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  1. Hi Not sure if I am the right thread but please udjust if required. Basically I was involved in a car accident in Feb last year. I exchanged details with the other party and as there was no damage to either car, I left it as that. In Decemeber I recieved a bill of £1500.00 for damage to the other car. I spoke my insurance company and they took over. They agreed that the fault was mine and they would pay for damages to the other car. I recieved a letter from the court asking that I should the amount outstanding and passed this on to the insurance company who advised that they would pay and take over and that I do not need to do anything. My insurance company failed to pay. The court date came and went and a CCJ was placed on my name. This has been passed to the insurance company who have passed this on their solicitor who has agreed to pay and try and remove the CCJ from my name. My question is am I entitled to money as it has cost me postage and also money to access my credit file as well as a bad credit name (not able to take out a loan) Thank you
  2. Hi, I have just renewed my car insurance and the provider is requesting copies of both mine and my partners driving licences!! Is this law? can I refuse? Im not hiding anything, I just dont like it when businesses start making my life more difficult with all this crap. Now I have to dig out these items, photo copy them and post them. Why dont they just deal with this direct with DVLA instead of making it my problem!! Anyway, can I just say No. Ta
  3. Hi, I'd be so grateful if anyone can advise me in relation to this. I will explain as briefly as possible the relevant details of the situation, and set out a few questions I have. In 2009 we bought our small semi-detached house. We almost were not able to, owing to the fact that we were only just able to find an insurer who would take us on when we declared the existence in the building of a tie bar (as our Buildings Surveyor instructed we must do). We phoned loads of insurers and all put us on hold while speaking to their underwriter, only to come back saying 'Sorry, we don't insure buildings with tie bars'. Finally, and close to giving up, we found an insurer. We've been with this one insurer for 6 years now. No problems ever, until last December I noticed that what had been a hairline crack ascending the side of our house (from the tie bar) when we bought it had grown somewhat, to be up to 3 mm wide in places. It has very gradually widened over the years as cracks do, but seemed to have widened more quickly just recently. This prompted me to remove the thick insulating wallpaper from the corresponding inside wall, which revealed a more worrying crack of about 5 mm. (The previous owner of the house was employed in the home energy efficiency business, so we didn't think it necessarily suspicious when buying that some of the walls had a covering that could easily hide cracks. Also in one room we did remove the covering when we moved in, and the walls had no cracks at all.) On discussion with my partner we thought we had better inform our insurance company of our discovery. First question: Was it not necessary to do this? I phoned them and explained this all to the person I initially spoke to, who said 'You need to be speaking to the Claims department'. I explained that I didn't know if we were wanting to make a claim, that I just thought we were required to inform them of the situation, and I did say that were concerned about it, as one would be. They repeated 'You need to speak to Claims', and put me through. I then explained the whole thing again and was told in a rather reassuring way that 'We will send someone out to look at it'. No one told me, and I didn't know, that I was 'making a claim', by agreeing to this. Perhaps this was simply my ignorance having never had to report anything to a Home insurance company before. A loss adjuster visit was arranged, and his subsequent technical report, entitled 'Subsidence Claim' stated his belief that the crack was owing to thermal movement, and, quote, "we do not consider that the damage is the result of subsidence of the site (or any other insured peril) and as such does not fall within the scope of policy cover." This was in January. Now we have just received our policy renewal documents to discover that our premium has gone up another £150, making it now over £700. For the average house the size of ours, inclusive of Contents cover, we would expect to pay about £200-250 per year, this house is now proving very expensive to insure and we can barely afford it. We are concerned that there are no other insurers who we can turn to, as this was our experience 6 years ago. Also, that there may be no benefit even if there were, since they all have access, I'm told, to a database that will show that we have made a 'Subsidence claim'. I presume this would be very off-putting to an insurer, even despite the fact that the loss adjuster found that there was no subsidence. I have recently tried contacting a couple of Brokers to see if they can find us insurance. So far neither have replied. I suppose I am after any kind of advice that might be useful, but specifically is it correct for us to be said to have 'made a claim' on the policy, when I only intended to inform the insurer of our situation? And can they justify putting up our premium (and do they even have to justify it?) given that the cause of the crack apparently "does not fall within the scope of the policy cover". It feels like - given our lack of alternatives - they can basically hold us to ransom. Many thanks for any help!
  4. Had an existing policy with Admiral for my 2001 VW Golf. Sold it and purchased a 2007 VW Golf newer model but same engine size. Still have 2 months of existing policy to run so contacted them to give new details and was told that there would be an additional premium to pay of £83 plus an admin charge of £19.50 ? When I asked why the increase, I was told that it was due to the fact that it was a new car and that I was not use to driving it ? Now I have been driving for more than 30+ years, have a clean license and 21+ years no claims. I decided to pay the extra premium as I didn't want to incur anymore costs due to cancelling the policy but advised that I will be reconsidering at renewal. I requested a fuller explanation in writing in which was received today. They further explain that they rate premiums on car grouping, value, year of purchase and year of make / model. Then they quote :- "The main cause of is the year the car was purchased. Our claims statistics have shown this is an important factor. The claims statistics show the longer a person has owned and driven a particular car, the better risk they are ? The trends show the first year in a new car is the most risky. This could be because you may still be getting used to the car. Even though your new car is the same make / model and grouping as your previous car, the type and market value of the car is different." Ok I do accept that the value has increased by about £1,500 but how can they justify such a large increase and also charge an admin fee ? Has anyone recently been given the same explanation as it is the first that I have heard of this ? Thanks for looking
  5. In April 2015 I was driving to work on a busy three lane street in the right lane, intending to go right at the lights. Although it was a 40 road a car behind went across the other two lanes and then across me and the car to my left before getting stuck behind the car in front at the lights. As he missed me by inches I honked my horn and he proceeded to jump out and start swearing about I'd better not hit his (sports) car or I'd be liable for thousands of pounds of damage. He then took a photo of my car and before I could react drove off across the lanes again speeding down the street. My passenger and I agreed he was an idiot but I decided as he had taken my picture to notify my insurer just in case he made a fraudulent claim. I took photos of my car to show no impact / collision ever occurred. The insurer took notes and said they would contact me if he did Two weeks later I got a call to say no claim had been made but "claims take a while to filter through sometimes" I questioned this stating that if a claim was made surely I'd have heard by then? Nothing more was heard and in July I renewed. My insurer doubled my premium and when I asked why I was told due to a "pending claim you made" I explained no claim was made and they said that they would amend their records. I got the quote and it was the same so I shopped around and got a far better deal. My NCB form arrived and showed the pending claim that I had "Hit TP in rear" I contacted customer services who said contact claims I contacted claims who said no - its customer services. After five calls I spoke to a guy who assured me that he would rectify it and he could see the error. I then got a new NCB sheet showing "Hit TP in rear - no fault" Although I now had the NCB it was factually incorrect. I contacted them again and got the same run around. I put in a complaint and was told it will take a month to investigate I informed my new insurer of this and they contacted the old insurer who said "No NCB - due to a pending accident claim" and the new insurer has promptly cancelled my insurance with 7 days notice as a result. I've sent all the copies to the new insurer showing various incorrect info and its corrections but they will not reinstate my policy? What can I do!!! I need my car for my job and I will lose it if I don't have insurance
  6. This is driving me around the bend. Following redundancy I registered with the local JobCentrePlus and from December I started claiming JSA (contributions based type) which I thought I had a right to , having been in work for 37 years. They paid the JSA contributions ok, but then Belfast wrote claiming I owed them back two lots of fortnight-payments because my Pension had gone up in April. Odd ! I thought. Yes my NHS pension had gone up but by only £1.90 a month, but where is the right to 6 months payments irrespective of income if they then look at money coming in ? Also I do not think that such an increase would have had that huge impact ! On reflection I remember declaring to the staff of the JobCentrePlus that in March I had started receiving a monthly payment of £300 from the Lyfestyle Protection Policy which I had with the Post Office. Could that money have been taken into consideration and perhaps mistaken as an additional pension or an increase of the original NHS ? I do not know and after two unanswered recorded deliveries to Belfast and two letters from their Debt Recovering office (which are also claiming a fine of £90 from me ) I am getting panicky. I do not want to pay up if then it turns up to be a misinterpretation by the benefits department. MY QUESTION: Can anyone here please confirm to me whether an insurance payment under the ASUS scheme terms can be taken into account for stopping JSA payments ? I really think Belfast might have been mistaking this money for an additional pension or an increase on the originally declared pension. Your advice would be much appreciated as I am running short of time > Thank you Nino
  7. Ok here we go again. I've dealt with thousands and thousands of building insurance claims. Most claims are viewed by a loss adjuster who on the whole are reasonable ,realistic people in touch with prices and the unforeseen problems that can arise as the remedial work continues. Asprea on the other hand will quote prices so low there is no way the job can be completed to a good standard of workmanship. They will under price on materials and labour. ... Not my scene. My Mother in laws house has been flooded by a burst water main from a neighboring property. I've stripped out the ground floor floor coverings put in dehumidifiers and have a meeting with their "surveyor" in the morning. I won't be having breakfast. ..... The "Boy" they send out will suffice !!!! Will update as it progresses.
  8. Hi All As title stated, how can insurance company cancel policy for no reason or even false reason. I had a motor transportation insurance which been cancelled by the insurance company with no reason giving and even without my knowledge, Did read some thread over here claiming insurance company only require to sent a recorded letter regardless if received or not and regardless of the cancellation reason. The cancellation has cost me so far £20000 refund for customer's booking. hire purchase, rent , mortgage, wages. and had to shut down my business totally as no any other insurance company are willing to offer me alternative insurance due to the crazy cancellation. this is the first question i been asked by the other insurance company did you had any policy cancelled or void, obviously i have to say the truth and have nothing to hide, i do have a clean licence with 10 years no claim bonus. when i did contact the insurance company ( the broker ) claim it is not them who cancelled it and i need to speak with staveley head, spoken with them they claim i have no space at my house address to sell cars or to keep my recovery trucks, but i am not trading from home,never said so, and they already has my industrial estate business address, then they change they word and says the industrial estate showing as Tesco site, then no it is a caravan site !!! well there is a caravan site at the end of the industrial estate but has nothing to do with me, also Tesco is 2 miles away, however they asked for pictures of my unit and yard space around and i did sent them all pictures and even with video. the insdustrial unit has a large yard of 800 Sqm , then to the date no reply what so ever even after i sent 2 other email and recoded letter. I am so close to be a bankrupt and have no idea what do it, it is been well over a month now and don't even have fund to pay for a solicitor as i have to keep my payment for the hire purchase vehicle , did make a complaint to the financial ombudsman however they claim i have to wait 8 weeks if no reply from the insurance company, thinking about taking a legal action myself, however there is no much information online about the real truth if the insurance company in UK have the right to cancel any insurance policy regardless of the reason or not. any help will be much appreciated
  9. Hi all, I'm not sure if this is in the right section or whether it should be in the motoring section. I had a car insurance policy with Tesco Bank but my vehicle had to be scrapped in June due to being uneconomical to repair following a breakdown. I wrote to Tesco on 14th June to cancel my policy and I cancelled my direct debit on 16th June. The first I heard back from Tesco was a letter from them dated 28th June in which they informed me that there was a problem with my direct debit and they said I needed to pay the outstanding balance or my policy would be affected. I wrote to them again on 3rd July and informed them that I had written to them on 14th June to cancel my policy and that I then cancelled my direct debit on 16th June. I received a reply dated 24th July once again saying that there is a problem with my direct debit but this time the letter stated that if I did not clear the outstanding balance, then they would cancel my insurance which would then make it hard for me to obtain car insurance in the future. I yet again wrote to them on 25th July but this time sent my letter recorded delivery. Surprise, surprise this time they finally acknowledged that they had received my letter but they deny that I have written to them previously. They also say that they have now cancelled my insurance policy and that this will now make it difficult for me to obtain insurance in the future. How can they cancel a policy that I cancelled myself 2 months ago?! To add insult to injury, they now want over £90 to cover the period between June and August for which they claim my cover was still active because they supposedly didn't receive my two previous letters! This has left me fuming! They have completely ruined the chance of me ever being able to get a car again due their incompetence! I have been biking it to work whilst it is warm and trying to look for another car but now, because they have cancelled my insurance, I won't be able to obtain cover in the future which means I am not going to be able to get to work and back through winter! Apologies for the long post but I wanted to put in as much detail as possible. Is there anything I can do about this?
  10. When I took out my mobile phone contract with Vodafone 15 months ago I was automatically signed up to a months free insurance for £6.99 although I had to give my bank details. I decided to continue with the insurance after a month as I was conscious if anything went wrong a new i phone would be expensive. My phone suffered water damage so I put in a claim 2 weeks ago. I was asked to pay the £50 excess and send the phone for repair which cost another £7 for postage. I received the phone back after 5 days expecting it to be back to normal. The reality was that the phone was in exactly the same condition i.e. I was still unable to make or receive calls or texts. I called Citymain Administrators to explain what had happened to be told that I would have to send it back again so they could have another look at it. I am very annoyed as I feel that they are just trying to get out of replacing the phone. The initial process I was asked to follow although I was without a phone for a week was acceptable. This is now ridiculous as I have to spend another hour wiping the data off the phone (as requested by them) and then reloading it when the phone comes back. I have looked at the contract that was emailed to me when I had the first month and it is just a brief overview it says that you have to look on the reverse for the full details of the contract. Of course I cant do that as it's an email. This feels like just another example of a mobile phone company taking money off you for a service that is useless and very time consuming.
  11. I looked around and it looks like Kwik Fit is very "kwik" to cancel unilaterally car policies. Obviously they must be making a good profit out of that, right? It happened to me too. I get paid weekly, and Direct Debits which are imposed as the only payment method by most insurers, are maybe good for monthly salaries, but matching a date of the month to a day of the week when I get paid weekly, is a total nightmare. So, after a text message telling me of the usual 7 day notice and asking to get in touch, I sent Kwik Fit an email via their website for customers, on Tuesday 16th of June that due to payment mismatch date, the instalment would be paid on the Friday of that same week, 19th of June. That's just 3 days away! I always get paid weekly on Friday. Kwik Fit did not bother to get in touch, but I did not expect them to get in touch because they never do. This kind of date mismatch happened on two previous occasions with Kwik Fit and it was not a problem. Anyway, on Friday 19th of June I called Kwik Fit, as promised in my email to them 3 days earlier, to pay the insurance instalment. The Customer Rep was not able to process the payment and had to investigate. I was put on hold. He then returned to the call to tell me that the policy had been cancelled. I called them again an hour later and was put through another Customer Rep and had a massive discussion about this. He did not reinstate the policy. A few days later I got a demand for £430! Now, the matter has already been passed on to the Financial Services Ombudsman. Basically, I really do not care about what the rules say! Whatever they say, it is clearly unfair to the Consumer and the rules are far too easy for the companies. It is clear they hammer the consumers left, right and centre! I actually suspect Kwik Fit did not respond to my email on purpose, then let the policy cancel in order to then claim an outstanding balance. Good strategy for Kwik Fit, maybe. But as far as I am concerned, I will not pay this. I understand that if I did not bother to contact them, then they would have a good reason to act like that. But I DID contact them and promised to settle the instalment on Friday, just 3 days away. And I fulfilled my promise to pay because I DID call them to pay the instalment on that Friday! I just find Kwik Fit utterly despicable to do this. I find those in charge of regulations also at fault for not changing rules which run against the consumers all the time. :mad2:
  12. Hello everybody, I wasn't sure if this belonged here or in the other motoring forum. Hopefully someone will be able to shed some light on a few questions I have. Firstly I know ignorance is not an excuse so before you berate me I am doing a pretty good job myself. My lesson from this is always check your paperwork and if there is anything that doesn't seem right question it with your insurer. Tonight I was stopped for not having insurance on my Micra. I was certain I did as I took out what I thought was a Multi-car policy with Direct Line along with a Touran in 2014 and renewed in June 2015. On my Touran paperwork it clearly says 'Multi-car discout applied' hence why I thought the Micra was also covered. Memory is a funny thing but I am sure that last year when the policy was started I added the Micra. I am in the process of hunting down old policy docs to confirm this. I taxed the Micra in March of this year. Which according to Direct Line the Micra was uninsured since June of 2014. So, three questions to start: 1 - Can you tax an uninsured vehicle? I cannot find anything that answers this question past when the law changed in 2013/2014. 2 - Anyone have experience of why Direct Line include multi-car discount on a single car policy? - Had the Multicar discount said 'Not included' I would have immediately sought insurance for the Micra!!! 3 - How on earth have I gotten away with it for so bloody long?!?! The real pain in the bum, Direct Line quoted £424 at the time of renewal, Admiral £417 that clearly stated both cars. I got a few more perks with Direct Line so decided to stick. Egg truely on my face now. Thanks everyone in advance. Any clarification needed please let me know. Btw. No previous offences or points. 9 years NCD.
  13. I sold my motorhome a couple of weeks ago and wrote to the Insurance Factory to inform them of that, as well as provide the proof of sale. I paid by monthly DD and assumed that as I was no longer the owner of the vehicle, my insurance would stop. I WAS WRONG!!! Since then, I have received threatening letters and text messages saying that I owe then £200+ and that I am now referred to a debt collection agency. They provided a list of costs which included payment for legal protection; breakdown cover, admin fees and two figures which they recorded as just being under 'costs'. I wrote to them to appeal and to ask for further clarification on the money they say that I owe. I also asked for a copy of the credit agreement with Highway Insurance which outlines the cancellation fee if selling my motorhome, which I never received and so never signed. I accept that there will have been some administrative fee (which they say was £15.00) but the sum of £200+ seems a disproportionately large amount which is neither fair, nor reasonable. I exercised my right to cancel the policy after the sale of the motorhome and yet this has resulted in the company seeking to penalize me for that decision. I have contacted the company by phone 20+ times with little effect and have sent several e-mails which have thus far not been responded to. The reviews of the company are shockingly bad which I wish I had known before taking out insurance with them. Can anyone advise please as I suspect the threatening text messages will continue......
  14. Hi All, On monday i was on the way to work and i was hit by another car from behind. I was following a car down the highstreet that stopped at a zebra crossing. I pulled up behind it waiting for people to cross. All of a sudden i didnt know what hit me! I was hit very violently from behind. Not sure if i blacked out but felt very disorientated. Got out of the car in shock and legs gave way. I think i hit my head on the steering wheel quite hard- airbag didnt go off. A girl rushed over to me very apologetic, saying that she was adjusting her glasses and hadnt seen me. She said it was all her fault and had hit me at full speed not breaking at all. She had hit me so hard i was pushed into the car in front. The car in front appeared to have no damage, but my car looks like a writeoff with extensive damage to the back and front. A passerby called an ambulance and the police arrived. I was checked over by the paramedics and despite developing aches and pains was deemed to be ok and told to see a doctor. I was interviewed by the police that confirmed the girl had already admitted liabilty and was probably speeding. I gave a statement and recovered my car and went into work. Now, i called my insurance company who were very unhelpful. |The first call the girl answering the phone told me she was passing me over to her colleague (that turned out to be an accident management company). The second call i was told that if i claimed i would have to pay my excess (£500), my car would be valued at trade (£600) and my premiums would go up. I need a hire car to get into work, cant afford to rent one myself, but dont want to end up in the accident management company trap of being given a credit hire car at a ridiculous daily rate that the third company isurance wont pay for. And a settlement cheque that is way below the market value of my car. Any advice?
  15. Dear All, My wife was this afternoon involved in a clearly non fault accident (third party reversed into front wing and door of her car while it was parked - she was not even in the car). The third party has admitted liability verbally. The damage is wing minor dent (would need to be replaced though) and door minor dent (might be repairable with a skim of filler and respray). We rang our insurance company (Hastings Direct) this evening, their immediate response was to pass us on to a claims management company (Albany Assist), Albany Assit immediately rejected the claim saying the car would be a write off. We spoke to Hastings again and they said that due to the age of the car (05 plate - pre accident value £3k to £3.5k) and "government / VOSA guidelines" (I can find no such thing) the car would be a write off if we used their approved repairer. They then went on to say that we could go to a repairer of our choice get a quote then depending on what Hasting's inspector says they 'may' payout for the repair and claim back from the third party. But we would have to pay the excess and they migh be able to claim it back. Hastings also suggested that we contacted the third party and sort it out ourselves! To me the whole situation feels like they cannot in anyway be bothered and is little better than Third Party only insurance. I have read various post regarding Hastings and Albany and between them they sound like total [problem] merchants, only interested in credit hire and commission. I do not consider that Hastings are providing the service you would expect of fully comprehensive cover and instead are doing everything possible to avoid getting involved, they have not and at this stage will not even contact the third party's insurer. Has anyone else dealt with this situation? To make matters worse the car has a car finance loan secured against it and if the car is written off the payout will likely be less than the outstanding finance leaving us severely out of pocket though no fault of our own and in fact from Hastings' inaction and refusal to represent the insured parties interests. Thanks
  16. I'm writing out of frustration and legitimate concern with the standards and practices within the British Insurance Industry. I have just endured the long drawn out process of 2 car insurance renewals. Run of the mill stuff for any UK motorist. What do most people do? Either take on a non-competitive renewal or seek a more competitive deal from the market. My concern is with the use of comparison sites and the potential for insurance policies to actually be deemed as invalid through no fault of person seeking to be insured. My partner was unfortunate enough to have an accident last October, where she was a named driver on my policy. Now come time to use a comparison site and this opens up a nightmare. Do I declare the claim against my policy? Do we declare the accident my partner suffered? I decided best to declare both and suffer the potential for two incidents to be recorded even though there was actually one. I approached the comparison provider and two new insurers to ask this question only to find that nobody truly agrees. Comparison sites even ask different questions and map the questions differently to insurers. RAC - Only I need to declare as the policy holder Hastings Direct 1) Web advisor - only my partner needs to declare 2) Telephone advisor - both need to declare. I challenged this based on 1. The Tele advisor escalates this and informed me 3 managers debated and 2 came to the conclusion that only my partner needs to declare. Moneysupermarket.com - Only my partner There is clearly an absence of any guidelines in this area with arbitrary decisions being made. Whats more concerning is that a comparison site offers differing advice versus the insurers. Whats even more concerning still is that a consumer may answer incorrectly for a their chosen provider, without even knowing and hence their insurance could be deemed as invalid should they claim against their policy. Neither RAC nor Hastings seemed concerned about this. When I visited the ABI it was clear from their website that they have no interest in such issues.
  17. Hi, I sent my car engine to a company who made out they could repair my damaged engine. This was all agreed over emails and no terms and conditions were sent, until the engine was ready to be paid for. The company agreed we could pay via Credit Card how ever they now will only accept Cash or Bank Transfer. This has left us is a dispute which we are confident in winning going to small claims. This is a long processes and in the mean time we have a car without a engine. We do still have the shell of the car. Does anyone know if the motor insurance company would pay out if we put a claim in? Any help would be great. Regards
  18. In June 2012 another car driver ran into the side of my car. I contacted my insurance, he contacted his, and I thought everything was sorted out. In May 2013, nearly 12 months after the accident I received a claim form from the other driver's insurance, so contacted my insurer at the time to get them to sort things out, and as far as I know everything was sorted out. Today I received a letter from DLG Legal Services saying they were claiming on behalf of Churchill Insurance, to recover the money paid out from me! Its a bit much as I believed that this claim had been settled over 2 years ago! Can they do this!
  19. From November the government will increase Insurance premium tax from 6% to 9.5%, meaning that people will notice a significant increase, when the Insurers have added any increase to the premium as well. I would think that Insurance will at some point incur 20% tax, the same as current VAT. Politically governments don't like increasing income tax rates, but they tinker with indirect taxes.
  20. Hi, unfortunately my car door got caught by the wind and glanced off the car parked next to me (B&Q car park) At first look I could see no damage, and there was no paint exchanged, but the owner pointed out a 2 inch dent, when you stood back and looked from an angle. I asked if we could sort this, as my excess is £400, and it was agreed, I gave my address and mob number, and took some pictures. They got a quote for £350 + VAT from a garage, I asked for the details to be sent, and they turned up at my home with the quote. When i said it did not seem to equate to the damage done, they said we could go through the insurance. I found a company that would do the the work for £85 + VAT, messaged the details across, (not the cost) and they have said they are not prepared to do that and would be going to their insurers. Have now received a letter, from I assume their insurance company, stating they understand I was involved in an accident and can i call to confirm what happened and who was involved and they would be happy to take the details, and complete an accident report form for me. This is really stressing me out, as I keep expecting him to turn up at my home, and I have offered to sort it. Should I ring my insurers? Help please!!
  21. i wrote my car off in an accident on 14th feb i admitted fault but insurance keep saying they are waiting for a police report before they pay out. I am still paying finance on the car and monthly insurance installments. how can i get them to speed things along everytime i phone i get a different story.
  22. Hi, I made a complaint to GoSkippy yesterday as they cancelled mine and my partners joint insurance because we got the date wrong for when his provisional licence started; they gave 7 days notice of cancellation. The mistake was unintentional but GoSkippy refused to let me amend the policy and pay extra instead opting to cancel the policy leaving me having to answer that dreaded question every time I apply for insurance from now on; they of course managed to charge me silly money for the cancellation as they said the mistake was ours and also told me I could reapply for a policy after ours was cancelled!!! I have a cart-load of no claims on another policy but this cancellation will still affect me badly so I want redress as this was an innocent mistake. As an aside, my partner today had a call on my mobile from Eldon asking him about an accident he has never had; he is a learner and has never had an accident and he has never given my number as a contact so what gives? I'm really not happy as what they have done is going to affect me financially for all time. Apart from going to the ombudsman which is next on the list, any advice anyone? I've read online they are terrible at dealing with complaints. Thanx
  23. Hi all new on here Been looking at some posts on these parasites and cannot see any where people have got anywhere with them question 1 has anyone ever got them to drop their insurance fees if so how? Question two is it worth me saying to them take me to court cause I'm not willing to pay the insurance charges to see if there bluffing now the facts I paid my contractual payments and now they want £4500 still for insurance charges I had a secure loan over 5 years for 7,000 I've paid £11000 back or just over
  24. How can I stop these people they say I owe 4-5k for there insurance while I had a loan I've paid my contractual payments I complained to the Ombusmen but it was over a certain time but they tried anyway now they have closed the case so they must side with blemain so now I'm stuck
  25. Forgive me if this comes across as long winded or angsty but I could do with some advice. I still feel sick to the stomach thinking about it. I had an accident in my car on Friday just gone. My fault, I ran into the back of someone, which I admitted was my fault straight away. After speaking to the insurance company, they're going down the total loss route as my car is 12 years old and with the damage it's probably beyond economical repair. They're saying they will inform the DVLA once they have had the engineers report to say it's being written off. I've asked them what happens with the V5C, do I need to send it to the DVLA or do they? They've said the salvage yard it has been to will send me a letter with a prepaid envelope to send the paper work to and they will sort it out. I don't know why, but I have a niggly feeling that I can't get rid of that something will go wrong. I suppose I am just looking for some advice really. Do I find out from the insurance company where my car is being held so I can give the storage facility the V5C myself, get them to fill it in and I post it to the DVLA so I know it's been posted? Do I contact the DVLA and make them aware of what's happening, so there's no comebacks on me, i.e. car tax reminders etc. Sorry, I just feel so gutted and worked up, so would appreciate some advice please. Thanks in advance.
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