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Everything posted by la2006

  1. Mini update : Robins on its way have now decided to remove me from their files.
  2. I have been doing a short term P/T temp job over the last 6 weeks via a recruitment agency. The approx rate : my contract is to do 21 hrs per week @ £8.00 = £ 5 - 7 in tax and NIC a week. My line manager signed one of my time sheet late, so it was processed 2 weeks later with the week I had just worked. The problem I have is the agency processed 2 time sheets which represented 2 weeks as 1 week. So 42hrs x£8, and charged around £60 in tax and NIC tax code 810l. when I received this payslip I immediately thought this was incorrect and stated that they had incorrectly processed a 2 week period as a 1 week period ( as if I worked 42 hrs FT in 1 week, not P/T hrs over 2 weeks]. I thought the total Tax and NIC for 21 hrs for 2 weeks should only total of £11 Am I correct - that the agency has processed the above wrong? or incorrect? So far the agency have ignored my queries via email regarding this matter. If I am correct am I entitled to getting paid the outstanding amount of just under £50 immediately back from the agency.
  3. Not surprised with Robinways response, the agent basically lied that she never turned up on a Sunday, that they never received my text message to their mobile phone, and they never called back my Mobile phone on a Sunday. And have requested I write to them within the next 14 days to offer a payment proposal. ETA : I just going to pay slightly under the amount excluding charges directly to the OC, and dispute the rest of charges. I don't have the time to prepare a case based on 'she said vs you said argument".
  4. Yes, this is on my CRA file, I'm surprised to as the amount is around £300, and around £200 of that are charges. Can DCA do doorsteps on Saturdays/ Sundays? particularly Bank Hoildays, not like I can run down to the bank when every thing is closed.
  5. I made a formal complaint by email yesterday to robinway, due to receiving a doorstep collector from Robinway Way on Bank Holiday, as I was not in the doorstep collector disclosed full details of the account to a third party in the house. Also she brought her young kid 6-8 yr with her?? I sent a formal complaint by email yesterday. I going to prepare a revised complaint. Today, Bank Holiday Sunday the same person knocked on the door again. I did not open, but she made a bit of a scene my swearing her head off as she walked to her car door. I sent her a quick text message quoting the common law, and further actions will be reported to the police, OFT, FOS. She tried to call back on my mobile phone, but I ignored it. [ hopefully that will do the trick] I going to send another complaint regarding her behaviour. The account is for a old capital one card account, originally I was just going to pay the whole thing off as I had been out of work for so long, just got a confirmed contract...so If Cabot has just been a little bit more patience, But I'm now going to dispute the whole account full of charges 2/3 are charges. Hope every is having a lovely Bank Holiday weekend BTW.
  6. OP, are there any update? how did Lowell respond to your complaint? I've received a reconstituted CCA from Lowell for a the dollar financial old debt as well today, and still Dollar refuse to provide a true breakdown of the debt they claim is owned. I will be making a complaint as well.
  7. This happened quite a number of years ago, and from what I remember Lloyds did refund my money as a charge back, and H&T did nothing to dispute the charge back.
  8. I was thinking that also - I can't see the banks having enough legal representatives to attend small claim cases for X amount of claims that have been put on hold. Hopefully people will continue and get their money back .
  9. I got the same letter many months ago and put in a complaint to FOS http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/payday-loans/185004-la2006-wonga.html#post2031328 It might be worth sending a formal complaint to WONGA by recorded delivery asking for a breakdown statement of account, disputing the debt and if their in breach any OFT Debt collection guidelines make a complaint about that.
  10. Hi, I was also looking to an answers/thoughts to the above question too: X can be a signature
  11. Power of Attorney ACT 1971: For the purpose of enabling H&T to recover payment of the Secured Sums, the Customer hereby by way of security irrevocably in accordance with Section 4 of the Power of Attorney Act 1971: a)appoints H&T as his or her agent and attorney in his or her name or otherwise to execute such documents and take such steps to secure or recover such payment as H&T may think appropriate: and b) authorises and request H&T to pay any cheque presented to the customer into any bank account mainted and nominate by H&T; and c) authorise h&t to share information the Customer had provided on this form, or in any other manner, with its subsidiary companies and other organisation with whom it transacts business; d) authorises h&t to collect by direct debit, electronic or other means any monies owed under this agreement from any bank or credit card account of with the customer has supplied details to H&T and e) agree to ratify everything which H&T does or purports to do, sign, execute, deliver or complete in accordance with this Power Of Attorney. b) authorises and requests H&T to pay an Cheque presented to the Customer into any bank account maintained and nominated by H&T; and Is this valid, when someone makes a token payment with another card which wasn't originally supplied, H&T can retain these details and use them at the pleasure given the circumstances of the debtor ( unemployment, making token payments to each creditor) Also would the unfair terms in consumer contract apply, term that is deemed is unfair is unenforceable. http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1971...9710027_en.pdf This is Section 4 of the Power of Attorney ACT 1971
  12. Delete -just need to create a revoke of power of attorney letter
  13. Lloyd's sent me a copy of everything that H&T has passed to their bank Include was a second page of conditions. I'm sure this was meant to be 'just sign to confirm all the personal information given on the top half of the page is correct" - didn't pay much attention to these conditions and was not given a copy of this. This is the first time reading this more closely. The only page they gave me was the customer copy of 'credit agreement' I thought was the whole terms and conditions. Power of Attorney ACT 1971: For the purpose of enabling H&T to recover payment of the Secured Sums, the Customer hereby by way of security irrevocably in accordance with Section 4 of the Power of Attorney Act 1971: (I scanned this part. ...) a)appoints H&T as his or her agent and attorney in his or her name or otherwise to execute such documents and take such steps to secure or recover such payment as H&T may think appropriate: and b) authorises and request H&T to pay any cheque presented to the customer into any bank account mainted and nominate by H&T; and c) authorise h&t to share information the Customer had provided on this form, or in any other manner, with its subsidiary companies and other organisation with whom it transacts business; d) authorises h&t to collect by direct debit, electronic or other means any monies owed under this agreement from any bank or credit card account of with the customer has supplied details to H&T and e) agree to ratify everything which H&T does or purports to do, sign, execute, deliver or complete in accordance with this Power Of Attorney. b) authorises and requests H&T to pay an Cheque presented to the Customer into any bank account maintained and nominated by H&T; and Is this valid, when someone makes a token payment with another card which wasn't originally supplied, H&T can retain these details and use them at the pleasure given the circumstances of the debtor ( unemployment, making token payments to each creditor) Also would the unfair terms in consumer contract apply, term that is deemed is unfair is unenforceable. I'm not a legal person the conditions was signed over 12 months ago - is the power of attroney still valid:confused: . I read that in order to have a lasting power of attroney it has to be registered on the Office of the Public Guardian. http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1971/pdf/ukpga_19710027_en.pdf This is Section 4 of the Power of Attorney ACT 1971 ( H &T second page of terms.doc
  14. Well finally I got the FOS assessment on my complaints regarding the extra £400 plus charges WONGA tried to get from. Basically, FOS agreed that WONGA was in breach of OFT DC guidelines instructing third parties to collect the debt after I offered a repayment plan, and disputed their charges and not providing a breakdown of charges or a statement of account. FOS said that I didn't provide them with enough evidence regarding my unemployment ( so if you offer a payment plan, send a copy confirming your recieving benefits letter ( in my case JSA), and by recorded delivery so you have proof). On conclusion FOS said " Overall, it seems clear to me that the business has fallen short in its obligations to you...." The important bit: Wonga have agreed to remove all the extra interest and charges and agree to the offer of full and final settlement of the original loan amount ( the same amount I had offered in March).
  15. This may help someone: I have no idea if other banks will do this the same as Lloyds tsb. I had a small debt with H&T payday loan of less than 200 (with charges). The terms and conditions have no terms saying they can do what they did( that is retain any card details used to make payments) (outline below) In mid August 2009, I called to make a token payment for £5.00 with my new debit card from a different bank account, I also stated I was on Jobseekers allowance, this was all I could afford to each creditor, this was agreed and a transaction for £5.00 was completed over the phone. A few weeks later, they retained my debit card details without my permission or knowledge and did two transactions for the entire debt - leaving me with no money for basics food/ bills/ other creditors. I did not authorise the company to take any other transactions from the debit card. What I did... I phoned H&T to complain, (stating they had carried out unauthorised transactions), sent my formal complaint to them and also a copy to FOS (theres is part 2 and part 3 to my complaints, not just regarding this). I then wrote a letter to Lloyds TSB - formally requesting a Visa debit card chargeback on both unauthorised transactions, and a week later all the money is back in my account. What I'm going to do now.... Payment plan in writing to set up standing order, which H&T must agreed to in writing, even though this will be my third attempt - they don't usually reply to my letters.
  16. This happened to me, I think a few weeks ago. I thought it was a system error - clearly their up to something, ( lucky my email block any links to their 'survey') They may send a email like this the next day. You may have recently received an email from us stating that your last loan from Wonga.com has been repaid. We can confirm that this has been sent to you in error and that your loan remains outstanding. Currently you still owe £.....[/font] We have sold the debt you owe us to a specialist debt collection company who will shortly be contacting you with regards to your arrears. They have been advised that production of the email that you have been sent in error today will not constitute proof of payment and that you will need to make arrangements with them to settle this debt. You remain unable to borrow money from us so please do not apply for further credit. What you should do next You should wait for contact from the firm that has acquired your debt and you should then immediately contact them to agree a way to deal with this matter. We do apologise for any confusion that this may have led to. Yours sincerely , The Team at Wonga
  17. I sent a scanned copy of my letter from Wonga to FOS. The FOS replied that they will send a letter to Wonga to put any debt collection on hold while the account is in dispute. Hopefully Wonga will get the message.
  18. FOS still haven't dealt with my complaint still waiting. I'm basically disputing thir charges which they added, and their behaviour. Last week I got a email from Wonga in error that the loan had been cleared and then another email saying they will pass the debt to a DCA. I then wrote to Wonga an email saying my case is still with the FOS, therefore in dispute and if they pass my account while in dispute they be in breach of the DCA guidelines. They clearly ignored this: This morning I got the following letter
  19. I also got that email yesterday - they most likey had another system email error. They sent me another email today saying it was an error and they will get a DCA on my case - but this account is still in dispute with the FOS ( who are taking their time)
  20. Yes I will make a donation ( second win within a few days 1st Barclaycard and now AOL) Thanks again for all your help !!!
  21. I got the cheque this morning so of to the bank I go. The thread be changed to WON?
  22. Yes I will be able to fax and email the letter tomorrow. I will update once I get a response from Mason Hayes.
  23. Yeah, the contact details are Mason Hayes Solicitors fax/telephone number, and the solicitor's email address.
  24. credit card charges not bank charges. In response to my second request to BC legal clerk. She sent me this email they will send money to another account. Hopefully this is not a trick to get me to sign the agreement ( I'm so sceptical of Barclays)
  25. I have the fax number, telephone, and the email address. All of their details was included in the Mediation agreement email.
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