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Everything posted by oblong21

  1. Many thanks. Sure enough when i arrived home from the office today there is the allocation Questionaire and defence on my doorstep! Will fill it in and will send it back tomorrow.
  2. thanks for that, i have just called through to local court and they say it has been filed and that a copy plus questionairre is on its way to me, so no default oppurtunity. Any ideas on timescale from your experience, going forwards? I know i have to respond to the questionaire inside of 7 days, then what will happen?
  3. On the moneyclaim site the option to file for a judgement is no longer there and the notes say to expect further communication from local courts - however i have received nothing from any party. The 28 days expired on Monday and the 'defence filed ' note appeared online last Thursday. Any suggestions would be appreciated....
  4. cheers for that dave - but, do i expect a defence in writing from the bank or the court in the next few days?
  5. I havent recieved anything in writing in regards to the defence - am i to expect something specifically relating to this from the bank or the court or am i just to expect a court questionairre?
  6. Havent received anything from anybody, does anybody know for sure the next step or what to expect - i know about Court Questionairre and so forth - in regards to contact from either court or bank? Thanks! ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Update - Have now spoken to Local court and should expect a copy of the defence and questionaire in the post in the next couple of days.
  7. On Monday the official date for my Bank to File a defence or pay up expired - As it was a bank holiday i believed they would do this a little earlier and on Thursday acccording to moneyclaim they did. Now someone has advised that i should receive something from the bank in the alloted time period, as such i havent recieved anything from anybody. Can anyone with specific experience or knowledge please advise on this?
  8. i have not been sent written confirmation - this acording to the moneyclaim website and i am now waiting for next steps from local court as i believe it will be from them?
  9. They filed a defence of my case on the last possible day, i believe i am the first to go this far with Barclays - documented on here anyway - i will keep you posted, im not worried, i have read and read, digested, educated myself and am fully prepared to see them in court should they wish to turn up and explain the theft of my money.
  10. Today Barclays have filed to defend, the last day they could have as well before the expiry of the 28 days.
  11. This is a standard response that is sent out, probably by whoever opens the letter. You will more than likely get an offer of half from a customer relations manager in the next 2 or 3 days. If you dont, dont worry, you gave them 14 days notice, read up on the next step and get ready to put your details on Moneyclaim.
  12. Claim ackowledged 24/03 according to Moneyclaim - No correspondance from the bank as yet.
  13. oblong21


    What are the implications of this? Will anything be decided on the day or is it the start of a very long process? In any case, I hope you are victorious!
  14. Have you been appointed a court date?
  15. I doubt they would need to utilise a 12 terraflop super pc to ' decode ' and trace my name and bank!
  16. If this is the case and something we said/write ends up being mentioned in a court case we sit for recovery of a claim, could we have it dismissed?
  17. Not quite, you could be looking at a while longer depending on how far the bank wants to drag it out, also remembering that just because youve served a claim it isnt paydirt, there is a few more stages following and you may end up in court Ive just served my claim, im expecting a few more rounds of jousting before any kind of offer, and im still preparing to go to court.
  18. would you be able to post a copy of the letter you sent to them outlining your case for the return of the charges as im in a similiar situation where i do not recall any communication from them and they ' upgraded ' my account to include an overdraft i already had with 'benefits' i already had and did not need. Many thanks!
  19. I did, Bankfodder got an email last night about it but it hasnt gone through
  20. Summons has been issued, they have until 3rd of April to respond.........
  21. Someone on another thread received an email from, i believe, an Alliance and Leicester Customer Service Manager following successful recovery of all his charges that he got a good deal as it would soon be £15? Correct me if im wide of the mark here. Something is going to happen and if so it is going to have to take into consideration the 6 year ruling. What sort of communication does anyone think exists inbetween banks in the upper levels of management out of interest? - other than ' oh sh## ! '
  22. Sent 14 day letter offer last week, got standardised response without even a courteous offer of half! How dare they!? So, i called them today to outline the resolve with which i will be seeking recovery of my £700+, and still wouldnt budge. Anybody else have any action pending against them?
  23. oblong21

    Money Claim

    I thought that money claim processed your details quite quickly, is anybody else experiencing any delays?
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