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Everything posted by griffzilla

  1. So it sounds like they have set up a direct debit against their own account, and have been debiting that?!
  2. Go for a clean install. Its always nice to start afresh from time to time!
  3. OK - I'll have a look through windows update logs, and see what else touches this software.
  4. The IP address details are valid, and it appears like a message google would send. I would change your google password as soon as you can. The following link can be used to check suspicious activity on your gmail, once you are logged in. https://security.google.com/settings/security/activity?pli=1
  5. Did you see if you had the windows update I mentioned before? A googly suggests that it could have caused issues!
  6. I'll have to dig out my w7 laptop and have a look at the options again. Do you get a repair option for Window Live Essentials when you find it in the add/remove programs list?
  7. Give it a go - it can't hurt. Another option, is to see if you have KB 2670838 Windows Update installed. If so, try uninstalling this update, and then uninstalling as before.
  8. Ok, try running this in command prompt (run as administrator first): "c:\program files\windows live\installer\wlarp.exe" /cleanup:all /q
  9. Give it a go - it might add in the erroneous registry setting!
  10. Do you get an option to repair the installation - possibly on add/remove programs dialog?
  11. What is the full error your are getting in event viewer please?
  12. I had virgin installed last week, after a couple of years with BT. The broadband is up to 152mb, which is phenomenal. Also, they are offering half price on their biggest TV and broadband packages for 12 months, which is a decent deal!
  13. Despite all the jokes, switching it off and back on again is one of the most useful IT fixes going. Sounds like the VM is back to normal then, looking at those figures. I'm on 8.1 - it's very similar to 8, but you get a start menu in the bottom right, and can choose to boot to desktop instead of the start tiles screen.
  14. What services do you have running and what version of Windows are you running? To get a list of services that run on boot, press Windows key & R, then in the dialog box type msconfig. A new screen will open, select the services tab, and tick "hide all microsoft services"
  15. Restart your machine - what is your currently allocated when the system is 'fresh'?
  16. I'd think that you'd be covered by the DD Guarantee on this - they'll not have a mandate with your bank details on it, so will have no leg to stand on if you challenge. The switching service was not introduced for this, and if they used it for this purpose, it could pose quite significant problems. In a nutshell, the switching service deflects all direct debit requests from the old bank to the new bank - so anything sent to the old account is mirrored on the new account.
  17. Press the Windows Key & X at the same time, to pop up a menu. Select System. Advanced System Settings. Advanced Tab Settings button in Performance Group Advanced Tab Change Button
  18. I can't see utd winning today, even though its at Old Trafford. They'll get into Europa next season.
  19. Is your graphics card built in, or is it in a removable slot? I imagine its built in, but if its not - check to see if you have a second VGA (blue) socket on the back, and try it with that.
  20. If you have the email address for the agent, why not email them every month, stating "payment of £xxx.xx made via online banking/over the counter. Reference number XXXX in regards to Name & Address"? Then they have a mechanism to come back to you if needed.
  21. It is free to change, even if you have a photocard: https://www.gov.uk/change-address-driving-licence
  22. Interestingly, the line... 2nd trip £50 outdoor kit & clothing voucher per person if you book within 12 months of returning from your first (£25pp if the booking is under £1,100). mentions that PP is per person
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