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Everything posted by MarkyT

  1. They dropped £525 into my account yesterday - I'm claiming 2.5k and will also be continuing my claim
  2. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    :eek:WHOAAA!!! Just logged into my bank this evening to see that someone has deposited £525 into my current account with the reference GOODWILL PAYMENT. I've had no notification by letter, email, secure message or telephone to say that any money was to be paid into my account. I've seen something on here about recieving goodwill payments but cant find it again. I'll keep looking but in the meantime if anyone has a link please let me know. Cheers
  3. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Got a strange letter from Abbey yesterday regarding my letter dated 22nd Feb 2007 saying that they have unfortunately mislaid my information and as a result have closed my file. From my records, I never sent a letter to anyone on the 22nd Feb 2007. Anyone have any idea what they might be up to if anything is this some sort of tactic?
  4. I just noticed there that you are in court exactly the same time as me. Good luck for then.
  5. You don't need to click it now. While you are waiting, money claim will be transferring the case to your local county court. You will recieve a letter from them in a couple of weeks with the allocation questionnaire to complete.
  6. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Whoohoo - got my court date - 14th August. Now things are getting scary as I'm really struggling to put together my court bundle.
  7. Let us know what they say - I for one would be very interested.
  8. I've no idea how long in takes. I was under the impression that they got back to you within 2 weeks but to be honest, I've no idea where I got this from. I think it depends on how busy the court is. You can always ring the court just to check the status of the claim.
  9. I have a similar problem - they will not set the DD back up on my loan account. They say it is set up and then the following month, I start getting hounded by cahoot on the phone demanding payment. They usually wait until I don't have enough money in my current account to make the payment. Also, on 2 separate occasions they have rang to say you need to make a payment to bring this account up to date etc, I have given them my debit card details and then they mention "there was another missed payment a couple of months ago and we need to take this as well". Why didn't they call me up when that one was missed? Good Luck Kelly, take them for all you can!
  10. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Just a quickie: Is it possible to send Abbey/Cahoot a letter asking them to settle for x amount advising that any action will be dropped if they comply. I'm thinking of asking them again to refund the original requested asked minus the 8% interest. If I do, what do you nice folks think my chances are and is this a good idea at this stage?
  11. As far as I'm aware, yes you can. The new charges are different to those which you originally claimed, so its not as if you are trying to claim back the same charges twice.
  12. Other people might have different views to me but in my situation, I have picked up 3x 30quid charges since I originally asked for my refund and I'm probably going to be charged another 30quid this month. I'm going to wait until either cahoot settle the full amount or I win in court and then following that, I'll ask for the new charges back. I was orignally going to add these to my claim but this happens almost every month due to my financial situation and then I would imagine it would get messy if I kept ammending my claim all the time. As far as I know, I can sue my bank as often as I like so if they refuse to pay back the new charges, I'll start the action all over again.
  13. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Went for the Draft Directions bit attached to the AQ. AQ was recieved by the court on Thursday so thats in on time and just waiting for my court date now.
  14. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Thanks jellybabe - I spent a bit more time reading it through everything again last night and have completed the questionnaire. Thanks for the help - much appreciated.
  15. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    HELP!!! I think I've cocked-up On the AQ, section G - other information, do I have to list everything I will be presenting in court? I don't quite understand what its asking for. Is this the documents in my court bundle, my schedule of charges, letters etc or just the draft order for directions. Please help quickly as I only have until tuesday to get the AQ in.
  16. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Thanks jellybabe, had remembered reading about this somewhere else - went back double checked and wrote out the cheque.
  17. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    AQ ready to send tomorrow - I work 2mins walk from the court so I might just drop it in. I got another letter from Abbey yesterday saying "Well its now been 8 weeks since you asked for your money back and we have pretty much ignored you for that time. We now give you our permission to report us to the Ombudsman. Ta Ta!" What a cheek. I have draughted another letter which I may or may not send tomorrow basically referring them to the court case which they should really know about as I am now in the process of suing them.
  18. I got the same sort of letter with the list of my charges and they didn't cash the cheque either. I didn't have a refund of any sort though. Have they then refunded you to bring you back to the level you were overdrawn?
  19. Wow. I didnt realize this has become such a widescale issue. Mine is still at the 14%. I'm not sure there is much we can do really with it being a flexible account as this is what we agreed in when opening the account. I have tried the method of moving the loan around using the process explained on MSE but egg are not interested and have told me in no uncertain terms they will not lend me money again based on my history with them. I am pretty much stuffed as I imagine a lot of others will be, some even more so. The only plus I have is that I am already claiming back a large sum from cahoot which covers my overdraft and my loan more or less exactly so I'm lucky enough to be in a position to get rid providing all goes well with the claim. I would have thought abbey would be willing to enter into talks with anyone experiencing difficulties making repayments. I also think it would have been more responsible on their part to give the customers the option of freezing the credit limit on the account and then not raising the interest rate as hight as they have. My loan has been pretty much maxed out for the duration as I kept borrowing back the amount I have paid off. This has made it very expensive and I would imagine a lot of people who are in difficulties have done the same.
  20. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Recieved my Allocation questionaire this morning. The letter states that the questionaire must be returned by 10th April 2007 including the court fee of £100 as my claim is over £1500. I thought I already paid this at the MCOL stage. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  21. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Cool thanks for the heads up. I recieved an offer from Abbey on Saturday for £1257.12 along with a copy of their defence. Exactly half of what I'm claiming. Time for a rejection of settlement letter methinks.
  22. Wasn't planning on hiding it - had actually already told her but she tends not to listen when I start on about spending money - the same happened last year when I bought a car - she was under the impression that we were going on a 2nd holiday instead (something I knew nothing about and didnt even have enough leave left to take the time off) Married Bliss eh? I was really just planning on a bit of an argument in the shop - see if I could create enough of a stink to get a freebie but if they aint in the wrong I suppose I cant use that argument. Nevermind - cheers guys.
  23. I have a pre-order with Game for a Playstation 3 which I am due to collect on Friday. They called yesterday to confirm that my order is in and I am guaranteed one on Friday. Problem is they spoke to my wife. Initially telling her that they could not discuss what the item was as she asked what I had ordered. Then the guy on the phone blurts out that "well he's ordered a playstation 3". This has caused quite a big aregument at home as my wife is under the impression that I spend my annual bonus on patio furniture and wallpaper rather than wasting it on toys - obviously I disagree. Have Game breached any rules by disclosing this information. I feel like I need to let them know when I go to collect on Friday.
  24. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    Quick question folks. On my schedule of charges, I have the dates from and the dates to as being the dates of the 1st and last charge that I am claiming. The 8% interest has now been included upto the date I entered the claim to the court which is about 2 months after the last claim. So do the dates at the top of my schedule stay as they are or should they now be the date of the 1st charge to the date I entered the claim?
  25. MarkyT

    MarkyT vs Cahoot

    A second copy of the schedule has gone of yesterday. Interestingly enought cahoot called me yesterday to explain that I had gone 10 pound over my overdraft and demanded I bring my account up to date - they have not bothered to do this in well over a year. Interesting what a little court action can bring.
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