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Everything posted by tigga_1961

  1. hi long story so appologies in advance, like a lot of people i have financial problems which at the moment im trying to get on top of albeit with difficulty as im on long term sick with depression at the moment, well today i recieved a letter from collect services acting on behalf of tendring council for unpaid council tax "intended notice of seizure of goods and inventory for unpaid ct" This was being collected by an attachment of earnings order as issued in jan 09 and still is albeit a smaller amount but hasnt been missed, now i find this letter on the stairwell of the flats where i live where my neighbours could off got hold of it. It specifically states not to ring the council, but sod them i have and im waiting for a call back to see whats going on, at the moment im living on £72 per week sick paywith no idea when or if im going to be able to return to work, is there anything i can do in the mean time regarding this, any help as always appreciated, the amount i owe i £1189.18 even if i returned to work i couldnt hardly afford to pay what the aeo is as im only earn nmw or take home pay is 192 per week with rent being £93 per week and it cost in excess of £30 oer week travelling because of where i work:confused:
  2. OH HAPPY DAYZ postggi you truly are amazing, as with the rest of the caggers n244 on way to court this week woo woo:p
  3. hi emma, and welcome, if your claiming back charges the first thing to do is open a parachute account, or simply an account with a different bank, the banks arent supposed to close accounts, but it can make life difficult if your overdrawn as i was, read as much info as you can on reclaiming charges and get your claim in asap especially if your suffering hardship, i will be online later this evening if you want any specific advice,oh and start your own thread then you wont get lost in this one hope i can help you further but there is loads of info to digest and its without THIS forum i wouldnt of won once nevemind twice, gl:cool:
  4. thanks for that the letter states records amened from aug date i sold the car.
  5. hi they were meant to come and see me on sunday but havent yet, ive got the letter from dvla that im not the owner,
  6. thanks yb and i couldnt of done it without cag this forum and members rock:p
  7. hi as an ex revenue employee ive not heard of this outfit, but if anyone is applying for tax refunds dont pay anyone, its easy enough to do yourself just write in and ask them to review your tax for the year, hmrc may write back asking for more info but it really is that simple if your accounts are simple..
  8. now thats not funny crem im already off work with severe depression and these morons are trying to push me over the edge, if only the prats would check the cctv cameras they are soo keen to use they wud see unless i fell in a vat of tar i couldnt look the same colour as the jerk who bought it lol
  9. thanks for you help yb, i rang nat west this morning and was pleasantly surprised they are offering me £1400, with 754 to pay off charges i will be left with apporx 650 which im happy with as i thought my charges was in the region of 400 pounds, so just waiting on letter now, also the money will go into account to clear arrears but they can send me an encashment to get my portion, alls well that ends well:grin:
  10. hi thanks coniff, the police called at in laws yesterday again and said its nothing to worry bout they just want to see the proof that im not the owner,
  11. hi just a quicky would it be possible to get any refund paid into a friends acct?
  12. hi i sold a car in aug 08, which i bought in dec 07, anyways when i sold the car i sent off v5 with change of keeper and gave new keeper his bit since then i have had 2 parking fines one with bexley which after appeal has been sorted the other is still pending, both of these happened in london and being from essex orig sunderland ive never driven to london, yesterday at my inlaws where i lived till april 08 they had a visit from the local plod to do with the car no one was home so they asked a neighbour about me, i dont know whats goin on now, i sent v5 to dvla who said it wasnt recieved so i wrot in feb to them and got a letter saying they had changed the record that i was no longe the reg keeper, and that came t my new address does anyone know what is goin on, also the tax and mot would of expired on this car and i have recieved any renewal notices at this or my inlaws address any help appreciated
  13. thanks for the reply yb its appreciated, just waiting for offer letter now and will update thanks again
  14. sorry to sound thick but does that mean if the account is in debt, due to bank charges they will use the refund to clear these, as its only a step account there is no overdraft as such so any defecit is down to bank charges??
  15. update recieved letter today stating that my claim under the hardship rules has been accepted and that any recovery and interest frozen pending oft case. and i will recieve an offer shortly, if i accept it they will contact me to tell me when refund has been credited to my account!! next question this is an account i havent been able to use for well over a year anyone know what will happen in this case, ie will they re-open the account?? any advise welcome:p
  16. quick update im now claiming back bank charges under the hardship rules as currently on the sick with depression but seems like snatch west want to even drag this out, i had sent back income and expenditure form in may they say they have this but takes 28days turnaround last week i was told 10 days so now getting the runaround the total claim is for 430, but when i rang today i got a muppet who didnt ask what i wanted just went thru security and said have you rang to make a payment, i said what you on about, he went on have you rang to make a payment on your account as it was passed to dca, so this really got my heckels up i said you kidding me ive rangfor a prog report on my hardship claim unless your sending a dcs to yourselves, on a case that is in dispute, im no further forward but was nice to wind him up until he gave in and read the notes no further action to be taken, (ahem didnt i just tell you that lol) anyway the gist is i still gotta wait grrr how long can these fools drag out a hardship case?
  17. OMFG just seen this thankfuly my numbers not on there but i wouldnt be pleased if it was, i only give my mobile to people i want to have it same with landline so why should some jumped up company be able to hold these numbers and let anyone see them, i have the right with the landline to remain ex-directory where is my rights regarding this bull**** company or is it govt owned?? big brother who needs a tv show?
  18. thanks all for the advice i will write to them for further info
  19. hi ive received a letter from dwp this morning for an unpaid social fund loan for £211. the only loan i have had from dwp was in 1999-2000 which i believed i had paid as i started work shortly after and havent claimed any benefits since, my question is would this be statute barred after such a long time, im currently receiving ssp from my employer so couldnt afford to pay it all at once so any advice appreciated:eek:
  20. hi welcome to the forum,, yes you can request a cca the letter is in templates,, if you have the original agreement or when u get it upload and someone with more knowledge than me will tell you where you stand with it and good luck, remember do everything recorded delivery and keep a paper trail and dont sign, just print your name
  21. help anyone please, my account with wf is being collected through a aeo, (the gits) but i havent received ever a statement could i write to the court to have this stayed on the grounds of no statment?
  22. thanks for the reply oa, should i sar them or just request statments first?
  23. Hi all, im hoping to reclaim bank charges from halifax on behalf of my of on the ground sof hardship as she was made redundant in dec, and they have been taking chares for going o/d from benefits and not sure where to start, i won my case against nat west 2 yrs ago , any help appreciated thank you
  24. hi mam62, fingers crossed the cca's dont turn up, looking good so far the folk on this site are the best, i was like you intimidated by dca's till i read on here they have no legal powers , its great when the boot is on the other foot, will keep an eye on this post as ive been there and got the t-shirt good luck
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