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  1. So we're quite a way after my initial claim but just the other day a new letter dropped through my door I'd appreciate some info on: "We refer to the above matter which relates to charges applied to botha current account and a credit card account in order we may consider your claim, we kindly ask that you particularise your claim by providing us a schedule of charges claimed for each account detailing the account number and each specific charge. it would be much appreciated if you could provide us with this information as soon as possible. in the event you do not provide us with the requested particulars of the claim, we reserve our right to raise this issue with the court on any application we might seek to strike out your claim. we trust in any event such action will not be necercery and look forward to hearing from you" So has anyone else received a similar letter in the past? Any advice for how to take this forward? I had put the combined claim into court just before everything was suspended so I was surprised to hear from them again. Thanks all - hope your claims are going well
  2. Settled in full - Hahahaha Now the thing I signed said to keep the details private - so I won't post the details, but it's essentially what you'd think it would be. Cheers all thankyou very much for all your help
  3. Good plan thanks - I'll be dropping it in the post tommorrow AM
  4. Just a quick check - should I do anything to the LBA template other than fill in the dates and amounts? I mean Goldfish *did* write to me - they just offered me an unsatisfactory amount (the £202). Thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks saintly_1 - I think I'll pop a letter to them in the post tommorrow, sure I won't get anything from them in the week but that's their problem not mine. Then I'll be posting the small claims over the internet (time) and see how things go. Thanks v much (and to anyone else if they have any advice)
  6. Hello everyone - difficult one this - I've had a few personal problems to deal with recently so I had to put this claim on the back burner - I haven't actually chased Goldfish at all since I last posted. Could anyone give me any advice on 'reopening' my claim ? Should I send them one more letter, wait two weeks - then just open the small claims? Thanks very much for any help
  7. Hi All - a little bit of news, and a need for a bit of advice!! I've received 2 pieces from the court, one giving me a date of 16th October 2007 - 10 minutes. Is there anything else I need to do for this? Secondly, and far more worrying, a letter from the same court saying: "your claim was allocated to the small claims track on 29 june 2007. A fee of £100.00 is payable unless you make an application for a fee exemption or remission" "If by 08 August you have not paid the fee or applied for a fee exemption or remission, your claim will automatically struck out without further order of the court and you will be liable for costs which the defendent has incurred" Um - I've allready paid £120 - surely I don't have to pay any more? All advice gratefully received people - hope your claims are going well !!
  8. Evening all, I'm also taking Cahoot to court for 2.5K, thought it was time Goldfish got theres for £666 as well So to recap on what's happened so far: 13/03/07 Data Protection Act request 01/05/07 (approx) receipt of statements 08/05/07 Request for refund 25/05/07 (approx, I've managed to loose the electronic copy, will just have to make up a new one tho, it was the standard template) LBA 26/05/07 - Received, offer to reduce all charges to £12 each and refund me £202.oo if I sign a form saying that's ok. Unsurprisingly I haven't replied to that and I am going to take them to the small claims court just as soon as I get paid (7th) as I don't have the money until then Now can anyone offer me anything to go with this? am I going ok so far? Is there anything I need to do to sort the process out etc.? Thanks all - I hope your claims are all going really well thx Tets
  9. Right well it looks like its been transferred to Brighton county court, dated 11th June, 2007 - how long does it normally take to actually come up? Is anyone going to Brighton Hope everyone's claims are going through
  10. Hi everyone, just to keep you all in the picture on this one, I received a copy of Abbey's defence, dated 30th May 2007, the other day. I take it I now just have to wait for this to be transferred to court? Hope everyone else's claim is going well
  11. Afternoon all, my MCOL case has changed to 'acknowledged' - can anyone fill me in on the details of what this means to me? Cheers - hope your claims are all going well EDIT: Oh and also - I sent a copy of the schedule of charges to the court, but I can't see anywhere on MCOL if they received this - is there any way to check? thx again:)
  12. if I were you I would justignore it like I did - continue to your court action and follow the deadlines you set for them in your initial letter Good luck
  13. Hello everyone, firstly let me say thankyou very much for being a great resource, I have every intention of taking my bank and credit card to the cleaners for ripping me off for a total of £3.3K So onto my claim. I am currently at the court stage and this is what has happened so far. 05/03/07 - My friend tells me about you and I do some research 13/03/07 - Data Protection Act request to Cahoot for current account and credit card charges using standard template. 28/03/07 (approx) I receive back copies of all statements for both credit and current account. 02/04/07 - Initital letter to Cahoot asking for return of monies using standard letter. 10/04/07 standard reply form Cahoot via email: 13/04/07 standard reply form Cahoot via email: 17/04/07 - LBA using standard template. 24/04/07 - standard reply form Cahoot via email: 02/05/07 - initiate court action via moneyclaim online using *almost standard template. You see as I am combining the credit card and current account into one claim (easier quicker and cheaper) I adjusted the text to be the following: I also sent the court manager 2 bits of paper with all the charges and the 8% stat interest on it. I am now at the stage where moneyclaim says it has been accepted, and there is a link marked 'judgement' next to the claim - but I don't know if I should be clicking it yet Can anyone tell me what to do now? the step by step guide is a bit wooly here. Thanks for anything you can give me and once again thankyou for being here before - you all rock
  14. Hi All - just a bit of advice on what my loony landlady is asking me to do. Backstory, 3 of my friends have been living in a 3 bed place for 6 months. 2 of them left after the initial 6 months, one friend was staying and I moved in. That way my friend doesn't have to move out, the landlady get's a continous ocupation etc. We did need to do a new contract - no problem for me. I sent back the addresses for 2 references, job and bank, not really expecting a problem, and last Friday (27th April) me + friend sgned new contract and handed over the first months rent in cash. I move in over the weekend. **Cut to last night.** Landlady rings and says there's a problem with the references. My work one still hasn't come back and the bank has given me a bad reference (probably something to do with the fact I am taking them to court for £2,500 I think). She says the refernce from the bank is no good and she needs a guarantor - I say I have no one to do it for me, my mum is disabled and my grandfather is retired, and bloody old, so no good there and there is no one else. She then says - 'well I need an extra months rent as a guarentee' I say no I haven't got it (how many people can pull £465 out of thin air?), she then says 'ok we'll split it over the rest of the 6 month tenancy, £100 per month extra' again - I can't pay that. We go to and throw and argue about it and I eventually say I'll try to get my grandad to be guarantor, even tho that's really embaressing for me to have to do and he will not be keen in doing so. THEN to top it all off - she asks me to pay for the stamps and paper she will have to use to do all this!! she wants ten damn pounds just because SHE made a mistake and was too eager to get a contract signed!! Anyway - before I actually see if my poor grandfather will do this for me (he is 83) - where do I stand - I think I can just stick two fingers up and tell her to bugger off but that wouldn't help with getting things done around the house would it Any advice is appreciated cheers
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