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Everything posted by nicsussex

  1. As everyone has said will be a long road - but worth it though. SC&M finally paid my claim just hours before court, as seems to be their current strategy.
  2. All seems standard LTSB stuff so far - they will drag it out and S,C&M will drive you mad - but guess what? - they will pay up, albeit at the last minute.
  3. Sound like that is what they are implying - probably best to send them one.
  4. Find a comfy chair - sit yourself down and have a good read around the site. In particular the FAQs, get yourself fully acquainted with everything involved and then proceed to reclaim what you are qowed.
  5. Congratulations - must feel great to have won - hope you haven't agreed to the confidentiality clause though!
  6. Did call them a couple of times but never got much in the way of a response - Mr Thomas is very elusive and his colleagues will do everything in their power to put you off. Suddenly though just before court case is due Mr Thomas miraculously reappears and calls you! I'm afraid this just seems to be the tactics that they have chosen to adopt. Have recently started second claim againt LTSB and am finding this one far more relaxed as the route that they are taking is exactly the same as the previous claim. Hold your nerve and you will get back what is yours.
  7. Sounds like time to post Request for Repayment of Charges Letter - but remeber O/D interest is not reclaimable per se. Only the amount of O/D interest that is a direct result of the charges.
  8. Did you send a copy to the court? Went through this myself, and unfortunately they will drag it out to the bitter end. Whilst it may make you feel better to be chasing them, it is my believe that they take this all like water off a ducks back and it is only when a court date is very imminent (in my case the night before the case was due to be heard) that they will pay up. However, pay up they will, although I appreciate that they are very frustrating. Trust you included interest in your letter?
  9. Many thanks for that - unfortunately its been many a years since i even remotely resembled being under 18! Was a question I had been asked by a friend of a friend - will pass it on - many thanks.
  10. nicsussex

    Minimum Age?

    Anyone know if there is a minimum age at which someone can issue a claim iin County Court? Have looked on HMCS website but can't seem to see anything there. Any advice much appreciated.
  11. Surprised that Google search for their e-mail address did not throw up this link - http://www.c-i-n.com/references.html - link is to some debt collection agency but lokk who the first refernce is from - now i wonder why they didn't want you to know their e-mail address?
  12. What response did you get from original letter?
  13. LLoyds will take it to the wire as we all know - but you will get your money don't worry. In my case SC&M paid the money into my account the night before the case was due in court and with no correspondence or conditions.
  14. Would like to say that they do always pay them at settlement stage - however S,C&M refused to payback any charges that had been made since the claim was issued and suggested to me that I would have to repeat the whole proccess again. This, to me, proves that they are prepared to make full use of the court system to deter anyone from claiming at any stage that they can. Is this abuse of the county court process as they clearly have no intention of appearing in court? If so, is there anything that we can do about it to increase the judiciary's awareness of this tactic? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Needless to say round 2 against LTSB has begun!
  15. Keep to the process and they will payup - they refunded my charges literally eleven hours before we were due in court. Don't worry you will get your money back!
  16. I used Internet banking statements and had no problem
  17. Be fully prepared for the case as I'm sure you are - also expect full sttlement on 5/10/06 if my experience is anything to go by. Good luck.
  18. I'm fully aware of all the legal argument surrounding the charges and am quite willing to argue this in court - just needed to know what I had to supply to the court and to the defendant prior to the hearing. Any thoughts?
  19. court date is set for about 3 weeks time
  20. Hi - have court date coming up soon nad have been notified that all documents that I need to rely on in the hearing need to be lodged with the court and the defendant at least14 days before the hearing. Not sure though what docs i will be relying on - is this transcript of McNamara interview etc. or should I have a great raft of detailed case law to quote? Anyone got any ideas?
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