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  1. Hello, I received a statutory demand in late Dec 2011 for over £10,000 which was set aside on the request of the legal department of the company pursuing the money. I informed them that I had no knowledge of any outstanding debt or subsequent court proceedings and explained that it must have been a family member who had used the account without my knowledge who had since been witholding the correspondence from me as it was not sent to my address but to my deceased parents house where I had previously lived and where they now reside. The guy who served the statutory declaration told me that they had been used to track me in order to serve document as it was thought that I had disapeared (mortgage, council tax, electoral roll) lord lucan I am not. Since early Jan 2012 just prior to Statutory demand being set aside I requested an explanation from the company identifying the facts, and what they intended to do in order to rectify the situation. The guy I was dealing with said it was his priority to have statutory demand set aside and that he would look into this further. I have not heard anything since, and considering that it is a fairly large sum of money which I dont have it is something I could do without. I feel certain that the legal department spoke to the local guys at this end and that they have confirmed to them my version of events, and that was why they were keen to have statutory demant set aside. Is it wise to follow this up? What is the best way to go about this? I dont particularly want to cause problems for family member but this is a worrying situation any help/thoughts greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. Good Morning Out of curiosity is there a way you can stop this happening without needing to change bank accounts? I know the obvious answer is 'just pay off what you owe!' Looking for anyone who has managed to stop this happening? Thanks very much
  3. Between Sept and Nov 2011, I sent written grievance letters to my previous employer. I submitted my Case to Employment Tribunal on 23 Nov 2011, they resisted the case, so the hearing was done on 30 march 2012. They were absent, and I was awarded £2000. After 42 days, they still didn't pay up, only when I threaten to use the baliffs, now they say they are dissloved and have no liabilities to me. Searching on the web, gave me this, the dissolution started on 30 Nov 2011, as the only director resigned. It came effective on 1 may 2012. Only 10 days ago, their representative informed me about the dissolution, no dates or explanation were given. Nor me or the ET was informed about the dissolution beforehand. The company and the representative both disappeared online am I suspect they are the same lot. I worked at a restaurant(Zen) which pay cash on hand, no records or contracts made. Anyway I won the case. During the claiming process, they said that I was not employed by the restaurant, but this company(North Towers) which owns the restaurant, and during the case, another company(Grandway Trading) respresented them. North Towers Ltd is now dissolved. I had no knowledge of that beforehand and I accepted the fact. The restaurant is still up and running. From the judgement from ET, I had a month to act before it was finally dissolved, I didn't check and thought of this scenario. What can I do? I am now in Germany and my friend is dealing with it in UK, he thinks there is a contempt of court.
  4. i got pulled over by the police yesterday i have normal social domestic and pleasure and commute to aplace of work insurance. i had some stock that i was carrying for my shop in the vehicle, i got pulled and give a ticket for not driving without insurance, they took the car and i now have a fixed penalty im guessing with 6 points. any advice? i dont mind paying the fine however its not like i was driving without any insurance just not commercial insurance
  5. In simple terms this is 1 of my 3 accounts, its literally used for a couple of direct debits that I want to keep separate. Having second thoughts considering I keep missing them. I had a direct debit come out this morning which I had forgotten about, checked my bank and it had been paid so I thought best transfer enough in so i'd not go overdrawn which I did. And being extremely cynical of banks I take screenshots of everything just incase. Interestingly I just checked back and that same direct debit has now been bounced and if you have a look at my screenshots from lunch time today and this evening you will see that they prized the bounced dd between the dd and the credits. Naturally i'm extremely anoyed about this and you can bet that if i'd not of credited the account they'd of paid it and charged an od fee. I will be charged £25 for this so naturally if I can get around this i'd like to. I should add that there is no charge for being less that £10 overdrawn and they do not charge for being overdrawn if you are bank before 3.30 that working day. Any ideas much appreciated. Screens Lunch : http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/before.jpg Just now: http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af299/badgercraig/Dirt/after.jpg
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