TPP at home, could derail the talks for good. Sign the petition now, and forward widely -- the delegates and lobbyists are watching the wave of opposition grow in real time: http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_corporate_death_star/?bWGgIcb&v=17866 US candidate for Senate, Elizabeth Warren in a recent speech said: “Corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they cry, they dance. They live, they love, and they die. And that matters, because we don't run this country for corporations, we run it for people." Let’s reach one million to stop the corporate takeover of our governments. With hope, Iain, Pedro, Laura, Ari, Emma, Lisa, Luca, Ricken and the whole Avaaz team PS - Avaaz has launched Community Petitions, an exciting new platform where it's quick and easy to create a campaign on any issue you care strongly about. Start your own by clicking here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/start_a_petition/?do.ps.tpp MORE INFORMATION The Nation: "NAFTA on Steroids" http://www.thenation.com/article/168627/nafta-steroids The Guardian: "The Pacific free trade deal that's anything but free" http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/aug/27/pacific-free-trade-deal Huffington Post: "Leak Cracks Open Trans-Pacific Partnership Scandal" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ian-fletcher/leak-cracks-open-transpac_b_1594675.html Reuters: "Lawmakers press for open Trans-Pacific trade talks" http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/27/us-usa-congress-trade-idUSBRE85Q1MK20120627 TechDirt: "Hollywood Gets To Party With TPP Negotiators; Public Interest Groups Get Thrown Out Of Hotel" http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120131/23161417605/hollywood-gets-to-party-with-tpp-negotiators-public-interest-groups-get-thrown-out-hotel.shtml Electronic Frontier Foundation: "Background and analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement" https://www.eff.org/issues/tpp
  6. Hi I'm hoping someone can help me. A colleague has just had his car repossessed by the above mentioned company for failure to pay fines. The fines relate to him being parked in his private space which he pays for the privilege. The first fine was due to the fact a permit was not on display which he has contested on several occasions and they will not back down. The fines have been ramping up as no party will back down, my colleague clearly pays for the spot and T&s are aware of this as all the registration plates are on a database. Yesterday his car was towed away, without authorisation from anyone, the police are not interested as they say it is a civil case, and now he has been told the car will be destroyed if he does not pay. Please help
  7. I have been on Jobseekers Allowance since March 2011, in June 2012 I was put onto the Work Programme, however I missed the first appointment due to a mistake at their end, however I received the following letter from the DWP today, the letter is dated 19th July 2012. We cannot pay you Jobseeker's Allowance from 25 July 2012. This is because we recently told you that a decision would be made about a doubt. -On whether you failed to take advantage of a place on the employment programme. We have now decided that you did not take advantage of a place on an employment programme and that you did not have sufficiently good reasons for doing so. This decision applies from 25 July 2012 to 7 August 2012. If you are looking for work, and you intend to dispute or appeal against this decision, or to apply for hardship payments, you should continue to provide signed declarations as instructed on your ES40. We cannot award National Insurance contribution credits for this period. We cannot pay you Jobseeker's Allowance from 8 August 2012. We cannot pay you because you have not been paid, or been credited with, enough Class 1 National Insurance Contributions. We have used the tax years ending 5 April 2009 and 5 April 2010 to assess your claim. I am miffed about this totally, firstly my first appointment on the Work Programme in June booked a date totally different to the one I was told on the phone so I missed the appointment, I explained this when a doubt arose a few weeks ago but the DWP have obviously gone against me, I am fuming about this, I have attended every appointment on the Work Programme since their cock up. Also why is my Jobseeker's Allowance stopping due to lack of National Insurance contributions? I thought this was only if you were on Contribution based Jobseeker's Allowance, I am on Income Based. Now I am not gonna get paid next Friday 3 August because of this sanction, can I apply for a crisis loan next Friday to make up for the lack of payment? I fully intend to appeal this sanction but what about my Jobseeker's stopping completely on 8 August? Well basically my Jobseeker's has finished today because of the 2 weeks sanction then stopping it completely in 2 weeks time. I am very annoyed and angry about this, please help.
  8. Okay... Any advice gratefully received... Out of the blue had a couple of chaps turn up at the door... (Can give a name; paperwork says company is certificated but not sure how to check if he is certified. Others have had unpleasant experiences with him) I thought it was regarding my recent dealings with British Gas and went outside (door locked behind me) to tell them to naff off as it was already being sorted and knew they had no right of entry! Turns out they were not looking for me but my long term partner & his ex wife in regard to two council tax liability orders dating back to 2002 / 2003. It is very possible they may not even be liable for one and may have moved during the period but have not yet clarified this for sure as I am struggling to get hold of the actual date period which the liability orders were issued for. (Got copies of both the orders from the council at the end of last week but only states date of issue not period covered) Basically long story short; they wanted to come in to make a list of our goods for removal, the notice he left us with (as if we were not home/did not answer) said he was at our address with the intention of removing goods that day and would be back with police within 24hrs to remove the goods. (Is it right that they cannot takes good without the list of goods to levy and he did not in fact have any rights of entry unless gained peaceful entry on visit and therefore was making an illegal threat?) We did not let them in; pleaded our case on the basis that we had been given no opportunity to repay the debt (He said a letter had been sent to our address but I can guarantee there has been no such letter!) and said that our child was home and we would not allow them while they are home. We (partner and I) under pressure agreed to payments, beyond our means, starting tomorrow 13/08/12 (they were not willing to accept a date later in the month) and I have been doing some research but would be really very grateful of any advice.. Some clarity! I know when it comes to Council Tax the rules can be different. I have no formal breakdown of the debt/fees only what the guy wrote by hand alongside the two case numbers. Bailiff said maybe £200 in fees... I read they can only charge a modest fixed amount for 1st visit no matter how many cases in regard to or they are committing fee fraud? The figures on the liability orders are not congruent (more) than the two case figures provided by bailiff. Keeping all doors windows shut/locked as have been worried about other uninvited calls / in case he trys to get 'peaceful entry'. Have looked in to a statutory declaration of ownership as obviously if I can protect the very few things we do have (mostly mine) then I will... Really I personally shouldn't be paying for this.... Not sure if we should deal with bailiffs? Send a letter with the first agreed payment as a goodwill gesture which they accept on the agreement to terms: that they provide us with a full breakdown of costs and repayment schedule? And future payments will be at x amount which is affordable to us? No more visits? Is there a letter that can be used to stop visits? Or make a payment to council and tell the bailiff to see the council at the risk of more hassle from them as I read they cannot claim fees if they have not recovered funds? Sorry I honestly tried to keep it short but somehow feel I have only scratched the surface and am a bit confused...! Kind regards..
  9. Hi everyone Need some urgent advice please I have a court hearing for a reinstated repossession on my house in 2 weeks (just received notice) The amount claimed is for £1,800 pounds which is three months payments. Business has been very slow (self emplayed) but I have made the required every month (not missed payment for 5 months) The arrears built up over a few missed payments during past 2 years and now the bank have applied to the court for a hearing but they have stated they are only going for a 'suspended' hearing. I am able to clear the balance but only at the end of this month - the bank are not interested though. I am making additional payments on top to reduce the balance (e.g £280 was made today towards arrears) Can the court order a full repo on the day and should I be concerned or is this the bank just trying to chance their luck. I have a family with young children - will the court consider this and I have made regular payments and over payments which I have proof. Will the bank win under the above circumstances ? Thanks for any advice - Steve
  10. Hi all . Over the bank hol I have had over £500 taken from my bank account from CFO when I already have a debt plan set up and agreed with the CCCS and them. The bank have told me I have to speak to the company to get it back but I know they wont simply refund and it is my rent and council tax money they have taken. Can anyone suggest what action I should take as I have tried to email CFO this morning and had no reponse yet and need the money back urgently to avoid being evicted or in rent arreas. I have proof they have accepted my debt plan payments over the last 3 months. thanks Emma
  11. After getting my original eviction suspended in June I was given 6 wks to deal with HB, and of course they interview me 10 days before my next court date with no resolution, i had a solicitor with me,who felt it wasmore of a fishing exercise. Fast forward to 2nd August and the judge refused to suspend agin,so my eviction date is for tommorrow, we go to court agin today after filling in a N244 form and SHELTER are representing me, we felt we had good grounds and even better I got a job starting on Thursday which now gives me the ability to pay, unfortunately we didn't have the conformation letter, because it was sent late and i had to be in court at 9.30 so no post. The judge was basically uninterested and we were in there for about 5mins he wouldn't listen to my change in circumstances in fact didn't address me at all. Shelter then advised that I submit another N244 form stating the new change and the evidence which i duly took in,the judge said take it to the circuit appeal judge at another court, even though the eviction is due to take place at 10am tommorrow,so i'll be going to Chelmsford about an hour away at the silly o clock to see if i can get an appeal. Shelter said I need to fill in an N210 form, stating my reasons ,has anybody done this, I'm going to leave a note on the door just saying going to file an appeal do not enter as surely the bailiffs will not as they don't the outcome if I will even get the appeal which Shelter seem to think will be the case(they have now closed my case) though they did say they are unfamiliar with this process. Is it worth going and again has anybody done this...be will around most of the night inbetween bouts of packing, surely with now having a job that would helpmy case not hinder it.
  12. Hi, I have a question but will briefly explain my position first. I have 3 debts, first and second usecured loans and i believe will be removed september this year as the default status was september 2006 the last is december but a secured loan, i,m hoping and preying they will be removed cos this is stopping me and my family from pursuing a mortgage. I believe they should 100% be statute barred sept/dec 2012, however my only worry is on my credit report, well, 1 of them (the secured loan) was updated as follows. Date Updated 06/06/2012 Does anyone know what this actually means?, it clearly states D = DEFAULTED in the payment history december 2006 but last updated as above, i have not accepted the debt or made any payments ever to these companies, as it was infact not my debt anyway, it was ex husbands debt using my name, police wont do anything as its too old, the cra,s say nothing they can do, the creditors arn,t bothered when i told them it was harrassment and fraud but they didn,t reply , just recieved a form to fill in from ombudsman, I have not acknowledged the debt ever and can,t understand what last updated means, all i want is for these to be gone by december to get on with my life. Please Help, as i,m at my wits end and would really appriciate anyone who can help. Kind regard,s Claire
  13. Hi, I know I am an idiot so please dont mention it again I just need some immediate answer. I travel to birmingham newstreet from coventry and needed a pass. My friend told he ll get the £22 two week pass for just £15. So I gave him my pass ID and told him to get me one. He bought it for me and I paid for him. But in newstreet the inspector told my pass is fake and had the date just pasted on it from another pass. So I told him where I got it and all. took my name, address and DOB. another man came and questioned me and told it is a caution. They also took the details of the man from whom I got the ticket. In my panic I lied to them that I was from london and dont know anything here so I bought the ticket from someone but not from the counter. I pleaded to them that I ll pay any fine or whatever. But they told I ll receive a letter. I got the letter on 10th saying : Date My Name On *** aug 2012 a person giving the above name and address was questioned by a member of staff with regard to an alleged incident on London Midland Railway. This matter has been provisionally authorised for prosecution. Before I proceed further, I invite you to respond by completing in full the bottom section of this letter, making any comments about the incident on the reverse, and send it to the above address within seven days. Failure to respond will lead to the matter being progressed without further notification. I am then aske to provide my name, adress, whether I wa the person that travelled, phone number, occupation and NI number. I had to post the letter by tomorrow. I dnt want to go get a criminal record as I am a student. I thinking to write back pleading guilty and stating I would like to settle out of court by paying whatever fine and the costs incurred. Is there any chance this will work and can be settled out of court? should i write to them directly that I would like to settle out of court? If it goes to court should I go for prison? will I definitely get a criminal record? I am working part time for tesco now will I lose my job? P.S: This is my first time.
  14. Hi, I had a visit from rossendales in June for business rates. We're a new company and really stuggling, we've been paying the HP on the machinery & rent and unable to pay the council tax because the company we bought the machines from verbally agreed to defer the VAT for a year but the person that agreed to that go sacked and we had to find £25k ASAP otherwise they were going to take the machines, thats set up back alot as that money was to help with bills ect for the next couple of months so, business council tax was unpaid. The baliff came in and wanted payment, I told him I'll check with the director and he said he'll call me later, he left without signing a walk in possession but he has entered the business once. He's now rung and said he's going to remove goods tomorrow. Can he do that without a walk in possession? I told him we're closed, which we are due to financial probelms as we are trying to sort some money out to get samples out to customers and start again. The bailiff said he's coming to my home address tomorrow to remove goods, can he do that on a LTD company? The company has been closed for around 6 weeks, we do go there to get post ect, and do the odd jobs we get whilst we sort some more money out. I can't afford to pay the £1500 in full and I know he won't agree to installments, PLEASE ADVISE ASAP what do we do?
  15. Moved into my home 2 years ago, originally got a huge first bill from npower, but not untill being here for 9 months. I contaced them to say the bill was unusually high and after several months of trying to convince them it was wrong they finally reduced it as it seems my night and day readings were the wrong way round, i have night storage heaters. They were then demanding payment from me which i could not make, the bill has got higher and higher, in april they agreed i could pay £200 per month but i cannot manage this, but they will accept no lower, help, im worried they will be here to cut me off soon
  16. I have lived here about 2 years. I am up to date with rent. I have had loads of problems from landlord. I served my landlord a disrepair notice last year. never and still dont have a gas safety certificate. have paid twice myself for failed certificates. been to council for help. they have been useless and not helpful. my landlord has tried to evict me last year twice for trying to get him to do repairs etc.one time was an illegall notice.im not sure about the other one. the bank have now taken the flat from him for not paying the mortgage. I got letters from Yorkshire Bank and Walker Singleton saying that they are the recievers. I rang council again May 3rd, they said that my file had been closed and said "no further action" on it. since then someone has added to my file that I had refused access for a safety cert. (may 16th i got a letter from Health and safety executive stating this)it is not true, I complained to council last year about landlord and gas cert and safety issues at the flat. they inspected the flat but did nothing. i continued paying the rent and struggled with my bills. I got a further letter from Keeble Hawson solicitors saying they didnt think I had a tenancy and were applying in 7 days to court for posession of the flat. I have obtained a copy of my tenancy (from the council - cant find original) and sent it to Keeble Hawson and Walker Singleton. including 10 documents of contact with landlord and council regarding flat and disrepair etc and another, new, disrepair notice dated May 25th. I have paid again for a gas certificate. the engineer said it is one of the worst boilers he has seen, black soot and water all over the floor below, black soot all over front and up pipes etc. he has disconnected the boiler and gas fire and condemned the hob. (May 24th thursday last week.) I sent copies of failed cert to HSE, Council, Walker Singleton, Keeble Hawson. I put the name of Walker Singleton receiver on the certificate as I believe them to be the now landlord. got no replies to my correspondence and emails until today. Walker Singleton say that I had a section 21 notice (last year) and that they will get me some hot water but they want me to leave the property. They say that are ringing me later this morningit is now after noon. I have had not hot water, heating or fire since thursday last week. i notified them on friday. I am no expert on this can anyone advise me on what I should be doing?
  17. (also posted in utilities forum...) Need advice urgently. I got a little behind with gas bill I am and always have been paying £70 a month by Standing Order. anyway, every time I try and set up a payment plan, always get through to an indian call center and all they want to do is take a payment and not listen. I do have a recorded telephone conversation telling them I had no objections at all in them fitting a prepayment meter. Despite this they got a warrant to change it on the 13th of this month. I never got a chance to tell my side at court (6th) also I never received human rights letter from rep, I sent him away and told him to post it. Didn't even get into a conversation with him. why should I pay for his visit. I don't want to pay the court costs and meter install charges when I already gave permission. Can I stop the warrant, have it put on hold until I at least get a chance to have my say in court? Time is tight ....how would I do this? thanks for reading series3
  18. Hiya, I am helping a friend of mine with a debt that she is unable to afford the repayments on due to a change in her circumstances. We wrote to Barclays asking if they would accept a token payment of £5 a month and enclosed a financial statment. No word back. She went into her bank to cancel they direct debit that is due to go out on the 27th Aug. She recieved a default notice the other day demanding repayment of the arrears of £0.00?? I have done another letter to send to the collections dept where this letter has come from and was going to suggest that she encloses the £5 token payment in the form of a postal order. The loan amount is for £3,476.78 and they are demaning immediate repayment or they will charge interest at the rate of £1.67 per day :/. Im trying to not let her panic as I have been here with my debts but this letter is scary lol
  19. hy i had a letter from philips for a distress warrant about one things happened few years ago. me and my friend stole make up in boots and the police gave us a fine. i paid the fine at the Court in highbury and islington after 2 months and the man at the Court said that after the payment everything was ok. but today i had this letter werethey ask me to pay £125 in 7 days, but i have already paid the fine few years ago. how can i do? i don't have a copy of the receipt but really i have paid already... can you give me some advice please? thanks jessica
  20. ]Please, please can someone help? My husband has e a property which has been rented out for over eight years with no problem, until about a year ago when he was made redundant and we struggled financially. We have been trying to negotiate with NRAM, and have offered the £200 additional mortgage payment they require to clear the arrears in two years. However, about six months ago they said we did not have a consent to let and asked us for tenancy agreements etc, which we supplied, and then heard nothing more. Yesterday, when we were on the verge of making an agreement with them over the phone, to stop the repossession hearing which is next Tuesday, they told us the consent to let had been declined, and therefore we cannot make any arrangement with them. The reason we want to hold on to the flat is: one, we have a young lady tenant who has a baby, and we don't want to make her homeless, and two, our marriage is breaking up and we are trying to sell the home we live in, and then my husband wants to return to his flat. I am at my wits end, and feel like giving up on everything, as it is all getting too much for me. Can they refuse to negotiate a payment arrangement with us - I suppose they can as they say we are in breach on our mortgage conditions?
  21. hi can someone help my son lives with me he finished college in june and starts university in september.he did not go to sign on with dss as he applyed for a job with g4 security for a couple of weeks got the job but was waiting on security pass which never arrived so no job,i have now received a letter from housing benifet saying they want payed rent and council tax from when he left college to when he starts univercity,i told them he has been living of his bursary and student loan but they want paid rent and council tax saying he is a non dependant,iam on esa support group
  22. Hello all I got paydayuk to repay but now they take all money from account!. If I get 20£,100£ etc... they take all leave me without money to live. Can come one tell me how to cancel this payment? it is not direct debet, prodobly card if I raport card as stolen then stop take money or not ??, I take my money from work tomorrow . Please for any advice Thanks EDIT: Ok I went to bank today and they said "they can do this in branch" I need to call them and speak with bank advisor but also he said it can take up to 30 days before remove automatic payment. Like I said I take money from work tomorrow and I dont want to loose them, what is better speak with them or just raport my card as stolen ??? plz help
  23. Hello All. Was browsing the internet and found this forum and thought that its possible someone could help. Yesterday, I received a letter from Marstons Court Bailiffs regarding a a court debt of £45.00 for parking on double yellow lines. They have charged me £85.00 for the letter and said that they will force entry into my home if i do not pay£130.00 they require by Friday. It is my fault for not paying the debt but due to have two sudden bereavements and being 5 months pregnant, it wasnt the most important focus on my mind. The letter and the court letter regarding the fine also have my name as Mr instead of Miss???? I have read some bad things about Marstons and was just wondering if anyone could help with my next steps. Many Thanks
  24. credit paid into my credit card account was misprocessed as £20 instead of £2000 this led to items for my business being declined i didnt get stock pre xmas so i couldnt sell it . I was offered £200 by bank refused took them to court ive been told to replead my claim as this case was stayed some years ago as it involved other things which have been dropped now but im proceeding with "claim for loss of profits / damages call it what you like ." However my poc on this aspect was rubbish hence judge says i have to replead . So I need bullet points which Ill expand on ie Is this breach of contract as they havent processed right Is it negligence ? What rules or regulations have they broken What cases can I use Durkin Kopraher (sorry if ive spelt wrong ) etc Please I need this done this week sorry to be pain Regards Gaz
  25. hello, im sorry but the details i have are few, my son has been depressed for months now, and he's finally told my why, he is stuck in the cycle of payday loan trap, he couldnt make payment this month but offered to pay £30 on tuesday 31st this month to which they agreed, he has just called me to say he had an e-mail this morning (yes Sunday morning) demanding £50 payment by 10 o'clock tonight or they will add another £100 onto the loan which he owes. to me this sounds like threats with menaces, can they do this ? any advice would be a brilliant help thankyou
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