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Everything posted by saint-luco

  1. this is the one http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/238-data-protection-manager.html
  2. sorr motb i have to disagree, send your Sar to goggerburn
  3. that will do fine, to the goggerburn address
  4. i was'nt with my bank claim, but for my cc claim i am very interested
  5. what letters have you sent???
  6. did you at any point tell the bank you were claiming contractual interest, this must be done from the start, as for adding s69 interest you only do this when filing a claim at court, i wouldnt worry too much about the spreadsheet sent with the lba now, because you have now filed,
  7. as above, http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/238-data-protection-manager.html when you have printed your SAR send it with a cheque for£10 here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/238-data-protection-manager.html
  8. can a mod move this thread to **WON** please
  9. i would hold the aq or you have to send another letter asking for £100, but i bet it dosnt get that far, i take it you just read my thread, at times it is squeezy buttocks time wondering if you've done the right thing, but as you see it all comes good in the end, when you receive the defence post it on here let us have a look ( and laugh ) and you'll get all the help you need,
  10. i had the aq but didnt have to file it, so just hang in there you'll probably get there defence first then the aq then the cheque, if they act the same as they did with me but in my opinion and thats mine only, the postman will be knocking on your door this saturday
  11. hi nuddy its a while since i had to do that, if i remember those acc charges are for the previous month ie july charges taken end of august. and that £26 charge sounds like £6 adg £20 uab this link should help if you havnt already checked it out http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/27521-advantage-gold-unarranged-borrowing.html
  12. i take it you got your offer on friday or saturday last week?
  13. hi sif i had the same as you (received offer no interest or costs), the next week i received a cheque for the full amount from cobbets, dated 21 days before i got it, so if all goes the same you should receive a cheque soon
  14. if you look here you will find everything you need to know, particularly link 11 & 15 http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/27521-advantage-gold-unarranged-borrowing.html
  15. its on its way out now, after 3 days, tried all the potions, nothing, last night half a bottle of bacardi, today right as ninepence, might have to repeat the dosage tonight, ( just to make sure you know)
  16. thanks nattie, donation has been made, i will stick around just in case i can help anyone else, and i'll try not to tread on your toes (too much).
  17. well good morning everyone, been missing a few days with man flu, but im back now, my cheque has cleared so i now have the money elsewhere, so could a mod please move this thread to the *won* section, thank you. im off to make a donation now:D
  18. you send the SAR there , then use the time while you wait reading as much as you can of this site , start with the faqs, best of luck with your claim
  19. thats the one http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/natwest-bank/238-data-protection-manager.html
  20. that looks o. k. Call me cynical ,but what date did the post mark say, i received a cheque dated 2 weeks before a full & final offer from stuart higley, and that was dated 10 days before it was sent
  21. do not send it there send it to customer relations borehamwood
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