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  1. A friend of mine showed me a very interesting Parking Charge Notice yesterday from G24 who give their address as Po Box 3320 Gerrards Cross Bucks SL9 8WT First of all it is addressed to a Scottish resident and offers the recipient the opportunity to appeal to the newly formed Parking on Private Land appeal body. A very charitable gesture you may think, particularly as the Protection of Freedoms Act does not apply in Scotland. However, having read further into this very colourful and picturesque document there appears to be a sting in the tail. The section relating to POPLA states that if the appeal fails then the driver will lose his right to pay the reduced amount and may incur ADDITIONAL COSTS for LATE PAYMENT. I must say that having read this statement words ALMOST failed me as the bloody appeal is bound to fail as Scottish residents do not have access to POPLA, this is something that is clearly stated in the BPA code of practice. Furthermore, if this particular document is issued nationwide then how many people in England and Wales have actually paid without appealing for fear of additional charges being added should the appeal fail? This also begs the question, what happened to the cost of the appeal process being met by the PPC industry? An additional question surrounds the discount offered by G24, in the case of the document available the charge is £95.00 reduced to £75.00 if paid within 14 days. Now if we apply simple mathematics this represents a discount of 21%. This is interesting on the basis that Section B 19.7 of the BPA code of practice (England and Wales) and section C 34.6 (Scotland) clearly states that the discount should be no less than 40%. I wonder how many people have already paid the inflated figure as well as avoiding the appeals proccess? I understand that this issue has now been raised with the relevant authorities.
  2. hi everyone I need some advice over a parking charge notice i received in the post, its from a company called parkdirectuk asking for £100 to be paid because apparently we were stopping or waiting on private land where stopping or waiting restrictions are in force, now from the pictures they sent the car is parked on double yellow lines not in a bay or anything like that even though i think it was still in the car park, if the car was parked on the yellow lines surely the company has no right to issue me with a "fine" ? i dont really know how to deal with this, any advice would be much appreciated thanks[ATTACH=CONFIG]39584[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39585[/ATTACH]
  3. I rented a house for exactly one year , all rent was paid on time and house was well looked after. Owner and estate agent came and checked house at end of agreement and said everything was great.. House was rented unfurnished, there were a few peices of very old furniture in the house which i said i would dispose of, these we not listed on inventory. There was also a old rug that was listed on inventory as just "rug". I disposed of this as well and now owner says its was a antique persian rug. What should i do? Chris
  4. hi Guy im after a little advice here i currently rent a apartment and have been there for 3 years, you get an Aloted space with your apartment the carpark is private and you need a buzZer to open the electric gate i received a letter from the building management company(TOWN AND CITY MANAGEMENT LTD) containing a parking badge that i must display or i will be ticketed or clamped now i got this letter on saturday , i have been in bed unable to move for 4 days due to the norovirus.so today i went to the car and see a ticket on the screen i looked back at the letter and it stated there would be a site visit on sunday to check permits obviously im not happy about this £50 fee (£100 in 14days) and there is an appeal address at the bottom could some one help me right a letter to this company to get the ticket stopped the parking ticket does not look like anything ive seen before, i could of make it i will scan and upload it tomorrow if it helps thanks
  5. Hi Earlier this evening at 5:55 pm I returned to a private Pay & Display car park to retrieve my vehicle only to find the whole car park secured, locked up with no one in sight. The usual closing time is 7pm however there was signs stating that on Sundays, the car park closes at 6pm, as such every effort was made by my self to make it back on time. Another notable sign warns of possible lock ins, word for word it reads: I was unable to find an office number or even a company name to try and contact them I went into a shop facing and asked the lady if she knew the owners. Unfortunately she didn't, but she did say she'd back me up that I was there at 5 to 6. At that point I pretty much admitted defeat and began the long train journey home. Tomorrow morning I have to get there early to retrieve my vehicle and try not be too late for work. They're going to expect me to pay for the parking plus a £10 overnight charge, I have no intention of paying either of them. My questions are, where do I stand in this stance? Particularly if they refuse to open the barrier, am I legally obliged to pay anything and are they legally allowed to prevent me from exiting? I'd also like to make a complaint, would it be worthwhile contacting the council or is there a particular organisation I could contact? Feeling really distraught so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Tommy
  6. Episode 4 covers parking fines on private land will post link later when its up on iplayer
  7. Forum to advise on preventing private-parking rip-offs [5 November 2012] Dodgy practices in the private-parking industry have led the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to create an advisory committee of consumer and motoring bodies to help sort out the mess, much of which stems from unclear signs and documents. The new ‘DVLA Consumer Forum on Private Parking Management’ will include people from the AA, the RAC, Which?, Trading Standards, the Office of Fair Trading and Citizens Advice, as well as Martin Cutts of Plain Language Commission and Nev Metson, the former police officer who has exposed many of the worst private-parking rip-offs. As we’ve reported, the industry chases drivers for around £160million a year in phoney (ie, non-official) fines for supposedly breaching car-park rules. The forum will meet twice a year. http://www.clearest.co.uk/news/2012/11/5/forum_to_advise_on_preventing_private_parking_rip_offs
  8. Does this mean anything?? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2012/9/schedule/4/enacted
  9. Parking on Private Land Appeals (POPLA) is an independent appeals service, set up in the wake of The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, for motorists who wish to challenge tickets issued by private companies on private land. POPLA was set up by the British Parking Association (BPA) which represents solely the interests of its members, the private parking companies. The appeals process is described on the official POPLA website here: http://www.popla.org.uk/about.htm It's straightforward and factual, but doesn't always give the whole picture. For example, it says that any appeal decision is binding on the operator, but fails to make clear that decisons are not binding on the motorist. Therefore, before making an appeal to POPLA, you may wish to read a less varnished explanation of the appeal process and the legal enforceability of private parking tickets here: http://www.popla.me.uk/
  10. The sign says 'site is run for the Looe Harbour Commissioners by ATS ' So is a ticket from here a legal ticket or a private one?? (Looe in Cornwall)
  11. oh dear this is bad news for the private parking companies http://www.private-eye.co.uk/sections.php?section_link=in_the_back&issue=1326 thanks to Private Eye for this
  12. has the law changed ???? The Law from 1-10-2012: A new Law from 1st October 2012 changed liability for parking on private land from the driver of the vehicle to the vehicle’s registered keeper, unless the keeper clearly identifies who was driving the car at the time. does this now mean I have to buy my £50 fine for parking in a disabled bay infront of argos
  13. http://www.private-eye.co.uk/sections.php?section_link=in_the_back&issue=1326
  14. The behaviour of Parking Eye in the Somerfield's case is really a distraction from the main issue which concerns everyone - and that is the issue of the existence and enforceability of any parking contract. Trying to go through the recent Parking Eye judgments in the High Court and the subsequent judgment in the Court of Appeal, (attached below) it seems to me that the court's view is that by parking in a managed car park where the terms of the parking have been adequately been brought to the notice of the driver, there is a contractual obligation to pay the indicated amount after the free parking time has expired. What I gather from the judgment so far is that the discounted amount - the "reduced amount" is the contractual price - even if that price seems to be very high. It is probably enforceable. However the enhanced amount which is applied in the event that the driver breaches the contract by failing to pay the discounted sum, is probably an unenforceable penalty - because it exists solely to force payment of the initial sum and to discourage breaching of the contract. Of course the other issue of who has the right to sue for the money is a serious question which affects the enforceability of any contract. The other issues as to whether the parking companies access to DVLA records is unlawful or abusive is an important matter - but if the parking industry starts to behave intelligently and less thugishly about the way they organise their business, I expect that they can overcome this problem. I think that if people want to make effective objections to the implementation of private parking schemes, then those objections have to be made directly to the car park owners such as the retail parks and the supermarkets because at the end of the day, it is they whose reputation is at stake. This is clearly one of the reasons why Somerfields terminated their contract with Parking Eye - because they found that it was losing them customer goodwill and business.
  15. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?369613-Advice-on-a-Hire-Purchase-agreement&p=4030233#post4030233 can someone check i am correct please dx siteteam
  16. I live on an over 55's Shared Ownership (70%) complex which has a private car park.It is situated across from a football ground and on match days we have problems with cars blocking the car park and entrance. There used to be signs to say it was private but these were wood and have rotted away. We asked if they could be replaced and this was agreed but we have now been informed that an ANPR scheme is to be implemented which will require all authorised cars to have a permit.This is going to be a real pain for the residents, many in their eighties who rely on carers, district nurses, pharmacies etc to be able to access the car park and where the drivers are not always the same cars. The road outside the complex is double yellow lined on both sides as it is a major transport route so parking outside the complex is not an option. Elderly people need as much outside contact as possible but this is going to put friends off dropping in for a cup of tea. We have had no chance to discuss this or to agree or disagree to this happening. Is there anything we can do to stop this?
  17. Hi everyone, I hope that someone here will be able to offer some advice. I recently bought a MK5 Golf from a private seller on Ebay. The car was described as excellent condition etc and the seller is a mechanic and stated that all repairs / modifications had been carried out by him. Got the car checked over by VW as a couple of Engine lights came on, and they have come back with a list of about 15 things wrong with the car, some of which are major parts that will cost a lot of money to fix. I know I don't have many rights as I bought the car from a private seller and I am fully aware that I might have to suck it up and get rid of the car. However I was just wondering if the fact that the seller stated that he was a mechanic and carried out all repairs himself (after saying that the car was in excellent condition) would give me any sort of right to complain that the car is falling apart a couple of weeks after I purchased it? If he did the work himself could it be his fault that the car is broken and do you think I could prove that he knew about the faults before selling it to me? Thank you in advance for any advice, all help is much appreciated! Kind Regards, Andy
  18. Hello, I have a query. MIL lives with us in AST property. She lives in an annex room. Her name is on the tenancy agreement, but she did not sign it (my husband and I did), as she separately and verbally agreed with the LL (she is 89) that she could stay here until her death or needing to leave the property for health reasons). She contributes to the rent. We received (just me and husband) a Section 21 notice, giving us eight weeks to move. They put her name on the Notice, but it was not addressed to her. And she did not sign the tenancy agreement. I think the LL thinks it unneccesary to give her a notice of any kind and she will just move with us. The trouble is, since we moved here 2 years ago her mental condition has deteriorated although we know she does not want to move. Her carers who come twice a day, etc, are known to her. If we moved it would be very detrimental. We are prepared to fight her corner and stay here under the conditions she agreed with the LL, but she is not mentally capable of representing herself. Can we do this on her behalf? As she didn't sign the AST she can't be served a S21 notice anyway and therefore it would come down to what they agreed. The LL will, needless to say, lie. We live in the country and the LL wants the house for immigrant farm workers. She must have some rights with regard to this situation even though she is not able to do anything herself. Grateful for any advice!
  19. Do NHS recognise diagnoses done privately as valid, please? My GP won't refer me and the services for adults in my area is non-existent. If I need the assessment doing, I need a referral to a centre some 200 miles away. I've had the screening done; but from experience, that means absolutely nothing. GP says she won't refer because I've already been diagnosed - I haven't. I've been told I may have it. I also have no evidence at all of my diagnosis; so I can't get my disabled students allowance, etc sorted.
  20. I have a parking charge notice of £25(originally) from LegionGroup. I had overrun my paid-for parking time. What I am trying to establish is this: the car park is 'owned' by knowsley borough council. I have spoken to them and they have said that they employ LegionGroup to manage the carpark. Legion issue the ticket, and the only mention of KBC is in the body of their letters to me where it says ...'.which is a car park provided by KBC'. I have spent hours on the internet and know that tickets ISSUED by the police or council will usually be enforced, but tickets ISSUED by private firms won't. So, do I ignore their threats or treat it as a COUNCIL issued ticket and pay up? This is my first time here, I have to pop out so apologies in advance if I keep anyone waiting for answers. P.S it's now gone up to £40. Thanks, Julie
  21. The company I work for has received a "Notice of Trespass" in relation to one of our wagons being stopped on the roadside on a private industrial estate in Felixstowe. Note that this was not parking in a bay or layby but simply pulled up on a roadway (on yellow lines). This was recorded on CCTV. The agents, Proserve Enforecment Solutions issued a Notice for Trespass on 10th May for £100 (plus VAT) which we ignored in the same way as we would for a private company issuing a parking PCN. We have now received a second letter with a 50% additional charge suggesting that if payment is not received by Friday 1st June they "will" register the charge with the County Court. Usually the parking PCN's use the word "may" rather than "will". Are we in a different situation because they are using Trespass rather than just an ordinary parking notice? I would appreciate anyone's experience or advice with Proserve Enforcement or this type of notice.
  22. Hello, I live in a block of flats that is on private land with a private carpark. It is overseen by a Management Company and has a factor - both of which appear to be ran by the same person. 2 months ago our BMW X6 was driven into/damaged and whoever caused the damage left without leaving any contact/insurance details. Yesterday, our VW Golf that was only bought 2 weeks ago was also crashed onto and again no details have been provided. Between both incidents, CCTV has been installed in the lobby of each block and also outside each block. I contacted the factor yesterday who told me the camera only covers the footpath outside and can't see the carpark. I went into the cafe at the top of the road (the whole road/land is gated off from the main road) to see her camera which she has on a TV inside her kitchen and I can clearly see a 180 degree angle around the entrance to her cafe which extends right out to the carpark and the canal outside - which the factor previously denied that the CCTV reached, stating it was the footpath only which I know is not true. My car was parked right in front of our block which has one of the round cameras above the door so I am 99% confident it is visible on the CCTV (if recording!). Today I phoned them again asking for them to review the camera or provide access and they point blank refused stating 'they are not trained to access this'. The police also cannot asisst as it happened on private property. My questions are: Do I have any rights to the CCTV? Technically this has been a hit and run/crime, if I don't have access, who does? We pay a factors fee, no one notified us about the CCTV being installed, is this regulated and surely this is there for our security which has now been breached, do I have any rights at all? What is the point in having it when I cannot rely on it when an incident has occured and has been caught on camera? The management company is a private limited company, is it normal for the factor to be overseen by another board etc? We don't see eye to eye with the person who is the director of the management company and who runs the factor as his mother lives below us and there have been problems with a leak that came from a communal pipe however she prefers to blame this on us and give us agro, and he is the person blocking all of my requests to try and find out who crashed into my car and drove off. I hope this makes sense, all help is appreciated, and this happened in Scotland - as I am aware that laws differ between E&W and Scotland. Thank you.
  23. Hello Im pretty sure that a ticket and request for £95 payment is something to be ignored here but I just wanted to make sure. Can someone advise please. Ticket was given while in private car park for a shop called 'sports direct' I have taken a picture of the sign and it can be seen here http://i550.photobucket.com/albums/ii434/urbancolour/IMG_2632.jpg Any advice will be good please Thanks
  24. Hi guys, I'm looking for a bit of advice. I received a parking ticket from a private company called Vehicle Control Services Ltd. The car park is in a gated community where I live. There are signs around the place stating that it is private property. It is permit operated, I do have a permit for my car but on this occassion I had a work vehicle parked in a neighbours space for which they gave me permission to park in. The ticket had a time on of 0422hrs which I find strange in the first place. The want £80 which I find a bit steep to be honest. I've been reading articles and most state that I should just ignore them. My only concern is that its a work vehicle and I don't want to cause any grief with work... Should I just ignore it and wait for something to come to work and then say I didnt get a ticket and take it from there? Any advice is more than welcome. Many thanks in advance
  25. Greetings all: I've received an email - as have others I presume - asking for evidence of unclear wordings on private parking signs. I do not disagree that signs need to be clear, visible & fair. However, the law provides a remedy where this is not the case & I must deprecate the emotive language used in the email. I'm not in any way connected with the BPA but I don't find the inherent anti-BPA stance helpful or justified. I agree that the words fine & offence are unacceptable; these are not criminal matters but it is not unreasonable to refer to penalties & contraventions as well as quoting regulations & authority. You go on to ask for copies of subsequent documents related to enforcement of the penalties. This is again a separate matter which is likewise monitorable by the civil courts. To me this is more evidence of bias. You seem to have reached your verdict in advance & are retrospectively seeking evidence to support it. I was some years ago a consultant to local authorities & others on parking matters, including enforcement. I'm no longer active due to age & health but I continue to maintain that parking regulation on & off street is in the public interest. I agree it has to be fair but that is a two way street & it is encumbent on those seeking to criticise the enforcers to be fair & unbiased themselves.
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