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Everything posted by taylorit

  1. Thats correct no response to any letter. 7 March 2013 22 July 2013 - this letter was sent to the exec office
  2. That's correct however the issue is Vanquis are updating my credit report with default markers on an approx monthly basis for an account that has been satisfied and is showing as such.
  3. That's correct the account is marked satisfied but they updating each month with a default marker latest one 11/08/2013.
  4. Hello Vanquis are reporting my account in default month on month yet the balance is showing satisfied with satisfaction date of 31/07/2012. The account was repaid in full June 2012 and Vanquis have ignored my letters to stop this practice. I have complained to Experian too who responded saying contact the OC. What steps to take please? Thx
  5. I have stacks of communications from this outfit relating to a QQ debt, threats of home visits, logs full of texts and calls, loads of repayment offers etc.
  6. Hello Back on 16/10/2010 took out a Wonga loan of £500 + £189.50 interest, have repeatedly offer them repayment of the full £689.50 and removal of all data with credit reference agencies however they keep telling me to call them which I have made it clear every time I will only deal with them in writing. They debt now stands at £2253. I am now at a loose end when I wish to repay and Wonga not interested, months and months worth of email with offers of repayment on the above terms.
  7. This matter is a case closed and resolved, thanks to Lee for his efforts and fellow caggers
  8. Vodafone have now come to an agreement and now just awaiting them to action their side of the agreement for this to be settled.
  9. Just be stern and keep sending them letters dont give them any breathing space, ensure you still try make a token payment also in the meantime. Try sending to the Customer Excellence Manager Strictly Private & Confidential for Addressee Only at the Liverpool address, if you ply on the pressure and dont let it go this lot will usually fold.
  10. Am I right in thinking that a default notice (within the 4 corners) that does not contain a date of service other than a remedy breach date is defective? The default notice meets all other requirements. The default notice arrived with the statement which is dated 28 July, default notice reads payment must reach ABC Bank by 15 August. I will upload default notice in due course if wish?
  11. Get this Vodafone say they hold a copy of the airtime agreements but they are in a secure storage and they not readily available or in any order so they cannot supply me with it, but state they not obliged to provide a true copy even under a subject access request. I thinks VF dont have a copy.
  12. Lee Thanks for your official reply by email ion relation to the topic on the Vodafone eForum, I have submitted a formal complaint to the Ombudsman about their service, however I am pressing ahead with Court action I am afraid. I have given enough opportunities for it to be resolved and I am still welcome to a resolution but there does appear that internal comms within VF is poor. Writing to your Directors is also a loss as they get directed to a Customer Relations Team who simply ignore the real issues and do not even tell your Directors. The Ombudsman was a farce, they lost vital paperwork I had sent in twice and assigned the multiple case numbers. What is also shocking that 2 ex employees of VF have even looked at my case facts and disgusted themselves, what even more is poor is they themselves have switched to a difference mobile provider because of the poor customer service levels. Anyway all I can do is thank you for your support, commitment and understanding, its a shame other people in VF are blocking you resolving this matter but this ones to court now. Once again Thanks
  13. Just to give another update, in another failed attempt to resolve this matter before court VF have failed to call me back as they promised and the call is recorded & saved. Wished I had gone to court by now but issues which are more pressing had to be dealt with, hopefully finish preps this week then submission to the court.
  14. Approx 20 minutes ago have received a missed call and a voice mail from Vodafone Customer Relations, saying they have tried to contact me under the instruction of the CEO. They will try to call me again later. In the mean time a complaint is lodged against Ombudsman Services in regards to the time it took them to actually get to a decision and they lost everything I sent in TWICE, it appears they did not actually get my second bundle of evidence that's why I lost, they also had 2 case numbers open for the same case! Are they really that incompetent?
  15. Just love how Vodafone is not only ignoring myself.....OBVIOUSLY Vodafone thinks its well above the law. Finally Court Papers will be served to Vodafone early next week Plenty of research been done, Solicitors have been fab, Vodafone does not have a leg to stand on Lee perhaps you would like to update your CEO Guy Laurence aswell as Paul Harrison in the Directors Office as they simply ignore me. I gave Vodafone the chance to resolve the matter which has been ignored, I have been more than fair and gave lots of time and opportunities to resolve the matter which Vodafone have failed, Vodafone have also made a number of cockups since you had dealings with the case Lee. I have even discussed the matter with an ex employee of Vodafone who is a friend aswell as a ex employee who is a family member who worked in your Banbury office before it closed, they have said Vodafone is shambolic internally with paperwork and accuracies. I have taken 3 banks to court thanks to CAG on grounds of contract issues and Won. Vodafone have also failed to fulfil a basic Subject Access Request, VF responsed with copies of documents that dont even relate to my type of account, they also were unable to provide copies of any letters or default notices sent out. Vodafone also have terminated the contract but yet still processing my data without my consent. VF I will be claiming court costs, solicitor fees and other costs for the level of stress Vodafone have caused. I also have other ex customers of Vodafone who have had problems with you and willing to supply evidence in court. MODERATOR - This matter is going to court, Web Team have failed to resolve, Vodafone have also lied to me in writing.
  16. The Vodafone Web Team have FAILED on this matter, it seems the Directors are also not interested......JOINED FORCES WITH OTHER JUNIOR SOLICITORS NOW and other ex customers and the ball is rolling.......VF SEEM TO CONTINUALLY FLOUT THE LAW NO MORE VF.
  17. I just love how Vodafone seem to be ignoring me completely now even their so called customer service team..........calling me a liar when I told them I have located the original agreement thats not even worth the paper its written on and to top it off its not even signed by either party! VF claiming i signed up to a diff T&Cs that I have when took out the contract....
  18. Would it help putting a copy of all documents obtained from the Subject Access Request?
  19. Here's the Airtime Agreement Order Form, Declaration and the Airtime Agreement Terms. AirtimeOrder.pdf Declaration.pdf AirtimeAgreement.pdf
  20. Who wants some fun with VF then, I have found the original signed contract, makes some beautiful reading. VF breaching their own contract and even more so overcharging so I now need a copy of all invoices which they did not supply as requested per the SAR. I will post up a copy of the T&Cs shortly.
  21. I have had a reply from Vodafone and they state that are aware that I rejected the ombudsman decision etc but you owe us £x when they certainly have not provided the service nor can they come up with the contract! Also the Directors of Vodafone seem they can pass the response handling down to the Customer relations team yet the letters are addressed to a Director. Perhaps a 10 minute drive to the HQ @ Newbury and a quiet chat may show them I do not mess around. VF also say they are passing my account to a DCA within 14 days yet I have already revoked the right for them to share my data with a third party which they have acknowledged.
  22. I am in need of VERY URGENT ASSISTANCE on this case.
  23. I know I do not deal with anything over the phone anymore its always written regardless of who etc. I have today got home from work and found a letter on my doorstep addressed to NO ONE and it reads following from the Ombudsman investigation she has been asked to write to me, apologises that the processes and customer services unable to resolve matters and that the Ombudsman has advised Vodafone that I accepted their decision. It then reads to say I must pay X amount within 14 days. Vodafone have cleary got it wrong as I have written correspondence from the Ombudsman that acknowledges I do not agree with the decision. Perhaps Vodafone do not understand what a notification of legal action means which they have acknowledged last week. I have today sent a stinking email back to the Directors Office telling them to sort themselves out and I had not accepted the decision of the Ombudsman and that I had already notify that office of impeding legal action.
  24. There are loads of times my account has been accessed but not at times i called or even on those days....
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