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Everything posted by doo

  1. Good luck today lynns, let us know how you get on
  2. Guess that's another court following the sway to order a stay on bank claims then, thought it to good to be true. Will be joining the queue then:mad:
  3. Looks good to me Icy, be prepared to be patient - they don't rush, I take it you are sending this to be signed for, I would also send copy to the e-mail address above. Good luck and keep us informed.
  4. Hi glav, let us know what you decide, I know how you feel, as you know same happened to me but at least you are now debt free from them so even if you decide to accept it's still a v.good result
  5. Hi Icy, contact the three CRA's and get copies of your credit report, it will show the default if it is there and I think the date. Also ask Cap One again for a true copy of the default notice. Try this e-mail address, it is the legal department. carolyn.parsons@capitalone.com
  6. Hi glav, am not familiar with NI but if I were you I would ring the court or better still go down there and speak to someone, you could also pm Uk who is the usual site helper on cap one forum to see if he could shed some light.
  7. Hi lyns, I can't point you to anyone in cap one forum who has been to court so will bump this up for you, you know where I am if you need anything else, hope the e-mail was of use to you.
  8. keithandjen1, great news, am also doing a claim for my brother at Romford court and was told they were carrying on as normal. You are ahead of me as we are waiting for a hearing/court date, am now considering sending in a CPR18 request to Abbey. Please keep us updated. Good luck.
  9. Hi Icy, I see from your early posts that you did put in writing that you wanted copies of default notice - did you actually receive a copy of your default notice? I also did do a CCA request, it was well over time receiving a copy and I know that in a few cases they have not been able to supply this. In fact before they sent me mine I received a letter saying 'please find enclosed copy of your CCA request' only there was nothing there, also happened to someone else on here, I think they were playing for time.
  10. Hi Leecabs, keeping fingers crossed for you that the CPR18 gets a good result for you, will be watching closely.
  11. That's fantastic news Paintball, quite surprised how quickly you got a result with this, well done:D Have had partial offer from Barclaycard which has been taken off the very small balance owing on this card, am now chasing the remainder, LBA sent today.
  12. I know exactly how you feel woodentop, as stated my O/Hs and brother got paid out in full CCI, mine got the same result as you, I had done all three claims and used same spready's, POC etc. I bet if you add up all your purchase interest you have paid on your account for this period it will be far less than the CCI you have claimed, had it been more you would have been paid out in full. I originally sent my cheque back and began a fight, well over 2 months later I managed to get another £200 but it was hard work and very frustrating. If you decide not to accept you won't lose the money already offered - you will probably find they have already actioned the cheque anyway. Obviously if you are going to continue you need to keep your claim intact and so not accept partial payment which has been offered.
  13. Hi Woodentop, you sound happy with your payout and that's the most important thing - you still have a nice amount to come by cheque. Same letter as I got, even though they paid out in full for my brother and hubby, all claims done by me, all done exactly the same, all comes down to how much purchase interest you have paid on your account. I reckon you have done well.
  14. doo


    Hi ds, am still waiting for track allocation and court date so have not had to do bundle yet but that is great info above you posted for clippy, I know where to come when I need help I am now going to try and convince my brother about sending the CPR18, may be worth a shot now I know that Romford are proceeding, it seems to have helped a few. Have you any thoughts on this.
  15. Hi Botsy, the status left on your account is still very damaging, I managed to get my late markers removed so keep at them, especially if you asked for negative info to be removed in your POC. Without incurring their charges you may well not have been so behind with payments so there is a link there. I would have thought that the number 9 is the number of months you were behind with payments but could be wrong.
  16. doo


    Hi ds, my brother has also received the dreaded letter from Abbey but the good news is (and will hopefully continue) I have spoken to Romford CC and have been told bank claims are progressing as normal. Best wishes, Doo x
  17. Have just spoke to Romford Court who have told me that they are carrying on with bank claims as normal. Hope so louis, how is your court dealing with bank claims? Leecabs, Have CPR all ready to go but my brother is not keen to use it but the good news is above in that Romford seem to be carrying on.
  18. Just spoke to Romford County Court and was told that bank claims are carrying on as normal.
  19. Hi c.allen, haven't forgotten about you, they are difficult to deal with at times and certainly easy to loose your rag with, I know - hopefully the letter will have the desired effect.
  20. Thanks Lula, tend to agree, will ring the court on Monday, what a pain, I wonder if they will put a stay on their charges - I think not
  21. Have CPR18 ready to go BUT along with everyone else it seems my brother has had the dreaded letter from Abbey to say they are applying for a stay - so now have a dilemma. He does not think it is worth pursuing the CPR18 and I am also not sure now. Any comments appreciated.
  22. doo

    ICY -v- Abbey

    Hi Icy, that's good news, was quite worried when I first saw these postings but certainly seems to be which Judge you get, here's hoping that all Judge's go ahead with bank claims - the Banks seems to get too much of their own way.
  23. Good to see you got your first lot of money, hopefully the rest will follow soon
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