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  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. Hi everyone just to let you know that we have started proceedings in small claims court against Vospers so will let you knw what happens as it happens, thanks for all advice brenda
  5. Thanks we are going to the police about it as she has sold hotel & our furniture has gone so nit is now classed as theft & we are going to take her to court. brenda
  6. we all 4 signed the tenancy agreement , myself & husband & my daughter & her husband, I have it here so do they have to pay their own arrears as the landlady is threatening us with eviction if we don't pay it all which is rediculous. & thanks for answering so quickly, this is a brilliant helpfull sight, I really do appreciate everyone taking the time to answer it's such a great help thanks brenda
  7. Hi sorry not answered been in hopsital, but thanks for your advice & can anyone tell me if I can take the lady to small claims court as she has now sold the hotel & our furniture has dissapeared. thanks brenda
  8. Hi I forgot to psy my speeding fine, I did write & tell them at the beginning that I was on strong medication & in & out of hospital frequently & when I did remember I sent my payment but now it's late again & they sent bailif yesterday who said that my fine of £150 is now £250 & has given me 2 weeks to pay otherwise it wlii go up again by another £100, can they do this??? it's absolutely disgusting I'm on disability as it is & struggelling how the hell do they expect me to pay all that. I didn't not pay on purpouse I do genuinly forget due to strong medication & illness. can anyone tell me if there is anything I can do to stop them charging me anymore. thanks brenda
  9. Hi again still no joy with Vospers so am going to go to small claims court for damages etc. I told them before that I was prepared to do this but do I have to tell them again or is there any legal paper/letter anywhere I have to send befor actually fileing papers at court or do I just go straight ahead. thanks everyone
  10. Hi PLEASE HELP!! I am dissabled & we rent a property privately & my daughter & her family came to live with us last year. We agreed on a joint tenancy & to pay half each rent etc. I get housing benefit ( but not the full amount to cover my rent )which goes straight to landlady. The landlord put our rent up when my daughter moved in by £400 per month , (we sought legal advice from solicitor CAB & fare rents officer as we didn't agree with the amount but unbelievably they all told us he could charge what he wanted) My daughter also got rent rebate but got the cheques sent straight to her bank. We did everything legaly & told whoever concerned they had moved in but unfortunatley & mainly because we couldn't afford the higher rent of £1000per month it didn't work out & they just came home one day packed everything & up & left. Unfortunalty while we were trying to get all the rent sorted out while she lived here we got into arrears with the rent but also my daughter haddn't been paying all her half & has left us with her owing over £900. we still owe some rent arrears but can sort that eventually but now the land lady has said we have to pay my daughters arrears as well. Can anyone help please as we don't think it is our responsibility. we all signed the tenency agreement so surely the landlady should chace my daughter for it. thanks brenda
  11. Hi everyone still here but in & out of hospital frequently at the minute but will keep you posted as to what's happening now I'm back home thanks to everyone for you help & time brenda
  12. Hi I won't bore you with long details about my illnesses but I am dissabled with several severe illnesses, Chronic Asthma & Emphazima, I also suffer severely from IBS & it is so bad I black out at any time, anywhere without warning & need someone with me all the time. I also need to be-able to get to a toilet at very short notice so cannot use public transport & have to be driven round by my husband at all times as I am not able to drive due to my dissabilities. I get the top motobility allowance & bottom care allowance & so that my husband who looks after me 24/7 can get careres allowance I have to have at least the middle care allowance, I need help all the time so should really get the top allowance but DLA after applying for the past 2 years still have knocked us back. The reason it's been going on 2 years is because they said a couple of times they diddn't recieve my papers or they had been lost like they do!!. Anyway can anyone help me as I don't know what to do next, my husband has to stay at home & look after me as I black out & have on several occations hurt myself badly. I have even blacked out in the road before today. Can anyone give me some advice. thanks brenda
  13. Hi everyone, sorry I haven't answered but have been really ill but will get back on track & let you know whats happening thanks again to everyone for you help brenda
  14. Hi was it Nick Vosper or did you deal with his father. thanks brenda
  15. get a load of this, we must have really have upset Vospers, we built a web site (vospers.info) just to inform the public what they have really been like with us over the past 2 years. We wrote & told Vospers we had done it & woops a few days later & all hells broke loose, they contacted our web host with a threatening letter which he had never seen the likes of before, & he's been doing this job for years. Can't wait to see their faces when I put a 30 foot banner across the bridge at Plymouth. watch this space!!!!
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