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Everything posted by Vampyra

  1. Ok will do but of course they have not left their number. They don't scare me. ;-)
  2. Thanks for your replies. I will let him know.
  3. They are not joint debts but I thought the CRA's actually score the address as well so someone with good credit can get turned down if they live in a home that has a bad debtor or has previously had a bad debtor living there. Don't know if that still exists?
  4. Thanks. OH not happy as we are ex directory. Not worried about them. How can OH disassociate with me financially? He is worried about his credit rating.
  5. Would appreciate some advice Caggers. Don't know the best course of action.
  6. I am posting on behalf of a friend who suffers severe depression and cannot cope with this issue. I am very behind on things and can't remember the best course of action so would be grateful for advice. Friend has a CCJ form from MBNA/Varde/H L Legal at Northampton. The date of issue was 30th November 2012 - my friend was a little in denial so only spoke to me last night. We believe that this MBNA credit card should be subject to a PPI claim - again my friend has not got onto this - and I remember the rubbish advice I got from CAB, not CAG, when I got a CCJ and spent years fighting to get it removed even though it was paid! So, can you please advise me how my friend must now proceed and how long do they have to reply? I have some but not all paperwork here and have no idea if they got a notice of assignment from MBNA. Sorry this is scrappy but all positive advice greatfully received.
  7. I haven't been here for sometime, so hello to anyone who remembers me. I sorted out most of my debts but it appears 2 are still causing trouble. I am not sure which 2 at this point because I moved a couple of years ago and don't have the details to hand - stuff still in boxes! However, they have tracked me down and my other half isn't too happy about it. I am starting to get silent calls again and they have sent me 2 letters addressed to me in different ways - i.e. Mrs Vam Pyra and Mrs V A M Pyrya so I guess they relate to 2 different accounts. The letter says they have reason to believe I live at this address and would I please telephone them and if I don't they will continue to contact me at this address and keep this address on file. I am on sickness benefits as I cannot work and I am very worried about this spiralling out of control with the OH as he will always pass the phone to me if someone asks for me. We do not see eye to eye on these things and he believes I should deal with it. I need some help to stop them ringing and really get them off of my back. Trouble is I can't ask for a CCA or SAR wiithout admitting I live here. Wish I hadn't had to get on the electoral roll now
  8. Just to update you all; I have had no reply at all from the bank regarding my email sent last Wednesday. This is also considering my local branch has a copy of the letter too. I'm sure they will get back to me - never one to miss an opportunity to charge you for something, I have no doubt they will tell me the law doesn't apply to them and charge me for having to reply to me, or something!
  9. Had a bit of a result yesterday. Went to my local branch and after a less senior accounts clerk refused to deal with me, (she has tried the banks official line on me before and I've not bought it), the temporary manager from another branch came to see me. She was very helpful and understanding. She was aware of the issues and had received many First Right of Appropriation letters (as per Rory's posting earlier in this thread), at her branch that she allowed me the £68 that went in yesterday and talked through my options. She was aware I have not been going over by huge amounts and also not continuously. She has cancelled next weeks charges but said she was not in a position to do anymore and I had done the right thing sending the letter to the Service Quality Team. She put on notes that we had discussed various options including a consolodation loan, (yes I know, I won't be taking it), but she also advised that the customer would be seeking to put all the DD over to SO's and that apart from the odd glitch, this account, (alough with an overdraught), was not out of order and was running quite smoothly. She even gave me her contact number at her home branch - not too far - in case of any other issues in the future. She suggested if the Service Quality Team did not offer a satisfactory solution to take the matter further. Have I found an ethical manager in the banking sector? No reply to my email as yet. I have made sure all my money is covered from yesterdays date for the future under a Right of Appropriation. Finger's crossed!
  10. Sorry perhaps I'm not very clear here - but I have kept this account running well for years it's only just getting into a trouble and basically because now of these charges. I can also assure you I was dumbstruck by both mine and another bank telling me I didn't look like my driving licence "Are you really sure that's you?" Whatever occurs, I need a debit card to purchase items for mother's care on the internet. I am not constantly in trouble with them but I currently cannot get out of this mess as I will be left with £70 ish to care for mum and I for next week and bills will come out and this will just escalate and the bank could, if they choose, stop this happening. It's not like they didn't get back the money which was over the limit anyhow. This week I have no money for food now til Monday. I struggle enough with caring and have become quite ill dealing with corrupt banks, social workers and fudged laws all over the place. I think it's criminal to take £133 of money provided for someones care by the Government and to be spoken down to like I'm lower than 3rd World because I am trying to make the finances stretch a long way. Trust me - I do not roll over and accept anything from banks. I would be prepared to make a lot of noise about it. I don't want to be on benefits but I am saving the tax payer millions every year by doing what I do and a little bit of respect should be given to trying to do this. Not being ripped off by unscrupulous banks who have brought this World to recession. *is angry this morning and due to visit the bank soon if I can find enough money to pay for parking!* EDIT: Sorry Michael - with regards the CRA - a notice of correction is of no use here - I need the CCJ removed as it was paid for within the month time limit. Notices of correction are very rarely read anyway. I'll try the Co-Op - thanks.
  11. We don't have Credit Unions around here. Just looked on Google and they don't have any in this part of the country as far as I can find. I'd never even heard of them before.
  12. Hi there thanks for the reply. I've done the CRA and I have a CCJ which shows as unpaid when it was and dear old Bryan Carter and Co didn't reply when they were contacted by the Courts about payment. I have written proof it was paid on time and BC&Co say it wasn't. I've sent via email a letter of appropriation to my bank outlining my situation as a Carer and that this money is provided for care for my mother etc. I used Rory's template. Got no reply from them so telephoned and spoke to someone in India who tell me they cannot help me access the funds or remove charges only the branch can. I've asked the branch before about removing charges and they say they cannot and phone a department in India who won't do it either. I will hand deliver a copy of the letter tomorrow as one of my benefits goes in then. I was being hassled to cancel all my direct debits and such and I told the guy he cannot bully or harass me into doing these things with the threat of further charges from returned DD's if I don't cancel them - my DD's are not returned. I also told him the bank had a duty to not cause further financial hardship where hardship already exists. Needless to say this guy who claimed he understood UK law and benefits got so confused he was giving completely illogical answers to my questions and tried cutting me off. When I challenged him about the phone going dead he said the call was going no-where and thus he was just switching the call as he wasn't going to get into trouble by cutting me off "Goodbye". However, he did cut me off in the end. How can people in India working as phone clerks be proficient in the Laws and systems of every individual country in the World? And can you speak to anyone in the UK? "Sorry there are no contact numbers for the UK" *shakes head in disbelief*
  13. I am trying to cope as a carer being ripped off for hundreds by my bank and I seem to be barred from getting a basic bank account with any bank. I've applied with several banks including my own and because of a CCJ I erroniously have - am fighting that - and I am turned down for them - apparently I am barred and was questioned as to whether my driving licence was my own. Feel like I'm being treated as a criminal.
  14. Hiya BB - how's you? Thanks for that. I wasn't sure how to proceed with the 1st Credidud one! A lot of mine are coming up for 6yrs now!
  15. OK me again! Due to the amazing help I've had from this forum I have appeared to successfully fend off nearly all my debts - some are now even coming up to the 6yrs cut off period! OK, 1st Credit are hounding me for a debt I don't know. I believe I applied for the credit card mentioned years ago and it never turned up. I just, stupidly assumed, they had, after agreeing to me having it, declined it. I have never had a statement or anything. So if some unscrupulous blue tit has wracked up £1300 in my name, I'm not sure what to do. I know I should CCA but what after that? Al advice greatfully accepted. CapQuest - hmmmm! They rang this morning - my goodness how much money is being wasted paying Bank Holiday wages to these people? OK the story here is I had an HSBC credit card was all going ticketty boo when they decided in Christmas 2007 they were pulling the card. No good reason, except they stated they didn't like the way I ran my current account so decided to stop the credit card. When I wrote and questioned this I was treated like the idiot all the banks think we are - not that I have ever lost so many millions but there you go! I was struggling to pay back the debt at £70 per month and in a year paid off around £200. So after trying to ask for the interest to be freezed because of being a full time carer and being send on my bike, I stopped paying as I just couldn't afford to pay this out and not be paying off the debt. Now I found the CA and it's dated Feb 06 - I think this is before the change over isn't it? My signature isn't on it - obviously that version went off to the HSBC at the time. It has the prescribed terms on the first page and the whole agreement is on 4 seperate pages. I am going to CCA them after this fine Bank Holiday, (they are on holiday? Now come on, lose millions and have FREE holidays! 80 ), but I wondered if anyone out there had some advice for me over this. Many thanks in advance
  16. Oh yes I also found a letter from BC after the ruling saying I had to start paying installments of £250 per month - which was not the case. All evidence I feel. I also sense an SAR to BC coming on!
  17. I wanted to add to this as I am going through the process of trying to get the CCJ removed. I have sent an explanitory letter to the court telling them about the circumstances around the CCJ, that my defence was never shown to the court and that the CCJ was paid 3 days before the deadline. Plus it would appear from an SAR that Cap 1 never received any payment from Bryan Carter and Co and are now trying to chase me via Lowells for the debt. The letter and evidence of payment arrived at the court and they sent it to BC. The court told me if BC agree it was paid they will mark it on my credit file as inactive - it's currently showing as active and has been for over 3 years! However, they said if BC tell them it wasn't paid, they will not mark it as paid, even though they have evidence it was paid. I would then have to fill in an N441 for the case to be reviewed. I would again have to supply evidence and ask for a judge to assess the case. I will be writing to Cap1 for a definative answer as to whether they received any monies from BC and to also inform them they cannot claim for the rest of the debt as BC had claimed for part and you are not allowed two bites at the cherry. I will take this all the way and may even consider, if appropriate claiming compensation for the CCJ being left on my credit file as Active for over 3yrs. If it gets removed I might go for compensation for it being on my file for 3 years! I don't expect it to be easy but I'm gonna give it a good bloody go!
  18. I just wanted to add that although I knew after the 12+2 they had committed an offence, I had never heard of anyone getting a prosecution on this and I was also aware that if they came back with a CA within the time before a debt was statute barred, I was always lead to believe if it was good to go, it could be enforced, though a judge may ask why it took so long and could make some sort of ruling in the debtors favour.
  19. Ooh OK thanks Rory - sorry to sound dumb but I've never come across this side of it before. I'll SAR and CA and see what occurs. They may well have everything though as it's not that old.
  20. Yes it does just looked it up - barsteward swines!
  21. Can you explain please Rory? Also does 7th April 2006 make a difference?
  22. Thank you for replying. I found the CA which wasn't the thing I signed but the paper the credit card came on. It's got the right prescribed terms but it's on the end of the paper, overleaf and on another leaflet! However, the prescribed terms are all on the same piece of paper. Unfortunately the letter date is 7th April 2006 so I guess it's under the new terms which means they don't need my signature???? (Guessing here). I also remember that they phoned me up because they lost my application or something at the time. I think I will SAR them - I think it's a huge rate of interest with a card not being used and they know my income due to my current account with them. Thank you.
  23. I had a CCJ given to me via BC on behalf of Cap1 in Sept 2005. I SAR Cap 1 to find they apparently never received any monies from BC. Also the full amount of the CCJ was paid 3 days before the deadline and I have had a CCJ on my account ever since and UNSATISFIED. I have written to Northampton Bulk Clearing but am still awaiting a reply.
  24. Please, someone must have an idea about this?
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