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Everything posted by AWC

  1. Hi there Your credit rating won't be repaired until after 6 years from the start of your IVA.
  2. Well, firstly a huge thanks to this site and all the people on it who have offered their advice and support over the years, it truely is a fantastic site! It has taken me almost a year, but I thought I would update on my IVA which is now over. Many years ago I ran up £42k worth of debts through credit cards and loans but by the summer of 2005 I was unable to keep up the payments and ended up getting demanding letters, phonecalls etc. Not knowing where to turn, I was advised to go to the CAB, who put me onto PayPlan who then did their bit and by November 2005 I started a 5 year IVA. The IVA was very difficult, paying £350 a month and not being able to afford a nice car or go on a holiday, couldn't even borrow any money either, but I stuck it out making every payment and by November 2010 it was completed. Got a nice letter from PayPlan with a copy of the court order to say that all my creditors were satisfied and that I should not be persued for any further payment. Was it worth it??? For me, yes. As I said before, it has been very difficult and I can quite understand why others fail, but it has taught me to take such care with my money and to think twice before spending it. There are only two issues, which I am not too bothered about. 1) Egg sold my loan to another company who still send me letters updating me on the amount outstanding, but not demading any payments. They don't worry me, just annoys me considering that the debt has been settled and it doesn't appear on my credit report. 2) When checking my credit file every month or so, there is an Egg Credit Card default is still on my file (different account from the Egg loan), however, all the other debts in my IVA have gone from the report. The last time I used the Egg card was over 6 years ago, yet they say the last default date is February 2006 which would have been 3 months after I started my IVA. Anyway, other than that things are great, and so if I can help anyone with advice etc reference IVA's, give me a shout and I will do my very best.
  3. Hi there, I have only just read this thread, scanned through it to be honest and so forgive me if I have missed anything. If the original debts date back to 2005, will they not be Statute In Law after 6 years? i.e. it maybe that you cannot be persued for the money now anyway if the last time you borrowed any money was before July 2005? Just a thought.
  4. I have had a current acount with my bank (Nationwide) for over 5 years, it has Visa debit etc, and I only have one payment left to make next week on my IVA. The bank know all about my IVA and actually offered the account to me, although I don't have an overdraft, chequebook, loans or credit cards etc. Might be worth you asking them for a current account? HTH
  5. Not sure if this is the correct part of the site to post this, but here goes. To cut a long story short, my sister and her husband have a dishwasher which packed up three weeks ago. They called out an independent engineer who had a quick look at it and diagnosed that the pump needed replacing. He advised them that it would be cheaper to replace the unit then pay him to repair it if they bought a new machine from him because he would knock off the call out fee off the final price. A little suspicious, but in general all okay so far so they agreed. Now, this is where the alarm bells start ringing. He then said that he could take away their old machine for nothing, to which I had previously warned them not to let any engineer do, because it was probable that they could fix it for a tenner and sell it on. He used their phone to ring his `mate' who could get them a good model for a cheap price with a 5 year guarantee. They agreed on a Smeg dishwasher, but the `mate' couldn't tell them which model and would let them know later. The engineer also offered to install the dishwasher for £90 on top! All in all, he asked for about £700 and said he would only take cash, no cheques or credit cards etc. My sister said that they didn't have that sort of money, but they could pay via PayPal...he declined but said that he would take payment via direct bank transfer. My sister then offered half the payment up front, he declined again and requested the full amount so he could buy the new machine...so she wired the money to him there and then and off he went...leaving no paperwork at all. Since then, he has not delivered the machine, nor has he given them any paperwork or a refund. Each time he arranges to deliver or give them the paperwork, he doesn't turn up, then claims he did come along but they were out at the time. I have offered to collect the machine and paperwork from his address, but we get fobbed off. I advised my sister to call her bank and explain it, but they said that the couldn't refund it, so advised her to go to the Police. Now, it goes without saying that my sister & husband broke just about every rule in the book, and the average person most certainly would not have given a complete stranger any money without a fully installed machine etc. Turns out that after doing a little research on the net, he has done this to other people, I can supply a link if anyone is interested? Basically, where does she stand? There is the option of the small claims court? Thanks in advance. 8-)
  6. Spot on! My mother had an interview a few months ago for a council tax underpayment which she honestly didn't realise she had done any wrong. She was open and honest as she had nothing to hide, and ended up with just a fine, no court action, no caution, no prison etc, yet she was very worried and feared the worse. If you did not intend to do any wrong, just stand your ground, believe in yourself and take each step as it comes, and as always you have a wealth of support and help from this site.
  7. This is their registered office, would be a good place to start? ONE COM LIMITED LITTLEWICK COTTAGE BASHLEY COMMON ROAD BASHLEY HAMPSHIRE BH25 5SH Company No. 03724414
  8. First off, try not to worry, you are in good hands on this site. I don't know much about JSA etc, but there have been several recent threads about people who are in a similar situation. At a guess I would say that the visit is to assess whether you qualify to continue to receive JSA.
  9. Firstly, many thanks to all for your help and advice! Just thought that I would give a quick update, may benefit others. My mother received a further letter last week offering her the oportunity to pay a 30% admin fee, but no offer of a caution or any mention of presecution. She took some advice from the CAB who suggested that she really ought to take the Admin fee and leave it at that, as the council would probably take it to court if she doesn't. She has decided to do the above as she can then put it all behind her. She is very relieved, but also somewhat disgusted at how the council has far too much power and a system which is clearly set up to entrap anyone and everyone. So, well done to the council for earning another £500 through immoral ways, I really don't know how they can sleep at night?
  10. Hi christian, not really much I can offer other than go and be honest and hopefully things will turn out okay? Good luck and let us know how you get on.
  11. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. Is it worth her telephoning the DWP to ask if they intend taking any further action, or will they not tell her. On the whole she says she is fine, but I know that silently she is still very worried as she has never been in any kind of trouble before. I think she just wants to settle her mind either way.
  12. Hi there and well done on paying so much off! I don't think it will affect your DMP at all, other than the fact that it might reduce the amount you owe, but Payplan are perhaps not the right people to ask. I have been with Payplan for many years and nearing the end of my IVA, with only a few months to go! For me, Payplan have been great, no problems at all and when I have talked to them on the phone they have given good helpful advice, however, it's worth bearing in mind that they are a business and as such are in it to make money. Therefore, when ever it would appear they could loose money, such as you wiping out a debt via CCA's, they will appear reluctant as it is not within their interest to loose their fees.
  13. Well, she repaid the overpayment immediately on getting the letter way back in July, and as yet has only received an acknowledgement letter of her payment, but nothing else. Odd?
  14. Hi there, I really feel for you, so sorry to read that you are so frightened, I have been in a similar situation and it is horrible, but it can and does get better. Have you been to the Citizens Advice Bureau yet? That would be my first step.
  15. It's a shame to see this thread become so negative, especially when judgement is made soley on a person to which we have never met, but only read a few of their postings? Fortuntely it is a rarity on CAG. The way I see it with the threads on this site is that people come on here needing advise and help, and usually going by what they say they are pretty down in the dumps and are needing someone to just listen. Of course we all have our own inward opinions on each case, but I try not to openly judge the original poster on whether they have done the right or wrong thing in their lives, but instead try to offer the best advice I can to help them better their situation. However, if I can't offer any help or advice I just say nothing, I certainly wouldn't endevour to make their day any worse. Personally, I see nothing wrong with someone getting dressed up and making an effort to look smart for ANY interview or assesment if that is what they want to do, it's a step towards recovery and puts over a positive impression that they are making a good effort, afterall isn't it more important that the OP on this thread works towards improving the situation for the sake of their kids and themselves? If any assessor looks down on anyone who turns up to an interview smart, perhaps they are in the wrong job? I am a positive thinking person and I say chin up stardust john, think positive and take each day as it comes, that way things can only get better!
  16. Thanks for the update Carol, I have been reading your thread with interest as my mother is in very much the same situation. She had an IUC over 5 weeks ago (she went well prepared too with tons of paperwork) because she didn't tell the council that she had a change of circumstance and ended up not paying enough council tax, an under payment of £1,200. Anyway, she had a follow up letter 3 weeks ago from the council saying she owes the above amount, to which she paid in full on the day she received the letter and since has heard nothing. Good luck and keep us posted!
  17. Correct, but I would advise you get a professional opinion to be sure.
  18. Hi there Animal Lover and thanks for responding. My mother is fairly calm at the moment, but obviously looking forward to getting this all behind her. She hopes it's either no further action or a penalty/caution, hopefully not prosecution, especially for £1,200 but one never knows what they might decide?
  19. Hi guys, as always, brilliant site! 8-) I'll try and keep this simple. Okay, my mother has had a reduction on her council tax for approx 4 years due to low income. She has always `knowingly' abided by the rules, been open and honest with the council and given them all the information they have asked for. Two months ago they requested some more of her bank statements, to which she confidently supplied. Then, three weeks ago she received a letter asking her to attend an `Interview Under Caution' a week later. She attended, they laid out the statements which she had supplied and they wanted to know where she had got £50k from. 18 months ago her mother passed away and my mother received £50k in part payment for her mothers will, she was instructed to split this amount into 4 and distribute to her two brothers and sister which she did, and my mother got the remaining £12,500 They interviewer said she was supposed to inform them of a `change of circumstances', she said she thought the threshold was £16k but is isn't. She didn't admit anything, but stated that she never intended to defraud the DWP of any money and prooved that she has always been up front `to the best of her knowledge'. Anyway, that was two weeks ago, she then received a letter 9 days later (quite quick really) saying that she has been overpaid £1,200 in benefit and she has to pay it back, which she is going to do. The letter also stated that it doesn't mean that they may not consider taking legal action. So, question is, what now?
  20. They can do a search all they like, my credit rating is shot anyway as I am currently 2 years into an IVA. If they hassle me in anyway, then they have defaulted under the agreement and all my debts are void. Should they decide to do a check under the name which they phone up for, they will get nothing out of it as it is the wrong name. As yet, still no further calls, only the one last thursday, so I suspect it wasn't for us, especially as I don't see any reason at all why they would contact us.
  21. Seems like things are going in the right direction, keep us posted!
  22. Thanks for all your replies everyone! Well, no phonecall yesterday from them, nor did I bother ringing back, and so if it was important I would have thought that they would have been on the phone all day bugging us. My conclusion is that either they were after someone else with the same surname or a neighbour.
  23. This is why it is so odd, for number of reason: 1) We don't have any joint debts and my wife has never had any debts. 2) We are not list in any phone book in our married name, entries are listed in my wifes maiden name. 3) All my previous debts are either paid off or subject to an IVA (2 years into it) and I have never defaulted in any payments. I am paying back one credit card in monthly installments which is not part of the IVA and did miss a payment for a few days, but have now paid it and am actually ahead of schedual, but that card is under a different name and address as it is so old and I haven't used it in years, so they have no reason to chase me as payments are being made and everything is in hand. Oh well, we will wait and see. Thanks for all your suggestions, keep them coming in!
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