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Everything posted by tigga_1961

  1. yeah i know what u mean when i first went off sick earlier in the year i asked if i could reduce payments or god forbid miss a month just till i got back to work their reply was if you cant pay it we will take it from your guarantor which is what i signed up for but being self employed my guarantor was struggling to pay his mortgage let alone my loan he had to change his card details to stop them, hence they are such gits on the phone was getting fed up being pestered with texts at 7am to remind me to pay, like who the hell could forget these vultures would love to do em. lets go for the jugular!!!!!!
  2. hi if you sar them request all details they hold on you including data and telephone calls, they have to give you everything and have 40days to reply. cca on way from me too, bliddy typical the rogues can keep trading innit, i knwo the license was minded to revoke so anyone else reading this get them complaints in to..
  3. thanks for that info think i will cca them too, not sure if i hold my copy but less they know x good luck
  4. would appear to be that you now have 2 charges on your property but dont give up hope this is welcome we talking about,someone with more knowledge than me will hop on soon (bump)
  5. personally at the moment id tell crap ones nowt, and check with land registry to see if the welcome loan really is secured... and before you pay for a sol wait and see what the good folk on cag can turn up for you ;-)
  6. hi and welcome (sorry) while someone else with more knowledge than me will be along soon first step to take is get cca request off with £1 fee postal order send recorded and dont sign anything,always create a paper trail with these morons and NEVER speak to them on the phone cos they just corner you, i will post template link shortly unless u find it in templates send it off and give them 12+2 days to reply, even if your g/f has original dont tell them that, cos if they cant come up with one then you can put the acct in dispute, fingers crossed, mis sold ppi there is loads of help on this one, and will be along in due course, good luck amend letter to suit. http://www.consumerforums.com/resources/templates-library/86-debt-collectors/581-cca-request-letter
  7. "subbing" i too have a loan with flm and they wont give any leeway if you having problems and contact your guarantor, I wrote about these last year when i was having problems but never posted my agreement, if i do that now can someone look over it for me please. I know up till last year their license had been minded to revoke but if its now the case its been fully revoked are they still able to continue as lenders and collect monies owed, watching with interest.
  8. hi jansus yes its in the agreement im allowed one small dog, but thats by the by now he went to breed rescue last week, dont need anymore stress. he used to get walked every hour during the day as part of my therapy and only time he barked was if someone ie postie came into the building or if there were neighbours kids in the garden he wanted to play with them, but now hopefully ive opened their eyes that it could be discrimination against me they will think before they send threats out.
  9. id recommend dont open ANY mail, return to sender in the case of hmrc take it into your local office and get a reciept for it, this is quickest way for them to update details.
  10. thanks jansus ive had a phone convo this morning with my housing manager, who has agreed that these matters have a line drawn under them and if they receive any more complaints about me will be investigating more thoroughly regarding whether its discrimination and ive also been advised to seek the help of someone the ha works with regarding these type of issues, helps me in the future but now i have no dog i have no reason to leave the fish bowl as he was part of my therapy, so guess whoever has the knives out for me for whatever reason have won a battle but they aint gonna win the war, i will guarantee that
  11. last tues i received a letter from housing assoc, re anti social behaviour, " i am writing further to complaints from several of your neighbours and their visitors. It is alleged that you dog is still crying and barking regularly please ensure that you resolve this issue immediately, if any more complaints are recieved this may result in permission for your dog being withdrawn as such you would have 28days to rehome your dog. "it is also alleged that either you, members of your household or visitors to your property Talk very loudly disturbing other residents, more seriously offensive language is regualarly used, this is not pleasant for your neighbours to hear, especially for those in the are who have or look after young children" any further complaints will result in C***** housing serving you with a notice seeking possession, it trust this will not be necessary. blah de blah I live in a first floor flat with one other flat in the building and a shared communal garden shortly after moving in i got this as i was homeless after splitting from my partner, and now feel like im being totally victimised or discriminated against, the story started april 2008 moved into flat with 14yr old daughter and yorkie, had complaints that the dog was crying all day which i held my hands up she could of been as had to be left while i worked, thus the dog was rehomed. last xmas i got a puppy as it wasnt going to be left he was crate trained and only recently started to bark when people came in the building or he could see neighbours visiting kids in the garden, crying he didnt do as im now at home all day every day as on long term sick with depression and anxiety. "alleged i or visitors talk to loudly and disturb neighbours? how can i do this i live on first floor only rarely have visitors my daughter no longer lives with me, i have a partner who stays over sometimes as i have depression and we all know where that can lead hence im seeing a therapist for it. the dog was part of my therapy to get me out, but as a consequence of this letter ive rehomed him.so now have no reason to leave the flat. regarding the offensive language it was used on one occasion when me and oh had a row for which i appologised to downstairs neighbour and she seemed ok bout it now i get this, Im now thinking is it someone who doesnt like the fact i have a same sex partner? and what can i do, i rang housing officer last week when i got the letter and she hasnt replied, i even emailed and still no reply, tried to call today not there, its like everyone has the knives out for me but wont listen to what i say, sorry for rambling but im sat here in tears over it all.. any help appreciated
  12. can i just state there seems to be a lot of new people here posting their threads, as this thread is huge it would be helpful if you can start your own thread and post a link in here the reason being if you want help this thread moves so quickly it gets lost or overlooked, and if you havent already done so send off a cca request to wf with £1 postal order and never deal with them on the phone
  13. iqor are debt collection agency who are typical threat monkeys they are acting out of order contacting you like this so you can send what you want to the mobile number lol but they also collect on behalf of littlewoods catalogue, if it was me id just keep making the payments on tv licence if thats what it is, anything else ignore till they contact you by letter
  14. right first thing i would do is get a cca request sent off to tfc, there is a letter in templates and give them 12+2 days to reply when you get it post on here , if you have original copy can you scan it and post it up remove all personal details, so we can look at it also if you have docs from direct group if you can do same and it can be looked at, to see what small print says,if they dont reply within timescale its your right to put the account in dispute till you get copy and withhold payments. Have you rung direct group to see why they arent paying your ppi, my guess is they are in the sticky brown stuff with welcome finance. more advice if you can post these docs, if you need help shout and dont talk to these morons on the phone
  15. hi little evo, think is we need a bit more info regarding your car and finance to be able to help you the little details dont bore anyone but gives a better picture, see points 1, when did you take out the car finance and who was it with. 2, how long was the finance for in years, 3, when did you stop paying and why? and how long has dg been making ppi payments, 4, would be helpful if you have your agreement and could post it here, if not get a cca request off to original creditor asap, could do that anyway but dont tell them if u have original, send a £1 postal order with it and dont sign anything and dont deal with over the phone at all. hope we can help
  16. 7.50am and had a leis group gonkbag at me buzzer looking for my partner, he obviously forgot what i said last time, so i answered and he said im looking for so n so, i said she not here he said oh i was here few months ago and she was!! i said well she aint here now,(she went to work at 7) but wasnt telling him that, but he told me who he was looking for and i could be anyone he dont know me then he started to ask am i a new tenant or do i own the flat i said its got sod all to do with you sod off, and off he went in his battered old skoda(classy) lol but im now angry and angry on mondays before 5 coffees aint a good place to be sorry double post can a mod remove first one thanks:twisted:
  17. grrrrrrr bloody 7.50 am had someone at me buzzer from lewis group looking for me partner told them she wasnt here, and he went on im trying to find so n so i was here a few month ago, again said she not here, he then started asking is my place new do i rent is it bought so i said what the hell is it to do with you sod off, so off he went in his battered skoda lol ffs if you wanna get smart dont start on me till ive had at least 5 coffees, lol he must have short memory cos he got bolloxed last time he called now im angry
  18. looks like a typical welcome agreement, looks good at first till you get into it, i would be going for missold ppi as its for 24months on a 36 month loan, and im a novice with these, have a look thru the welcome threads for advice how to do this and someone else will be along with more knowledge
  19. Dank free speech is one thing but what is going on on this thread is not known to all me included, for which im prepared to await the results post and others have been working behind the scenes for months on this and i for one would hate to see it go down the swanny please be mindful of this when you post as a lot of people are looking for the correct result on this one.. hence why it is now so long a thread dont jeopardise it for everyone if you read the thread beginning to end you will understand,
  20. nope i never realised until this happened that dvla actually send a letter of acknowledgement out so wasnt expecting one and the guy that bought it declared it sorn (i think) so wasnt bothered bout v5 as only wanted the car for parts. I know i done all i can so phillips can go swivel on a big swivel stick,
  21. hi sorry for the late reply, havent been about as much as usual, ive since recieved letter from dvla stating that im no longer the registered keeper, there was no date on this as to when i stopped being the keeper, but i know it was 31st jan, ive had 2 letter from phillips still demanding payment, ive wroter to them and emailed to which they havent replied, so im not wasting my time on them if they want to take me to court they can go for it, im happy to swear and affit davit to the effect i wrote to dvla as soon as car was sold,
  22. well done molly you got through it and came out the other side, with a good "result" if i can use such a phrase lol always pays to tell the truth at the earliest opportunity, im sure98% of people can forget to update details etc thatswhy at least on this forum no on judges you, as pedro said dont disappear as your experience however bad could help someone else welcome aboard lol
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