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Laura Cooke

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Everything posted by Laura Cooke

  1. It was taken from outside my daughters home it is explained above it was involved in an accident I believe and wrote off I simply do not fully know as I was told very little about anything
  2. I appreciate the response my daughter as always sorted the insurance out online I have no idea what was filled in but I have requested a Sars I assume this will show me what was put down. Yes I do have depression so does my daughter but I can hardly use that as an excuse when it wasn`t me gave the details to the insurance my daughter has been with this company a long while. I agreed to adding her to the insurance as she said it made it cheaper for her but I wish I had never agreed to this, it is not her good name in question it is mine. Looks like I have no choice but to pay this then, like I said previously it is not so much as the sum I have to pay but my good name put into question. I just wish I could get someone legally minded to try and explain things to the insurers on my behalf. Things have become quite strained in my relationship with my daughter through no fault of my own I now have this hanging over me. It is strange that I never had to sign anything and have never seen any insurance documents all I know it was fully comprehensive. The car was gifted to my daughter by a former partner a few weeks later the partner left my daughter and he has ignored all contact since, daughter assumed paper work would arrive in her name it never has.
  3. Oddly she has had no trouble taxing it she is disabled
  4. 2 Years ago I added my daughter to my policy, the car was at my daughter`s and had it`s driver side window smashed one evening, my daughter who suffers with depression was afraid to stay at home due to a controlling ex partner finding out her new address so suspected him of the damage, I was going away so she went to stay with friends. A claim was not made for this as her insurance was already expensive. We taped the window up for a temporary measure, whilst I was away a neighbour a friend of mine contacted me to say the cover was off and the car was wet inside, I let my daughter know and she came back to the house and taped it up again, she forgot her handbag with her phone and a small amount of cash when she left again, she could not get a lift back till a few days later, her car had gone and the house had been entered but not broke into the catch on the conservatory had been messed with so whoever had got in could go in and out, my daughter discovered a mans jacket on the back of a dining chair. Her handbag and it`s contents had gone and her car keys off the key board. I rang 101 numerous times and was in a long queue, then when I did eventually get through I was told I could not report the car as taken it had to be my daughter, I contacted our local PC told him everything he said he would make sure it was recorded, daughters ex partner gave her the car but nothing relating to ownership was in my daughters name. I was contacted by my daughters friend about everything, as soon as I got home I had got an answer phone message off the Police stating the car had been abandoned on a side street in town with the window down. (This puzzled me as the window was totally out not down) I met with the Police officer who had left me an answer phone message she stated that the car had been involved in an incident, the insurance also asked me what had gone off neither myself or my daughter could state much other than we suspected her ex partner might have been the culprit. My daughter did not ring the Police I did she rarely engages with anyone, despite requesting a crime reference number none was forth coming. The insurers sent someone to interview me and my daughter. The insurers kept mentioning a different date to the Police I assumed one or the other had the date wrong, fast forward to last month which is over 2 years since this incident and I received a letter from the insurers stating neither me or my daughter had a financial interest in the vehicle and that in their opinion I misled them to get them to pay out on the claim, they said any insurances I may be included in within their group would be cancelled, we never made a claim as neither of us owned the car we don`t know who the registered keeper is. The insurers stated that the Police have no knowledge of the incident being reported to them. I contacted my local PC recently he said he would send daughter the incident number (I assume this is the crime reference number?) and he stated it was not marked down as a theft but an incident. He said the confusion is that there were 2 incidents involving the car which were a day apart, the incident I received an answer phone message about from the Police is incident number 2 the incident the insurers are on about is incident number 1 which took place in a different County to where we live I have no idea what this incident was, how could I have reported incident number 1 when I had no knowledge about it, I just assumed the Police & Insurers had their dates conflicted. I inquired as to if I could make a claim from the legal cover the insurers stated under the circumstances I cannot do this. I told the insurers I refuted their findings and told them to look at things again a few days later they said they stand by their decision and because they had to pay out storage and other things they want just over a £1,000 off me. Now they have changed their standing that I never reported the incident to the Police to that of I never mentioned no theft. I would like some advice as to what I can do I object most strongly to paying this and to be labelled a liar as such, I have drove for over 30 + years not claimed and never been in trouble for anything the insurers are labelling me and it is very unfair. It is not so much that the payment they are requesting is upsetting me but they are make accusations about my good name. I cannot afford a solicitor I contacted my local Law Centre they stated they do not deal with this kind of thing, I am bitter about it all especially with this bill they are requesting I am disabled and do not work, yet if I do not pay it I assume I will then have my details passed to a debt collector and I have an excellent credit record. Any advice would be much appreciated, I wondered if contacting the Ombudsman would help matters? as the insurers said they have said the last word on the matter I have made a Sars request from the insurers.
  5. Sorry I have not responded to anyone just back off holiday, and this very thought came to mind and it appears that DVLA never put the log book in daughter in laws name. Today the log book was updated thanks very much for the input
  6. She is quite a gutsy lady they are pushing her to the limit she told them in no uncertain terms to leave her alone I will pass the information on to her thanks for the support and advice
  7. Appreciate the response I would be shocked if an Inspector agreed to a meeting the majority of dealings I have had with our Police they are arrogant and ignore any complaints or anything, I have witnessed so many poor failings within our force they never seem to accept any responsibility. I will drop the inspector a line it is wearing my daughter in law down she is losing all confidence and only passed her test a month ago she been assured twice now that a marker on the vehicle would be removed, the officers last night were pretty arrogant and upset my grandaughter too she asked when is it they are going to leave her Mum alone. The officers said they do not need a reason to stop someone and they can do it when they please.
  8. Thanks for reply much appreciated daughter in law been trying all afternoon to get through to DVLA without success she will try again Monday
  9. My grandsons girlfriend had a vehicle she was stopped in it for driving without a passed driver with her, we understand because of other issues she then became a banned driver they split up about a year ago and have had no contact from her since. Grandsons mother had the ownership of the vehicle transferred to her, she took driving lessons and passed not long ago. On 4 separate occasions Police have stopped her when driving, and stated different things ranging from "Your a banned driver" "You have no full licence" "Why are you not displaying your L plates" then today it was "You have no insurance" When the car was stopped on the 3rd occasion they said the car had a marker on it so daughter-in-law said it needs taking off each time she has been stopped she has told them she has insurance, a full driving licence etc. She broke down crying today stating this is harassment, the Police over took her today and were at her home when she got back, they told her they are not from the area and the Police can stop her as many times as they like. The local Police officer who has stopped her 3 times knows the situation and knows the previous registered keeper does not even live in the area he even congratulated my daughter in law on passing her test, what can she do to have this stopped.
  10. My nephew is autistic he will never work he as received his parents pension for life instead of it ending at 21 if he was in education, training or working. He is fully dependent on others. He pays no tax or insurance on anything
  11. Thanks for the advice, info going to ring Dial not had chance today will report back about what I learn it is so frustrating nephew had only had his Esa a few months before had to give it up and he was dealt with by paper assessment he did not have a face to face
  12. Thanks will contact dial yes DWP are incredibly incompetent they are causing so much misery to vulnerable people who are already stressed
  13. So sorry if it came across that I want too much from CAG I can assure you that is not the case just wanted accurate advice/information and have always got it off CAG, I speak to so many different organisations none sing from the same hymn sheet I am quite unsure where to access correct information. DWP never tell you the same thing twice whenever you contact them. UC rolls out fully in November 2018 however for single Job Seekers they are being put on UC I am my nephews appointee and Guardian as he is autistic, I have just realised we have a Law Centre close to where I live they might deal with benefits so I will give them a call.
  14. Yes we have a Dial about 7 miles away I think will look it up
  15. Thank you I know anything over £6,000 means deductions just unsure who can give accurate advice always had it off CAG
  16. My nephew was on Esa in the support group I declared he was to receive an inheritance from his parents once he reached 21 in December 2015, hence his benefit stopped due to it being over £16,000. The savings as now dropped to £10,000 which is in an ISA held by my daughter when would he be able to go back on Esa? and would it be a fresh claim? and has the Severe Disablement Premium stopped? He does receive a pension each month belonging to his parents of £503.75 a month he also receives DLA HRC/LRM
  17. Thanks for the response yes it is 40 calendar days done a Sars before never had anyone ignore it just wondering how many days more I should give them if I write to them?
  18. £10 cheque sent to Eon for the Sars on 3-7-17 it was signed for on 5-7-17 but it has never been cashed
  19. Sent off Subject Access Request by recorded delivery to Eon on 3-7-17 never had a response
  20. Thanks for your prompt response I was afraid someone would advise seeing as I did not pay for the vehicle on my credit card only the repair that I had no chance of a claw back
  21. Hope someone can answer the query please. I purchased a vehicle 19-6-17 and paid in cash just a knockabout to tie us over it broke down on 12-7-17 garage say they put a new gear box in it charged me £200 paid for the repair by credit card also paid £50 for MOT due. Put it back on the road 28-7-17 it broke down again 31-7-17 same problem gears. Garage did something to fix car again it broke down again 8-8-17 the garage would not recover it it was towed away as it was causing an obstruction, garage said they would replace it if I gave them a further £200 I said I had no faith in them and should not have been charged for the gear box as only had car 3 weeks +. Found out MOT was only £30 they charged me £50 could I claw the £200 back & the £50 for the MOT from the credit card company?
  22. Thankyou Malc I suppose at some point I will be clearer well I hope so anyway
  23. Thanks for the reply Malc Daughter was not at home for sometime the meter is a prepayment key. She does not use much electric or gas £35 gas as lasted her 2 months. so I would be puzzled at a high electricity bill for possible electric having been used. It is all very puzzling. If Western Distribution did enter the house which they must have done daughter is not aware of it as she was not staying at home due to an ex boyfriend locating her new address and was harassing her so daughter went to stay with a friend. Anyone as been able to access the house as it had been broken into and no matter how many times we tried to secure the doors as you could not lock them (Can now new locks and glass) we called and the doors were open again. Landlord fitted new locks at the front and we fitted new locks to the back and erected a high gate with bolts. We know someone as been staying at the house we have no proof of who other than things are missing, and mail was going missing and being interferred with. I informed the Police that I thought an ex boyfriend had been using the house and had heard he was in prison now however Police called at my home recently to let me know that the ex boyfriend is out again. I assume the Sars will shed light on this, I am a bit disappointed with Eon instructing Eon Energy Fund not to accept my daughters application when in a telephone conversation with Eon that they advised me to put a claim in to the Energy Fund. And the reason given for not accepting the claim was given as daughter does not meet the criteria, she is disabled and vulnerable with mental health problems.
  24. Thanks for the info I struggle to navigate on the site
  25. Just a few questions the Sars must be signed and name printed too? Address I have found is Westwood Business Park is this head office? Can I use the wording on the template but add the bits suggested to me by unclebulgaria67 Do I address the letter to anyone in particular or just Eon Uk? I know the Sar as Eons address on but does it need to have senders address on or is the account number sufficient?
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