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Everything posted by redsue

  1. you silver tongued devil you.... I need some lessons from you in the art of persuasion to get Martin (Mcgrath) to even notice me... where did I go wrong... was it claiming my bank charges back from him? Did that start things off on the wrong foot? All I want is a enforceable credit card agreement from 1993 - hell I was a good looking energetic 18 year old then ok, I admit after 2 kids my size 8 figure isn't what is should be - but I'm feeling rather low that martin won't answer my letter :D fred - please, can you advise?
  2. oh fred, I feel quite jealous not only did you receive a real life DN you also received lots of nice correspondence with Dee and Martin Where did I go wrong as they won't discuss my account with me and they didn't spend half the amount of postage to my address. You lucky devil you getting all those love letters
  3. molby this does look like a valid DN so they WILL go ahead and default whether they have a valid agreement or not. Its more than I got anyway and they still defaulted me! Just making you aware of the way they play the game
  4. complaint made to BBC earlier today - could we not have a thread started to try and count the many people on CAG that have complained mods? fuzzybobble - i nearly split my wine all over the keyboard - if you need a bit of light relief go and watch his promo vid http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=7092337717785560440&ei=_sEZSbSjJIw2AL7lvjFDQ&q=debt+collection+promo hope this links works
  5. good, I like job creation - hopefully (for their sakes) they will put the staff to good use and find my agreement they have spent the last 18 months looking for...
  6. Just sent my email of complaint to the BBC - dear oh dear what a poorly researched programme. C'mon CAG Team I suggest you contact the BBC with a programme idea of your own.
  7. cheers CB - just thought I may get the usual "we are dealing...." letter
  8. no acknowledgement from MBNA regarding me SAR request - don't they have to respond within 5 days? It seems from the last 3 letters I have sent them over the past year they haven't bothered to reply to any of them - think its about time I complain to the FOS.
  9. I know it can be daunting snagpuss but they are trying to intimidate you. Please take scabhunters advice in post 10 and try not to worry - they have no legal right to doorstep you.
  10. Great thread phatram - you've had great support on this thread - will watch and wait with interest It would be interesting to see how the hell they think they are going to get away with this. I have same issue with MBNA however they won't take me to court so I think I'm going to have to take them for unenforceable CCA and no DN. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mbna/81907-mbna-ding-ding-round.html#post729106 Its playing havoc with my credit ratings! Good luck
  11. tinnud - I sincerely hope your daughter is on the mend and well done on standing up to Equita - you gotta have a laugh, might as well be at the expense of these kinds of companies
  12. I know the text you are refering to but can't find it to hand however not sure if this is useful for you as well
  13. Hi moon thanks for your kind words - I will pop over to your thread and have a good read through. All I have learnt has been through this site and the people on it who have helped me. Unfortunately, I have really let this slip with having my daughter late last year, maternity leave and back to work etc etc. matsinlondon - I'm half expecting this as I did get a letter of a notice of intention to file a default but unfortunately for MBNA, they have to abide by the CCA (yeah right:rolleyes:) The fact that they tell me they intend to file a default and not send me the actual Default Notice renders it as useful as bog paper I'm just waiting now to see what pops up in the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) as far as I know they haven't sold the account on, but then again who knows? I did get some calls about 6 months ago from a scummy DCA but I drove them mad as I wouldn't confirm it was me - they gave up shortly after. I would love these morons to take me to court but they won't because they can't! I'm going to go after them for defamation of character as well regarding my credit report
  14. Sent another SAR this morning as I'm trying to dig up the default notice that I was never sent (all ammunition for court)
  15. me too! will keep an eye on your progress - good luck
  16. hi MBB it may help to start your own thread on here in order for people to help you and not to hijack Fred's. Firstly, at Chester Towers the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Don't expect any reasonable dialogue with them as you won't get it. I've been in dispute with MBNA since April 07 regarding non compliance with a CCA - they have even admitted they don't have the original copy - yet this hasn't stopped them defaulting the account in Nov 07. No default notice was ever sent, I don't think the debt has been sold on as I don't get any scummy DCAs chasing. I'm just in limbo with a dodgy credit file. Be warned - MBNA are a law unto themselves - they WILL default the account and then inform you "no further correspondence" I don't mean to put you off - I'm just saying be prepared for the long haul
  17. hi pudsters - just wondering how you where getting along with your case - I know you hearing is soon
  18. finally, finally back in the land of the living and ready to take MBNA on. In July of this year I sent them this letter: FORMAL NOTICE TO DESIST FROM PROCESSING OR DISCLOSING PERSONAL SUBJECT DATA Dear Sir or Madam: ACCOUNT NUMBER: xx xx xx xx I have recently conducted an audit of my personal credit reports supplied by Experian, Equifax and CallCredit. It is noted that there exists, within all three files, an entry referenced as MBNA Europe Bank Limited indicating a former credit card account of xxxxx. This is recorded as “In Default” which was registered on xx/11/2008. I am contesting that MBNA’s continued processing of my data is an unwarranted act and I enclose a Statutory Notice to that effect, which is deemed served as of the date noted on the Royal Mail's Recorded Delivery service audit. My written permission allowing MBNA to continue processing, or disclosing, my personal subject data was revoked upon termination of that original contract and I hereby reiterate that revocation. I also did not receive any such Notice of Default as required by the conditions of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Unless the Bank can provide a true copy of the said Notice, then I consider that any default entry on my credit files to be wholly unwarranted. However, if you can supply the copy, then I contest MBNA’s continued processing on the following grounds. As you are aware, I am afforded principled rights under the Data Protection Act (Data Protection Act), Schedule 1, Part 1 ("The Principles") in relation to the manner in which my data is collated, stored and processed. Of particular note, are Principles 3, 4 and 5: “3. Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed. 4. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. 5. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.” In my case, MBNA is still processing data after the cancellation of the contract, whether or not this is a simple renewal process of the default flag, daily or by other timing factor. As that contract is no longer in situ, then my written permission has also ceased from the date of cancellation. This is confirmed in Principle 2 of the Data Protection Act, which states: "2. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes." I emphasise the term "specified and lawful purposes" as in ‘those specified within the contract’, and no more. I also emphasise the term "shall not be further processed". I have taken the matter up with the Credit Reference Agencies, and they had claimed that they had a
  19. uniboy I found this information which may help with your appeal from here it was a case of "I saw this and thought of you"... i hope it may be useful for you
  20. thanks citizen for the bump - still waiting for some help... All I'm after is email address for contacts at the 3 CRAs so I can progress my complaints to them.
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