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  1. The only thing I sent to the court was two copies of my charges. I'll have a scout round for a template letter, cheers.
  2. Hello there, haven't updated this for a while becuase there weren't many developments. A hearing date was set for July 10th, and I sent a letter to DG about a month ago when I found that out. No reply from them so I thought they were just going to go to the hearing. However, good news - I've come home from work today to find a letter from DG offering a full settlement of £2485.00 (my original claim plus my court costs)!! I am absolutely over the moon with this. I won't be able to fully rest until the money is transferred into my account but that is merely a formality now. Thanks a million to everyone who helped me on here, I wouldn't have been able to do any of it without the guidelines and advice from this brilliant site and it's members, I will be making a donation. Cheers
  3. Hello everyone, it has been a while since there has been any development on this, but HSBC have filed a defence on the 26/4 (so using the full 28 days just to be nice and awkward!). I now have the message on MCOL: "You are unable to take any further action online on this claim. The Defendant disputes the whole amount you have claimed. Your claim cannot proceed online and will be transferred to the appropriate court for continuation. You will receive confirmation to where the claim has been transferred to shortly." I assume this is all standard stuff and I will recieve my AQ shortly. I did send my charge summary to DG a couple of weeks ago and I'm going to phone them tomorrow and just make sure it's there.
  4. HSBC acknowledged the claim on 29/3. Is it best to send my breakdown to DG immediately or do I need to wait for confirmation from the court?
  5. Ok, sent two copies of my breakdown to Northampton court. On MCOL the status of my claim is now "issued", so am I right in thinking they now have 28 days to acknowlege/defend?
  6. As far as the letter to the court goes shall I do that right away, ie put it in the post tomorrow morning? I take it that helps things move along quicker so they don't have to ask me for the schedule? Cheers for the advice.
  7. Hello all, I did get a "we're looking into it" reply from Colin Langdale, ignored that and sent my LBA 16 days ago (didn't have the time to do this for the last two days) and so I have issued my claim with MCOL today.
  8. Hello everyone, I sent my LBA off yesterday, after recieving no response after 14 days of my prelim letter. I understand it's pretty common with HSBC to get no response at all, I'd still like to have some sort of acknowledgement though. Ah well, only a couple of weeks now before the "business end" of the claim! I am claiming £2265.00 from HSBC. Wish me luck!
  9. Hello all I'm James from Liverpool. Just ordered my last six years worth of statements from HSBC so I can see what the damage is, and then I'll be claiming against them. From what I can see this is a fantastic site and I look forward to recieving your help/advice! Cheers James
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