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  1. Hi all, Wonder if you could help me with some advice? I have had a bad couple of years and life is finally on the up but I need to get a new car (have kids) and also want to pay off some rent arrears that my Landlord has been really quite nice about this. I am looking for a loan as my credit history has been screwed by payday loans that I am paying off to get back on the up, I have worked out that I can make the payments. I have had a call from Loans.co.uk saying that they are able to lend me the money that I need at a really good APR rate, Here is the sticky point. I have done due diligence on the company and they have accounts registered at Companies House, they have a business address at Chester Business park and and the phone number that they call from is not listed as a spam number, but in order for them to send me the loan monies they have asked that I pay the first months installment into a HSBC bank account based in Southampton? Am I being scammed?
  2. I have just discovered that my husband has (I think) 10 payday loans which have eaten up his entire 2.5k salary this month ! Anger aside, at this stage I need to do sometjing to fix it. Please can anyone offer advice as to how to tackle this before it becomes a disaster. Thank you in anticipation
  3. Hi Does anyone have any dealing with Imperial Consolidated Financiers Ltd and their PPI? This goes way back. Thanks
  4. Hi Last year I rather stupidly took out a log book loan from these guys whilst I was going through a rough patch. I now unfortunately am in the situation of being on benefits hopefully only short term. I have emailed them several times asking for advice on this situation to no avail. During this period my car broke down and was towed to the audi garage for repairs. The bill at present is 2500 which on jsa I cant afford with a further 30 days @10 per day storage charges. The repo men came round today no court order just to repossess I told them the situation with the car and the garage is holding it pending payment. When I signed for the loan the agent came round and as stated on other threads no witness was thyere to sign bar the agent so common thread here with the BoS. Really where do I stand with regards to the repossession ? are the garage allowed to release the car without my consent. To give you some idea its an audi A6 57 plate loan for 3000, the fault causing the breakdown was a design flaw but not acknowledged fought to get audi uk to reduce original bill of 4500 to 2500 as a gesture of goodwill (succeeded) Stupid move originally but cant change the past any advice please. Thanks
  5. i have just had nearly £70 taken out my bank by magic loans without my permission i have tried ringing them but both numbers are invalid the email address does not work. is there anyway to stop all these [problem] loan brokers from taking your money without permission PLEASE SOMEONE HELP
  6. Hi, I took out 3 payday loans on Friday (3 days ago) and am now in the position where I don't actually need the money anymore. From reading this forum, I believe I am within my rights to cancel all 3 agreements within 14 days and return just the amount borrowed (not the exorbitant interest...though) Unfortunately this is not the first time I've used any of the 3 companies, and they say in their T&Cs that it is a revolving line of credit, and that the agreement started from the first loan (which was a lot longer than 14 days ago) However, surely this is a breach of my rights to cancel within 14 days, as each time everything has been paid off before a new loan has been taken out? Any advice before I go in to do battle would be most welcome. My loans are with: Payday Express, Quid UK & Direct Money Thanks!
  7. Hi, there is there anyone whom can give me any advice about being a guarantor and the person whom I had the loan for can no longer pay, I have been harassed for ages and they even ring up my old work place which I was made redundant from 17 months ago. This went to court and the judge closed the case as no one from amigo loans turned up. Now they have appealed and its back in court. These people rang me from 6 45am and also rang people whom lived in my street, they also rang people from other streets close by, its so embarrassing, Thank you
  8. Stop Payday loan adverts on television. please sign this petition & keep passing it on http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42019
  9. The government have said, halfheartedly, that the payday loan industry needs to be looked at. What about using a different approach. Advertising tobacco products has been severely restricted these last few years. How about doing the same to the PDL companies. Ban their advertising, stop them sponsoring football teams and free travel on London Underground for New Years Eve. These companies are a cancer on our society and should be treated as such. Rant over. Buncrana
  10. Hi guys, Just had a letter today from Amigo loans about "my £500 loan application" that had been passed onto them by "Loan Platform". I have not applied for any sort of loan for a good 6 months now and have no idea who "Loan Platform" are. I have rang Amigo up and they have said they have had other calls about the same broker but the guy on the phone said he knows nothing of them. Has anyone else had this type of letter? Could it simply be Amigo send my letters to tempt me? Thanks
  11. Hi all, A quick question, If you miss your payment with a pay day loan, how long is it before they can default the account, i know normally its three missed payments, but with a pay day loan its one payment? I missed payment 25 Feb and received default notice 27 April is this normal
  12. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42019 Please everyone who sees this, sign it and post it on. We have until Nov 2013 with this one!
  13. Hello, new user here. Ive recently come under financial struggle and had 2 loans with lending stream and paid 3 months for each of them but struggled last month and emailed them about it to see if they can half the months payment required and put it on the next one as i would of been able to pay it all in one go then. They refused but instead tried to set me up a 3rd loan account covering the payments, i didnt take it as thats more interest i would be paying but since they refused to help me i refused to pay as i simply could not anyway and i am now contacting debt charity. How ever i just got 2 emails today from LS stating my accounts have been terminated for failure to update my account after a default within 14 days. Thats fine, they will now chase the money and harrass me but the thing i noticed is on the email it stats im still going to be hit with interest until i have paid it off? So they can cancel my account and demand the money upfront but continue to add interest like i still hold a contract with them and its still in good order? Sounds iffy to me. Currently my 1st loan remaining of £170 is now £320 with all the fees they have hit me with after not being able to pay the 1 month. Now they will keep adding interest even though my account has been "terminated" Am i reading into termination incorrectly and presuming the account should now be "closed" with no more fee's being added but they obviously have the right to chase up the original loan sum which im happy to pay off but i am not happy or capable of paying off insane fee's such as these which seem to be happening.
  14. Hello, I just wondered if anyone had any advise on how i could deal with debt problems re Bank of Scotland Loan £7439 default balance which has now passed to Robinson Way Collectors halifax Loan £3288 default which has now passed to Westcot collectors There is no PPI on them but there would b some late payment charges Halifax froze interest for a while to get me bank on my feet but I cant yet secure employment. Bank of Scotland would not freeze it just kept sending letters has anyone had any communications with Westcot or Robinsons way? I really want to try and get back on my feet and repair my credit its just I have no disposable income atall at the moment. very grateful for any advice given thankyou in advance
  15. I don't know if this is the right forum if not please feel free to repost where appropirate. In March I was looking for a loan, more fool me and found a company called Loans Direct They asked for my card details and then on 2nd April £69.99 was taken from my account. I now realise after surfing the web that I have most likely been conned, I still haven't got a loan My question is is it too late to try and claim a refund or a chargeback from my bank. I haven't done it before now as I have been quite ill and went through a rough time. I'm now trying to sort things out Thanks in advance for any advice:madgrin:
  16. Good Evening All! Following advice on these forums, I had sent off a CCA and SAR (is that the right terms? one was with a cheque for £10 and the other for £1) - and have received both in a timely manner. Also, I have stopped paying them and have had a rep call on my door several times now (my partner has been in, I haven't). Thinking that I might as well give him his fiver and be done with it for a month! what should I be looking at on the CCA? There appears to be two loans dated from 2007, most years since I have been paying £5/month by standing order. HOWEVER, as I was referred by my father to this company at the time, I have noticed several pretty big mistakes on the agreements, which could make the agreements somewhat useless... On the first loan paperwork: 1) The "customer address" is of a workplace. 2) The signature is not mine - its my fathers. 3) Deductions - one amount is "unknown" and the other is paying off my fathers arrears. 4) Leaving me with a miniscule cash amount, but a whopping loan + interest amount. On the second loan paperwork: 1) Customer address is of a workplace again. 2) Date of birth is my fathers. 3) "Occupation" and "National Insurance" etc. is my fathers. 4) The signature is mine. 5) Deductions - another unknown amount, leaving me with £90 out of £250. After discussing it with my father, it appears we both took out loans at the same time, but the elderly rep at the time must have become extremely confused. Our details are all over both loans - but both loans are under my account and I have been paying them off for nearly 7 years now. Not sure how to proceed, do I dispute the agreements? Do I give the rep his fiver to keep him quiet whilst I dispute it? Do I continue paying it (£5/month)? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Hello I`m sorry to start a new thread about this as there seem to be a multitude of other threads regarding Thesis but I have spent the last couple of days going through them and am still unsure whether I should respond or ignore so would be grateful for any advice I have 3 loans which were taken out 95-98 and have always deferred due to never earning enough to pay back. For some reason I did not receive my deferrment forms for this year but didn't realise until someone from Student Loans (I assumed at the time they were) rang to ask why I had not sent my deferrment forms back. T hey sent more out and I returned them and received notification that I had deferred until May 2014. Not long after this I started receiving calls on my mobile and tracing the number I found that they were from Link Financial / Thesis. Some wide boy left me a message asking me to call them back which I have not. Since then I have had numerous calls per day (with them using different numbers or caller unknown which I have ignored). I have now received 2 letters from them. The 1st stating that they have been trying to contact me in reference to my student loan which is being serviced by Thesis Service and are wanting to speak to me as a matter of urgency to ensure they have the most up-to-date information before they action my account which may result in arrears being applied to my account before I have had the opprtunity to adress the situation. I received this at the end of May. I have another letter dated 7th June which states that they acknowledge I have deferred until 2014 but there are now £76.90 arrears on the account. At the end of the deferrment period the full amount of outstanding arrears will become due immediately and not clearing the arrears during the current deferrement period will cause the loan to accelerate through their collection process and ultimately may affect abilty to obtain future credit. As an aside I am currently on a DMP due to losing my job 6 years ago which is serviced through CCCS - now Step Change so am aware of the tricks DCA can play. My credit file is currently okayish and any defaults have been put on my file and I only have a couple of years until they expire. I do not want another one one there now. I am unsure how to respond to them - if at all? Many thanks
  18. So basically ive fallen into the trap that over the last couple of days reading on here that many others have also. It seemed so easy...fill in a form..15 mins later have 300 quid to spend.. 2 years later it has spiralled out of control and I have at one point got to the stage where i considered taking my life over it all. I have juggled 9 payday loans for 2 years and now im at my wits end and just want a way out....I have a relatively decent income 35k + and being skint after 10 days on this type of income is quite simply not on. I have the following payday loans pounds2pocket - borrow 1k..pay back 200 quid a month for 12 months wonga -1000 text loans - 300 payday express - 680 peachy 115 wage day advance 300 1 month loan 290 mr lender 390 lending stream - 600 Minicredit - 900 What chances have I got off agreeing repayment plans for all these companies...I have today done what I keep reading which is open a new bank account and get my wage paid into that new account. I can put aside sort of 700-800 to get these paid off within 6-12 month no problem...ive got myself into this mess and im going to pay my way of it. couple of questions. 1) are these companies easy to agree repayment plans? 2) what sort of amounts can be realistically be expecting to pay on these per month. 3) reading alot of bad comments about minicredit - am i going to have to bite the bullet with this one? 4) what is this £1 token gesture mean a month...what is it preventing 5) how will i pay the monthly repayment plan...which account and whats stopping them taking the full amount when i give them my card details. any help at all would be very welcomed and appriciated thanks M
  19. Hi Guys i have 1 slc loan and an honors student loan from 97,98,99. I am in Ozzy and am now an Australian Citizen. no UK family, income , address or bank I have always filled in my deferment paperwork and been deferred every year until now . Hence my user name USELESS PIECE OF PAPER - never used it and ended up earning similar money to before i had a 'degree'. I own a home here due to a partner who has high earnings and we have totally separate finances . I already pay a large amount of my salary to a mortgage and credit card debt. So they refused my referral , what i would like to know is can i just walk away , they have my address , phone number and employer but realistically what can they do . Ive read most of the forums on here and it looks as though ignoring them but via the proper medium is a possibility. I just don't have the money to pay them . Are they chasing Greek students or Cypriots where the economy has failed. How far can they legally chase me . Any information would be gratefully received. I have said i would pay what i could but they quite rudely told me it wasn't enough. Interesting they take exchange rate into account on deferring but in repayments they do not take into account cost of living in another country. Any information would be helpful. perhaps even the name of a professional i can seek advise from as well
  20. For a number of years we have had a mortgage with platform, we have never paid late or missed a payment, in 2008 the property became unsuitable for our needs due to other commitments, there was no chance of selling it as the mortgage was way too high and values had gone through the floor, so we asked if we could let the property. Platform agreed to this. They charged a annual £35 "Tenancy Review Fee - As part of us agreeing to let your residential property we have the right to conduct a review. If we choose to do so we will tell you at the time of the review in writing. The non-refundable fee is to cover the administration cost" According to the current Tariff they also charge a £72 Letting Application fee, I cant remember how much I paid. When pressed recently what this "administration" is they write to tell us its due and receive my letter and the insurance which I send them, they then scan them to my file, I do more admin than they do. For the first year they wanted this fee every 6 months, which was ridiculous, they then agreed to do it every year. This year on the 24th April I received a letter telling me the tenancy is due for renewal and they need to see a tenancy agreement (same tenants for past 4 yr) and payment of £35 or they will class the tenancy as unauthorised and increase the interest rate by 1% This had to wait until pay day came around, in the meantime in the 2nd week of May I received the same letter again but this time asking for £55 over 50% increase, when I rang to question I was told that the rate went up on the 1st of May, when I questioned exactly what kind of administration could possibly cost £55 all she could say was writing a few letters and scanning them, when asked how they could justify such an increase there was no response, nor was there a response to the fact I had only just over a week before the end of May had a request for £35. She did say its all covered in new tariff of charges that I received, but when I said just because you have sent me a list of amounts that does not make them fair or right, I could write anything and send it, that doesnt make it right, lawfully or morally. They have also been causing me headaches over my buildings insurance, they demand to see a copy of the policy schedule each year which I have no problem with if it wasnt for the way they go about it. I have a landlords insurance policy and have had from day 1, this year on renewal I received a letter asking for a copy of the schedule, I faxed this to them for some reason I also had the hindsight to note the date and time I sent the fax, 2 week later I received a further letter from Platform stating that as they had not received any insurance detailts from me they had gone ahead and arranged their own policy which I cannot claim on nor would I see any documents, this would be charged to me at a cost of £21.20 a month and a £10 administration fee had been debited to my mortgage account and will accrue interest at the same rate as my mortgage (for the next 23 years!) I called giving the exact date and time I sent the fax (without this they would never have found it, as they didnt even bother to process is) she looked through the fax system and found the fax, looked over the policy and said everything is fine the charges will be removed straight away, she could offer no explanation as to why despite me doing my part, they had failed to carry out the simplest of tasks. You would think that would be the end of it ... not a chance, when they wrote telling me the fee was now £55 they also demanded confirmation that the buildings insurance covers residential letting and confirmation of the sum insured, both of which were on the policy schedule, which they checked when they previously told me everything was fine. Then last week I received a call saying there was no date on the policy schedule which is ridiculous, I pointed out exactly where the date is to be told that she couldn't actually see the documents I had sent as they weren't on her screen anyway and she was just going off what the system said, why was she calling me without confirming the facts first? I reminded her that the policy was checked while I was on the phone after they claimed they didn't have it but all she said was maybe the pages didn't come through clear ARGH So yet again I faxed the policy schedule off to them. Can companies lawfully use "administration fees" to profiteer, which is clearly the case, if not I want to be an admin worker for them as they must be earning an awful lot of money, what they do they cant do right. Do we really have to keep being shafted like this. Incidentally the rent doesn't even cover the mortgage, insurances & upkeep so its not as if we are doing it to make money. I hate this company, the Mortgage point told us that these will be the only people we could use at the time I had 1 default on my credit file which should never have been on my credit file (and has been removed now) my wife had nothing on hers, Mortgage Point also made us take up a specific life insurance or pay a massive amount of money on top i believe around £1000
  21. Hi guys, does anyone have any experience with Open Door Loans? I really need to set up a payment and wanted to know the best way? Thanks
  22. Hi I am wanting to set up a repayment plan with a payday loan but worried they will start taking my money i need out of my account which covers food etc as im only on JSA. I phoned lloyds and cancelled my debit card but this company also has my sort code and account number if i cancelled my card will they still be able to remove money from my account ? I already have my new card does this mean if they sent me a new card the old card will no longer work ? Also these search engine lenders have passed my card details on to other companies which have taken like £1, 90p etc from my account and signed me up to daily deals. Now i have cancelled my card will this also stop them taking money ?
  23. I have read through other threads but unfortunately have not been able to find answer to my question. Hope somebody can help. I had student loans from SLC in 1994 and 1995 which became statute barred over a decade ago. I am considering returning to study, and note that the application form asks: - Have you ever had any other loans from the Student Loans Company (SLC)? No - go to 2.3 Yes - are you behind with the repayments? No Yes - you can’t apply for student finance until you resolve this. Call 0845 073 8891 for Income Contingent Repayment (ICR) loans or 0845 073 8896 for Mortgage Style loans Now my question is: - would the statute barred loans equate to being behind with repayments? or would the fact that the debts are statute barred mean that there are no repayments to be behind with? I hope this makes sense.
  24. MY Halifax loan states amount lent 1,800 total chg for crdit 219.42 amount payable 2,019.42 ,insurance loan 216.14 . total charge for credit for insurance loan. total amount payable over 18 months 125.66 interest rate 15.9% I have signed the ppi ??? can i still apply for refund and also how much would this be i took this loan out 22/06/01 thank you i have also got another one and a morgage which i will do next
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