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Everything posted by johnnymitch

  1. Something like this Rob, if it helps: BANK NAME Address Address Postcode Re: Account number XXXXXXXX Response to settlement offer. Dear [named sender or Sirs] Thank you for your letter dated xx/xx/xx I respectfully decline your offer of settlement and request, once again, that you return to me all charges imposed on this account, totalling £xxxx I will accept the sum offered only as part settlement and on the clear understanding that I will pursue recovery of the remainder, with a County Court claim if necessary. My letter before action sent previously indicates that you have until xx/xx/xx to respond before Court action commences. You are reminded that there will be no extension to this timescale. I trust this clarifies my position. Yours faithfully [signature]
  2. Sorry, that should read 'Don't sign that letter'
  3. Hi Rob, whatever you do ,'t sign that letter and send it back. That confirms that you accept their offer. Write a separate letter, thanking them for their offer, but say you will accept their offer as a part-payment only and will pursue the balance through the Court. Also don't amend your claim - after all you've got nothing from them yet, and if you tell them you're accepting as a part-payment, they probably won't cough up anyway. Leave it as the full amount - if they do pay part, when the money is actually in your account/pocket then you can ask the court to amend the amount. Don't take anything on trust - they'll screw you if you do. Best of luck , John
  4. Oh, thanks again, Lateralus - I don't know what I'd do without your calming influence:) Cheers, John
  5. It's OK, just me panicking! The bundle goes within 14 days of the Draft Order for Directions - right? And it's the claimant who sends it to both!!
  6. Just to get it clear about the 'Court Bundle' - at what point do I have to produce this and do I send one to the court and one to the Defendant, or do I give 2 to the court and they send 1 to the defendant. At what point does everybody need this - I've seen conflicting views and I don't want to fall down on protocol at this stage. Hopefully it won't get that far and they'll default on the AQ, but I suppose I've got to be ready if they don't!
  7. Right lateralus - here we go! I've found the letter of acknowledgement - filed unopened by someone who shall remain nameless - and I've done a leeter for the court to submit the copies of Schedule of Claim. Now that it's moved from Northampton to the local court I suppose I can drop it in by hand? I've also got a letter done for DG - (now I know who they are, I'm cooking with gas!). Tried to phone them on the pretext of asking if they need anymore than the schedule at this stage, but Deborah D'Aubeney is on leave till Monday, so I'll leave it for now - I''ll ring next week to 'check that she got the letter' Things are moving apace - I'm working on the court bundle but hope I won't need it. Thanks again for your support, it makes a big difference when you know you're not on your own.
  8. There's no answer to that which won't get me in trouble! LOL! Sorry, that was for you, lateralus!
  9. Not if you value your video ,Pete!
  10. Thanks again, lateralus, Now I know where you're coming from! I don't seem to have a written acknowledgement though, the only notification I can find was the online one. However I've now found and saved DG's details and will run with your advice -I will keep you posted - thanks ever so much! Cheers John
  11. PS: If I dance naked in front of their building they'll definitely pay me just to move on!
  12. Thanks a lot for your prompt replies Castlebest and lateralus. It is really appreciated at this stage. I've been fine up to now, followed the steps fairly well, but now I'm getting slightly out of my depth I think. Everyone is talking about DG. I must admit to complete ignorance here - what or who is DG and where do they come into the picture. Is there some document that I should have had that tells me about them? He-e-e-e-lp!!!! I'm determined to see this through,even if I have to go to court, but i want to be 100% prepared, with your help I can be! Cheers, John
  13. Have now received the Allocation Questionnaire with deadline for it's return of 3 March(it'll be returned well before that !) Meanwhile my online staus is:Status of this Claim Defence You are unable to take any further action online on this claim. The Defendant disputes the whole amount you have claimed. Your claim cannot proceed online and will be transferred to the appropriate court for continuation. You will receive confirmation to where the claim has been transferred to shortly. Has anyone been here before? Observations or advice would be welcome. I have today prepared two files, one for the court and one for me - what else can I do at this stage - is there still time for them to pull out, or have they now got to run with it? Thanks in anticipation John
  14. Thanks Pete, Good to know I'm on the right lines - I don't think it'll get to court(has anyone's to your knowledge?) - but I'll have the awkward list with me if it comes to that! It's good to have your support though, Thanks again , John PS: Good luck with yours, I didn't realise your process is actually behind mine!
  15. Hi There Fellow Claimants, I wrote twice to HSBC and told them they owed me about £620. They didn't answer either letter(2nd one, LBA, sent recorded delivery). At the exact 14 day point from there I instigated Court action online. Of course this meant the amount I was asking for went up to about £800, (interest + court costs (£80)) Then they came up with an offer, of £500, but with no admittance of liability, and as far as |I know they haven't advised the Court of this offer. (I think I'm right in saying they should if they're admitting even part liability?). Now they have lodged a 'Defence' according to the online Court update. I have a feeling they're trying to take me to the brink, but I've got the file ready if it goes there, and I'm prepared to argue it. But I think they'll pull out at the last minute. I' now waiting for details of where and when the Court action will be. Any advice out there? Thanks , John
  16. Just to let you know that I have now set the small claims court wheels in motion (online via HMCS). HSBC did not answer any of the two template letters I sent so this will hopefully concentrate their minds a bit. The procedure seems quite easy and I can keep tabs on progress online.
  17. Thanks for that, Martin - just to keep you up to date I have now sent the second letter to HSBC, having received no reply at all to my first one. I will now research the next step but it looks like claiming on-line is the best option. Two points : 1 . How do I get onto the HSBC claimants helpline/forum ? 2. Have you any advice before my next step. Grateful for any input that will smooth the path to success. Regards John
  18. Many thanks jonni2bad, I had a feeling it wasn't worth the hassle to calculate that interest. I've used the spreadsheet for the other stuff, so I'll stick with that. Thanks also for your offer of future help - good to know it's available from someone who has been there. Regards John
  19. I am claiming £614 from HSBC for 'excess overdraft fees' during the period 2001-2005. What would be a reasonable interest claim on this, the initial letter says "amount - plus £xxx you have charged me in overdraft interest". Thanks in anticipation of a favourable reply John
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