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Everything posted by sammyjammy

  1. You are right Zoot (as always!) what would we do without you, I'll get it done now! Sam
  2. I'm back again, well the time to ackonwledge the claim runs out tomorrow, as its a Saturday I'm going to be kind and let them have until Monday, it seems to me from reading other threads that even if they miss the deadline and I get a default judgement against them it makes no difference if they contact the court at a later date, seems pretty pointless. Given that I was thinking of just leaving it another week or so to save myself the bother of getting all excited only to be brought back down to earth. Any thoughts? Sam
  3. I'm guessing by what you've written that you didn't get any replies t oyour letters, me neither, I think that looks very bad for them if they take it further. I issued Moneyclaim on the 13th October and their time is up on Saturday, nothing yet so fingers crossed, they are obviously totally incompetant and couldn't organise the preverbial **** up. I remember when I was with them I asked for a statement of account a couple of times, they never did turn up! FIngers crossed for you. Sam
  4. Thanks, mine still says issued, time is up on 4th November (paperwork says they get 14 days not 28) I've read of lots of had the defendant do it after the 14 days and made excuses like didn't get letters etc - boring! I'm trying to be patient, trouble is I've got nothing to go on because as yet I have had zilch correspondence from IGroup, but I guess if we go to court that looks bad for them which is good for me - yay! Sam
  5. Sounds like you got a duffer court clerk there, I'm going for IGroup and they are not a PLC or LTd either, sometimes I just despair, never mind its in now and countdown can begin! Good luck Sam
  6. Hi Paul, Did you do your claim online? Can you tell from logging on whether they have accepted the claim and intend to defend or not? Time is up for mine on Saturday so their time is running out! Sam
  7. How is it going against Platform? My friend had a mortgage with them and I'm trying to persuade her to take them on for the ERC....
  8. I'm speechless, they are obviously trying to save a bit of money, what a mess, hope you've got a nice space in your BANK account for that cheque, its in the bag, amybe they will send Inga to court as well!
  9. Still no word, expecting them to leave it until the last minute but I've just had some junk mail from them asking if I remember taking out an IGroup mortgage and how delighted they would be to welcome me back, that put a big smile on my face - not on your nelly matey LOL Sam
  10. Just noticed that the solicitor they have used is based in the same building as them, I reckon that goes in our favour as it seems a bit of a desparate attempt rather than they've chosen them for location rather than how good they are! I'm still waiting for my letter, 14 days from MCOL is next Saturday!
  11. Zoot, I've noticed that the successful claims thread is empty, should people be posting in there when they've won or is it a MOD thing? Sam
  12. I filed against IGroup last Friday, deemed served yesterday, I haven't had any replies to any letters yet, I'm disappointed that they intend to defend your case, will be interested to see what they say about your letter Dogwash, I'm determined to fight them al lthe way but would be happier not to obviously! Good luck! Definitely start your own thread it'll be easier for others to hel pyou out should you need it. Sam
  13. GEMoney own the company that I'm going for IGroup, I didn't get a reply to either of my letters and put my moneyclaim in last Friday, still no word as yet, I come home everyday expecting a nasty letter from them as a sub-prime lender LOL Sam
  14. Just been thinking about IGroup, if they reply to the summons will they send something to me or will the court inform me they have replied and what they say? I keep coming home everyday expecting a nasty letter but nothing as yet, they have until 4th November! Sam
  15. The six year thing doesn't apply for mortgages, its 12 years, which is good news because when I redeem my mortgage next year I can go after Abbey for a couple of grand as well!! HTH Sam
  16. I've decided not to delay any further, I'm going to put my moneyclaim in today and put it on the credit card! I've looked through all the FAQs and everything but can't find the answer I'm looking for, what I want to know is when I put the claim in do I have to do anything else like sending paperwork to the court? Is it just a case of waiting for IGroup to acknowledge/defend the claim, there doesn't seem to be a detailed list of what happens at that stage unless I'm missing it, thanks gus. Sam
  17. Thats the same as mine, moneyclaim fee is £120, mine should have gone in on Monday but I'm going to have to wait a couple of weeks. Sam
  18. I thought you were going to say they had paid up from the title of this thread! Have you seen the article in the Daily Mail about the investigation that banks are stalling with court claims and whether its illegal or not? There is probably something on This is Money website as its linked to the paper. Sam
  19. Hope its ok to post links, cannot remember, see this, it appears it is allowed, you may have taken out a loan iwth tie buildings insurance, worth checking, or they may be charging fee to check the cover. I'm sure if you kick up enough of a fuss they will waive it. FSA - Consumer Information - Mortgages
  20. Which company is it? Have you checked out their website? I think you're right about them not being allowed to penalise but can't find anything to back it up, will keep looking. Sam
  21. Thanks for the help guys, its all ready and I'm quite excited now but I'm going to have to wait a couple of weeks before I can say goodbye to £120 without being in dire straits! Sam
  22. Keep to your timetable, dson't let them set it or it'll go on forever! If its time to send LBA then send it! Good luck, Sam
  23. I'm really struggling with these claim particulars, does anyone else have any more suggestions, I'm rubbish at putting things down in writing Sam
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