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Everything posted by nicsussex

  1. Deep - is that not the customer service recovery centre in Bristol?
  2. ok - here goes it is 01264 345678
  3. Wasn't easy to get them on the phone - both the numbers that I have for them are permanaently engaged 24 hours a day. (Apparently they set them as busy even when they are not there to 'avoid disturbing other departments'). However having had LBA returned as undeliverable by Royal Mail, faxed copy sent with covering letter asking them to confirm receipt and not being able to contact them on phone for three days i got the number of the main switchboard in Andover - the person on here took my details and e-mailed them asking them to call and miraculously within 2 hours they had! If anyone wants me to post the number of the Andover switchboard then let me know.
  4. ooohh!! - Just seen i have been upgraded!
  5. Congratulations - and best of luck with the lottery (you'll need it!)
  6. As i say thought i might know the answer - but don't expect to get too much response from them for any new claims
  7. Just to let everyone know that following a telephone conversation with Customer Service Recovery Centre at Andover today was advised that due to the high volume of compalints that they are receiving at the moment, the expected timescale being quoted by them, for an initial response is 3-4 weeks! Also new staff were being moved to this unit on a weekly basis in order to try and get through the backlog but that the retraining that they were receiving seemed to be having the opposite effect. Think i probably know the answer to this but what is anyones opinion on the 14 days quoted in prelim letter and again in LBA and how it fits in with the current LTSB timescale? Could a judge (should it ever get that far) suggest that a reasonable dialogue had not been entered into by the claimant, given the number of complaints that the defendant was having to deal with? Any thoughts?
  8. Been trying yo call them on 01264 832297 but has been engaged all day 9think they might be a little bit busy). Anyone have any other numbers for Andover?
  9. Where did you send the letters to? I have a sneaky feeling that Customer Service Recovery at Andover are not accepting recorded delivery items at the moment - can't prove it - but did send LBA on 24 January by recorded delivery and post office have said that they can't deliver it. Could be it has been lost but on the other hand . . .
  10. Congratulations on your second victory! This comes from someone now taking on LTSB for the third time!
  11. The good news with Lloyds is that they do not generally tend to close accounts. The bad news is that they will drag everything out right to the very last minute. Good news part 2 is that you follow all the guidance on here you will (eventually in the case of Lloyds) get all your money back. Good luck
  12. I have signed - lets make it the new road pricing issue
  13. Here's a question for you. Most of your direct debit payment are due to debit on the 1st of each month as you are generally paid near the end of the month so things come out a couple of days after, however there was a mistake with your wages. Which of the following would you rather happen - 1) Allow the bank to pay direct debits and pay for this service (as in all my messsages I do think charges should be lowered). OR 2) stop paying things when you reach your limit. As a result, you miss a payment on your mortage and your home is now at risk. Miss a payment on your loan/credit card and now another financial organisation is after you for immediate payment. Miss a payent on your car/home insurnance - this may stop you from been able to claim. Have your credit score shot to pieces as a result of these actions (option 1 will have an impact on your score too, but only over a long period of time, where as this option will almost affect your score overnight) I know which one I would rather have, and it certainly isn't option 2. And unfortunately in my case and many many thousands of others this is eactly the way that the banks have behaved - thankyou for your input but please only comment on situations that you have some experience of.
  14. Lloyds took my second claim all the way to the wire, paying up the day before court - just starting third claim so will see what happens
  15. Prepared to have a small bet that it will magically appear in the post in the morning
  16. And no mention of CAG despite having 2 members playing major roles in the story! Watchdog editors need to be made aware
  17. Prepare your court bundle and submit it - just so that there can be no hicups - then await settlement
  18. Thank them for their partial offer but state that you will settle for nothing less than a full refund
  19. Standard LTSB approach do not worry - follow the many threads on here and you will learn how they operate. Will take time but do everything according to the tried and tested methods you will find here and stick to your timetables and you will get back what id rightly yours. (To be fair, with this lot it might take a while!)
  20. Current strategy from SC&M seems to be pay up a day or so before court, not tell you, inform the court and then right to you about three days later . .
  21. Congratulations - was it S,C&M that were dealing with the cae?
  22. Doubt they record all calls depends who you were talking to - expect you might find that they deny this was ever recorded . I do know that calls at branch management level are more often than not recorded but is unlikely if it was just a call centre or "customer services" - would be fun to ask though.
  23. "Allied International Credit - D&T" Am i beig slow ? What does D&T mean?
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