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wolfcub last won the day on September 11 2006

wolfcub had the most liked content!


269 Excellent
  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Thanks all. Wolfys so happy tonight. Vik, mortgage Co are a new thang. I started a thread about my experience with Igroup. There's circa 20 people now interested. As far as the law goes, it's more complicated but still on the same basic principles. I'll keep you posted. I cannot thank everyone enough for their support. Remember there are 75000 people registered on the CAG. Thats got to make a difference. We need to get a change in the law. Wolfys huggin everyone tonight......
  4. Wolfcubs soooooooooooo happy, she's had a second glass of wine!!!! Feel a vey strange void though. Realised, feel more strongly about the law than the money (wouldnt have said that 3 years ago though). Yup, Wolfcubs here to stay. Will be lending advice and help wherever needed. And as for a new campaign - Wolfcub Vs IGroup (mortage co) ..... coming to a screen near you sooon..... Mortgage co's are new territory so good new focus. Also found £200 vs HSBC 4 years ago, but dont think thats much of a challenge. Thank you all. Bookworm I love the cat.!!
  5. Good letter Vik - I have every confience that it will hit the mark! I've just updated my thread - I got evey last penny credited to my account today. Full unconditional settlement £3450. I didnt sign anything at all - in fact I didnt even get another letter from SCM. Feelin' good Wolfs
  6. Wolfcub (Mrs) Wins!!!! After a fraught week of franky pointless conversations with SCM, I checked my account today to find a rather large sum of money there. Yes, a full unconditional settlement and a seperate payment of the disputed interest. I didn't actually sign anything at all - and never got any other paperwork from SCM. It was a great shame they were so timely. I wrote a stonking press release this morning. Another forum member contributed to it too. Unfortunatley, I can't publish it now as it's basically inaccurate. However, I will put another slant on it and put something out next week. So, to all campaigners for justice - hang it there. You will get it back.
  7. Hi Vik, Got a similar problem. Got an offer with conditions and without interest. Edited the non relevant stuff but wrote 21/09: ........ In response to your offer letter dated September 7th 2006, I do not accept this offer of £xxxx. The full sum acceptable will be £xxxx, plus interest calculated to the date of settlement and costs of £220.00. In addition, I do not accept your terms number 3 and 4 in the offer letter and I will not sign an agreement if these terms are included. Point 3 - My case is based on UK Contract Law and that Lloyds have acted unlawfully by levying penalties charges on my account. If penalty charges are made to my account in the future, then they will also be unlawful and unenforceable. Point 4 – I do not have to accept any such confidentiality clause. My case against Lloyds is a matter of law and I am frankly rather disappointed that your client should seek to introduce this term. ....... Had a conversation with SF&W (sorry meant SC&M) today. Outragous. Taped it for prosperity. They have allegidly sent another offer letter. Bottom line - their conditions are unacceptable. Tell them so. All the best.
  8. yup, it's there. Hubby worried about the legalities of posting it....
  9. I've just poured myself another glass of wine...... but still cant see it. Hic
  10. it is rather fantastic isnt it, but it doesn't show on screen. can send in other forms than .jpg if it helps.
  11. Hi Monkey.. If someone mugged you (metaphorically speaking) and nicked your wallet, wouldnt you want it back? The fact they are a multinamtional corp taking our money illegally should not deter you. You will get it back. It will take time and yes it seems they are the worst of all the banks for stalling, delaying, underhand tactics and much worse (read my thread), but its worth it. For the princliple as well as the money... Good luck Wolfcub Wolfcub v Lloyds
  12. Anyone got an idea of how you attached or paste a document to a note? Just scanned the court order.
  13. Hi Damian, Sent it to : Mandy Horton Assistant Manager 125 Colmore Row Birmingham B3 3SF Don't be daunted by the size of the mountain, but look forward to the view from the top. Best of luck. Wolfcub (mrs)
  14. Today at 4pm, Lloyds did not supply the information that the court said they HAD to deliver to me. This included original T'S and C's, details of manual intervention and get this...... how they make their charges. Yep, thats what we've always wanted to know but no bank has ever disclosed. Now SCM did fax the court TODAY to say they made an offer. TRUE they did. I rejected it cos it didnt inlcude the interest and had confidentialy clauses etc. I rejected it a week ago. So they faxed the court and sai they had made an offer not telling the court I rejected it a week ago (by fax and rec del). Had fun with a phone call which I recorded for the case. The fact they made an offer does not the case close.... I told them ever so politely that as far I was concerned the case was live, kicking, with another court date and nothing was settled. As such they had breached a county court order. She kept saying it was he clients not SCM!! I have never met such an ineffective, unprofessional and morally bankrupt set of organisations. I shall write my press release and have BBC radio interview hopefully. 15 years in PR and marketing should come in useful now. Wolfs
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