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  1. moorcroft i have just sent them my letter of complaint again since they nicked a quid from me they are now doing the silent phone calls again ive had six this week,really getting very angry but i did hear dont get angry get even so this i will do
  2. i sent my dca to moorecroft last october and they thanked me for the £1:00 and said they would reduce this from my account,today i received another letter from moorcroft and they have now had permission from MORGAN STANLEY to proceed with their harrassment so it seems that moorcroft ignore all requests for data they have so i think when the try taking me to court i will then dump it on them theri refusal to hand over all data and also dump MORGAN STANLEY who have not replied in full all data requested including all taped transcripts
  3. i have sent fax notices to Morgan Stanley confirming that I beleive they are in breach of the data protection act ,for failing to supply me with the transcripts of recordings they made in between dates oct 2002 to may 2003 ,and when my PPI claim was successful 33 months were paid by norwich union,so when going through my bank credit card statement i could not get anything to add up due partly to my illness but also on every statement since the PPI claim their were two payments every month for PPI,when i requested the reason for this i am being met with dumb silence they have not attempted to try make contact,so i have also written to the oft concerning this ,during the repayment schedule from norwich union whome also missed a few payment dates thus i got even more charges added to the account but not only that the MORGAN STANLEY had added a further DEFAULT NOTICE against me because the insurance co were slow with their payments ,then the penny dropped i remembered last night that MORGAN STANLEY had taken out another PPI policy i did not sign this ,but i argued that i do not need it ,they said i had to have it in case of another unrelated illness took place i said what use is it when i am dissabled due to illness and no prospects of a recovery i remember at the time this was supposed to be a recorded conversation and also i asked specificly what will happen when the payments cease as i beleived this PPI would pay of the complete debt and the person i spoke with assured me that MORGAN STANLEY would most probably write of the debt,i am absolutely certain the phone calls were recorded but they ,are ignoring my request for copies,except to say i got the initial standard letter as everything is automated they just send statements,even though they have made an initial offer of 280.00..but when i try to calculate i have approximately 36 payment of double PPI to get back as well as 40 x 20 pounds payments and also penalties for late payment made by The PPI and also the removal of the Defaults ,i have also demanded a statement as to the meaning of "PPI cancelled due to delinquicey"this delinquicey was not upto to me but the insurance company payments so on four occassions they actually closed the account,even though i have never used the card from the first day of me taking ill that was in oct2002 and the credit card balance is no different from the first day it started ... i know this has gone off track in places and not really in the same vein but this just lets you know how frustrating and deliberately mis leading the banks can be
  4. i would issue an LBA and carry it through against both parties making them both liable to the same action its the only way to settle the dispute and proving their is a dispute i do not think the banks would like to go their it would also bring into question their ability to trade lawfully and their credit licence because they have knowingly given mis leading or false information
  5. after reading all the threads on this subject i can only find one answer and that is it is a criminal offence to give false or mis leading information.and the banks rely on this peice of data being entered in all their pre contract data ,so being fobbed of with all the excuses sounds like they are giving false and mis leading information in order to escape from the true facts that you have been libeled in writing by passing false and mis leading information (this is just a thought (but hope that it sets up another avenue whith which you can force them into compliance with the rule of law,bringing into question their ability to trade lawfully attacking their consumer credit licence)i may be on the wrong track but hope this might help as it is you got my head spinning 360 degrees phew good luck
  6. i do apoligise for the tone of my last reply it was,nt meant the way i put it,but halifax could nt have treated us better and the help was unbeleivable i did not mean to or infer anything but just to say with the relaitionship we have with the halifax it was really good,yet on the other hand we have got simmallar problems with the other ppi like morgan stanley and nat west who have given me no end of hastle and i am still trying to get them to the courts deeply apoligise if i have upset you sorry mate
  7. i had a loan from halifax for 25,000 and with PPI ,i can honestley say they had absolutely no quibbles in paying my loan(PPI)and they are still paying it only 2 more years ,i can honestly say as well they could not do enough to help , but the secret was keep talking to them but again we have never been troublesome to them over twenty years...
  8. com[lain to trading standards the police and also the licencing authorities and the dhss you may find tha staff are possibly claiming,night clubs when you have dihonest staff you useually have this corruption throuought the club by the sounds of things its from the management down so i would complain put a stop to the dishonesty and save others the same greif you might find their is already a complaints list about them at the local police stn...dont let them of
  9. i also forgot to mention during the PPI insurance payments being met by the insurance company i was issued within eight months of the policy being implemented a default notice due to the insurance company being late in paying,since PPI was set up by MORGAN STANLEY and they selected the insurance company surely they deal with this company on an almost daily basis they could have politely asked the insurance company to cough up ,arent MORGAN STANLEY in breach of contract by issuing the DEFAULT during the PPI repayment schedule ...
  10. thank you for your reply andrew it is appreciated,trouble with my notes they are just in draft format and i was really thinking allowed ,the problem i have is MORGAN STANLEY signed the PPI documents i have yet to see a copy of the origional documents,but during the 33 months of payments made by the insurance company they missed their payment deadlines meaning i was left to pay the penalties of twenty pounds approximately 20 payment of 20 pounds for late payment MORGAN STANLEY also cancelled the account four times due to the insurance companies failure to pay the account on time, i again was penilised for this 20 pounds on each occasion,i have now been disabled for the last four years and receit of DLA due to my illness i have serious short term memory lapses,i honestley cannot remember what i did this morning ,my long term memory is great i can still remember going to all night discos in the 60/70 so its not to bad not senile yet(lol) but i have been arguing with MORGAN STANLEY since the PPI insurance was implemented and was told at the time that at the end of the insurance payment they would probably scrap the remaining debt due to my illness..this never happened and during the PPI payment i had also received 12 DCA letter from four different companies.my point is this PPI was paid by me for their benifit i was also being charged on a monthly basis PPI at a variable rate always around 40/50 pound mark i had asked on several occasions for them to suspend these payment this they refused to do ,so with all their charges and penalties the bill is now almost double what it was when i first claimed,they also accused me of making simmallar claims on this account and under my sars request they have not furnished any evidence to prove this fact i have asked them to prove this has happened that i have tried to claim at other times on this account so when i wrote the draft letter above it was just to pass it through to the likes of yourself who have more knowledge than i have ,and also bearing in mind i have another ticking timebomb with the nat west but it would take a week to write out the circumstances surrounding that case which began in 1993 and it is only three month ago i got a letter asking me to settle this claim 12,5000 but that one can wait considering my solicitor was struck of and the bank manager and assistant manager where moved on the week i lodged my complaint against them they admited libel and laughed at me and offered me to take them to court knowingly that in 1993 joe public would never have stood a chance taking them to court...if you can remember the name PATRICIA GRIFFITHS well i was involved at its inception the BANK ACTION GROUP in 1992/3 at that time after some several months i issued a notice to NAT WEST tahat unless they prosecute me within ten working days/or bring and action against me within that time i deemed that the contract was null and void sadly they did not respond untill some months ago but also they have a deed of assingment against my property thus i am unable to sell my property until that is settled its complicated and the stress of all this was what brought about four heart attacks i wont go on ive said enough and sometimes i really dont make much sense accept to myself but thanks for your quick response i really appreciate your time already spent on this patrick
  11. I AM IN THE SAME BOAT BUT A LOT MORE COMPLICATED THAN THE NORM I AM THINKING OF POSTING THIS TO THE INSURANCE BEFORE I TALE ACTION ANY COMMENTS AND CORRECTIONS WOULD BE APPRECIATED Since you(MORGAN STANLEY)WERE the company who decided on the PPI insurance and which company you dealt with was entirely your choice (not mine)this was your policy to protect yourselves ,you knowingly penalized the account ,in fact I would go so far as to say you deliberately penalized the account, Additionally you have entered default notices against my credit record. whilst it was still under the payment protection insurance , These defaults occurred merely in respect of unlawful charges levied by you or was the result of impecuniosity’s caused directly by the taking by you of penalty charges which you had applied unlawfully to my account, grossly exorbitant, you have gone so far as to accuse me of possibly claiming on this account before and when I have asked (in writing) to clarify your meaning of this statement ,which you refuse to answer I will still require full disclosure to this statement otherwise it shall be treated as possible libel I also ask that you explain in writing what exactly do you mean when you have reported in my credit card statements (POLICY CANCELLED DUE TO DELINQUENCY) I have not at any time been delinquent during this period all late fees where due to the payments being made by your preferred insurance company Norwich union I have had nothing to due with the payment schedule as well you were aware and you have grossly contravened the ordinary principles of fair dealing as set out within sections 137 - 140 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974.their is possibly a breach of contract on several occasions on your part so this will be looked at and reported to the relevant authorities, Notwithstanding the above, and in the event that a court determines an amount to be outstanding then I shall request the assistance of the court under sections 129 - 136 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. ,
  12. CAB informed me they DO NOT MAKE HOME VISITS RHYL NORTH WALES BRANCH just thought i would put that in but perhaps another advice centre could help such as dial good luck
  13. my apoligies it was deed of assignment but thanks for your reply i dont think anyone can help on this its been hanging over me like a noose for so long and the stress is almost unbearable but thanks anyway pat
  14. 1994 i began my dispute with Nat West around the same time PAT GRIFFITHS had started the BANK ATION GROUP ,i never new the outcome of Pats action against the bank,me i am still waiting for the Nat West to respond,it seems they are sitting on my DEED OF COVENANT, and they think it is safe with them,i will explain firstly the nat west co ersed me into joining their bank in 1993 and in doing so they instructed me to write out all my cheques to my suppliers useing the other banks chque book,when i had done so i was then given an immediate account with a twenty five thou overdraft facility this was provisionally for three months but i also had to sign a deed of covenant aggreeing to the terms and conditions,we dully signed the wife and i and the next thing i know is that the bank then trminated my account which was still upto the 25k limit the reason for the termination of the account was because i asked the bank to stop a cheque that was made out in error they in turn sent me a fax with a skeleton on it but to them they claim it was a joke somehow the local newspaper got hold of the story and the bank manager informed the papers that they had issued an apoligy..truth be known they terminated my account before the three month deadline...so i began an action against them..the bank manager was moved to another branch the assistant manager who sent the joke was moved to another branch..during this time of one week before my account was due to end(aggreement)i had paid in 12500 and this brought the account down also when my solicitor started the action i then find my barristers report that i should have been the first to read was being read by the bank so i was not to pleased ,it was a case of the solicitor was in cahoots with the bank..so intemper i invoiced the bank for my troubles and their deceipt etc i charged them 25 pounds per letter i read and 25 pounds per letter i sent ,i also sent them the invoices and demanded payment also sent them a invoice for the damage caused..ie they also phoned two of my suppliers and warned them that i was a bad risk so i ended up with a action against me for the full amount from the transport co and one of my suppliers...the transport company phoned me to tell me of the banks phone call..having paid the transport i then reilised they had really put me out of business ,so i decided to go for bankruptcy..this done i then went to the backruptcy meeting with the creditors every one of the creditors aggreed with me that they would cancel their debts and we could start again on a cash with order basis...with this done i was cock a hoop but not reilising that the banks were still holding my deed of covenant and to this day they still have it...i wrote to the nat west demanding my payments and also my deeds,they in return issued a writ for the monies owed,by now a few thou in intrest had been added they have admitted to libel i have told them that their breech of contract renders their claim null and void and demand my deeds back...i also instructed them to please take this issue to court immediately or within ten days ,i also demanded a response that within ten days if i get no resposne then the contract is anulled ....i got a phone call about one month ago for the first time in 12/13 years they have ever responded and this was from a solicitor who called me and asked about the monies owed to the nat west...i told the solicitors i do not owe a penny and i would see them in court before they got anything,my solicitor was also struck of the register for innapropiate behaviour and fraudulent activities that was with five months of me making my complaint against him with the law society seems he was a legal crook....where do i stand with regards to the nat west i dont know but i will fight tooth and nail to sort this out ,but i also wonder will my case stand the test of time can i still fight this although it is beyond the statute for time or am i wrong ...i still cannot get a bank account in this area as they are all in cahoots with each other here (banks i mean) their is more to this than i have written but it would take pages to write and i know everyone wants the facts short and sweet but i am also begining an action against MORGAN STANLEY over PPI insurance where i claimed 33 months from norwich union to pay due to illness this was ok but the banks still charged me intrest and PPI insurance every month in effect all the norwich union paid was eaten up with more intrest so in effect not a penny was paid as i am left with a higher bill that when it started so PPI is a load of rubbish and its a con so i am now trying to claim all payment plus intrest of ppi for three years i have sent the first letter to MORGAN STANLEY for all data statement and i have also sent to MOORCROFT debt collectors the letter asking what they have on me and i dispute the bill,their reply at 9:00 in the evening is we dont care we want payment so a letter was sent to them this week as well so i will keep you all posted patric
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