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  1. thanks for your replies, i shall look into this
  2. hi thanks for the reply who do i send this to? very or NDR? NDR are the people im speaking to regarding payments i have 14 online statements but i guess i will need to request all the as you suggest do you also have a link to the spreadsheet i would use once i have these statements? and is there really a chance i can get all these charges back? thanks
  3. hi guys i originally spend £300 at very.co.uk and fell behind with payments balance now £950 after interest and charges i am currently paying them £140 a month (£35 weekly) however every time i look at the statement i am getting charged £50 interest and charges and even £12 debt recovery phone call at this rate i will never clear this balance i spoke to very about getting interest frozen put they referred me to NDR , what are my chances of getting further interest frozen on the account? and surely they cannot charge me £12 because they called me? thanks
  4. only think that makes me wonder is the fact that the building management company sent me a letter telling me what was going on and sent me the pass surely still doesn't make it legal? thanks for your replies
  5. Sorry it does not mention clamping it seem the building management company has set this up to stop unwelcomed vehicles.
  6. WARNING NOTICE TO DRIVER We ANPR LTD have attached a parking charge notice to your vehicle for the reason given above and we have taken a photo of the incident. We are employed to prevent such incidents, so this has caused us to breach our contract with the proprietor of the land. as stated on the warning sign, we now have the right to seek £100 compensation ("liquidated damages") plus debt recovery costs from you via the registered keeper If we receive your payment of £50 within 14 days from the date and time of the event, we will remove your details from our database and close the incident WHAT WE WILL DO IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE PAYMENT after 14days we will ask the DVLA To give us the registered keepers address details because we will have reasonable cause to obtain them. we will then send an invoice for £100 as no early payment discount will be possible, ignoring the invoice and out letters will add to the cost. if the amount is unpaid 6 weeks from the date and time of the incident, we may tow and impound the vehicle even if it has a valid permit. we follow up all cases using a registered debt collection agency or a county court summons (or both). 60 days after receiving payment we will destroy the vehicle details, Photographs and method of payment so we cannot put right Any mistake with a refund HOW TO PAY OR MAKE APPEAL Visit CARFINESDOTCOM and enter the vehicle registration mark or ref number. if the details are correct you can be sure that the website is genuine and secure. please enter card details carefully as mistakes can suspend your card from further use. A payment line is available on 01772 882 999 but this will not handle appeals which should be made in writing THE APPEALS AND PAYMENT DEPARTMENT ANPR LTD BOX ONE PRESTON PR2 0NF
  7. hi Guy im after a little advice here i currently rent a apartment and have been there for 3 years, you get an Aloted space with your apartment the carpark is private and you need a buzZer to open the electric gate i received a letter from the building management company(TOWN AND CITY MANAGEMENT LTD) containing a parking badge that i must display or i will be ticketed or clamped now i got this letter on saturday , i have been in bed unable to move for 4 days due to the norovirus.so today i went to the car and see a ticket on the screen i looked back at the letter and it stated there would be a site visit on sunday to check permits obviously im not happy about this £50 fee (£100 in 14days) and there is an appeal address at the bottom could some one help me right a letter to this company to get the ticket stopped the parking ticket does not look like anything ive seen before, i could of make it i will scan and upload it tomorrow if it helps thanks
  8. hi i will try and keep this brief I have had contract phones with Three (My First Mistake) since around 2008, i had 2 nokias that were both insured. i received a call from them stating I could upgrade to the iphone 4 and i accepted paying an extra £20 a month making it £50 (second mistake).i asked the operator numerous times if i would be insured etc and that it was just a handset upgrade and nothing more, i also got my girlfriend a contact with three on a iphone that i pay for. now i have come to claim on the insurance for the first time in 4 years to find out that when i upgraded, they cancelled my current account and opened me a new one, therefore I am uninsured. I did make it clear that I would need to be insured and I was told that I would be So now I have with a broken iphone since Feb 2012. I called them at the time and got nowhere so i thought i would try again today.they gave me a FINAL offer of a Samsung Europe worth 49.99 (less than my monthly line rental. as far as they are concerned that is the end for me and they will not entertain anymore complaints. what is the next thing to do? Thanks
  9. hi i bought a TV from curry's on credit (£512) i have been paying £25 a month for two years i have just received a close of balance letter for £476.22 here's the breakdown YOU BORROWED: £512 OPENING BALANCE INCLUDING FEES:£620 PAYMENTS AND OTHER CREDITS: -£308.88 INTEREST CHARGES AND FEES: £164,80 INSURANCE PAYMENTS: £0 CLOSING BALANCE: £476.22 Seems everytime i payed £25 i was only paying back £8 - £13 back they also added 2 insurance charges in one one right at the start 08 JAN: OPENING BALANCE £620.30 07 FEB: PAYMENT £25.74 07 FEB INTEREST £13.76 22 FEB INTEREST £17.29 07 MAR PAYMENT £25.74 Etc it also states buy now pay later loan , i was under the impression the payment would keep coming untill the full balance was gone this doesn't seem quite fair, is there anything i can do? thanks
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