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Everything posted by sea-sidelady

  1. Thank you for that. I am still trying to get hold of my sister to see if she has it fixed. I will let you know as soon as I hear from her.
  2. Does any one know anything about the Audi A4 convertible? My sister has one, when she tried to put the roof down today it got stuck half way, and now it has stuck. It won't go up or down. She has no idea what to to, and I am no help as I was howling when she told me Any help really would be great though....
  3. If you write a letter and give as much details as possible, including all previous addresses, date of birth, and all the usual stuff you would expect, send it with a postal order, they have to send you the report. If you don't give loads of info, they tend to send out a form for you to fill in. You can fill out a form on line if it is easier
  4. That is fantastic. Well done!! I will change your title for you
  5. The only problem we have got is the internet connection is T mobile, and it is terrible. The connection is hit and miss and so very slow. I will have to see if we could get it changed maybe.
  6. I have moved your thread over to the parking forums. You will get the advice you need here.
  7. Aha, Thanks Bookie, it was doing my head in. I did try looking it up, but got a tad disturbed by some of the sites I googled
  8. I saw a programme the other day about a couple like this.(brother & sister) There is a name for it (can't think of it right now) but it is more common than people think. Especially when some one has been adopted and returned to the family.
  9. Hi Biffette, Welcome to CAG. I will move your thread over to the bailiff forum as you will get plenty of help and advice in there. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bailiffs-sheriff-officers/
  10. That is fantastic news Erika. Well done
  11. Hiya J, Welcome to CAG. I will move this thread over to the debt forums. You will get plenty of help in there. You will have to give more information, but always make sure you keep personal details hidden. You can find the debt forums here... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/#black-consumer-forums-center
  12. Try this. It should cover everything you need Account in Dispute Letters - Consumer Wiki
  13. Hiya Vanlady. Welcome to CAG Just start new threads where you need to and as you will of seen, help is everywhere. Also no question is a thick question. It is always better to ask something rather than guessing and winging it, which could cause you to have a costly mistake. I look forward to seeing you around the place
  14. I'm glad to see they reimbursed you the charge. And so they should
  15. Thanks Beau That is what I had understood. They now want me to write a resignation letter them, not a problem, but they are wanting it tomorrow, and they don't want to go back in as from tonight. The company they are leaving are really bad, and will insist they give 4 weeks and always withhold and pay due. (4 ex staff are taking them to court for this already!)
  16. I have been asked by some one what the best thing to do is, but I really don't know. I'm hoping some one in here will be able to help. They have a job with a zero hour contract. They have now found a better one, with better pay, but the new job wants them to start immediately. They have been told they don't need to work a weeks notice on that contract. They can't actually find the contract, so can't check. They have worked there over 12 months if that makes a difference. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Well done. :grin: I personally think you have made the right choice accepting the offer. You can get the debt paid off. 1 less on the list. You want to make sure they keep to that, as they have been known to try and delay it. Easy solution is to send the acknowledgement letter, stating you will not cancel the court action until you have received it. (it is in the library) Watching!! :D
  18. I have McAfee, well sort of, It came on my laptop, and ran out a couple of weeks ago. I was going to renew it as I didn't want to mess anything up on here, but hmmmm might not now.
  19. Here you go http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/574-letter-when-account-has-been-passed-on-whilst-agreement-request-is-in-dispute
  20. It automatically gets transferred over for you. Youy can also find it by clicking on the home page, you will see a list of banks, and the Natwest one is in there.
  21. Ihave finally found the page I was looking for. This has a list of all charges for different banks. Try and be as accurate as you possibly can, but minor mistakes can happen. As for the first four statements, you can ask your bank for them, I know they will probably charge you X amount per sheet, or if you think there are several charges on there you could send another sar letter. I have altered the link in the above post, it has a list of charges for all banks.
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