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Everything posted by oblong21

  1. also, probably one for the mods, there doesnt seem to be any cases in litigation against barclays listed here, i take it ill be the first reported in a few hours?
  2. To what extent do people believe this site is monitored by the banks, by that i mean for instance if they are dealing with a particular case then locating the threads of that person and gaining knowledge? It is sometimes possible to quickly assess a persons resolve on here depending on their tone, eg i couldnt possibly go to court etc, along with their concerns and level of subject matter education. Any thoughts?[/i]
  3. Incidentally i addressed my details to Anita Hicks - the contact on the sticky at the top of Barclays cover page - and it was Anita who passed it on to Kiran, who was pretty useless to be fair. I said it was pointless trying not to give me back what is mine, it is an insignificant amount to the bank and will only mean more work for someone further down the line. ' Mr Long, i think it is a fair offer'
  4. Have received an offer of half from Barclays. They owe me 2115, got the letter on Friday, deadline is today. spoke to Kiran Bogul, Customer Relations Manager 0207 116 2692. She wouldnt budge on the offer, she told me that it would be up to barclays if they want to disclose how a charge figure is arrived at in court. No problems, i look forwards to receiving my 2115 plus 500+ interest and costs from you in the next four to six weeks and trust it will further clogg up the time of your already no doubt panicking legal team. Shall be on Moneyclaim at midnight.
  5. would you be able to post the email and letter you sent if possible? they want 60 from me for their trouble, ' and it may take up to three weeks because as it is such a long period its on different computers '!!!! was the best i heard today. hmmm. ' ive got a bit here, and i reckon jean on the second floor has a few months on her pc, derek, do you have any of mr. longs statements on your computer?!!!' They will say anything.
  6. I reckon everyone will join me here in taking a minute to thank people like dave, bankfodder, Stephen, richard c and the other mods. Over the last week this thing has really exploded and they have and are doing a sterling job in light of the avalanche of questions/grief/time invested. This isnt a kiss @rse session i just wanted to say that it is appreciated.
  7. Not particulary bothered about that, its more a case of not wanting to undershoot the deadline i have given them and jepordise my claim further down the line because i had not worked within the original deadline?
  8. This is a simple question but could someone who has put a claim in please advise on the right time to put my claim in following a warning letter? Eg I sent my initial letter on the 27th Feb, do i wait until one minute past midnight on the expiry of the 13/2 or the next day?
  9. i agree, it probably doesnt matter what you write at this point, what was a snowball a couple of weeks ago is fast becoming an avalanche and i would be more concerned with getting everything over asap and dictating the pace before someone somewhere finds a loophole or there is somekind of intervention, Before everyone flames up with their ' why has it taken so long if they had it etc etc, deep down you just know that something is underway to burst this bubble, which is fantastic moving forwards and hopefully no longer will banks be able to charge these extortionate fees, but no way will the govt allow the entire population to claim back their fees IMHO.
  10. I have an idea reagrding this in the pipeline - but at the moment we are not the force to reckoned with that we will become. When we have about 10k-15k members, THEN a bank might listen to suggestions from us - at the current rate - that should be about the end of April!! Bearing in mind the current growth rates, when do you think something will be implemented to halt these claims?
  11. Said they same to me yesterday, the operative was insistent. So i just said fair enough, ill add it to my bill. speak to you in a few days! Not as bad as Goldfish though. These guys want five pounds a statement, they got the DPA letter sent today.
  12. oblong21


    Do you think this will have any implications in regards to cases against credit card companies? Any ideas on what it may say or do you envisage a fob off?
  13. I have a Goldfish Credit Card and would really appreciate any contact details, ie Customer Relations Managers name, contact number, Even better, if anyone has any dealings with them information would be greatly appreciated if they would share. Thanks in advance!
  14. Anyone have any thoughts on this? IE Will it hold up other cases whilst in progress, will the banks refer to the case and so forth?
  15. still not clear - i have recieved all of my statements and will be draughting up my letter tonight - would you recommend a 14 day notice or is 7 sufficient ? Cheers Dave.
  16. Only fair, hmmm, has anyone actually gone ahead with 7 days? - i want to get the ball rolling quickly and was going to stick in a 7 day letter but would you advise against this?
  17. oblong21

    7 or 14 Days?

    Can anyone advise on whether 7 days warning in an initial letter is ok? I know it is suggested 14 but want to clarify this - ie if i send 7 days notice and follow it up on the day with a lodged claim, could this be percieved by a court as being overly aggressive and not allowing adequate response time for a bank? Many thanks!
  18. Fair enough. Im sure you can understand why people seem alarmed, i for one am not overly concerned, i am going to see this through to fruition - if this means going to court i am absolutely ready to, i would just like to make sure im prepared if and when i get there. Come on Barclays!
  19. Fair enough. Im sure you can understand why people seem alarmed, i for one am not overly concerned, i am going to see this through to fruition - if this means going to court i am absolutely ready to, i would just like to make sure im prepared if and when i get there. Come on Barclays!
  20. Not really! Up until this post it was widely discussed on this and other sites that the possibility of seeing a court hearing was highly unlikely, still possible of course, but highly unlikely. Now for however long the forum has been active there has been no such sticky and all of a sudden one appears - is this an indication of a move by the banks we dont know about but you are privvy to? Is it simply an oversight that such info hasnt been so visibly flagged or a response to requests? That is my point. In regards to me expecting anything - not at all - any advice or help i pick up is so greatly appreciated its just that i imagined should it get to court, which i personally think will be sooner rather than later, then there would be more to it that just familiarising ourselves with such info. I have read as much as i need to to fuel my committment to see my action through. If i am one to end up losing, i lose a couple of hundred pounds and some man hours. Potentially recover thousands? ill take it on.
  21. Not really! Up until this post it was widely discussed on this and other sites that the possibility of seeing a court hearing was highly unlikely, still possible of course, but highly unlikely. Now for however long the forum has been active there has been no such sticky and all of a sudden one appears - is this an indication of a move by the banks we dont know about but you are privvy to? Is it simply an oversight that such info hasnt been so visibly flagged or a response to requests? That is my point. In regards to me expecting anything - not at all - any advice or help i pick up is so greatly appreciated its just that i imagined should it get to court, which i personally think will be sooner rather than later, then there would be more to it that just familiarising ourselves with such info. I have read as much as i need to to fuel my committment to see my action through. If i am one to end up losing, i lose a couple of hundred pounds and some man hours. Potentially recover thousands? ill take it on.
  22. Bearing in mind no case, to my knowledge, has yet to go to court as all have been settled prior to an actual hearing, are we now duly expecting a case? hence the dispensed info - if so, there must surely be more to the constant assurance of ' dont worry if it gets to court, which is highly unlikely, weve got all angles covered' than a single page of info to familiarise yourself with vs A.nother High Street Bank and their defence?
  23. Bearing in mind no case, to my knowledge, has yet to go to court as all have been settled prior to an actual hearing, are we now duly expecting a case? hence the dispensed info - if so, there must surely be more to the constant assurance of ' dont worry if it gets to court, which is highly unlikely, weve got all angles covered' than a single page of info to familiarise yourself with vs A.nother High Street Bank and their defence?
  24. There is now a sticky in the FAQs under the heading of case guidance notes with advice, this would lead me to think that a case is imminent? Anyone like to share any information or thoughts on this - are we simply preparing for worst case scenario and exactly how confident are we?
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