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Everything posted by Fullyskinted

  1. Yeh sure im gonna start a new thread and then link to it on all the relevant threads I will scan and copy all recieved letters I think
  2. Yeh I recieved a letter last week asking me to call them and sort out an arrangement at lower payment... WTF!?!?!? I think Ill scan and post all the letters recieved in a new thread...
  3. Right, what if youre in the situation that after 5 mths they produce a ****ty copy of a CCA 'document'? THey have persued me for payments the entire time, so I cant see them wanting to stop now that they have (in their opinion) satisfied the CCA Section 78 Request! In fact it would probably make it even worse! They have listed a missed payment on my credit file too to make matters worse, this was BEFORE the document arrived. As per the std procedure, I ignored the phone calls, threats of Debt Collectors etc and TBH am REALLY ****ed at them... So I now need to fight my corner again and Im looking for help asap - Ill be starting a thread of my own on the subject shortly too... But my question is, what do I do about them at the moment? Do I write to them and say "GET STUFFED, you need a court order!" (Obviously, aswell as "GET STUFFED, you havent satisfied the CCA Req!")
  4. All in good time my freind... Been a bit busy on nights this week... Ill copy the CCA copy, plus their letter to me which is a load of cods aswell in a new thread of my own and post a link on here Im liking this thread agin now... It seemed to go a long time just discussing and now looks to be getting somewhere. I will need a letter which is sharp and to the point this week, as I think Ill be rendered another missed payment hit on the CRA soon
  5. Reading with interest... The copy Ive jst received from MBNA is a joke! Even worse than what Barclaycard sent me!
  6. OK. I will I did have a thread going on it a while back so maybe its in need of an update - but the thread title would need changing too... Oh Ill see what I can do. Maybe Monday now tho... MBNA..... Maybe Barclaycards Nice Afterall!!!!
  7. Guys, this is almost a carbon copy of my experience with MBNA. After 6 mths they appeared with a 'copy of the agreement' which is about as legible as 3mm high lettering is from a mile away!!! They contiinued to charge me interest the entire time of the dispute, they bombarded me with phone calls, sometimes as much as 3 or 4 a day. All from South East Asia by the sounds of it (Im not racist, but I cant stand the delays these call centres make...), they added late payment charges etc. I think Ill start my own thread with the details more thorough and a scan of the 'copy'. The letter they sent me covering the copy basically totally trashed the basis of the argument that 'IS' the CCA - i.e. Im still obliged to pay whilst in dispute etc etc... One thing tho. They refunded my late payment charges, but they have listed a default for late payment on the CRA!!! Any ideas????
  8. At least you got the frotn AND the back... Has anyone on this thread uploaded their copies recieved??? I did of a BCard CCA a few mths back, but havent (as yet) had time to skim thro this thread in its entirety(sp). Thanks
  9. I have my letter in front of me and apart form the figures and the signing (mine is signed by one 'Mrs H Bennett, Account manager') it reads EXACTLY the same word for word!!!
  10. Yeh, thanks... Im just now tryign to find out EXACTLY what 'discharged' means. All the finds so far are to do with Bankruptcy... which is a little worrying... Im gonna get some advice on this matter tomorrow too...
  11. Subscribing Welcoming myself to the RBS discharged club Well done to you too!
  12. This is very helpful. See my latest events in the 'other' long CCA thread... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/other-institutions/10900-loan-company-cannot-supply-95.html#post704604
  13. Ill give em a call later. Thanks and Ill let you know what they say!
  14. Right - update time Got a letter today from the same 'Credit Services' company entitled 'Payment Demand' 'Our client has placed your account with us for immediate collection. then goes on to say to avoid further action I should forward a cheque for the full amoutn owed by return. Or I can call them and pay by card At the bottom, last line 'If for any reason you are unable to make this payment by return, you must telephone this office immediately' I had sent them a letter with the following content previosuly when they wrote to me advising me that I needed to make a payment as the account was overdue and Rob, Bob and Scot had advised them... The account is in dispute and until Rob Bob and Scot supply me with the information which I am lawfully entitled to under the CCA 1974 Section 78. They have committed an offence which carries a £2500 fine and/or a 3 month prison sentence. Further to this they have now committed further offences by requesting funds from me and now another by passing my details to you. Whilst the account is in dispute and unenforceable no interest is to be added to the account. No action can be taken against me. No adverse credit references or defaults can be listed against me with Credit Reference Agencies. The account cannot be passed to a Debt Collection Agency. And lastly, I am not obliged to make any further payments to the account. Essentially, the account is ‘held’ as it was on the date of the CCA request expiring (24th January 2007). RobBoband Scot have therefore committed a further offence and if you continue with action against me (Insert credit company name ) will also be committing the same offences. Please refrain from calling me on the telephone. I will not discuss any aspect with you and will consider any other action as harassment and an offence under the Telecommunications Act. What should I do? Im REALLY busy with other stuff at home at the moment hence why I havent been on lately
  15. I will have to dig it all out. Basically a covering letter and a copy of my agreement, but not an original from 199X, it was printed that date as above. It was not signed by anyone. The even told me (well, twice now) that they could not locate the original. I had the original sent to me by another CC Co from 1992! COuldnt believe it! I will take a look thro the ever growing pile of paperwork and scan it if you want. Bit busy atm tho!
  16. All noted and when I get a chance Ill be dealing with it BW
  17. Ive sent both CC Co's a letter of a similar content. And two weeks ago reminders - again with similar content. No action yet tho - just a statement from one of them today as I already mentioned - added interest etc etc
  18. Thanks Jonesy. A coupel of things. Yes, I need to write to the authorities (and your brothers mums uncles wifes daughter twice removed ) but I cant find a template or example letter anywhere! Can anyone help on this matter? Re the existance of the agreement - no I cant find it - Ive moved about three times since then! But Like I say, on a rolling credit acct (CCard) whats to stop them thatyou HAD a credit token (card) so you were fully aware of the contract etc etc Id like to write to them again now (that would be twice this month) sayign about the continued request for payment and adding of interest being another offence (by the way, is EACH request for payment / adding of interest an offence?) and hitting them with ANOTHER hard letter. But I need a new angle I think. OR a new contact as the letters Im sending seem to fall on deaf ears!
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