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13 Good
  1. Hi Sniktar Good luck with your claim. Slick - sorry if I made a typo - must get my eyes tested! Woody x
  2. Hi Sniktar, Go to the main Barclaycard page and click on "+Post new Thread" and it will open up a new window where you can fill in all the details. Hope this helps. I am getting there now with the changes - it gets easier.
  3. Hi Slick - thanks for the reply and the links - most helpful. I will probably just go for the normal 8% unless there is a vast difference - will have to dig around to find older than 6 years tho - why won't they send them from when you opened the account - surely its just a case of pushing a button! I do have lots of statements so will start to go through them now.- The SAR went off recorded on Friday - countdown commences. Will update as and when I get a response. Woody
  4. Its ok - ignore me - I found it - SAR in the post in the morning. Woody
  5. Hi, Its a long time since I have posted and am now ready to tackle BC. Wow how this site has grown - I am completely lost now. Where has the templates library gone - I can't find it anywhere. I do have old letters when I took on Cap1 in 2007 - are the letters still the same nowadays - i.e. can i use them? The SAR I used then was headed "DPA 1988 - SAR" is this the correct one? Woody
  6. WTG Blossom, excellent news. Please let us know who you took on when you are able to. WT
  7. Phoenix firstly sorry for not responding sooner. Thank you very much for all your help - I will have plenty of reading to do this weekend - I have opened another account so thats good. Will report back soon. Have a good weekend Woody
  8. Thanks for the advice Phoenix - I will go open up a new account and get the ball rolling - I have most statements so hopefully I can go straight to the LBA stage - my charges do go back more than 6 years - should I go the whole hog - am I that brave!!! Woody x
  9. I still use my Abbey account which has an overdraft on to have my wages paid into - should I move to another account before I start off on this route? I dont want to get caught in the "closing account" trap. I don't get any nasty letters from them as I keep within my OD (most of the time). I have lots of charges over the years to claim tho. Woody x
  10. Subbing with great interest - I have a v large claim to come against Abbey - need to get my head around it and get started. Good luck Mrs P Woody x
  11. Thank you guys you have said exactly what I thought. All I can do is pass the information on to them. They really do need to deal with this now but I suspect its like some of us may have been in the situation where you just "dont want to know" and "hope it will go away" but of course it won't and the best thing to do is to go to the CAB or NDL. Thank you once again. Woody xxxx
  12. Hi, Sorry dont know too much about this but essentially a relative of my daughter's partner has unpaid income tax to the tune of £4k and has received a letter saying the Bailiffs are coming next week. I told them its a whole new ball game where the Inland Revenue are concerned and I wasnt sure of the protocol. She is not really talking about what is going on or has gone on - I am presuming that they have sent letters and now it has gone to court and she has not attended hence the bailiffs being sent. I have told them that they can still talk to the Inland Revenue about payment or trying to set up an arrangement, they can also talk to the bailiffs office - am I correct? Also do the Bailiffs have the right to enter their property - I said they should have a walking possession order before they can enter and should have the police with them - am I correct? In have also told them to go to the Citizens Advice Bureau or a Solicitor but I dont think they have the money to do this - its a mess for sure. Sorry I dont know any more details but some advice would be helpful if u can from the info I have set out above. WT x
  13. Thanks for that YB - I have all statements so will start gathering the information together and treat as one claim. She did say she had put a temp overdraft on to stop us getting anymore charges so I presume the reserve has been taken off. I will check that out though. WT
  14. Hiya - Long time no speak as they say welll lol here we go again Had a lovely convo today with a very exciteable pipsqueak from Barclays about our account. Firstly she asked for hubby by his first name and when I asked whose calling she said it was a personal call (thank god I trust him after 34 yrs or I could have been accusing him of allsorts lol). He was here but I knew I wouldnt let him loose on the phone - loose cannon comes to mind - anyhow so then she asks for me so I thought I'd have chat with her. Well 3 times I had to ask her to slow down because she was talking so quick I couldnt understand what she was saying. Essentially it was a call about our current account, and why was we using our reserve to its limit and she was only trying to help - yeah right - Told her if it wasnt for the reserve fees at the beginning for going £1 overdrawn and spiralling costs of all sorts, the cheeky *** said it was our own fault that we had been charged these fees. By then I am steaming, so the row went on and on and she rattled on about our credit rating. She wanted me to pay some money in today by credit/debit card, tap a member of the family to pay up, beg on street corners (not really) so in the end I agreed to pay an amount to be taken out of our account each month. Thank god I have moved to another bank this week lol, and I will pay money into Barclays if I have any left but in the meantime I am going to start on the track of getting back these reserve fee charges. So in effect could I ask them to freeze my account whilst it is in dispute? Just a thought. Am I correct in thinking that its best to do the "old style" charges separate to the "reserve fees" and that the reserve fees fall outside of the test case and should not be stayed?
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