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Everything posted by LancerQRL

  1. heartily agree cra's seem to have placed themselves above the law
  2. but lets be a little more realistic- twenty years ago you could have a key for lets say a ford capri, and with a little juggling and messing it would get you into most ford cars, and if the ignition barrel was worn enough even start and drive away. now keys are more complicated for this very reason. i can read a ford key number very easily and cut it, however even though that key would get me in a car it would not let me drive it away, hence the anti theft element that keeps insurance down to less than it was in the early nineties, and less people killing and maiming on our streets in stolen cars. ok they are very pricey but it reduces the risk overall wouldnt you agree
  3. ok update on this old post, recieved grovelling sorry letter and cheque for difference between balance owing and debt. that was early march. got back off my holiday yesterday to find letters from both cap 1 and equidebt saying debt has been sold- oops serious communication problem! when i actually sat down with the figures i realised that my last payment for the debt outstanding before it was cleared has not been deducted. therefore equidebt are now the proud owners of a fifteen pound debt TO ME! obviously they will be recieving a letter requesting payment before action is taken etc
  4. yes this is very true, did the same many years ago, the insurance people basicly said on the phone they would send someone out to write the car off, (it was an oldie but a goldie). i got it fixed for £150 but was penalised next year for reporting the damage even though i did not claim
  5. you now have no agreement with them - they have ended it, they now have to take you to court if they want their money unless you sign a new agreement, i am sure you dont want to! i am in the same position with welcome, technically- i assume i cannot reclaim my charges as they have no agreement with me, but they cannot enforce an agreement they do not have in court either.
  6. mazda rx8 discs £320 per pair plus pads £58 plus fitting, mazda bits aint cheap hence the option to skim, cannot remember mx5 prices off the top of my head- but people sometimes prefer to fit only genuine parts.
  7. as motorhomes are usually conversions of vans and registered by the coachbuilder it may be worth while contacting the builder to check that they havn't made a mistake,
  8. as long as their is sufficient material left on discs then a skim to remove rust is not unreasonable- a lot of discs now have minimum thickness stamped\ cast into them
  9. gbjadyy- disc skimming is back- the manufacturers use it as their get out for warrenty claims, peugeot had dealers re-skimming discs three or four years ago undr warrenty. mazda also seem to recommend it
  10. cca, sar, telephone harrasment, i want charges back, ppi refund, hit them with the lot they soon become punch drunk- aim it more at the local branch manager rather than those in the ivory tower in ruddington notts - good luck, they have left me alone for four months- told them point blank account in dispute and aint paying another penny until its sorted- and are very very soon in default on cca (42 days)
  11. seahorse, been having the same thoughts- if someone buys the debt and becomes the legal owner as they so proudly tell us, then surely they must be responsible for all the baggage- ie charges.
  12. door check straps groaning on pugs are far from unusual even when they are under warrenty and suspension wear is a known concern- bottom arms can need replacing at the first mot, most of the area you describe in the accident is in fact plastic- the only metal ares really are the lower crossmember the radiator sits on and headlamp panels in all honesty lets not forget it is 5 years old after all
  13. will give them the 28 days time that they can pay and have the judgement set aside
  14. oh yes less not frorget cheaper road tax for those that have a newer car, forgetting all of us who run cleaner older cars (mine is an 8 year old with euro 1v emissions- as clean as anything new)
  15. i have managed to obtain a ccj against capital one but as this is so unexpected what do i do now? judgement entered on 20/2/07 they just did not bother to acknowledge or anything. i have asked for immediate payment but how long do i wait before taking the next step?
  16. i have a very similar situation in that wife is showing a ccj due to a car accident, this was issued in error against her and not the third party, it was subsequently set aside by the court and the registry trust notified - however both experian and equifax are still showing it as a current ccj on her credit report. i have emailed them both over a week ago but no reply yet - any ideas as to what kind of letter to send?
  17. i wouldnt sign it , it looks a new agreement which will make them more interest out of you- a 5 year agreement is a five year agreement it can only be less if you pay it off quicker
  18. severn trent really are poor when it comes to communication with people and simply believe they can do or threaten as they like i have made complaints about their 'arrears' letters because they are so full of the 'what we are gonna do to you' they cannot even be bothered to insert the amount of arrears. but their customers services are apologetic about it though- bless
  19. is a cheque not a legal method of payment? if i bought goods and offered a legal method of payment (cheque) and it was refused where would i stand?
  20. peugeot and a few other manufacturers only supply a couple of tin s of tyreweld with some models
  21. somehow heatons and equidebt are intwined but heatons come across as a solicitors acting on behalf of the original creditor rather than a dca as equidebt is- you get a letter of heatons giving you a phone number to make a payment to and you are put through to equidebt when you ring it,
  22. when we arranged our mortgage thhey were willing to take ctc into account even when i ppointed out "what happens when the children grow up and this money stops?"
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