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Everything posted by nikkiandmidgets

  1. Ok, Husband in bed and kids are asleep (for moment!) so managed to dig out the docs I received from egg re. my PPI - Here are the relevant bits from the letter they sent: What I understand your complaint is about You are disputing the Payment Protection insurance premium on your loan account and believe this should have been cancelled last year. You believe this to have been mis-sold and also that someone should have offered to cancel this due to you being on maternity leave in early 2005. What my findings are after investigating it Following your application for the loan you were asked to check and sign the credit agreement. this detailed the loan and the payment Protection insurance premium and you signed the declaration confirming your acceptance of the details. i understand that my colleagues have sent you a copy of this. I can see that you have had conversations with our Borrowing management Team and also have a secure message trail. At no stage have you asked for the Payment Protection Insurance to be cancelled or queried this. Whilst I understand your reasons for advising you would not accept this insurance, as you are still classed as being employed whilst on maternity leave you would still be covered. What my proposed resolution is I would like to offer to cancel the Payment Protection insurance with effect of 1 september 2006 and also offer a goodwill payment of £25.00 to cover your calls. What you need to do next If my offer is acceptable to you, please return the attached acceptance form to me within the next 14 days to confirm your acceptance. If you have any queries or anything you wish to discuss, please contact me as soon as possible. and the form they want me to sign if I accept: I xxxx xxxxxx accept your offer of £25.00 in addition to cancelling the Payment Protection Insurance on my loan with effect 1 september 2006, as full and final settlement of my complaint. They have also given me the option to choose to have the payments either credited to my loan to reduce the balance, or forwarded to a bank acct of my choice. Now I am wondering if the secure message I sent will prvent me still going for full rebate. My reasons are these - 1) Most importantly I was never advised that I could take the loan without payment protection. In fact, until I came across this site I always thought you HAD to take payment protection along with a loan. If given the option I would never take it as I would anticipate I would never be out of work long enough to claim, unless for medical reasons (my employer would pay out), or starting a family (in which case my husband woud cover the loan). Also, I would rather shop around for a better deal if I felt I had to take insurance because I know you can get cheaper than lthat which loan companies offer. 2) I have been on maternity leave since November 2004 (Took extended for both pregnancies, and they ran consecutively due to having babies close together). I did not intend returning to work as my husband hates Europe and our plan is\was to leave this country, and also we felt we could afford for me not to work until the kids were of school age, with him working away so much we felt it better they got some family contact! I had a quick look at the loan agreement and yes it does clearly mention Payment protection but I cant see that there is an option not to take it but to still be able to take the loan out. Also, this is a top up loan - I havent got a copy of my original agreement so am unsure if they took the previous payment protection amount from it into consideration, or if any of it was rebated?! Will have to look into that too. Anyway looking for advice - do you think I still have a case to pursue for full refund on my PPI or should I just accept what they have offered? Any advice on the default they have placed on my acct? Any help on how to word a letter if I do pursue - as you can tell by my posts and previous secure msgs, I m not very good at letter writing, they always end up long winded! Cheers for any advice\info!
  2. Any advice from people - Egg say they have passed my query onto Borrowing Management Dept who will contact me in next 72 hours to discuss futher.
  3. Got reply back from Halifax last week saying they had received my letter on 15th (seems a long time but I know mail can be slow from Scotland) and that it will be processed within 40 days allowed by DPA.
  4. They sent me a letter back - the standard one by the looks of it, requesting £10 for the statements and proof of my id. I have secure message'd them saying that I believe a secure msg should be proof enough of my id, unless they are saying their site is not secure, and asking whether the right hand knows what the left id doing as I was told these statements would be free. Have asked them to reply asap as I need these statements incase I decide on divorce, and have asked them to chase up info on my loans as I was told someone would get back to me shortly and I have heard nothing. will see how they reply.
  5. Husband just away for very short europe trips so not much chance to do stuff! Couple of updates on this. 1) I got a letter from Egg saying they will cancel my ppi on loan if I require and explaining that me being on maternity means I am still employed so still covered. There is more stuff but will need to look for the paperwork and type it out when AI dont have a midget on my knee who would rip it up for me! They also offered me £25 (Cant remember wording) and have asked me to sign some forms accepting this decision. Will type correct info when I get opportunity. I also checked my credit file today and noticed my Egg Loan is sitting as a status 8 since May 2005. I remember I defaulted then - my maternity pay had reduced then stopped and we were struggling to cope with change in finances along with just having bought a brand new house. They served me with a default notice but I contacted them, and either agreed payment in full of arrears or increased payments to bring it up to date. It was either then or in December that I got payemnts reduced and term increased. Anyway apart from a couple of payments in December and January (My husband froze the joint acct and no longer gives me money), I sorted payments out in February and havent missed any since so I dont see why the default is left as I am paying. It almost makes me want to stop paying and leave them till they pass it to a DCA! Anyway I am now not in the least worried if they do go for the whole loan back when I go for my charges cos they have already defaulted me. I have emailed them asking why they have defaulted me so will see what they say but that really hacked me off as I have had to juggle money each month to make sure I pay this so that my credit history wouldnt be screwed up!
  6. Husband at home at moment so not much chance for working on stuff. Just sent prelim and spreadsheet recorded delivery today. Claiming for charges + compounded interest Just left it at 8% as couldnt get into room where I keep paperwork when was printing stuff off so couldnt check interest rate charged throught acct history. Works put around £500 with interest.
  7. Delay with husband being home but have managed to send off my prelim with spreadsheet. Have asked for £375 charges plus I have asked for compounded interest. Went for 8% as didnt have chance before I printed off spreadsheet to check interest rates on statements throughout acct history but
  8. My sister is a manager for a local pub which is part of a chain. She has found out the pub has been sold and due to this has an appointment tomorrow afternoon with her area manager. She has to let them know if she is still planning on returning to work and if it will be part or full time. If she goes back part time she can no longer be official manager because the manager is also the license holder and she couldnt do that or respond to the police or the alarm. I am also unsure if the new owners have any other pubs nearby. her partner doesnt really want her to return to work but as she has worked there for about 10 years she doesnt want to lose out on the possibility of getting paid off by the new owners. If she says she is going back, can she then change her mind just before if it looks like she wont get paid off? What would happen if she did, say she was coming back, found out they wouldnt pay her off and then didnt work her notice? If she were to go back part time, could they reduce her income as she would no longer be manager - also previously she was entitled to a bonus every quarter - would she lose out on this or would they still be obliged to give her it? Could they pay her off if they couldnt offer her a job part time or are they obliged to do so because she is returning after maternity leave (6 months SMP and 6 months unpaid)? Sorry its a bit sketchy - just received a text from her a few days ago and with us both having babies teething, havent had a chance to phone her! Ask me any q's to help clarify and I will text her for answers! Thanks in advance, Nikki
  9. hi Mike220359 - If you can send me any info\advice for wording letters and contact details for Ombudsman would be greatly appreciated. Either pm or reply please! Want to chase up Associates\Citi and Macadam (now Welcome I believe). One query though will it make a difference that I signed for loans in their offices?
  10. Can you claim your PPI back on loans that have been paid? Its just I took a loan with Citi\Associates and then a top up one which paid off the old one. I tried to take it without PPI as it was expensive. The guy went to speak to his boss, then came back through and said I couldnt get the loan without the PPI. I took the loan out in their offices. I also tried to cancel the first one but they said I couldnt cos I had signed it in their offices - think I was still in their offices and waiting for the cheque when I changed my mind.
  11. Can you not ask them for a copy of proof of receipt for the new cards for the original acct? They must surely have to prove you received them rather than you have to prove you didnt. And just stick to your guns that you cancelled acct - surely that then breaks d\d agreement?
  12. I am in scotland but sent all mine to Trinity rd as thats where most others have sent them to. Just make sure you send it recorded delivery and that should keep things right.
  13. Thanks Giveitback. I have typed up a combined CCA and DPA request so will be posting it off for her tomorrow once I get the post office so will update once I know more. I've got my own thread that I am updating on this so I dont hijack this one!
  14. Thanks for that info - will have to see what they say.... She got her repayments down to £30 cos she filled in an income\expenditure form. At end of day she is left with about £145 a month after paying wages arrestment for council tax/electric/gas/phone/insurance/mortgage and a couple of other debts from several years ago. Her bus fares are approx £85 and occassionaly she has to get a taxi to get to and from her work if she has to go in early or work back late(She is a cook at a golf club). These cost £12 each so she doesnt have a lot left to live on for food, household goods and cleaning products, clothes etc. I am trying to sort out her finances cos most of problems are due to her being a single parent for so long. My father never paid anything and then she got fleeced by a boyfriend so would be nice if she could get some money to decorate her house or buy a new outfit as a treat once in a while! single mums sacrifice so much over the years so would like to return the favour to her. Maybe if you fill in a form, or negotiate through CAB you will get a lower repayment agreed - I think thats who my mum did it through...?
  15. Dont know about bailiffs but my mum ended up getting a wages arrestment. She is on a low income - £17000 so pays £178 a month. All other council taxes get defaulted and passed to the sheriffs Officers. I have just drafted a letter to them to ask if they would instead consider a deferred payment. This is the info another user mailed me about it: A deferred payment would be like a second charge on her property, like a secured loan without the interest. How does it work? Lets say your mum owes the council £3000, she offers the council the deferred payment, by letting them put a £3000 charge on her house for 4 years, over this 4 years you pay back approx £60 per month, meaning she can pay the arrears and this years council tax bill, after the 4 years if the debt is settled, the council remove the charge. The finer points (like reducing the charge annually) would have to be drawn up in the agreement. Whilst the charge is on her house, should she sell etc. the council would have to be payed before the sale completed, so it’s a bit of security for them as well. Obviously for this option you need to own your house and to have collateral in it, but would take pressure off you guys and give the council some security if they agree. You should go and see CAB, get some advice and maybe draft up a list of income and expenses. They may be able to advise you on ways to make savings in other areas, or perhaps one of the mods would let you pm them for some advice, or if you dont mind sharing the info then stick it up on the boards and you will get loads of info and advice.... Not sure if this helps but all the best, there are a lot more people in worse situations than you. Some need educating, some need to realise weaknesses and overcome them (Impulse spending when they finally have some free cash, too generous with family..etc) but once you step back and have a look at things and get a grip of the whole situation and get your head above water - which you will - then you will be wiser for the whole experience and probably be suprised how frugal you are in the future, and how you double check fine print, and dont always accept what you are told, just because an organisation is large or well known. Any you will also be a regular to moneysupermarket.com and this site for years to come! So stay focused, and stay positive, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
  16. I would have thought only the girlfriend could get the information as they are the person who signed the inital credit agreement, and who would ultimately be liable? Just my thoughts though, but I would have thought that if he is liable for the acct and information about it is recorded on his creedit report that he would then have an arguement to gain more info?
  17. My mums loan dates back to 1996 so have typed up a CCA and SAR request for the account - think it was passed to a DCA so does it get sent to SLC or DCA? Am hoping they will back down, give her back her money paid and defer the loan until her wages increase. Worth a try anyway.
  18. I am interested in this too cos my mum is currently paying £30 a month to Student loans after being chased by them and a company called JB Debt Recovery. Her current salary is £17000 and this is the highest she has ever been on. Her account number on her student loan starts with 96FD so I am guessing that means the loan was taken out in 96. She never received any deferment forms from then and said she was not aware she had to request them and fill them in annually. The leter from SLC mentions the following ' We are advised that a Notice of Default under section 87(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 has been sent to you and has now expired'. and 'PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR ENTITLEMENT TO DEFERMENT OF LOAN REPAYMENTS HAS CEASED AS A RESULT OF THE NECESSITY TO ISSUE THIS LETTER'. She had not heard anything from the SLC since leaving college until they suddenly started chasing her for the whole loan. She wrote to them saying she did not earn enough but they just told her she hadnt deferred so she was liable to pay the whole loan now, plus any costs\charges. She even tried getting CAB involved but was basically told she had to pay it. Any ideas if she can claim this money back and get the payments stopped till she does reach the minimum income? She is 54 so probably wont ever earn enough to pay it off. Any advice appreciated.
  19. Have just typed a letter asking if the council will consider a charge on her property for the outstanding council tax. Have explained that due to finances she is unable to pay the wages arrestment and her current council tax so that way she could pay current and something towards arrears and they would have security of getting the arrears repaid. It also menas that she would not receive charges every year for not paying her council tax and it getting passed to sherrifs officers. Have mentioned that she wants to change job to one less demanding but feels its awkward as at moment her new employer would need to be made aware of the arrestment order on her wages. Have also asked if they believe that my mum may be due to a rebate as my younger sister and her 14 month old stay with her and she is in receipt of Family Credit based on her partners wages (He stays at his mum and dads house while they wait ti get housed), and if so, could they send out the relevant forms. Have also asked if its possible that this can be backdated to last year. Wont be posting it till Monday so if anyone has any advice etc then feel free! Will update the post when my mum hears from them. She has also received a pension statement with a value of approx £2000 that she had with an old employer - as she is 54 I feel that as a pension its not going to be of benefit to her so have sent a letter to them asking if it is possible to take the cash out of it - if it is then this will go towards her council tax and student loan.
  20. have downloaded Vampiress's spreadsheets - Scotland credit Cards Advanced, Compund and not compound interest - want to see what the difference is. Started filling them in - couple of queries and sorry if they have been asked before: 1 Do I change the interest rate to the one Associates\Citi charge? If so, do I just take the one they have been charging recently (The copies of the Associates and early Citi ones dont have rate listed). 2 On some statements I have 2 charges - I listed them separate but just showed interest charged and balance\payment made following month on second charge but I think this then calculates incorrectly. Whats the best way of doing this - lump them together or list them seperately and then divide interest? Is anyone going for compound interest again Citi? Also, wondered with the current turn of events if its possible to have a subfolder for Citi along with the likes of Egg and Capital one etc?
  21. Finally went down to post office today to pick up a special delivery and it was my statements. Not had a chance to read through them properly but noticed they have sent me 2 pages listing communications with myself re missed payments, cards reissued\expired - Did anyone else receive similar? Is this what they class as a record of manual intervention? It only dates back 2 years.
  22. You should maybe push them to see if they will write all the debt off? If Happy33 got it all written off, maybe your son can too?! Maybe see if there s a default registered, and if so, if they would remove it?
  23. Hate phoning companies as shy and get flustered but will get round to it. Husband is due home tonight and he has told me he will go out of his way to avoid the discussion I have been waiting to have for nearly 2 months so Ihe says I just have to sit him down and fire 20 questions at him so will deal with that crap first and then get back to the Egg one. May phone today before he gets home but not sure, will depend my frame of mind! Will update once I have though.
  24. My mum got forms to fill in about her financial situation and the good resuolt is that it has been agreed that she cannot afford to pay any more than she is already paying so I guess all her poll tax\council tax debt will be lumped into one account and her payments will reduce them. Will mean she will always be paying her council tax through a debt collector so guess I will have to investigate further as that means every bill will have charges on it but immediate threat is passed. Next time I am at my mums and if the kids behave I will look through her paperwork and see what correspondance she has had from Student Loans and Council \Sherrifs officers and draft some letters to try and get better solutions in place. If kids are being little monsters then will just have to take the whole lot home and have a look at it in the early hours of the morning! The annoying thing is if she has to phone then she wont do it cos she gets flustered and would end up backing down from any confrontation and agreeing to god knows what, yet most of these companies will not deal with me as I am not the name on the acct. Oh well not sure when I will next be at my mums, my 'wonderful' husband is due home tonight so maybe once he heads off to his next job I can organise my sister to take me or collect the paperwork for me and bring it down next time she is visiting. God I hate not being able to drive!
  25. Milliewhiplash - Go for it. Its your money and you are entitled to it back. Spend a day or two reading the FAQ's and some of the threads round the site and then get the ball rolling. While you are waiting on your statements then spend some of your spare time gaining more knowledge on the site so that you are aware of the whole process and the steps involved. Oh and start your own thread(s) in the relevant areas so that comments dont get muddled and any questions you have can be answered quickly as people wont have to read through multiple claims on one thread! Finally, if you are at all worried that the bank may close your acct, open another one - theres a thread about parachute accts which should assist with that if your credit rating is not brilliant...
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