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Everything posted by Vampyra

  1. Thank you Andy. Off to post them now - you'll be glad to hear! LOL
  2. Sorry Andy getting confused. These documents below - sorry can't seem to highlight any points but the one about small claims is at the bottom of the Section I document. Draft Order for Directions The Claimant shall within 14 days of service of this order file and serve the following: o Copies of the Credit Agreement and any documents referred to within it which complies with the consumer Credit Act 1974 and all subsequent regulations, which the claimant seeks to rely upon o Default Notice compliant with s87 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 and Consumer Credit (Enforcement, Default and Termination Notices) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1561) as amended, o Document, contract or deed of assignment o Notice of assignment, with proof of service of the same compliant with s196 of the Law of Property Act 1925. o Copies of any statement or other document relied upon If the Claimant fails to comply with this order, the claim will be struck out without further order. The Defendant shall within 14 days thereafter file and serve the following o An amended defence sufficiently particularised in response to the documents supplied by the claimant And N150 Allocation Questionnaire Section I - other information If the court is in agreement, the defendant respectfully requests that special directions may be given as per the attached draft order. The defendant proposes these directions in mind of the Overriding Objectives, and in particular the duty of the parties to help the court further them. The issues outlined below are the crux upon which this claim rests, and the proposed directions identify these issues and will allow them to be assessed in advance of the hearing so that this claim may proceed justly and expeditiously; Without production of the requested documents, I am at a disadvantage and am unable to serve a proper defence. Failure of the claimant to supply the requested documentation will make the case much harder for the court to deal with as without production of the requested documentation will inhibit the courts ability to deal with the case The House of Lords in the case of: Wilson v First County Trust Ltd - [2003] All ER (D) 187 (Jul) made it clear in paragraph 29 of LORD NICHOLLS OF BIRKENHEAD judgment 29. The court's powers under section 127(1) are subject to significant qualification in two types of cases. The first type is where section 61(1)(a), regarding signing of agreements, is not complied with. In such cases the court 'shall not make' an enforcement order unless a document, whether or not in the prescribed form, containing all the prescribed terms, was signed by the debtor: section 127(3). Thus, signature of a document containing all the prescribed terms is an essential prerequisite to the court's power to make an enforcement order. The second type of case concerns failure to comply with the duty to supply a copy of an executed or unexecuted agreement pursuant to sections 62 and 63, or failure to comply with the duty to give notice of cancellation rights in accordance with section 64(1). Here again, subject to one exception regarding sections 62 and 63, section 127(4) precludes the court from making an enforcement order. Its is respectfully requested this case be allocated to the small claims track, it is a straight forward case and is easily resolved on production of the required documentation by the claimant, should the claimant not have the documentation required to progress this case I suggest that there will be no case to answer Therefore it stands to reason that this document must be disclosed before this case can progress any further.
  3. Sorry Andy - I think I have found the particulars of claim on here to send but obviously this doesn't mention PPI. Think I have worked out the form filling now. I am sorry I ask so many questions, I get worried about getting it right and not missing anything. I know I am a nuisance sometimes Andy, but your advice is greatly appreciated.
  4. OK on Part A we have ticked YES to 1-3 Part B ticked YES and put local County Court address and reason being it is local. Part C - Not sure what to tick and if NO for what reason. I think it's a YES. Part D - Filled in the amount in dispute. Under Applications not sure what to tick or say. Under Witness gave friend's name and put ALL under Witness to which facts. I have no idea what to put for Experts as we have not got any - I guess 3 NO's? Track = Fast Track? I gather we just answer NO for disclosure of eDocuments? Part E - No idea what to put. Part F - Ticked YES as we want to attach Directions and will discuss further in a mo, but we have not agreed these with other party but they have been asked for. Part G & H - I gather we ignore this bit? Part I - I gather we just attach copies of any supporting evidence, Card Applications form, etc? In a nutshell, HL Legal sent my friend an application form instead of a signed Credit Agreement. They did send a copy of the credit agreement which spanned about 3 pages and contained no signature. They sent a default notice and a letter from MBNA confirming Varde own the debt. Sorry can't remember the name as I have brain fog due to my Hypo today. Also the application was for a MasterCard and the account is a Visa. My friend had both a MasterCard Silver and Visa Silver which were subsequently updated to both Gold and finally Platinum. At this time his income was far in excess of now and he had far more disposable income. To be honest I think they upgraded the cards without getting him to sign a new credit agreement each time - not that he signed one in the first place. I believe this is unlawful? So, I need to write Directions for the lack of CA and also because since 1997 there has been a huge amount of PPI paid which he didn't ask for. Having just reclaimed nearly £8K on behalf of my boyfriend through PPI, I know what to look for. Can we question the PPI in the Directions? Can I please have some advice as to the wording of the Directions and also if I need to add anything. I am sorry I seem like a chocolate teapot today, but my mind will not compute properly. Many thanks in advance.
  5. Ah I see thank you. Bit stuck on a couple of the filling in points but I am exhausted today. I will post up in the morning. They are simple but I just want to check. Will post in the morrow.
  6. Sorry to trouble you all but the allocation questionnaire we have here is an N150 is that the same form?
  7. Update. Having discussed a few more personal issues regarding this case with Andy, I can report back that my friend took it upon himself to contact both the court and HL Legal yesterday. According to HL Legal they sent him a letter in February with an enclosed 91 pages of statements. I don't know how this could have affected things. I feel worried this could have upset things somewhat. They are resending but will not arrive til after the form deadline. Thank you for your kind help so far Andy, bit skint at the mo but will make another donation to CAG asap.
  8. Ok thank you. I may be back if I get confuzzled! lol
  9. Hi all. Well As my friend had not heard from HL Legal, we just assumed there was no further action. Having spoken to Northampton, a Stay was put on this case but apparently the court made a mistake thinking Varde/HL Legal hadn't replied within the 28 days, but unfortunately they could prove they had, so now the stay has been lifted and an allocation questionnaire has been sent. It arrive 2 days ago and needs returning by 13th April. I am lost as to what to do for this for my friend so all help greatly appreciated. I also have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and find dealing with things at the moment extremely tiring and a bit confusing. Just started the tablets. So patience and plain English very much appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Sorry it's small but I have put a note to seller with my forum name in so take my first name from the invoice thingy. First 3 letters ok to use. Just read this and it sounds daft. Yes, use my real name.
  11. He says they are different accounts that he applied for separately as the other account has a small balance on it. I see what you mean but at the end of the day its an application form and not a credit agreement.
  12. Thanks Andy. I read your post on Court Procedure. One thing which is very interesting is in their little disclosure pack, they have sent a signed application form for a Mastercard yet the debt is on a Visa card. Having now seen the paperwork, it is clear that they just want my friend to admit. I believe that after the AQ arrives and has been sent off to the court, the court expects the two parties to attempt to resolve the case, is my understanding correct? If so, then because my friend has both Visa and Mastercards from MBNA, it would appear they have sent an unenforceable application form for the wrong card? Where do we go from here, Andy, please?
  13. Very sad news for his family and for CAGgers. My condolences to everyone who was personally connected to Martin. A very talented and selfless individual. RIP.
  14. Ok thanks Andy. Not seen the paperwork but just been told what arrived. Sorry to sound dumb, but what is an AQ please?
  15. Ok my friend got a letter from the court. HL Legal have sent a copy of the Mastercard application form from 1997. I have not seen it but if it is the same one as my brother has this is the card that appears to have changed account numbers when being changed by MBNA for upgraded cards. Have not seen the paperwork so not sure if the application form is fully legal. HL Legal have said they want to persue the claim and have applied for the hearing to be moved to the local county court. Also an N9a Admission Form has been sent. Again we are both clueless with this and would be very grateful for some help. Many thanks.
  16. OK so far nothing back from the Court. HL Legal have responded to the CCA request saying "our clients have provided you will all the information you have requested, previously", and not sent anything to my friend. They also didn't cash the postal order. Not sure what to do but I suggest it would now be prudent to SAR MBNA??
  17. Thanks Andy. I will do that. Many thanks again for your help. Vamps
  18. Thanks Ford. Just have to see what delights my friend gets in the post regarding this matter.
  19. Again down to me being a complete novice in the legal stakes. On the upside I won't make those mistakes next time if a next time comes lol.
  20. The Court suggested emailing it and I have had a receipt and personal acknowledgment from the Court. What is MCOL? Sorry to sound dim. Oh I see moneyclaim online? The lady at the court suggested it would be quicker but also said she didn't know about the moneyclaim thing. Oh goodness I hope this isn't a mistake
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