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Everything posted by AWC

  1. No, it doesn't make any difference, judgement has passed (default or otherwise) they had the chance to contest just as eveyone else does, they blew it. Now, they either pay up or have goods removed from their property. I suppose they might be able to counter claim (as anyone has a right to), but as to whether they could put up a decent case...I doubt it!
  2. Just wait and see. I think the next step is the judge will issue a warrent of execution (might be worth you checking with the court) and a baliff will be sent into their head office. As far as I am aware, it doesn't matter about it being before 2000, they had the chance to challenge it in court and did nothing, so tough on them!
  3. If you send a Prelim letter requesting the unlawful charges are returned, then you can claim that the account is in dispute, therefore you shouldn't have to pay the £730 until the charges are returned (which they will be).
  4. I had similar on my Halifax account and have included them on my list of charges, not heard a thing as yet...
  5. Well done for standing your ground, the are so full of...
  6. Thats such a kind thing for you to do, you deserve a good pat on the back, it will no doubt mean a lot to him! Please do keep us posted!
  7. ...but remember not to add the interest until the court stage. Fill in the spread sheet, take off the interest and send it with you prelim letter.
  8. Basically, they have backed themselves into a corner. Having spent years charging customers way above the real cost and unlawfully pocketing the profits, they have only two choices when confronted by us the consumer: 1) Pay up, shut up and continue to overcharge, 2) Challenge the consumer, go to court and reveal the true costs they encure covering our debts/charges - which will open the flood gates for the entire public to reclaim and probably bust all the banks. So, in essence, they would rather pay you back then admit the truth, but they won't give in quietly and will never accept that they were ever in the wrong and will accuse customers of managing their accounts badly.
  9. When the times up, start the court proceedings, you have given them a reasonable amount of time to respond to letters. I'm sure they do themselves no credit by ignoring you, but don't halt the process because of their incompetence.
  10. If they are late, report them. If you don't have your statements by 40 days (plus 2 days for postage etc) ring them up and tell them that you will get a court order.
  11. Hi there Chopski and welcome to the site! I wouldn't worry about which address you send your SAR to, obviously Trinity Road is the correct one, but your letter will get there and if they miss the 40 day deadline, that's their fault, not yours. They know all about SAR's and where to pass them onto, they've had plenty. You've done your bit for now, sit back and wait for those statements, and if an organisation of their size can't get their act together, report them. As for the missing year of statements, get that highlighter at the ready! Keep us posted, any questions, just ask away, we are only too happy to help! :grin:
  12. Excellent!Stick to your timetable and keep us posted, won't wish you luck because you won't need it.
  13. Superowls is right. When you settle in full and final, it only applied to those charges in that particular claim, all subsequent charges you wish to claim for form part of the new claim. Just carry on with your process, ignore them as they will tell you anything to put you off claiming.
  14. Well, when I went into my local Halifax branch to pick up my statements, they handed me a sealed bag - when I got home and opened it, I found loads of letters to customers as well as my statements. I was really annoyed that they are so slap dash about customer care, so I popped them in the post box. Bad form Mr Halifax!
  15. Hmmm, difficult one... It's up to you what you would like to do, but if it were me (and this is only what I would do) I would refuse to accept their offer unless they are prepared to hand over a cheque. In my prelim letters I requested payment by cheque only, if they insist on paying into my closed account, I might risk taking it to court on the basis that they are not agreeing to my terms - getting the money back is half the battle.
  16. Hi there, pretty much the same timescale as me. Keep at it and soon you will be there!
  17. Hi there and welcome to the forum! As doo says, don't worry as there is tons of support on this site.
  18. Good luck, although you don't need it! My prelim is going out tomorrow with £2,990 worth of claims!
  19. Hey, stop worrying, if anything this may hold up your process a little, but it won't stop it. The time HBOS takes in cashing the cheques vary to be honest, so don't worry about that. There should be someone to sign at the PO box I would have though, at the very least it will be passed to Head Office. If you weren't suppose to send recorded delivery to PO boxes, then I would hope that the Post Office would have said so?
  20. Right, forget the first question as I am sorted on that one, but I do have another query - on the spreadsheet, which date is the `Claim Date'? Is it the date I send the Prelim letter? Oh yes, and I have remembered to remove the interest etc at this stage and to re-apply it at N1 stage.
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