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  1. Okay, a bit of a sting in the tail. Yesterday, Halifax REVOKED my overdraft on my account. Shortly before commencing action to recover my charges, I was having a particularly tricky month financially, and Halifax extended my overdraft on the agreement that it would come under review three months later. I haven't dipped into my overdraft since, and my spending hasn't been (that) erratic. Today, I went into my local branch, and they refused point blank to extend my overdraft, even to the amount it was set at before extension, and even though I'm paying over £1000 a month into the account. I've lodged an appeal, and should hear the result within a couple of days. Is it paranoid to presume that this is down to me recovering charges?
  2. Last update: Checked my account this morning and Halifax have paid up. A final THANK YOU to everyone who helped and supported me through this. Moderators, can this thread be moved now? Thank you!
  3. Thanks very much, and that goes to everyone who's offered help, advice and support! I'm off to the travel agents to pick up some brochures! Money should be with me within a week, the nice lady said. I'll donate when I can. Does this thread need to be renamed and moved? Thanks again!
  4. Okay, I called, they gave me a VERY long spiel about how poorly my account has been managed, and increased my offer to £2888.00. I've accepted at that. Please don't boo and hiss. They'll probably claim it as a victory, but I'm happy enough
  5. Hold that thought! I still haven't sent my LBA (stupidly busy at work, but that's no excuse), BUT I've just checked my post, and I've recieved an offer! I've been given a full and final offer of £2,588.00 - this is a lot higher than I was expecting, but obviously not the full £3,870.00. I know it's frowned upon (in a nice way) to accept at this stage, but considering I'm over £500 overdrawn with a week 'til payday, I'm really very tempted. This would sort me out nicely (although I wouldn't be able to afford to retire - damn!). There's a phone number for me to call and discuss things. I may give them a shout tomorrow and see if I can up the offer over the phone? Advice or discouragement would be most welcome. Again, thanks to everyone who's chipped in and put up with my cowardice!
  6. Righty, thanks again for the advice and support everyone, although I think I've made a mistake with my preliminary letter then: The template for the prelim. letter includes "I calculate that you have taken £xxxx.xx plus £yyy.yy which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum which you have taken. Total £zzzz.zz" So using the spreadsheet, I filled in the figures from the sheet (£3,870.00 in charges, £503.40 in interest, making £4373.40 in total). I'm due to send my LBA today - should I amend the figures on the LBA before I send it? Sorry, - have gone through the instructions but it's still confusing me..
  7. Right, that's it. 14 days are up and no reply beyond the standard acknowledgement. I even waited home until the post came this morning just in case they were leaving it 'til the last minute. LBA will be in the post tomorrow, but is it wise? A friend who works for Abbey advised me to give Halifax the full four weeks before threatening action. I guess all the good people on here can't be wrong, and he'd had a pint or two when he told me. Aah to hell with them, let's get this LBA together! :o
  8. Thanks for the info, - I'll carry on as planned then and hope they get their act together.
  9. Hey everyone, just a little update - we're well into the second week now - their 14 days is up on Monday, and I haven't heard anything since that last 'standard' letter. Here's hoping for a reply in the next couple of days, otherwise we raise to DEFCON 2. Has anyone else not recieved a reply within 14 days?
  10. Wait the 14 days. Read through a lot of the other cases on this forum - the majority of people get a more personal response a few days after receiving the standard letter.
  11. I may be wrong, but I believe it's 6 years previous to the date of your first demand letter. I did mine from 31st Jan 01 - 31st Jan 07 (conveniently I incurred plenty of charges on both dates)
  12. Another update, Gawuffy fans. Recieved a letter this morning from my local branch (although the letterhead address is Leeds) with the standard repsonse: Bank Charges Thanks you for your letter dated 5th February 2007 concerning the charges on your account. You will find enclosed a copy of our leaflet which tells you how we will handle your complaint. Also enclosed is a leaflet explaining our current bank charges. I'm sorry you have found it necessary to contact us regarding charges applied to your account. I have referred the matter to Customer Relations who will investigate and be in touch as soon as possible, but at the latest within four weeks. In the meantime if you need any further help please contact me on 01691 xxxxxx. Yours sincerely.. Enclosed are two leaflets - "Personal Customer Complaints - Here's what we'll do", and "Bank Accounts - Helping you to understand bank account charges". Also note, the 'Thanks you' is their spelling mistake, not mine. Let's see what happens next. Feeling much more upbeat about it all now I've had a response, and I know someone's read the letter. Josamolly - thanks for the info. Makes me feel better! And gotta love ELO! :o
  13. Just an update - according to the Royal Mail website, the letter was delivered this morning. Let's see what comes back.. I'll keep updating..
  14. Thanks to everyone who's replied, - that does make me feel a bit better about embarking on this - especially with jaxads' success story! I've just had a final read through of the letter and my schedule of charges, and sent it at lunchtime - Recorded 1st class & signed for. Chances are it'll get to my branch tomorrow, so we'll see what happens next. I'll keep everyone posted... (by the way, what would you consider a "Returned Cheque" with a charge of £90 on my statement to be? £90 for bouncing a cheque?? Somebody had a nice Christmas on me didn't they! It's gone on the charges schedule anyway.. )
  15. Hi everyone, First post, and although there's hundreds of other posts here, I'm not sure what to do next, so just after a little advice and support really. I've got all my bank statements, highlighted all my charges, added them up and it comes to just shy of £4,000 (without interest). But from reading in this forum, the Halifax seem to get quite awkward with any requests for reimbursement - how far do they take this before paying out anything? And I've seen two versions of the claim letter - the one on the BBC News website doesn't mention claiming interest, but the one on this website does. Should I be claiming for interest from the start? Also, the BBC website suggests sending the letter to your local branch, but a few people on here suggest sending the letter to Trinity Road - which is best? Sorry to re-iterate old questions - I guess you don't feel right until you've asked them yourself. Thanks in advance, Gareth.
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