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Everything posted by sosumi

  1. A lot of DCA Credit Licences have Event Numbers in their History (check their credit licence, then click on 'History' at the bottom of the page. Click on anything 'Open'. Does anybody know where the glossary for these numbers is?
  2. When was the last time you acknowledged it in writing Spirit31?
  3. Does anybody know where there's a list of OFT 'Event Numbers' explained? The whole list? Ta
  4. Moorcroft turnover dips for first time in 10 years It's Google-cached news, don't think it's clickable otherwise but:
  5. I cannot understand why these companies don't broadcast their 'successes' loudly! They always seem to refer to 'confidentiality reasons' but quite honestly, they could alter names of successful cases, but it seems none of them want to do so. This is very disturbing. I think many people would like answers.
  6. One day, DCAs, your turn will come. It'll be your mother or father, someone in your family, alone and vulnerable that some goons in your shoddy little 'industry' are scaring to death. Justify yourselves then!!
  7. 22 formal actions taken, 7 licences surrendered, 4 licences refused or removed, 4 businesses being given significant undertakings, 4 cases where requirements have ben imposed. Which 7 surrendered their licences? 4 licences refused or removed - who were they??
  8. It's well worth typing 'Moorcroft' into the OFT public register search page and checking the results. The register's here: Public Register
  9. Call Serve and Credit Security are still puzzling me RV Their registered address with Companies House is The Old Court House, same as Credit Security.
  10. Is there any reason why we can't post the whole debate from Hansard here? It isn't very long, but it's very important I think.
  11. Postcard received from Hillesden Securities this morning. Pink wavy lines one side, 'We would like to arrange for a representative to call at your address within the next week...' on the other. I checked the Consumer Credit Register for Hillesden this morning. Not only do they not have the right to canvass off trade premises, but if you check the 'History' tab at the bottom, then click 'Variation' on 26th January 2009, read what it says at the end: 'Credit reference agency Removed Debt adjusting/counselling Removed Debt administration Added Canvass Off Trade Premises Details: To restrict the provisions of the licence to exclude the right to canvass off trade premises for debtor-creditor-supplier agreements or consumer hire agreements.' In other words, they've just done the very thing the OFT has restricted them from doing. And I believe we've found another of the OFT 13
  12. Intrum Justitia forced to recant statement - Credit Today 17/04/09
  13. I think you need to send them a CCA request. The template is here: http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/581-cca-request-letter.html Don't forget to enclose the £1 postal order and send it either special delivery or at least recorded delivery.
  14. The easiest way to make creditors behave like human beings is to stop them from dumping their customers. The easiest way to make DCAs behave like human beings is to make them realise that their actions have direct consequences and that their gambling with peoples' lives won't be tolerated any more.
  15. Thanks everyone I've emailed my MP, Watchdog, You and Yours, Georgia Warren at The Times... If anyone has contacts, please can you let them know? I think it's time that society got rid of this gravy-train that Debt Collectors call 'business'. They're trading in suffering. The petition is just a thought but it's now 'out there', and is going to be out there for a year. Thanks again xx
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