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Everything posted by redsue

  1. can anyone help on this please - trying to get the ball rolling with my complaints to the CRAs - just need some contact info http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/credit-reference-agencies/153916-cras-complaints-dept-email.html#post1638163
  2. Hi everyone Just wondered if anyone could give me the contact emails for the complaints department for the 3 CRA's - callcredit - equifax - experian I am just going through the complaint motions with them really. I'm then going to take them to court for libel - so may as well speed up the (inevitable) process that they THINK they are right. thanks
  3. count me in with this - I've added this in my signature to try and spread the word as I'm sure there are 1000's on this site who would join the fight Campaign to the OFT against unfair CRA practices - add your support here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/campaign/153512-campaign-oft-against-unfair.html#post1633465 I HATE MBNA
  4. I know knoxvillain - they haven't even read my email of complaint asking for proof from MBNA - just responsed saying 'information correct' - case closed.
  5. Thanks BF and BRW - you're so right! I don't think I'll bother writing to MBNA again - they are fully aware of my complaint as it has been ongoing for 15 months. I've already placed a NOC with 3 CRAs, so I'll now lodge my complaint with Information Commissioner - then full complaints to each CRA - then it seems court action. ta
  6. anyone? MBNA didn't sent me a default notice when they defaulted me in Nov - I've since written to them 3 times (with proof of purchase) asking for it and they have never, ever replied - what are my next steps?
  7. dpick - out of interest - had MBNA defaulted you for this BOS card?
  8. this thread just gets better and better - thanks everyone for your ammunition - I'm beginning this long road with all 3 CRAs
  9. ok, so I sent Surlybonds letter to MBNA on 3.7.08 and it was signed for on 7.7.08 and I still haven't had any response for them - not even an acknowledgement. This is the 3rd letter I have sent to them since Dec 07 regarding this issue, the previous 2 were sent to one of the company solicitors. This is in breach of the banking code. I have also notified Experian, Call Credit and Equifax on 15.7.08 about the default and I have a Notice of Correction on my file at the moment - but lets face it, its just a formality, they'll just quote loads and loads of waffle, then add the default back on... Do I complain to the FOS about MBNA basically ignoring my letters? I'm also waiting for them to send evidence of a default notice as I never ever received one. thanks
  10. Hi Fred - my CCA request was in Mar 07, I stopped paying in April 07 and default was registered in Nov 07 - No default notice, but that didn't stop them
  11. I thought I would start this thread to help myself keep a track of the developments on my 'battle' with MBNA and the hope that I can get a default removed that MBNA have added to my credit record despite admitting they do not have a consumer credit agreement with all the prescribed terms. My thread about the beginning of this battle is here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mbna/81907-mbna-ding-ding-round.html#post729106 Now I'm wanting to get this default removed as it is starting to become a pain as I'm self employed. Thanks to the battles of finlander and many others I've decided to take the bull by the horns and do something about it instead of letting MBNA retaliate by marking my previously good credit record because they won't/can't take me to court for enforceability.
  12. great news chris - brilliant - congratulations on being debt free. But thanks for sharing your saga with us as your thread has been a great help - best wishes
  13. another truly excellent letter dave - well done
  14. Finlander I salute you I've the same problem with MBNA, no enforceable agreement and no default notice - oh yes and no court action from them. They say silence is golden but it's not when the keep registering the default on your credit file month after month. I think I'll start the ball rolling myself with the CRAs - best of british to you all
  15. enjoy your well earned rest uniboy and well done
  16. MBNA don't care whether they have an enforceable agreement or not, they don't care that the have failed to respond correctly to a S78 request and they certainly don't care if they account is in dispute - they will default you! Oh and they most probably won't even bother sending you a default notice - they are a law unto themselves
  17. Hi T99 - think you are in the wrong place - ask a mod to move you to Lloyds
  18. Sorry Wednesday, twas long time ago... I never worked in the call centre or anything more back room staff. They can't wednesday as its over 15 years old and it basically doesn't exist! Good luck I'll be watching your thread with interest.
  19. wednesday1867 - sorry I've been away on holiday and I've only just spotted your thread. With regards to the t&cs and references I can tell you what they mean exactly as I used to work for MBNA (I know, I'm sorry, it paid the bills :o) I'm afraid that the terms and conditions where placed at the bottom of the page on the reverse - it was to do with cost effective printing. They had a template for the front and a set of template terms and conditions on the back. Yes thats right it's so you could locate the artwork on the filing system and that it was originated for Direct Promotions in Dec 01 - 492 being the job number, can't remember what the M is for... I think that this just means that the terms and conditions where originated in Jan 02 and that D refers to 'Direct Promotions' i.e. at a football match, airport etc BTW I am at the same stage as you but the app form they sent me doesn't even have any terms and conditions on, they have admitted they don't have the original T&Cs but have sent me a bad photocopy of some from 2 years after my card was taken out and even half of that is missing off the page, they have still defaulted me, no default notice ever sent, they have apparently sold the debt but I've never been informed by them, starting gettting calls from DCA but never admitted my identity and now it has all gone quiet... I'm planning on taking them to court now that I've returned from maternity leave and no longer have sleepless nights. Hope this has been on some help to you - good luck
  20. Hi fred, sorry I can't help you with your query but just wanted you to know that I'm following your thread with interest cheers sue why not ask the question in the legalties section and post a link?
  21. redsue

    MFPA vs MBNA

    Try telling MBNA that! I'm trying to collate information at the moment for my POCs I did make a start on them but have yet to finish (just had a baby!)
  22. redsue

    MFPA vs MBNA

    Hi Steven4064 - thanks for this - my head spins at the regs! My application form is definately unenforceable which may explain why I've heard no more from them - apart from the default!
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