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Everything posted by sammyjammy

  1. Thanks Dolly, thats a good idea, I just guess I will have to put the correct amount in the next letter! Sam
  2. I feel sick! I assumed I didn't need a SAR because I had paperwork which detailed the ERC but now I'm looking at it again I think the amount was wrong, it says this amount applies if you repay in full by 9/8/05 but the paperwork for my new mortgage went through on 12/9/05 which means I had made another months payment! I'm going to look really silly now when Igroup come back to me. Why do I always rush everything
  3. Well its gone, I just put a first class stamp on it but thought afterwards should have maybe sent it by recorded delivery, well we'll see, I'm scared I'm going to get a nasty letter back from them now, maybe I don't have the guts for this after all, IGroup are so nasty that I'm not sure they are going to roll over like all other companies, can I really risk having to go to court, would probably just cry when up against them! Someone come and make me feel better! Sam PS Haven't seen anything about claiming 8% interest at moneyclaim stage, do we do this for ERCs?
  4. Thanks Zoot, its great to see you're still here helping us all out after your own successes!! I'm very grateful! No charges just the redemption penalty, will get my letter off today, I'm so scared!!! Sam
  5. Mine is just redemption fee as well (made up of six months interest totalling £2035) I've got the closing statement listing it so no excuse to proscratinate really, will try and write it tomorrow based on examples I've seen on here, its all a bit scary, don't forget to post when you get your statements! Sam
  6. After a good few days reading everybodies experiences about claiming early redemption penalties back and reading all the info currently available I'm ready to give it a go, I've found all my paperwork and have a breakdown of the charges, what I'm planning on reclaiming is the six month interest fee of £2035 that I was charged when repaying my mortgage 2 years into the 4 yr redemption period. The rate of the mortgage was 2.25% above the bank of england base rate. I don't have a further breakdown is this ok or do I still need to send off S.A.R request? After the four year period the redemption fee would have been 1 month interest, should I deduct one months interest from the total? Grateful for any help. Sam
  7. Hi Mickey, I'm planning to go after IGroup as well, don't they have a new name these days? I'm a little nervous as they have a rep for being ball breakers. I've read and read the boards but I'm a bit confused about the S.A.R, I've got all the paperwork pertaining to my mortgage, do I still need to request this? Good luck! As soon as I've got the guts to send my first letter I'll start my own thread, sorry for hijacking yours! Sam
  8. I'm very impressed at your long running quest to get the redemption penalty back, its all a bit scary isn't it, I'm trying to pluck up the courage to do the same with IGroup, I've actually paid redemption penalties on two mortgages but the other was with Abbey whom I'm currently mortgaged with so don't want to risk upsetting the apple cart, the mortgage with IGroup was a tracker at about 2.5% above base rate and I remortgaged after a year, it was all I could get at the time and I took it as I needed to repay debts. FIngers crossed, I guess I have nothing to lose even if I chicken out at the court stage its just a few letters after all, isn't it!
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