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Everything posted by johnnymitch

  1. Hee hee ! So is Mr Dailly crusher ..... good to see you remotivated though ....
  2. Oh , well done , Mike Dailly ... you have really fought your heart out on this issue ... may it bear fruit ... and open the claims floodgates once again ... With ref to your comments above means2anend : I don't think costs are such an issue with small claims .. which is why the Banks' wanted to price Reid & Sharp out of the game ... by convincing the Sheriff that it was "too complicated a matter for the Small Claims Court " . I hope this bites them in the bum now and they get done for mega- costs in the High Court ... serve 'em right ...
  3. I know when i'm beat ! Night night ladies xx,...... and scott if you're still there .... lol
  4. [Oi. You're brave when you're behind a computer screen.] come outside and say that !! lol
  5. Why should I caro...nobody would recognise it if I did ... lmao ....
  6. Looks like you're both stuck for words .... now THERE'S a novelty ...... pmsl ...
  7. PS ... that's for you Tills .... nyah ! nyah ! Oh good evening by the way ... you too caro ...,
  8. Hi MD ..I'd give up while you've still got your sanity ... two of 'em are lethal >>>> lol Must admit you kinda asked for it though LOL |!!!
  9. Hi Daisy , There is a whole thread on here about Metropolitan and their shenanigans ! ...They will huff and puff , bully boy tactics is their trade , but if you stand firm , you'll be OK ... they are part of HSBC , and I think HSBC should be ashamed to be associated with them ... the fact that they are not , says it all ..... My advice in post #47 still holds good .....
  10. Hi Upferret , Here they go again .... threats ... see my post #76... IMHO they're bluffing ... but yes I'd send them the same letter as the others ... telling them that , as they have no agreement , or haven't produced one .. they cannot hope to collect ... they'll get shed of it pretty quickly I should think and the game begins again ... and it IS a game to them ... they're not fussy ... it's percentages.. some they win by threats and intimidation ... some they lose ... Don't let 'em win !!!
  11. Ok hotdog , ... write to the bank ,, quote again FOS's instructions regarding this matter and give them 7 days to finalise it ...tell them that FOS will be notified if they fail to comply - send it recorded and send a copy to FOS with a covering letter saying the bank have not complied with their directions ...and make sure the bank knows you've sent a copy to FOS (by putting "Copy to: FOS" at the bottom of their letter ) Should rattle their cage I think ....
  12. Hi hotdog , If you're looking for a good watertight letter to put them on the spot concerning PPI , pop over to the PPI site and ask ... there are some knowledgeable guys (and gals ) on there who will keep you right . Best of Luck , let's know how it goes ...
  13. btw Hazel . If you're still out there somewhere ..... how did you get on with SCS after your local paper ran it ! ?
  14. MANY HAPPY RETURNS TILLS !!! I can't wax as lyrical as Caro ... but I hope you have a lovely day ... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,
  15. Hi jimjamer,this IS an ongoing saga I would say if this case is still stayed in court they shouldn't be asking you for money as it's still "In Dispute" . However , if you think you want to have closure , then you could try a smaller offer ... they'd probably take it . .. but then you'd be admitting you owe it , which you maybe don't want to do ... Have a look again at pete's and my previous posts , see if you can glean any more ideas from them ... personally I can't see them taking you to court if your counterclaim is sitting in there waiting for them ...........
  16. 'ackney ..lol Hi MD.... Aw rats ! I'm about a page too late Card ....
  17. DX is right Daisy , usual bully-boy tactics .... if you want to be seen to have replied (which might look better if it came to court , although that's highly unlikely:roll:) ask them (by recorded delivery letter) to send you a copy of the authority they have to collect this alleged debt i.e. a copy of the agreement ..... Then forget about them ... they're trying it on ! Oh , and whatever you do ... don't phone them ..... !
  18. Hee Hee ! Tills is only miffed 'cos she thought she'd got the last word Hi MD ... nice to know you're still on the case ....and you freaky ... I thought you'd gone AWOL ! lol I'd better put a word in ... ... Tills said against ..... I'll go: "For"
  19. Hi Freaky ... stacked (and why shouldn't it remain open ? )
  20. Phlerp is a twerp with a lithp .... hoojicanpiffle ......
  21. Hi Fred Happy New Year , I hope .... You don't say whether or not you paid the £40 .... and does your confirmation letter say that your application will be referred to the Judge .. I would contact the court again ... in person if possible ... and find out what is going on ..i.e . . who made the decision to strike it out ... and why was your application for extension rejected (given that it was awaiting the outcome of another case ).......... and why are they quoting Para 3 if you have writtern confirmation that that has been complied with ... Hope this helps ... let's know how you get on with it ..as it'll help others in the same position ....
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