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Everything posted by craigten

  1. Thanks for this, dx100uk. If you get a sec, please could you check your DMs, I wondered if you could open my other thread....
  2. Thanks for this. As my brother stated in his complaint, he has had serious health issues for the last 10 years (and I do mean serious) and these have impacted his mental health (depression, etc) so bank statements have been ignored. I am not saying this is 'right' but stating what his line was on this. Recently, his health and mental health have increased and there is almost light on the horizon. I was a little surprised that Halifax didn't acknowledge this.
  3. Here you are. Is it me or are Reward Accounts packaged accounts? (I will add that he told them the truth that he didn't realise he was paying the fees, cited his mental health issues, and also stated that even if he had, the insurances were never appropriate for him then or now) 1-3.pdf
  4. One account (the only one he complained about) this year! I find their response mystifying. Let me post the letters shortly, perhaps this will help.....
  5. Hi all. The 'Halifax Ultimate Reward' fees were charged on my brother's account since 2011. He definitely did not agree to this and made a complaint to Halifax saying they were mis-sold. He did this by using Resolver. They only option they had as a header was 'Packaged Bank Account', Halifax have replied to say being as this was not a 'PBA', they will not be looking in to the complaint. They also mentioned other bank accounts he had that had similar fees but say that they are 'outside of time limit to complain'. Is this just because he used the 'packaged bank account' header or should they have looked at this complaint regardless?
  6. Just read all again from post #1. Wow, can see why you get annoyed / frustrated. I actually surprised myself at reading it. Shocking. Sorry. Have done statint sheet and will send FOS questionnaire tomorrow .
  7. Hi all, Is there a template letter for reclaiming bank account fees (insurances, etc) and should I use the statint spreadsheet for this (am helping a relative)? Thank you.
  8. Thank you. I have started the s/s. Question - doesn't it say on the Policy (attached) that the PPI was cancelled on 19/5/1998? welcome sibel list of my loan insurances.pdf
  9. Thank you and sorry for not understanding. I appreciate your patience. OK, I will get done. I have downloaded the STATINT sheet but am having trouble determining how to correctly complete - looking at the payment records, it does indeed show payments but not any breakdown of payments for the actual PPI? Please don't get too angry about this, for some reason I have a blind spot for this kind of thing.
  10. Hi again, had a bit of time to get back to this and was wondering if someone could comment, please. To recap, the attached PDFs show that Welcome say they cancelled the various policies (PPI, Warranty, Collision Call and Shortfall extra insurance) but can I verify what it looks like to me on the Payment History PDFs - that they didn't actually cancel them? Apologies. Here you go... welcome sibel ins list + loan statements.pdf
  11. Sigh. I have looked over your previous posts on here and instead of posting cryptic clues, why not just come out with it? Not helpful and a waste of time. Never?? Quite a statement and serves nothing other than to attempt to humiliate.
  12. Update: Spoke to Merseyflow and they advised to speak to the traffic enforcement office/centre and request forms TE7 and TE9 to ask for the matter to get sent back to Merseyflow and then they said they would then just charge me the £4? So this is irrelevant advice from Merseyflow then?
  13. Pennies do not drop regularly for me Ermm......I wouldn't have received these because her letters are her letters and not mine...?
  14. Wonderful. Thank you so much!! I have found the two PCNs. Do you want me to post these on here with my wife's details taken out?
  15. Update: Spoke to Merseyflow and they advised to speak to the traffic enforcement office/centre and request forms TE7 and TE9 to ask for the matter to get sent back to Merseyflow and then they said they would then just charge me the £4? Edit: Just downloaded them but can't see how these will help get the case transferred back to Merseyflow?
  16. Thank you. I really don't think I did, I think they did it as a gesture of goodwill? Update: Just checked and I indeed did pay the two x £2 for the other two tickets.
  17. Hi all. Please can I ask for some advice? I pay a direct debit to Merseyflow as I drive across the Runcorn bridge almost every day. However, a while ago, my car broke so I used my wife's car. Don't ask me how it got to this stage but she has now received an enforcement notice, below. I seem to recall after this happened and we received a couple of letters from Merseyflow that they agreed to wipe two of the issues but not all? What advice would you offer? 2022-04-01 Marston Notice Of Enforcement merseyflow Nth Bnd.pdf
  18. Absolute garbage that is, absolute garbage. Nothing to do with diet whatsoever, people like you who make assumptions, I'm sick of you. He developed blood clots, not thickening of the arteries due to poor diet. He may even want to leave constructive feedback. You know nothing of this. Moron.
  19. Understood. It might have helped if you had mentioned this. To be honest, he is a very level headed and sensible chap so this is not a concern for me. Others, it would be.
  20. And this is why some forums get a bad name. You are effectively saying 'Before I give you the information, I will determine whether or not I judge your friend deserves it'. Not your call, I'm afraid.
  21. I would like to stick to the original question rather than the specifics or what did or did not happen, please. As it happens, it was remote, yes. I don't feel that saying what would happen helps here, I am telling you what did happen (or not). So please can I ask how he can gain access to these records / notes, if at all?
  22. He did survive but is frustrated that the delay to getting the paramedics to attend (three hours) to him getting seen by the paramedics and them immediately recognising that he had had a heart attack and needed action immediately (stents put in) has caused damage to his heart (the lack of blood flow due to the clots).
  23. Hi all, Bit of a strange one - a friend of mine recently suffered a heart attack whilst on holiday in Devon. He believes that there was a mistake and extra long delay that the first responders made before summoning paramedics in that they notices empty cans of beer in his caravan and were advising him that his chest pains were perhaps indigestion and were, in his opinion, insinuating that he had a drink problem (they were actually celebrating his son in law's birthday). Is there a way that my friend could use a DSAR to see if this was the case?
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