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Everything posted by taylorit

  1. Have also written a strong letter to SHD notifiying them of intended legal and received a response within 48 hours which they have requested an extension to the deadline which has been granted until the 7th November. Since they have sold one the accounts in dispute to CapQuest. I have informed CapQuest that the account is in dispute and requires passing back to SHD, should they fail to adhere then I will also seek action against them for harassment. Still would like some advice on particulars of claim for SHD.
  2. MH have sold this onto MMF now....with the default on my credit file some advise please? I would like the default removed and prepared to commence legal action against MH. MH have still not responded to any correspondance.
  3. Your need to dig out a copy of your terms & conditions of employment as it will usually state in their about your breaks and length etc. If your length of breaks is defined in their then they have to give your at least 30 days (i think) formal written notice to vary your terms & conditions. By sounds of things your break has been reduced to the statutory minimum which is 20 minutes uninterrupted break per 6 hour stretch. Hopefully some other CAG can provide fuller clarification been a while since trade union rep days.
  4. Thanks, sent of SAR today but in the mean time going to prepare POC and would like some assistance, have taken court action 3 times previous and won. 1st time for a catalogue though and doing each account separately, have already calculated all charges onto a schedule of claim and calculated the daily rate of interest to be 4 pence.
  5. I am being chased for a QuickQuid Loan to the sum of £637. A default has also been placed on my credit file by MH, not received any default notice from either QQ or MH or any deed of assignment from QQ. Only a letter from MH saying they own the debt etc and you must pay within 7 days threat-o-gram. QQ are outside the UK and obviously have no access to make such reports to credit files so are MH legally allowed to on their behalf? Also MH have failed to respond to 6 letters, 1 of which was a CCA request.
  6. Today have had a response from Paul Harrison at the exec office. They have called me a liar in a formal response and unwillingly to honour the agreement. They still have also failed to response to TWO written letters of complaint sent to the corporate office. I have also requested a personal meeting with Guy Laurence CEO of Vodafone to discuss this matter, any persons would like to attend with me?
  7. Still do I need to do a SAR? as I have all the information required etc, just havent got a copy any agreements.
  8. Do I add the interest charged into this spreadsheet aswell? ie X amount of interest charged on this date. Can this also be used again Cataloge Companies?
  9. FOS has now appointed an Adjudicator.
  10. This lot seem to not be taking any notice. Still piling on the interested and charges.....
  11. Lee Over 7 weeks have passed and no communication from anyone at VF. A complaint is now being made to the Ombudsman and Trading Standards.
  12. To date still have had no written response from Vodafone, going to send them another letter but unsure of the content and will be sending recorded signed for now...advice please?
  13. Ye I have seen it on my credit file I tackling Cap1 and VF atm MH turn is next as they have done this twice to me
  14. And no the default is not correct MucckyHally have simply taken the account and placed a default marker onto my CRF. Not checked the date on the CRF but will look.... Whats funny is that I have never ever received any correspondance EVER from HandyCash, they failed to retake the payment.
  15. Cap1 have taken the case back in house and only included statements upto and including the 25th March but no period after. Cap 1 state that after a default has been issued they are not obliged to send any statements.They also state they cannot unblock my online access until account has been paid off due to it being in a default status.
  16. McKenzie Hall who have placed a default on my credit file in relation to this matter.
  17. I still having trouble with this bunch... still having £12 charges etc only have 1 account undr a repayment but they not interested in the other accounts which are now 3 times the original amount of the true cost of the purchases due to their charges and interest which i will not be paying. Some advice on legal terms would now be much appreciated. I have not yet SAR or LBA etc only submitted a formal complaint in which they agreed to repayment arange on one account, I have the funds to pay what owes in true value of goods recieved, which they also not interested they want everything £.
  18. This is very interesting...... I have 2 cases similar to this atm I am dealing with!
  19. Lee, Thank you for your help and I appreciate your support and I appreciate a lot of this is no fault of your own but I am getting fed up of being thrown pillar to post. Telephone to pay as agreed etc and get told cannot access my account as its for debt recovery or no record of my account and I contact Fredricksons and they tell me to contact Vodafone as the account has been passed back, so I just really not interested in this anymore and I have sent a formal complaint into the HQ at Newbury yet no response, I am considering dropping in next week to speak to a Senior person. It is just frustrating this still is ongoing to be honest, it should of been closed and dealt with long time ago. Thanks again Matt
  20. these morons wont have a agreement as accounts were opened online in 2009
  21. Well I thought we had got to the bottom of this, now have submitted a formal written complaint which has gone of recorded delivery with copies of all email communications..... attempted to make payment on a number of occassions to Vodafone but kept being told I need to contact Fredricksons (DCA). Just getting run round in bloody circles with this and I have had no response from Lee at Voda since June. Also I have not received the full service which they have still billed me for to the end of contract which ends in 6 weeks times.... Advice would be appreciated...... Very annoyed and unhappy Vodafone has failed me and certainly lost me as a customer permanently. Been a long customer with another mobile network and customer service issues however severe are sorted within weeks and the customer service is a hell of a lot much better!
  22. This is still ongoing sent numerous letters offering reduced payments and all been declined, also they continued to charge and there charges across all accounts add up to more than what the initial purchases were..... Can someone advise on the route to now take court against against these morons....
  23. Still getting harrassed its been passed to another DCA now.... cant remember which Just binned it...
  24. Today I have had another £12 charge letter stating I have failed to make a payment when infact I have as per the repayment arrangement. Any advice please?
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