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  1. Hi I submitted my AQ with the new strategy asking for it to be dealt with within 14 days I have had no response and it is now 21 day anyone know what I do now? Many Thanks
  2. Hi Gary and all I don't live anywhere near the court can I post the AQ or do you have to hand deliver it? Thanks
  3. Thats great Thanks so much for your help.
  4. Hi Gary Thanks for that I don't mind losing those few weeks, but was worried it would affect my claim. Do I submit a new spreadsheet with the new date of 12 February and do I have to answer to the Point 9 on the questionnaire. Am a bit worried about it. Thanks
  5. Thats great thanks for that Michael Do you have any advice on Point 9 please? Also she has a joint account with her husband can just one of them go? Thanks
  6. Could anyone help me on the following points please: I am reclaiming on behalf of my sister, she will not go to the court so in section d on the allocation questionnaire do I put myself down as a witness and can I go to court without her. Or is there anywhere I can explain this? Also point 9 in Lloyds TSB defense states: Claim is based on charges levied on their account prior to six years from the date of issue of their claim, that is 12 February 2001, this part of the claim is statute barred by Section 5 of the Limitation Act 1980. The defendant is unable to verify the amount claimed prior to the 12 February 2001 as the Statement Of Claim does not show how the amount claimed is arrived at. The 12 February is when I submitted my claim with MCOL but the first letter to them was 21 November 2006 so I have requested from 21 November 2001. How can they put this and how do I respond to it. Any advice please
  7. Thanks for that I think I will ring moneyclaim customer service desk and ask if I can add it as I only submitted it yesterday and it will not go until 10am this morning. Worth a try:)
  8. I have already submitted how can I ask for a cheque anyone?
  9. Hi I have just submitted my claim against Lloyds through Moneyclaim online. Somewhere on here I read that you could ask them to pay by cheque as my account is still overdrawn so I don't want it to go into there. I was expecting somewhere on the claim for me to put this but there wasn't anyone know how/where I do that. Thanks
  10. I received a letter from Lloyds saying they would send me a cheque in the next couple of days for half the amount (£750). Now I still intend to go to court for the rest and am in the process of doing that. Do I just deduct the £750 from my claim? Also do I write to them and say thanks for the cheque but am still going to court? Any advice
  11. Thanks ok I'll be kind and give them an extra week thanks for your replies
  12. Hi There I have just sent my third letter to Lloyds as they had not replied to my second. Today though I have received a reply to my second letter (just saying get lost really) anyway it was within the time frame and from the Customer Service Recovery Centre in Hampshire. I wrote to the main London address. My questions are: should I now send a copy to the Recovery Centre in Hampshire AND should we be allowing more time for the holiday period. Many thanks and Happy christmas
  13. He was buying from my account (mostly mobile phones) and sending them a fake paypal email telling them the money was in the account. Like I said he was giving a name and address of where to send the goods. I was getting emails from people saying but you've paid me through Paypal why do you now not want me to send the goods.
  14. The password was left unchanged until I changed it as soon as I realised what was going on. The thing is it was a Saturday night when I logged on and realised what was going on, now I normally only log on during the week and if i hadn't have done all of these people would have sent the goods and been out of pocket. Seems to me Ebay didn't act for so long they did nothing to protect me or the sellers. I thought they would have a duty of care or something. Just don't seem right :-|
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