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  1. Hi All, Recently Sent a SAR to this outfit on (6/02/13) , had a response from them today (their letter dated 8th feb 2013) stating: Thank you for your recent letter which has been passed to me as i deal with requests for information under the D P A 1988 The documents that you requested have not been enclosed. this is because you haven't signed your letter or enclosed the required fee.,,, and as the rest of the letter goes on asking for a copy of my signature and correct fee, or if i didn't want sign my name a copy of passport of driver licence to confirm identity- blah blah blah... ------------------- Ok , I did not sign the letter as i only typed my name with a different font at the end of the letter i typed out, Though as for the Fee I did send a cheque off for £10 with my request. I have read similar posts on here where Cap One have cashed the cheque and still refuse Docs for no signature. Is their statement that, I haven't sent the £10 fee another stalling tactic from them? Shall i wait a few more days to see if the cheque does get cashed? What would some of your thoughts be on this. Kind Regards MB.
  2. Hi, I hope someone can give me some advice and I appreciate any help.... I had an old debt with the phone company Three, which I hadn't heard from in a few years until recently when the debt collection agency Fredrickson International, contacted me requesting payment. I admitted to one payment and set up a payment plan, but as soon as I'd done that I received another letter requesting a different amount, again on behalf of Three. This time I wanted to dispute the debt and so sent a letter with a £1 postal order requesting a CCA. They got back to me to say I must contact the original creditor for any documentation and that the debt has been put on hold for 14 days in the mean time. Is it right for them to say this? Do I contact Three for this information? Or should Fredrickson supply it, seen as they are the ones hounding me for the money. Surely, if they are asking for money they should be able to supply documentation? I'm not sure where to go from here...
  3. Hi Hope some one can help me on this. I sent santandar a CCA request for a credit card. They've responded by saying that they do not hold a signed copy as it was an online application and have sent me terms and conditions. Can i send them the default notice now are they in default? Can they enforce this now as they have no signed agreement. Many many thanks in advance...LLew
  4. hi, i have done some cca requests for dca's for catalogue debts, trying to get debts sorted out once and for all, one has sent back, well pass the 12 days though, t hey have sent me copies of the cca but are not signed, looks like they have literally filled it out recently with my name and address! but it says it doesnt have to be signed, is this correct? what do i do next please? many thanks
  5. Hi, I wonder if someone can take a look at this. I requested the CCA from the DCA, and they sent me a copy of the application form. However, there were no T&C's and the creditor hasn't signed in the box. Is this enforceable? Thanks
  6. First hello to all and thanks in advance for any and all help given. Sorry it is a long post but it is a complicated problem. (At least I think it is) Outline: I have been disabled for a number of years now, 12 months ago (Jan 2012) I had an accident at work that left me in a condition where I could not work, now a year later on advice from my doctor I am in a position to return to work on a phased return. The company sent me to an independent doctor for evaluation and she agreed with my own doctor of phased return as did the company HR dept and the various other support services I am involved with. However my employer says "Yes you can return on a phased return, but for the first 6 weeks you will have to do 40Hrs per week training (this is full time hours) and that I will have to stay seated for periods of two hours or more, their doctors report clearly states that at most I would be able to stay seated for 20 minutes at any given time. Background: The accident happened in work during normal working hours whilst carrying out my normal duties but my employer denies liability of any kind. During my sickness I was TUPE'd over to a new company 2 days before I was due to return to work (June 04 2012). The 'new' employer had not been notified by the 'old' employer of my imminent return to work. The 'new' employer refused to allow me to return to work at that time on the grounds I would need a 'DSE' assessment and they would need to install any specialist equipment. After this process they kept stating their concern over cost of said equipment and concern that I would not return to work, discussions went on for 2-3 months in October they stipulated the 40 hours a week. I have been claiming SSP and obtaining Sick notes from the doctor to cover the period from their first refusal to allow me to return. Questions: 1. Am I being discriminated against (I.E. If an able bodied person needed a new chair they would have it in minutes) 2. Is the demand I do 40 hours a week training for the first 6 weeks a reasonable request? 3. As the employer refused me access to work should they pay my wages or should I be claiming SSP? 4. Can they insist that I stay seated for prolonged periods that all medical people involved state would be detrimental to my health? CrustyRusty
  7. Hi, I've just send my ppi claim letters of to capital one and mbna. I'm going to now write to them for my sar just to speed things up. Just 2 questions will my sar contain a copy of my original application? Also do I address my request to the same address as my ppi claim? Kind regards Stuart
  8. i have about 5 debts totaling 3k and i am trying to clear my credit file so i will be able to obtain a mortgage in the future, The problem i am having is that no matter how many times i request a copy of paperwork stating what the debt is for and a Breakdown of charges i am always told on the phone they will send this and it never arrives i send letters and get no response and if i email i get an auto reply saying we will reply in X days (some quoting upto 28) is their any way i can approach the credit referance agencys and ask they to remove these debts as they in effect wont let me pay them as they wont tell me what they are for! also how do i get linked address's removeD? or at least the correct dates for living in each property sorted? i know an ex partner applied for some things with out my consent and it has so many different times on their! Also if a company has repeatedly searched my credit file how do i get these removed? i am completely baffled by the whole scenario and i dont know what do to! its the same as anything you wouldnt pay for it without kbnowing exactly what you are paying for this is stressing me right out and i just wanted it sorted out and clear as soon as possible! Thank you
  9. Hi there, i've been going through some debt problems recently, when I was younger I had an array of credit cards and payday loans. Now some years later it is still taking its tole. I met a man by chance who spoke to me about Fiat currency, and how because currency is like an IOU and doesn't actually have any value I dont owe my creditors anything. He went on to say that I have to have made a signature to opt in, otherwise they are giving me money, he said there are three documents I should request, if they cannot provide any of the three I can write off my debts, does anyone know what these three things are? Many thanks
  10. Quick query , sent cca request to Link , got a reply saying they don't always hold this documentation and have requested a copy of the agreement from MBNA and to be advised can take up to 30 days so can they bypass the 12+2 rule in this way? Also MBNA sent me a default notice in May then received another this month for same account also exact same letter , then another letter saying latest one sent out by mistake , have they done anything wrong here? Any advice appreciated , thanks.
  11. PLEASE HELP ME , i had a ccj against me in 2006 for £17.5k and with interest plus court costs it came to about £21k i was told to pay £40 per month but then i got made redundant i could not keep up payments i panicked and did a runner {I know i could go to prison} - no you cant!! i got a letter from HL Solicitors acting on behalf of Lloyds TSB who said fill in attachment of earnings order and make an offer of repayment or they will enforce the suspended attachment of earnings which was £40. My question is can i go back to the district Judge and ask him to lower it again or even write the debt off as i only work part time doing 2 shifts a week, £40PCM does not even cover the interest on this the debt is growing by at least £100 and i cannot physically do anything about it, Please advise me what to do my fellow caggers.
  12. I have received a letter back from one the companies I put a CCA request to. They say they cant locate my account with the information I have provided. I have given my current address and my reference numbers. they are asking me to provide further information with regards to a change of name or previous addresses. Is this information I should be providing them with?
  13. Thought this may be of interest: http://atosvictimsgroup.co.uk/2012/12/11/bbc-request-they-want-your-atos-story-now/
  14. Hi, I've just received a letter from RBS regarding an SAR I have requested. The letter states that - 'as you no longer hold an account with us, to protect you from fraud, we need to verify your identity before the request can be completed. Please send three month' original bank statements or an original utility bill, dated within the last six months showing your current address. We are unable to accept credit card statements, copy documents or mobile telephone bills.' Although I understand I do have to provide the info I'm struggling to provide originals as I only receive a Credit Card statement on paper which I am unable to use. All other statements are online which means I have to copy them. The letter does say that - 'Copy Documents WILL be accepted if officially stamped and signed by a Solicitor or a Natwest or RBS branch'. Is this true? I'm not considering going to a Solicitor but I will copy some bank statements from my Lloyds Current Account and take them to a local branch so long as I don't turn up and get refused. The last possible sticking point is the claim that they cannot guarantee they will be able to trace my account as it may have been closed for a longer period than their records are retained. My account with Style/Envy ran from March 2003 to February 2006 so is just outside the obligatory 6 years. A couple of SAR's I have received have gone back further than 6 years but it may be RBS are letting me know that even if I do provide the necessary proof of I.D. I still may not get the statements. The reason I am requesting an SAR is RBS have 'made an offer, accepting no liability' but it is lower than I expected though I have no proof. Thought it best to find some proof before going back! If I can try refute any current and future problems RBS will provide it should make things easier when I go back to refuse their offer, any thoughts??? Tenmen10
  15. Hi there I would be grateful for advice dealing with these parasites minicredit. I took out a £100 loan which I knew I would be able to repay on my payday which i told them was 28th September. Technically we should get paid on the last working day of the month but often it hits our accounts the day before. I have 2 current accounts one for credits/spending and one for household bills. I am trying to pay off my overdraft on the one account so that I can close it as Lloyds tsb have started charging for the overdraft which used to be free, in addition to the the £25 a month account fee. I arranged to have my salary credited to the second account in preparation for this and had begun the process of changing over direct debits etc but as i still have some payments (including the mini credit loan) coming out of the account I plan to close, I transferred some funds into the account for this purpose. Mini credit charge £2 for changing your debit card details and you have to have funds in your account to change the details and i didn't so i couldnt give them the card details for the preferred account prior to the repayment date. I thought as I had told minicredit that my payday was 28th that the funds would be debited on 28th. I transferred funds on 27th for this purpose.On 2nd November i noticed an email from minicredit stating I had defaulted, I was really confused. I logged into my account with them and my loan was showing as overdue. I looked at my bank accounts and it became clear that minicredit had tried to debit the funds on Sunday 30th September - who gets paid on a Sunday ?? its not a working or banking day. As on Sunday my regular direct debits were in the system and earmarked to be debited the next day this did not leave enough funds for mini credit. Whilst I had the funds available in my other account for my direct debits(lloyds give you up until 3.30pm that day to pay in any necessary funds to cover recent debits) as mini credit had tied to take a card payment this was declined by my bank. I immediately attempted to make a card payment online for the full loan amount (which included a £25 charge. The payment would not go through but there was no reason why that I knew of. A while later I got an automated call from Lloyds TSB fraudline to my switchboard at work. I couldn't complete the request as we have an analogue system so I couldn't press the appropriate buttons.I tried calling back when I got home(as I had had a missed call to my landline) but you just get a message saying they Lloyds Fraud department have called and will call again. I emailed mini credit through their stupid web form query system and they told me that another £55 charge had been added. I asked them why they had not taken the funds on 28th when they were available and they said that I had told them my payday was 30th. They also said that more charges had been added for 'failed debit card attempts They said that I should take this up with my bank as to why the online payment wasnt allowed and that they dont refuse any payments. I should also add that they charge £4.50 for making a payment or a partial payment ! on top of everything else. I was not happy about paying these charges and whilst i had the actual amount payable I didnt have another £55 for the added charges so even if I had paid they would still have kept adding charges on top of charges. I have been sending them messages through their web based form and their replies have been unhelpful,rude and at times intimidating. They refuse to help in any way shape or form. They did say they would consider a reasonable request for settlement if paid in full immediately by debit card over the phone. They said if I pay on line it will just come off the balance. They have now started helping themselves from my account whenever they feel like it taking small payments of £15 and £25 up to 3 times a day when funds are available. They have taken my child tax credits. So far they have had £155 from me. The loan was for £100 and £137.50 was payable under the agreement on 28th Sept or 30th as they claim. The interest to date they say is £58 but there are default fees of £80 and a 'broken agreement fee of £100 !plus failed payment charges of £5 up to 3 times a day. My account shows a debt of £340 and has been passed to debt collection but they are still debiting from my bank and have taken £155 already. I offered to pay them what I owe plus interest several times but told them I will not pay these ridiculous charges and I will not speak to them on the phone or give my debit card details to anyone over the phone. Up to now my bank havent allowed any payments if there have been no funds in my account but yesterday they allowed minicredit to take £25 making me overdrawn. I rang lloyds and explained the situation and they refused to help. I asked for a chargeback but they refused. The guy said that debit card payments are promised payments and they dont get involved with payday companies. I have already downloaded a form for the fos and the guy said to get this sent off as they would sort it out and look at the circumstances fairly but Lloyds wouldnt get involved. In the meantime they said they would continue to make any payments to mini credit and charge me if I go overdrawn because they have no choice as they are promised payments. I said to him if these debit card payments are promised payments why did they not let the original request for the full amount go through on 30th Sept. I would then have been able to move money , job done. I asked to speak to a manager. The manager said that large debit card payments can be refused but not smaller ones so the agreed repayment of £137.50 wouldnt have been allowed. He told me there is nothing they can do to help me and I should phone minicredit . I explained that I had already tried this but he wouldn't budge. I explained that I wanted to close my account and he said if I could go to a branch and pay in enough to cover my agreed overdraft and the unauthorised amount by 3pm they could close my account provided only if mini credit hadn't earmarked any funds !He said it will be in the minicredit terms and conditions that they can take these amounts. I agree this may be the case but I thought that you can remove authorisation for recurring payments. He said payday loans are separate issue. I have since done some reading up on here regarding chargebacks and it appears Lloyds are in the wrong and they should action my request and do a chargeback and not authorise any further payments. Can I get this chargeback and can I stop the payments. I dont have the funds to close the account at the moment and am incurring daily overdraft fees on top of everything else. Mini credit have sent a 'doorstep visit' letter. It gives no postal address for mini credit. I have emailed them telling them I do not consent to a doorstep visit. I have also told them I will not speak on the phone only in writing or email. I have also emailed them telling them I have removed my authorisation for them to take card payments.I have taken people on before and am quite knowledgeable about my rights, alot of it learned from this site. I will not be intimidated by them but this lot are the worst I have ever dealt with and after reading others experiences I am worried that my debt will just keep increasing , I now owe £500 for a £100 loan of which you only actually get £93.50. Mini credits complaints dept said they will accept as settlement the amount borrowed £100, interest to date £58, default charges £80 but they will waive some of the failed debit card fees (which stand at £159) and the £100 broken agreement fee.This means they still want £238 plus a percentage of the £159 ! but that is still increasing. I responded saying as they have already had £155 I will pay them £3 which is the remainder of the interest at that date. I await their reply which I am sure will not be a welcome one. 2 things here , how do I tackle mini credit ? If it goes to OPS which I understand is their in house debt collection, can they enforce all these charges on top of what I have paid them and do my bank have to comply with my request not to pay them any more money and to do a chargeback on yesterdays payment ? I am going to send a complaint off to the FOS but I am worried about them continuing to take money from me in the meantime. Please help ,what should I say to my bank and who should I speak to ?
  16. Hi Do any of you know how to get entries removed from 192.com and similar sites. I've noticed that a few of my familys details are wrong (including my partner who is listed as 20 when she's really 36!) I'd rather that the details were not on there at all as I find it really intrusive - it's my data to give out to those I choose and I certainly haven't chosen to allow 192! Many thanks
  17. i need assistance with employment law, and personal injury claims. i would appreciate any advice that fellow CAG's can provided Work Related Breakdown i suffered a work related breakdown a year ago approx, however despite the problems at work i loved the actually job itself and always intended to return to work when i was well enough to do so, however i was pre empted financially and returned October last year and at that point formally started my grievance. like most people i had not idea of how a grievance procedure would work, so it was a massive learning curve. it is so unbelievably stressful and im still not fully well. all of the stresses remain as nothing had changed within the team on my return and my health has again deteriorated. Occ Health have recommended in writing that my place of work is toxic to my full recovery and i should leave. my p/trist is saying the same, as is my counsellor. they have all made clear that outside of that environment my health should improve enough for me to get another job doing the same type of work but with a different organisation! my question is this. is it possible for me to take civil action over and above tribunal action against my employer for the pysiatric injury they have caused me, in addition to which i had lost all my body hair. my head remains bald and i have to wear a wig, my eyebrow are going again, my arm and leg hair have gone, however my pubic hair did grow back a little. i am very grateful that my eyelashes have grown back - but for how long. i have been tested medically, the is no physical reason for the universal hair loss. constructive dismissal i am aware that the issue of constructive dismissal and discrimination can only be held in a Tribunal. but i would want to know how p/injury would work in a civil court, and could this take place more quickly than a Tribunal, and although not the right venue, will the issues of the discrimination, harrassment, bullying and victimisation come out at a civil hearing? i have an outstanding grievance appeal taking place by the end of March, it is likely to be negative, a little more detail first 'last straw' - manager held PPP (nearly 2 years since the previous one) tells me basically im c.... and that my colleagues have all complained about me, and gives examples of complaint. Fair enough. however all of this has come out of nowhere. manager provides no discussion or plan on how to resolve the situation between me and the rest of team, and goes off on 2 weeks holiday. naturally this has a devasting affect on my feeling toward the manager and the rest of the team, i have believed what he is saying. i make complaint to manager on his return and challenge all his accusation and complain that if the situation were true how is it he didnt try to help resolve the situation? i copy in HR. manager writes back taking no responsibility claiming i have misinterpreted and didnt say some of the things. my complaint was comprehensive and i gave back to him all the examples that he had used! a meeting was held. HR had lead me to believe that the meeting was a grievance as laid out in their policy, but it was a mediation meeting whereby the manager states again that i have mis interpreted and that in fact no one had complained about me - he failed to give any further information. he actually stated that i was made for the job. on hearing this however instead of making me feel better it devasted me further. i couldnt understand how he had done this to me in the first place. i had worked so hard and was so proud of the work. i went into freefall. from the time of the meeting with manager to what i thought was a grievance meeting was just over 2 months during which time there was a complete and utter breakdown between me and the rest of the team. i was signed off sick with work sky high blood pressure and related stress which i had desperately been trying to ward off. emloyer contact during sick leave during sick leave, the manager above my manager demanded to to see me, didnt advise that i could be accompanied and during the meeting told me basically that the best thing for me was to get my arse back on my chair and that in their experience involving the medical profession would mean that i would be off work longer! remember this talk at me is whilst i am unwell and vulnerable. end result even more freefall. during my sick leave there were a bombardment of letters from work, which stressed me out further than you can believe i felt hounded. i thought that it would be better to return to work even thougth my GP didnt think i was ready. i thought that it would be best to stop the hounding and make sure their were no more meetings with my managers manager. phased return meeting GP formally recommended this. unfortunately he did not specify a time. managers manager didnt want to follow GP's advice and tried to insist instead that if i felt tied i went home. luckily an HR officer was present and had to remind manager that it was normal in such circumstance and length of time away that a phased return take place. manager reluctantly agreed to 1 week! there was mention of a review, but no details of when the review would take place or who with. naturally 1 week was not enough. situation with team not resolved. i approach HR for help and am basically told to go away. i return to my GP who tries not to give the 'i told you so' and signs me off again. long term sick which brings me back to my return last year. Discrimination bullying and harrassment prior to the first last straw i had been suffering discrimination harrassment and bullying from another member of the team for a couple of year which i didnt handle very well. i absorbed it - but this just caused me to lose my body hair. i genuinely believe that this new member of staff would get used to me being there, also i had hoped that other members of the team would come to my defence when i was under attack from this 'colleague' - but no one did, some of them even joined in. this colleague was good at getting others to express their prejudices and the others knew better. i felt so isolated, ashamed and scared to say anything just in case they thought i was the one with the problem the one with the 'chip' so i said nothing. there was no one or manager that i had any trust or confidence in that i could take this matter to, so i suffered in silence, until the breakdown came. Employers investigate the complainant on making the complaint my employers carried out an investigation - a shock to me, a bigger shock was later learning that they had carried out an investigation on me too. thank God i was good at my job, good things were said about me. so they cant get me on that angle. grievance 1 outcome it transpired that others had complained also about my 'colleague' and my manager showed up themselves good and proper at the hearing. recommendations. words would be had with colleague and manager, but no grounds for discrimination - however.... appeal 'colleague' had actually admitted to what they thought would be a lesser complaint that they thought they could get away with, but this put employers in difficulty and they had to make a statement at the appeal confirming that at least one act of discrimination had taken place. it was agreed (and is on tape) that i was the brunt of this 'colleagues' abusive behaviour promotion of the main perp it was always the intention of my 'colleague' to get me out of the team and take over my Officer status and effect they way up from what they considered to be a lowly administrative position. they have now achieved this. even with the outcome of the grievance they still hold this position. what does this say? Victimisation (final 'last straw') managers manager has not taken too kindly to my complaint and raised awareness of what's going on in one of their departments and has targeted the 'trouble maker' me. a serious incident of victimisation has recently taken place. but i am covered by a 'protected act' and acted immediately. i put in a grievance about the harrassment and bullying by this particular manager. naturally management have stuck together. so i am just about to put in an appeal. Back to the start again this brings me round to where i started. based on the medical recommendation i think i will have to leave my job immediately i am notified of the appeal decision otherwise i will lose any rights i may have to claim constructive dismissal. i am not sure i want to claim this anyway as i would prefer the matter to go to civil court, where i can completely sue the a... off these people for what has happened to me over the past 18 months. my medical state the complete and utter indignity of having to constantly wear a wig and a cheap one at that as i dont have the money to buy a decent one. how further freakish i look without eyebrows. the constant eye infections because of no eyelashes, or where they were just coming loose and falling into my eye - the constant rubbing. im not so distressed about the rest of the body hair - no on sees any of it. im on medication up to my eyeballs. i have a diagnosed prolapsed disc and whilst of sick couldnt even put my knickers on or use the WC without putting a bucket on it first as i couldnt sit. thankfully my mobility is such that i can get around better, but i walk with a limp now, and still prefer to use the disable WC as they are a little higher. the constant pain in my back, shooting pains and numbness in my left leg is sometimes unbearable. also since being back at work apart from the deterioaration again of my mental state i have the additional indignity of repeated boils on my arse - what the hell is that about? i do hope that there is someone prepared and/or managed to read through this and provide advice or answer my query. Thanks
  18. Good morning everyone. I have just received a large envelope from 1st. It contained a large bundle of photocopied statements which, apart from having no OC markings on it appear ok. However, there is no corresponding credit aggreement (signed, recon or not), no terms and conditions and no details with regards to interest rates. There are, inevitably, PPI charges and corresponding interest charges (charges I have not yet reclaimed). Do I send a letter asking for the T & C's and aggreement? Is this a sudfficient reply from the DCA? I do not wish to evade the debt, my main aim is to be armed with enough knowledge so as to have my very small payment accepted and that the DCA does not progress the litigation issue (bankruptcy etc). I would be extemely grateful for any help and guidance. Thanks in advance
  19. Hi, I have had no response from NatWest after sending them a SAR by recorded delivery, and then after around 50 days I then sent a reminder with a 7 day deadline, also by recorded delivery. I sent a £10 postal order with the original request. I havent heard a single thing from them in response to either letter. Can anyone please advise me as to what I should do next? Thank you, Marc
  20. Hi I have sent recorded delivery to Cabot a cca request. It has been delivered and they have cashed the cheque. It has been 20 days since sending it in and I havent even had a letter from them saying they are looking into this ar any response at all. What do you guys suggest do I just send send them aa account in dispute letter.. Thanks for looking Also sent one to Scotcall who have done exactly the same thing!!!!
  21. Hi Today i received a letter from a DCA called C.A.R.S (Creditlink Account Recovery Solutions), they state that they will be attempting to visit me at home within the next week to 'Establish Reasons For Non-Payment' to an old Monument Credit Card (balance of £620.21) which must date back to at least 4 years ago. I have responded by sending them a letter back requesting all communication to be made via letter and no doorstep callers and will immediately follow up with a CCA request. However i've just looked at my Credit Report which lists everything but for some reason this debt is nowhere to be seen on it, what does this mean and is it to my advantage ? many thanks
  22. Apologies but this may be a little long winded. I have recently submitted a request to change my shift pattern at work back to what they used to be. When I received the job offer over the phone I was told “Mon-Fri 9-5” When I started working I was advised that this would be the hours during my training period and that my actual hours were to be a 2 week rotational shift with my fellow team manager. I would work mon-fri 6am – 14:30 one week then Mon-Fri 10:30-19:00 the next with alternating Saturdays. This was not a problem and I accepted it as such. A few months later my felloe manager submitted a request for us to go on a 4 on – 4 off pattern doing 12 hours shifts on a rotational 5 weeks pattern, After a lot of thought and consideration I accepting these new shifts and the appeal of having the 4 days off was nice. Since that time my wife has had another baby and is about to return to work part time doing weekends only. I have submitted the new request to my boss to revert to my original hours as this would enable me to look after our children at the weekend. This was rejected today which I agree are possibly legitimate reasons (this was confirmed to me verbally and not a written reply) I just wondered if there is anything at all I can do about this, When I signed my contract of employment, it did not contain my hours of work. But states on page 1. “Hours are as agreed with your manager attached” and on the summary page it states that “your normal hours of work are as stated on page 1” I just wanted to know if there is anything I can do. It is difficult as I feel I may need to resign n the new year to find alternative employment but this is something I do not wish to do. Many thanks for you help in advance
  23. http://news.sky.com/story/1010626/workers-to-be-able-to-ask-for-flexible-hours
  24. I sent a letter (SAR request) last week recorded delivery, I sent it to the Knutsford office. I have checked with the post office and the current status of my letter is delivered to their Knutsford office. Just wanted to check this is the correct address to send SAR to for Barclays Bank?
  25. Guys, I have been a member of the CAG for several yrs now and must admit I never thought I'd find myself asking advice of this nature. I have managed to spiral my Wonga Loan out of control to the extent that I borrow about £1.089.00 a month merely to cover mortage payments, (I know crazy stupid sitsuation I have got myself in !!!) by my next payday 28.11.2012 I will be paying them £1450.00. I have got myself in such a crazy fix that I am left with no alternative but to request a repayment plan if only to minimise the interest Iam being charged very month. First and formost, after reading other posts on here, i believe Wonga will not even deal with me until i actually default. As a result I was wondering if anyone could asist with the following. 1. Can anyone possibly help with an initial letter to Wonga requesting the Repayment Plan (Iam planning on letting them know asap, that there will be a likley default on the 28.11.2012) 2. Can anyone let me know how long Wonga will allow a Repayment Plan to run. (I am looking to possibly clear the balance of £1450.00 back over a 10 month period at approx £140 per month. I I have already put the background stuff in place..ie set up of basic bank account for salary, cancelled debit card and will be informing bank and Wonga of cancelled CPA instructions. Just hope the buggers will agree to my proposal. I will of course merely send them basic I/E info and insist on all correspondance in writing. Any further advice would be most welcome folks, as Iam also in a similar situation with Pounds tilpayday to the tune of £600..so I will be employing a similar course of action with them.
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