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Everything posted by maleo

  1. Ah, but even £200 is nice when it arrives - a lump sum you didn't know you'd have to spend
  2. I'm getting quite excited to find out what you're going to be claiming, sammy!
  3. Don't forget CallCredit! I made that mistake once... Order your Callcredit credit report
  4. I've just read this thread, and one of the other members on here has blasted me a PM to ask you a question... Have you thought about involving your MP? I'll PM you for more... but I think it could REALLY help in your case! Dave
  5. Superb - good luck!!! Let us know how you get on.
  6. Nets, if the beers are on you, how's about the Briar tomorrow? Only kidding hun, SO glad you've finally got your money from them! x
  7. Ah, well done you! Very very happy for you.
  8. Oh yeah, I've just emerged from my hole...!
  9. Ah, they'll hate it...!! On the bright side, you'll get the pleasure of knowing that they will pay out eventually, cause they can't afford not to!
  10. Contractual rate depends on your account - have a look at the Lloyds website, and go to Current Accounts. On the left hand side somewhere it will say rates and charges. Click on that, and find your account!
  11. Not good........... Ah, stumbling home is much more fun anyway! Up to anything fun this weekend?
  12. Ahh, on the bright side, if you want a post-court-win pint, I'm only up t'road from the county court in Brum!
  13. Getting excited for you now, Netty! Hope it goes well...
  14. Oh, all banks are trying to stall as much as possible. Sending your letter to the branch not to HQ shouldn't be an issue - they have to respond within the same timescale. If they don't, send them the "you haven't responded" letter from the template library. They have HUGE departments to deal with this, and internal email systems, document scanning systems so they don't have to post internally, and (oddly) telephones. They have no legal excuse for stalling.
  15. Good luck mate - let us know how you get on I accepted mine minus interest... but they did offer me all my charges. I think you just have to go with your gut feeling. There's no right or wrong answer, really - it's whatever YOU think you want to do. If something tells you to accept, then do. If you have an overwhelming desire to carry on, then do so. I know it's no help, really. Sorry!! Dave
  16. Hi all! Back from 3 days with work in Bournemouth... and no internet! How deprived did I feel?! Was hoping to come back to you having won, Netty I really really hope they offer the lot shortly - there was a report on the front page of the Independent this morning about bank charges, so I think the pressure is on!! Much love x
  17. You should absolutely carry on with your timetable. You could be waiting YEARS for Mr Langdale to 'complete his investigations'... It's a delay tactic by the bank, in an effort to get you to give up. You've given them a deadline, they've missed it, it's no longer your problem - it's theirs. Send your LBA All documents are in the library, however the LBA link is... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/92-3-letter-before-action.html
  18. Hi John, Follow Netty's wise words! A note, though - when you're completing your spreadsheet, only claim what they have taken from you. If they've taken a charge of a fiver, then you claim a fiver. Don't average out, or you could find your claim being struck out. Read the FAQs, they'll tell you everything you need to know about the process. When you get your statements, use Vampiress' spreadsheet to help you work out how much they owe you - and you can claim for anything that you haven't specifically agreed to; so you can't claim for Bank Account Plus fees or authorised overdraft arrangement fees etc, as you've requested them, however you can claim for bounced DD/SO fees, bounced cheque fees (although with a Solo account, I wouldn't have thought you'd have a chequebook, but I could be wrong!), overdraft fees and the cleverly titled 'Total Charges'. Hope this helps.
  19. Us blokes have got to stick together for some things... Beer, footy and Nintendo! With you on everything else, though!
  20. Tell him to sell the PS1 and Gamecube on ebay - the PS2 and Wii will play their games (respectively)... There, the Wii is now totally justified!
  21. Oh god, forget I mentioned it...! He has far too much already!
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